-- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- | Module : Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Simplification Copyright : Copyright (C) 2008 Torben Kuseler, Uwe Schmidt License : MIT Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) Stability : stable Portability: portable The modul creates the simplified form of a Relax NG schema. See also chapter 4 of the Relax NG specification. -} -- ------------------------------------------------------------ module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Simplification ( createSimpleForm , getErrors ) where import Control.Arrow.ListArrows import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.DOMInterface import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlIOStateArrow import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Namespace ( processWithNsEnv , propagateNamespaces ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit ( removeWhiteSpace ) import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlNode as XN ( mkAttr , mkText ) import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypes import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.BasicArrows import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.CreatePattern import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibraries import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Utils import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Validation import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Schema as S import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.SchemaGrammar as SG import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.List import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.1. Annotations: Foreign attributes and elements are removed. - 4.2. Whitespace: - For each element other than value and param, each child that is a string containing only whitespace characters is removed. -> fertig - Leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed from the value of each name, type and combine attribute and from the content of each name element. -> fertig - 4.3. datatypeLibrary attribute: - The value of each datatypeLibary attribute is transformed by escaping disallowed characters - For any data or value element that does not have a datatypeLibrary attribute, a datatypeLibrary attribute is added. - Any datatypeLibrary attribute that is on an element other than data or value is removed. - 4.4. type attribute of value element -} simplificationStep1 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep1 = ( {- - 4.5. href attribute - The value of the href attribute on an externalRef or include element is first - transformed by escaping disallowed characters - The URI reference is then resolved into an absolute form - The value of the href attribute will be used to construct an element. -} ( processHref $< getBaseURI ) >>> -- 4.10 QNames processWithNsEnv processEnvNames [("xml",xmlNamespace)] >>> -- 4.4 For any data or value element that does not have a datatypeLibrary attribute, -- a datatypeLibrary attribute is added. -- Wird vorgezogen, da danach der Rest in einem Baumdurchlauf erledigt werden kann processdatatypeLib "" >>> processTopDownWithAttrl ( ( -- 4.1 Foreign attributes and elements are removed none `when` ( ( isElem >>> neg isRoot >>> getNamespaceUri >>> isA (\ uri -> (not $ compareURI uri relaxNamespace)) ) `orElse` ( isAttr >>> getNamespaceUri >>> isA (\ uri -> (uri /= "" && (not $ compareURI uri relaxNamespace))) ) ) ) >>> ( -- 4.2 For each element other than value and param, each child that -- is a string containing only whitespace characters is removed. ( processChildren removeWhiteSpace `whenNot` (isRngParam `orElse` isRngValue) ) `when` isElem ) >>> ( -- 4.2 Leading and trailing whitespace characters are removed from the value -- of each name, type and combine attribute ... changeAttrValue normalizeWhitespace `when` ( isRngAttrName `orElse` isRngAttrType `orElse` isRngAttrCombine) ) >>> ( -- 4.2 ... and from the content of each name element. processChildren (changeText normalizeWhitespace) `when` isRngName ) >>> ( -- 4.3 The value of each datatypeLibary attribute is transformed -- by escaping disallowed characters changeAttrValue escapeURI `when` isRngAttrDatatypeLibrary ) >>> ( -- The value of the datatypeLibary attribute has to be a valid URI ( mkRelaxError "" $< ( getRngAttrDatatypeLibrary >>> arr (\ a -> ( "datatypeLibrary attribute: " ++ a ++ " is not a valid URI" ) ) ) ) `when` ( isElem >>> hasRngAttrDatatypeLibrary >>> getRngAttrDatatypeLibrary >>> isA (not . isRelaxAnyURI) ) ) >>> ( -- 4.3 Any datatypeLibrary attribute that is on an element -- other than data or value is removed. removeAttr "datatypeLibrary" `when` ( isElem >>> neg (isRngData `orElse` isRngValue) >>> hasRngAttrDatatypeLibrary ) ) >>> ( -- 4.4 For any value element that does not have a type attribute, -- a type attribute is added with value token and the value of -- the datatypeLibrary attribute is changed to the empty string. ( addAttr "type" "token" >>> addAttr "datatypeLibrary" "" ) `when` ( isRngValue >>> neg hasRngAttrType ) ) ) ) `when` collectErrors where processHref :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processHref uri = processChildren ( choiceA [ ( isElem >>> hasAttr "xml:base" ) :-> ( ifA ( isExternalRefInclude >>> hasRngAttrHref ) ( -- The value of the href attribute is transformed by -- escaping disallowed characters (processAttrl (changeAttrValue escapeURI `when` isRngAttrHref)) >>> -- compute the new base uri from the old uri and the href attribute (addAttr "href" $< (absURI "href" $< (absURI "xml:base" uri))) >>> (processHref $< absURI "xml:base" uri) ) -- element without a href attribute, just compute the new base uri (processHref $< absURI "xml:base" uri) ) , ( isExternalRefInclude >>> hasRngAttrHref ) :-> ( -- The value of the href attribute is transformed by -- escaping disallowed characters (processAttrl (changeAttrValue escapeURI `when` isRngAttrHref)) >>> (addAttr "href" $< absURI "href" uri) ) , this :-> processHref uri ] ) where absURI :: String -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree String absURI attrName u = ( getAttrValue attrName >>> arr (\ a -> fromMaybe "" (expandURIString a u)) >>> -- the uri should not have a fragment-identifier (4.5) ( (arr (++ ", it is not a valid URI for text/xml")) `whenNot` (getFragmentFromURI >>> isA null) ) ) processEnvNames :: [(String, String)] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processEnvNames env = ( ( (replaceQNames env $< getAttrValue "name") `when` ( (isRngElement `orElse` isRngAttribute) >>> getRngAttrName >>> isA (elem ':') ) ) >>> ( (addAttrl (getBaseURI >>> createAttrL)) `when` isRngValue ) ) where createAttrL :: IOSArrow String XmlTree createAttrL = setBaseUri &&& constA (map createAttr env) >>> arr2L (:) where createAttr :: (String, String) -> XmlTree createAttr (pre, uri) = XN.mkAttr (mkName nm) [XN.mkText uri] where nm | null pre = "RelaxContextDefault" | otherwise = contextAttributes ++ pre setBaseUri :: IOSArrow String XmlTree setBaseUri = mkAttr (mkName contextBaseAttr) (txt $< this) replaceQNames :: [(String, String)] -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree replaceQNames e name | isNothing uri = mkRelaxError "" ( "No Namespace-Mapping for the prefix " ++ show pre ++ " in the Context of Element: " ++ show name ) | otherwise = addAttr "name" ( "{" ++ (fromJust uri) ++ "}" ++ local ) where (pre, local') = span (/= ':') name local = tail local' uri :: Maybe String uri = lookup pre e -- The value of the added datatypeLibrary attribute is the value of the -- datatypeLibrary attribute of the nearest ancestor element that -- has a datatypeLibrary attribute, or the empty string -- if there is no such ancestor. processdatatypeLib :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree processdatatypeLib lib = processChildren $ choiceA [ ( isElem >>> hasRngAttrDatatypeLibrary -- set the new datatypeLibrary value ) :-> ( processdatatypeLib $< getRngAttrDatatypeLibrary ) , ( (isRngData `orElse` isRngValue) >>> neg hasRngAttrDatatypeLibrary -- add a datatypeLibrary attribute ) :-> ( addAttr "datatypeLibrary" lib >>> processdatatypeLib lib ) , this :-> processdatatypeLib lib ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.5. href attribute - see simplificationStep1 - 4.6. externalRef element - An element is constructed using the URI reference that is the value of href attribute - This element must match the syntax for pattern. - The element is transformed by recursively applying the rules from this subsection and from previous subsections of this section. - This must not result in a loop. - Any ns attribute on the externalRef element is transferred to the referenced element if the referenced element does not already have an ns attribute. - The externalRef element is then replaced by the referenced element. - 4.7. include element - An element is constructed using the URI reference that is the value of href attribute - This element must be a grammar element, matching the syntax for grammar. - This grammar element is transformed by recursively applying the rules from this subsection and from previous subsections of this section. - This must not result in a loop. - If the include element has a start component, then the grammar element must have a start component. - If the include element has a start component, then all start components are removed from the grammar element. - If the include element has a define component, then the grammar element must have a define component with the same name. - For every define component of the include element, all define components with the same name are removed from the grammar element. - The include element is transformed into a div element. - The attributes of the div element are the attributes of the include element other than the href attribute. - The children of the div element are the grammar element - The grammar element is then renamed to div. -} simplificationStep2 :: Attributes -> Bool -> Bool -> [Uri] -> [Uri] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep2 readOptions validateExternalRef validateInclude extHRefs includeHRefs = ( processTopDown ( ( (importExternalRef $<< (getRngAttrNs &&& getRngAttrHref)) `when` isRngExternalRef ) >>> ( (importInclude $< getAttrValue "href") `when` isRngInclude ) ) ) `when` collectErrors where importExternalRef :: String -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree importExternalRef ns href = ifA ( -- test whether the referenced schema exists neg $ constA href >>> getPathFromURI >>> isIOA doesFileExist ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Can't read " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in externalRef-Pattern" ) ) ( ifP (const $ elem href extHRefs) -- if the referenced name already exists in the list of processed ref attributes -- we have found a loop ( mkRelaxError "" ( "loop in externalRef-Pattern, " ++ formatStringListArr (reverse $ href:extHRefs) ) ) ( ifA ( if validateExternalRef -- if validation parameters are set then validateDocWithRelax S.relaxSchemaArrow [] href -- the referenced schema is validated with respect to else none -- the Relax NG spezification ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "The content of the schema " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in externalRef does not " ++ "match the syntax for pattern" ) ) ( readForRelax readOptions href >>> simplificationStep1 -- perform the transformations from previous steps >>> simplificationStep2 readOptions validateExternalRef validateInclude (href:extHRefs) includeHRefs >>> getChildren -- remove the root node >>> ( -- Any ns attribute on the externalRef element -- is transferred to the referenced element addAttr "ns" ns `when` (getRngAttrNs >>> isA (\a -> a == "" && ns /= "")) ) ) ) ) importInclude :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree importInclude href = ifA ( -- test whether the referenced schema exists neg $ constA href >>> getPathFromURI >>> isIOA doesFileExist ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Can't read " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in include-Pattern" ) ) ( ifP (const $ elem href includeHRefs) -- if the referenced name still exists in the list of processed -- ref attributes we have found a loop ( mkRelaxError "" ( "loop in include-Pattern, " ++ formatStringListArr (reverse $ href:includeHRefs) ) ) ( ifA ( if validateInclude -- if the parameter is set then validateDocWithRelax SG.relaxSchemaArrow [] href -- the referenced schema is validated with respect to else none -- the Relax NG grammar element ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "The content of the schema " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in include does not match " ++ "the syntax for grammar" ) ) ( processInclude href $< ( readForRelax readOptions href >>> simplificationStep1 -- perform the transformations from previous steps >>> simplificationStep2 readOptions validateExternalRef validateInclude extHRefs (href:includeHRefs) >>> getChildren -- remove the root node ) ) ) ) processInclude :: String -> XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processInclude href newDoc = -- The include element is transformed into a div element. setRngNameDiv >>> -- The attributes of the div element are the attributes of -- the include element other than the href attribute. removeAttr "href" >>> checkInclude href newDoc insertNewDoc :: XmlTree -> Bool -> [String] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree insertNewDoc newDoc hasStart defNames = insertChildrenAt 0 $ constA newDoc >>> -- If the include element has a start component, then all start components -- are removed from the grammar element. (removeStartComponent `whenP` (const hasStart)) >>> -- For every define component of the include element, all define components -- with the same name are removed from the grammar element. ((removeDefineComponent defNames) `whenP` (const $ defNames /= [])) >>> -- The grammar element is then renamed to div. setRngNameDiv checkInclude :: String -> XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkInclude href newDoc = ifA ( -- If the include element has a start component, then the grammar element -- must have a start component. hasStartComponent &&& (constA newDoc >>> hasStartComponent) >>> isA (\ (a, b) -> if a then b else True) ) ( ifA ( -- If the include element has a define component, then the grammar element -- must have a define component with the same name. getDefineComponents &&& (constA newDoc >>> getDefineComponents) >>> isA (\ (a, b) -> (diff a b) == []) ) (insertNewDoc newDoc $<< hasStartComponent &&& getDefineComponents) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Define-pattern missing in schema " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in include-pattern" ) ) ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Grammar-element without a start-pattern in schema " ++ show href ++ ", referenced in include-pattern" ) ) where diff a b = (noDoubles a) \\ (noDoubles b) removeStartComponent :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree removeStartComponent = processChildren $ choiceA [ isRngStart :-> none, isRngDiv :-> removeStartComponent, this :-> this ] removeDefineComponent :: [String] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree removeDefineComponent defNames = processChildren $ choiceA [ ( isRngDefine >>> getRngAttrName >>> isA (\n -> elem n defNames)) :-> none, (isElem >>> getName >>> isA (== "div")) :-> (removeDefineComponent defNames), (constA "foo" >>> isA (== "foo")) :-> this ] hasStartComponent :: IOSArrow XmlTree Bool hasStartComponent = listA hasStartComponent' >>> arr (any id) where hasStartComponent' :: IOSArrow XmlTree Bool hasStartComponent' = getChildren >>> choiceA [ isRngStart :-> (constA True), isRngDiv :-> hasStartComponent', this :-> (constA False) ] getDefineComponents :: IOSArrow XmlTree [String] getDefineComponents = listA getDefineComponents' >>> arr (\xs -> [x | x <- xs, x /= ""]) where getDefineComponents' :: IOSArrow XmlTree String getDefineComponents' = getChildren >>> choiceA [ isRngDefine :-> getRngAttrName , isRngDiv :-> getDefineComponents' , this :-> constA "" ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.8. name attribute of element and attribute elements - The name attribute on an element or attribute element is transformed into a name child element. - If an attribute element has a name attribute but no ns attribute, then an ns="" attribute is added to the name child element. - 4.9. ns attribute - For any name, nsName or value element that does not have an ns attribute, an ns attribute is added. - any ns attribute that is on an element other than name, nsName or value is removed. - 4.10. QNames - For any name element containing a prefix, the prefix is removed and an ns attribute is added replacing any existing ns attribute. - The value of the added ns attribute is the value to which the namespace map of the context of the name element maps the prefix. - The context must have a mapping for the prefix. -} simplificationStep3 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep3 = ( processTopDown ( ( -- 4.8 The name attribute on an element or attribute -- element is transformed into a name child element ( insertChildrenAt 0 (mkRngName none (txt $< getRngAttrName)) ) >>> ( -- 4.8 If an attribute element has a name attribute but no ns attribute, -- then an ns="" attribute is added to the name child element (processChildren (addAttr "ns" "" `when` isRngName)) `when` (isRngAttribute >>> hasRngAttrName >>> neg hasRngAttrNs) ) >>> removeAttr "name" ) `when` ( (isRngElement `orElse` isRngAttribute) >>> hasRngAttrName ) ) >>> -- 4.9 For any name, nsName or value element that does not have -- an ns attribute, an ns attribute is added. processnsAttribute "" >>> processTopDown ( ( -- 4.9 any ns attribute that is on an element other than name, -- nsName or value is removed. (removeAttr "ns") `when` (isElem >>> neg (isRngName `orElse` isRngNsName `orElse` isRngValue)) ) >>> ( -- 4.10 For any name element containing a prefix, the prefix is removed and an ns attribute -- is added replacing any existing ns attribute. (replaceNameAttr $< (getChildren >>> isText >>> getText)) `when` isRngName ) ) ) `when` collectErrors where replaceNameAttr :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree replaceNameAttr name = (addAttr "ns" pre >>> processChildren (changeText $ const local)) `whenP` (const $ elem '}' name) where (pre', local') = span (/= '}') name pre = tail pre' local = tail local' processnsAttribute :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processnsAttribute name = processChildren $ choiceA [ -- set the new ns attribute value (isElem >>> hasRngAttrNs) :-> (processnsAttribute $< getRngAttrNs), -- For any name, nsName or value element that does not have -- an ns attribute, an ns attribute is added. ( isNameNsNameValue >>> neg hasRngAttrNs) :-> (addAttr "ns" name >>> processnsAttribute name), this :-> (processnsAttribute name) ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.11 Each div element is replaced by its children - 4.12 Number of child elements - A define, oneOrMore, zeroOrMore, optional, list or mixed element is transformed so that it has exactly one child element - An element element is transformed so that it has exactly two child elements - A except element is transformed so that it has exactly one child element - If an attribute element has only one child element (a name class), then a text element is added. - A choice, group or interleave element is transformed so that it has exactly two child elements. - 4.13 A mixed element is transformed into an interleaving with a text element - 4.14 An optional element is transformed into a choice with empty - 4.15 A zeroOrMore element is transformed into a choice between oneOrMore and empty - 4.16. Constraints: no transformation is performed, but various constraints are checked. - An except element that is a child of an anyName element must not have any anyName descendant elements. - An except element that is a child of an nsName element must not have any nsName or anyName descendant elements. - A name element that occurs as the first child of an attribute element or as the descendant of the first child of an attribute element and that has an ns attribute with value equal to the empty string must not have content equal to xmlns. - A name or nsName element that occurs as the first child of an attribute element or as the descendant of the first child of an attribute element must not have an ns attribute with value http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns. - A data or value element must be correct in its use of datatypes. -} simplificationStep4 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep4 = ( processTopDown ( ( -- Each div element is replaced by its children. (getChildren >>> simplificationStep4) `when` isRngDiv ) >>> ( -- A define, oneOrMore, zeroOrMore, optional, list or mixed element -- is transformed so that it has exactly one child element ( replaceChildren ( mkRngGroup (setChangesAttr $< (getName >>> arr ("group-Pattern: " ++))) getChildren ) ) `when` ( isDefineOneOrMoreZeroOrMoreOptionalListMixed >>> noOfChildren (> 1) ) ) >>> ( -- An element element is transformed so that it has exactly two child elements ( replaceChildren ( ( getChildren >>> isNameAnyNameNsName ) <+> ( mkRngGroup none ( getChildren >>> neg isNameAnyNameNsName ) ) ) ) `when` ( isRngElement >>> noOfChildren (> 2) ) ) >>> ( -- A except element is transformed so that it has exactly one child element. replaceChildren ( mkRngChoice none getChildren ) `when` ( isRngExcept >>> noOfChildren (> 1) ) ) >>> ( -- If an attribute element has only one child element -- (a name class), then a text element is added. insertChildrenAt 1 (mkRngText none) `when` ( isRngAttribute >>> noOfChildren (== 1) ) ) >>> ( -- A choice, group or interleave element is transformed so -- that it has exactly two child elements. ((wrapPattern2Two $< getName) >>> simplificationStep4) `when` ( isChoiceGroupInterleave >>> noOfChildren (\ i -> i > 2 || i == 1) ) ) >>> ( -- A mixed element is transformed into an interleaving with a text element ( mkRngInterleave ( setChangesAttr "mixed is transformed into an interleave" ) ( getChildren <+> mkRngText ( setChangesAttr ( "new text-Pattern: mixed is transformed into " ++ " an interleave with text" ) ) ) ) `when` isRngMixed ) >>> ( -- An optional element is transformed into a choice with empty ( mkRngChoice ( setChangesAttr "optional is transformed into a choice" ) ( getChildren <+> mkRngEmpty ( setChangesAttr ( "new empty-Pattern: optional is transformed " ++ " into a choice with empty" ) ) ) ) `when` isRngOptional ) >>> ( -- A zeroOrMore element is transformed into a choice between oneOrMore and empty ( mkRngChoice ( setChangesAttr "zeroOrMore is transformed into a choice" ) ( ( mkRngOneOrMore ( setChangesAttr ( "zeroOrMore is transformed into a " ++ "choice between oneOrMore and empty" ) ) getChildren ) <+> ( mkRngEmpty ( setChangesAttr ( "new empty-Pattern: zeroOrMore is transformed " ++ "into a choice between oneOrMore and empty" ) ) ) ) ) `when` isRngZeroOrMore ) ) ) `when` collectErrors -- ------------------------------------------------------------ restrictionsStep1 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree restrictionsStep1 = ( processTopDown ( ( ( mkRelaxError "" ( "An except element that is a child of an anyName " ++ "element must not have any anyName descendant elements" ) ) `when` ( isRngAnyName >>> getChildren >>> isRngExcept >>> deep isRngAnyName ) ) >>> ( ( mkRelaxError "" ( "An except element that is a child of an nsName element " ++ "must not have any nsName or anyName descendant elements." ) ) `when` ( isRngNsName >>> getChildren >>> isRngExcept >>> deep (isRngAnyName `orElse` isRngNsName) ) ) >>> ( ( mkRelaxError "" ( "A name element that occurs as the first child or descendant of " ++ "an attribute and has an ns attribute with an empty value must " ++ "not have content equal to \"xmlns\"" ) ) `when` ( isRngAttribute >>> firstChild >>> ( multi (isRngName >>> hasRngAttrNs) ) >>> ( ( getRngAttrNs >>> isA null) `guards` (getChildren >>> getText >>> isA (== "xmlns")) ) ) ) >>> ( ( mkRelaxError "" ( "A name or nsName element that occurs as the first child or " ++ "descendant of an attribute must not have an ns attribute " ++ "with value http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns" ) ) `when` ( isRngAttribute >>> firstChild >>> ( multi (isNameNsName >>> hasRngAttrNs) ) >>> getRngAttrNs >>> isA (compareURI xmlnsNamespace) ) ) >>> -- A data or value element must be correct in its use of datatypes. ( ( checkDatatype $<< getRngAttrDatatypeLibrary &&& getRngAttrType ) `when` ( isRngData `orElse` isRngValue ) ) ) ) `when` collectErrors where -- the datatypeLibrary attribute must identify a valid datatype library checkDatatype :: Uri -> DatatypeName -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkDatatype libName typeName = ifP (const $ elem libName $ map fst datatypeLibraries) ( checkType libName typeName allowedDataTypes ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "DatatypeLibrary " ++ show libName ++ " not found" ) ) where DTC _ _ allowedDataTypes = fromJust $ lookup libName datatypeLibraries -- the type attribute must identify a datatype within the datatype library identified -- by the value of the datatypeLibrary attribute. checkType :: Uri -> DatatypeName -> AllowedDatatypes -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkType libName typeName allowedTypes = ifP (const $ elem typeName $ map fst allowedTypes) ( checkParams typeName libName getParams $< ( listA (getChildren >>> isRngParam >>> getRngAttrName) ) ) ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Datatype " ++ show typeName ++ " not declared for DatatypeLibrary " ++ show libName ) ) where getParams = fromJust $ lookup typeName allowedTypes -- For a data element, the parameter list must be one that is allowed by the datatype checkParams :: DatatypeName -> Uri -> AllowedParams -> [ParamName] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkParams typeName libName allowedParams paramNames = ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Param(s): " ++ formatStringListQuot diff ++ " not allowed for Datatype " ++ show typeName ++ " in Library " ++ show ( if null libName then relaxNamespace else libName ) ) ) `when` ( isRngData >>> isA (const $ diff /= []) ) where diff = filter (\param -> not $ elem param allowedParams) paramNames -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.17. combine attribute - For each grammar element, all define elements with the same name are combined together. - Similarly, for each grammar element all start elements are combined together. - 4.18. grammar element - A grammar must have a start child element. - Transform the top-level pattern p into p. - Rename define elements so that no two define elements anywhere in the schema have the same name. To rename a define element, change the value of its name attribute and change the value of the name attribute of all ref and parentRef elements that refer to that define element. - Move all define elements to be children of the top-level grammar element - Replace each nested grammar element by the child of its start element - Rename each parentRef element to ref. -} simplificationStep5 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep5 = ( processTopDown ( ( ( ( (deep isRngRelaxError) <+> ( mkRelaxError "" "A grammar must have a start child element" ) ) `when` (neg (getChildren >>> isRngStart)) ) >>> -- For each grammar element, all define elements with the same -- name are combined together. ( combinePatternList "define" $< (getPatternNamesInGrammar "define" >>> arr nub) ) >>> -- Similarly, for each grammar element all start elements -- are combined together. ( combinePatternList "start" $< (getPatternNamesInGrammar "start" >>> arr nub) ) ) `when` isRngGrammar ) >>> ( -- transform the top-level pattern p into p. ( replaceChildren ( mkRngGrammar none ( mkRngStart none getChildren ) ) ) `when` neg (getChildren >>> isRngGrammar) ) >>> ( renameDefines $<< ( getPatternNamesInGrammar "define" >>> (createUniqueNames $< (getAndSetCounter "define_id" >>> arr read)) &&& constA [] ) ) >>> -- Move all define elements to be children of the top-level grammar element ( processChildren ( -- root node processChildren ( -- the first grammar pattern remains unchanged ( deleteAllDefines <+> ( getAllDefines >>> processChildren deleteAllDefines ) ) >>> processTopDown ( ( -- Replace each nested grammar element by the child of its start element ( getChildren >>> isRngStart >>> getChildren ) `when` isRngGrammar ) >>> ( -- Rename each parentRef element to ref. ( setRngNameRef `when` isRngParentRef ) ) ) ) ) ) ) `when` collectErrors where getPatternNamesInGrammar :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a XmlTree [String] getPatternNamesInGrammar pattern = processChildren ( processTopDown ( none `when` isRngGrammar ) ) >>> listA ( (multi (isElem >>> hasRngName pattern)) >>> getRngAttrName ) createUniqueNames :: Int -> IOSArrow [String] RefList createUniqueNames num = arr (\ l -> unique l num) >>> perform (setParamInt "define_id" $< arr (max num . getNextValue)) where unique :: [String] -> Int -> RefList unique [] _ = [] unique (x:xs) num' = (x, (show num')):(unique xs (num'+1)) getNextValue :: RefList -> Int getNextValue [] = 0 getNextValue rl = maximum (map (read . snd) rl) + 1 renameDefines :: RefList -> RefList -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree renameDefines ref parentRef = processChildren ( choiceA [ isRngDefine :-> ( -- the original name is needed for error messages addAttr defineOrigName $< getRngAttrName >>> -- rename the define-pattern -- the new name is looked up in the ref table addAttr "name" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\n -> fromJust $ lookup n ref) ) >>> renameDefines ref parentRef ) , isRngGrammar :-> ( renameDefines $<< ( ( -- compute all define names in the grammar getPatternNamesInGrammar "define" >>> -- create a new (unique) name for all define names (createUniqueNames $< (getParamInt 0 "define_id")) ) &&& -- set the old ref list to be the new parentRef list constA ref ) ) , isRngRef :-> ( ifA ( getRngAttrName >>> isA (\name -> (elem name (map fst ref))) ) ( -- the original name is needed for error messages addAttr defineOrigName $< getRngAttrName >>> -- rename the ref-pattern -- the new name is looked up in the ref table addAttr "name" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\n -> fromJust $ lookup n ref) ) ) ( -- the referenced pattern does not exist in the schema mkRelaxError "" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\ n -> ( "Define-Pattern with name " ++ show n ++ " referenced in ref-Pattern not " ++ "found in schema" ) ) ) ) ) , isRngParentRef -- same as ref, but the parentRef list is used :-> ( ifA ( getRngAttrName >>> isA (\name -> (elem name (map fst parentRef))) ) ( addAttr defineOrigName $< getRngAttrName >>> addAttr "name" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\n -> fromJust $ lookup n parentRef) ) ) ( mkRelaxError "" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\ n -> ( "Define-Pattern with name " ++ show n ++ " referenced in parentRef-Pattern " ++ "not found in schema" ) ) ) ) ) , this :-> renameDefines ref parentRef ] ) getAllDefines :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree getAllDefines = multi isRngDefine deleteAllDefines :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree deleteAllDefines = processTopDown $ none `when` isRngDefine combinePatternList :: String -> [String] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree combinePatternList _ [] = this combinePatternList pattern (x:xs) = (replaceChildren $ combinePattern pattern x) >>> combinePatternList pattern xs -- combine a define- or start-pattern (first parameter) with a -- specific name (second parameter) combinePattern :: String -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree combinePattern pattern name = createPatternElems pattern name <+> (getChildren >>> deletePatternElems pattern name) createPatternElems :: String -> String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree createPatternElems pattern name = ( ( (listA (getElems pattern name >>> getRngAttrCombine)) >>> checkPatternCombine pattern name ) -- After determining this unique value, the combine attributes are removed. &&& (listA (getElems pattern name >>> removeAttr "combine"))) >>> -- ((errorCode::Int,errorMessage::String), result::XmlTrees) choiceA [ isA (\ ((code,_) , _) -> code == 0) :-> (mkRelaxError "" $< arr (snd . fst)) , isA (\ ((code,str) , _) -> code == 1 && str == "") :-> arrL snd , isA (\ ((code,str) , _) -> code == 1 && str /= "") :-> ( createPatternElem pattern name $<< ( arr (snd . fst) &&& (arr snd) ) ) , this :-> ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Can't create Pattern: " ++ show pattern ++ " with name " ++ show name ++ " in createPatternElems" ) ) ] createPatternElem :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> String -> String -> XmlTrees -> a n XmlTree createPatternElem pattern name combine trees = mkRngElement pattern (mkAttr (mkName "name") (txt name)) ( ( mkRngElement combine none (arrL (const trees) >>> getChildren) ) >>> wrapPattern2Two combine ) checkPatternCombine :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> String -> a [String] (Int, String) checkPatternCombine pattern name = choiceA [ -- just one pattern with that name -> ok, no combine is needed (isA (\ cl -> length cl == 1)) :-> constA (1, "") , (isA (\ cl -> (length $ elemIndices "" cl) > 1)) :-> constA ( 0 , "More than one " ++ pattern ++ "-Pattern: " ++ show name ++ " without an combine-attribute in the same grammar" ) , (isA (\ cl -> (length $ nub $ deleteBy (==) "" cl) > 1)) :-> arr (\ cl -> ( 0 , "Different combine-Attributes: " ++ (formatStringListQuot $ noDoubles cl) ++ " for the " ++ pattern ++ "-Pattern " ++ show name ++ " in the same grammar" ) ) , -- ok -> combine value is returned this :-> arr (\ cl -> (1, fromJust $ find (/= "") cl)) ] isElemWithNameValue :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> String -> a XmlTree XmlTree isElemWithNameValue ename nvalue = ( isElem >>> hasRngName ename >>> getRngAttrName >>> isA (== nvalue) ) `guards` this getElems :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> String -> a XmlTree XmlTree getElems pattern name = getChildren >>> choiceA [ isElemWithNameValue pattern name :-> (this <+> getElems pattern name) , isRngGrammar :-> none , this :-> getElems pattern name ] deletePatternElems :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> String -> a XmlTree XmlTree deletePatternElems pattern name = choiceA [ isElemWithNameValue pattern name :-> none , isRngGrammar :-> this , this :-> processChildren ( deletePatternElems pattern name ) ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.19. define and ref elements - Remove any define element that is not reachable. - Now, for each element element that is not the child of a define element, add a define element to the grammar element, and replace the element element by a ref element referring to the added define element. - For each ref element that is expandable and is a descendant of a start element or an element element, expand it by replacing the ref element by the child of the define element to which it refers - This must not result in a loop. - Remove any define element whose child is not an element element. -} simplificationStep6 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep6 = ( -- Remove any define element that is not reachable. (removeUnreachableDefines $<<< getAllDeepDefines &&& constA [] &&& getRefsFromStartPattern ) >>> -- for each element element that is not the child of a define element, -- add a define element to the grammar element, ( processElements False >>> processChildren (insertChildrenAt 1 (getParam "elementTable")) ) >>> -- For each ref element that is expandable... -- Remove any define element whose child is not an element element (replaceExpandableRefs [] $< getExpandableDefines >>> deleteExpandableDefines) ) `when` collectErrors where replaceExpandableRefs :: RefList -> Env -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree replaceExpandableRefs foundNames defTable = choiceA [ isRngRef :-> (ifA ( getRngAttrName >>> isA (\name -> elem name (map fst foundNames)) ) -- we have found a loop if the name is in the list (mkRelaxError "" $< ( getAttrValue defineOrigName >>> arr (\ n -> ( "Recursion in ref-Pattern: " ++ formatStringListArr (reverse $ (n:) $ map snd foundNames) ) ) ) ) (replaceRef $<< getRngAttrName &&& getAttrValue defineOrigName) ), this :-> (processChildren $ replaceExpandableRefs foundNames defTable) ] where replaceRef :: NewName -> OldName -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree replaceRef name oldname = ( constA (fromJust $ lookup name defTable) >>> getChildren >>> replaceExpandableRefs ((name,oldname):foundNames) defTable ) `whenP` (const $ elem name $ map fst defTable) processElements :: Bool -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processElements parentIsDefine = processChildren ( choiceA [ isRngElement :-> ( ifP (const parentIsDefine) (processElements False) ( processElements' $<< ( getAndSetCounter "define_id" &&& getDefineName ) ) ) , isRngDefine :-> processElements True , this :-> processElements False ]) where getDefineName :: IOSArrow XmlTree String getDefineName = firstChild >>> fromLA createNameClass >>> arr show processElements' :: NewName -> OldName -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree processElements' name oldname = storeElement name oldname >>> mkRngRef (createAttr name oldname) none storeElement :: NewName -> OldName -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree storeElement name oldname = perform $ ( mkRngDefine (createAttr name oldname) (processElements False) ) &&& (listA $ getParam "elementTable") >>> arr2 (:) >>> setParamList "elementTable" createAttr :: NewName -> OldName -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree createAttr name oldname = mkAttr (mkName "name") (txt name) <+> mkAttr (mkName defineOrigName) (txt $ "created for element " ++ oldname) getExpandableDefines :: (ArrowXml a) => a XmlTree Env getExpandableDefines = listA $ (multi ( ( isRngDefine >>> getChildren >>> neg isRngElement ) `guards` this ) ) >>> (getRngAttrName &&& this) deleteExpandableDefines :: (ArrowXml a) => a XmlTree XmlTree deleteExpandableDefines = processTopDown $ none `when` ( isRngDefine >>> getChildren >>> neg isRngElement ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ {- - 4.20. notAllowed element - An attribute, list, group, interleave, or oneOrMore element that has a notAllowed child element is transformed into a notAllowed element. - A choice element that has two notAllowed child elements is transformed into a notAllowed element - A choice element that has one notAllowed child element is transformed into its other child element. - An except element that has a notAllowed child element is removed. - The preceding transformations are applied repeatedly until none of them is applicable any more. - Any define element that is no longer reachable is removed. - 4.21. empty element - A group, interleave or choice element that has two empty child elements is transformed into an empty element. - A group or interleave element that has one empty child element is transformed into its other child element. - A choice element whose second child element is an empty element is transformed by interchanging its two child elements. - A oneOrMore element that has an empty child element is transformed into an empty element. - The preceding transformations are applied repeatedly until none of them is applicable any more. -} simplificationStep7 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep7 = ( markTreeChanged 0 -- 0 = no changes, 1 = changes performed >>> processTopDownWithAttrl ( ( -- An attribute, list, group, interleave, or oneOrMore element that has a -- notAllowed child element is transformed into a notAllowed element. ( ( mkRngNotAllowed none none >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `whenNot` -- keep all errors (deep isRngRelaxError) ) `when` ( isAttributeListGroupInterleaveOneOrMore >>> getChildren >>> isRngNotAllowed ) ) >>> ( -- A choice element that has two notAllowed child elements is -- transformed into a notAllowed element ( mkRngNotAllowed none none >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( isRngChoice >>> listA (getChildren >>> isRngNotAllowed) >>> isA (\s -> length s == 2) ) ) >>> ( -- A choice element that has one notAllowed child element is -- transformed into its other child element. ( getChildren >>> neg isRngNotAllowed >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( isRngChoice >>> getChildren >>> isRngNotAllowed ) ) >>> ( -- An except element that has a notAllowed child element is removed. ( ( markTreeChanged 1 >>> none ) `whenNot` -- keep all errors deep isRngRelaxError ) `when` ( isRngExcept >>> getChildren >>> isRngNotAllowed ) ) >>> -- transforming the empty pattern (4.21) ( -- A group, interleave or choice element that has two empty child elements -- is transformed into an empty element. ( mkRngEmpty none >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( isChoiceGroupInterleave >>> listA (getChildren >>> isRngEmpty) >>> isA (\s -> length s == 2) ) ) >>> ( -- A group or interleave element that has one empty child element -- is transformed into its other child element. ( getChildren >>> neg isRngEmpty >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( isGroupInterleave >>> getChildren >>> isRngEmpty ) ) >>> ( -- A choice element whose second child element is an empty element is transformed -- by interchanging its two child elements. changeChoiceChildren `when` ( isRngChoice >>> getChildren >>> isRngEmpty ) ) >>> ( -- A oneOrMore element that has an empty child element -- is transformed into an empty element. ( mkRngEmpty none >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( isRngOneOrMore >>> getChildren >>> isRngEmpty ) ) ) >>> -- The preceding transformations are applied repeatedly -- until none of them is applicable any more. ( simplificationStep7 `when` hasTreeChanged ) ) `when` collectErrors where changeChoiceChildren :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree changeChoiceChildren = ( ( replaceChildren ( mkRngEmpty none <+> (getChildren >>> neg isRngEmpty) ) >>> markTreeChanged 1 ) `when` ( single (getChildren >>> isElem) -- first child not "empty" elem >>> neg isRngEmpty ) ) hasTreeChanged :: IOSArrow b Int hasTreeChanged = getParamInt 0 "rng:changeTree" >>> isA (== 1) markTreeChanged :: Int -> IOSArrow b b markTreeChanged i = perform (setParamInt "rng:changeTree" i) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ simplificationStep8 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree simplificationStep8 -- Remove any define element that is not reachable. = ( ( removeUnreachableDefines $<<< ( getAllDeepDefines &&& constA [] &&& getRefsFromStartPattern ) ) `when` collectErrors ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ restrictionsStep2 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree restrictionsStep2 = processTopDown ( choiceA [ -- 7.1.1. attribute pattern, the following paths are prohibited: -- attribute//(ref | attribute) isRngAttribute :-> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError $<< (getChangesAttr &&& ( listA ( getChildren >>> deep isAttributeRef >>> (getName &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (++)) ) >>> arr (\n -> formatStringListPatt n ++ "Pattern not allowed as descendent(s)" ++ " of a attribute-Pattern" ) ) ) ) ) `when` ( getChildren >>> deep isAttributeRef ) ), -- 7.1.2. oneOrMore pattern, the following paths are prohibited: -- oneOrMore//(group | interleave)//attribute isRngOneOrMore :-> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError $<< (getChangesAttr &&& ( listA ( getChildren >>> deep isGroupInterleave >>> (getName &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (++)) ) &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (\ n c -> ( formatStringListPatt n ++ "Pattern not allowed as descendent(s) " ++ "of a oneOrMore-Pattern" ++ (if null c then "" else " " ++ show c) ++ " followed by an attribute descendent" ) ) ) ) ) ) `when` ( getChildren >>> deep isGroupInterleave >>> getChildren >>> deep isRngAttribute ) ), -- 7.1.3. list pattern, the following paths are prohibited: -- list//( list | ref | attribute | text | interleave) isRngList :-> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError $<< (getChangesAttr &&& ( listA ( getChildren >>> deep isAttributeRefTextListInterleave >>> (getName &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (++)) ) >>> arr (\n -> formatStringListPatt n ++ "Pattern not allowed as descendent(s) of a list-Pattern") ) ) ) ) `when` ( getChildren >>> deep isAttributeRefTextListInterleave ) ), -- 7.1.4. except in data pattern, the following paths are prohibited: -- data/except//(attribute | ref | text | list | group | interleave | oneOrMore | empty) isRngData :-> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError $<< (getChangesAttr &&& ( listA (getChildren >>> deep isAttributeRefTextListGroupInterleaveOneOrMoreEmpty >>> (getName &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (++)) ) >>> arr (\n -> formatStringListPatt n ++ "Pattern not allowed as descendent(s) of a data/except-Pattern") ) ) ) ) `when` ( getChildren >>> isRngExcept >>> deep isAttributeRefTextListGroupInterleaveOneOrMoreEmpty ) ), -- 7.1.5. start element, the following paths are prohibited: -- start//(attribute | data | value | text | list | group | interleave | oneOrMore | empty) isRngStart :-> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError $<< (getChangesAttr &&& ( listA (getChildren >>> deep (checkElemName [ "attribute", "data", "value", "text", "list", "group", "interleave", "oneOrMore", "empty"]) >>> (getName &&& getChangesAttr >>> arr2 (++)) ) >>> arr (\n -> formatStringListPatt n ++ "Pattern not allowed as descendent(s) of a start-Pattern") ) ) ) ) `when` ( getChildren >>> deep (checkElemName [ "attribute", "data", "value", "text", "list", "group", "interleave", "oneOrMore", "empty"]) ) ), this :-> this ] ) `when` collectErrors -- ------------------------------------------------------------ restrictionsStep3 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree restrictionsStep3 = processTopDown ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError "" $< ( -- getRngAttrName ( getChildren >>> isRngName >>> getChildren >>> getText ) >>> arr (\ n -> ( "Content of element " ++ show n ++ " contains a pattern that can match " ++ "a child and a pattern that matches a single string" ) ) ) ) ) `when` ( isRngElement >>> ( getChildren >>. (take 1 . reverse) ) >>> getContentType >>> isA (== CTNone) ) ) `when` collectErrors getContentType :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType getContentType = choiceA [ isRngValue :-> (constA CTSimple) , isRngData :-> processData , isRngList :-> (constA CTSimple) , isRngText :-> (constA CTComplex) , isRngRef :-> (constA CTComplex) , isRngEmpty :-> (constA CTEmpty) , isRngAttribute :-> processAttribute , isRngGroup :-> processGroup , isRngInterleave :-> processInterleave , isRngOneOrMore :-> processOneOrMore , isRngChoice :-> processChoice ] where processData :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processData = ifA (neg (getChildren >>> isRngExcept)) (constA CTSimple) ( getChildren >>> isRngExcept >>> getChildren >>> getContentType >>> ifP (/= CTNone) (constA CTSimple) (constA CTNone) ) processAttribute :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processAttribute = ifA ( lastChild >>> getContentType >>> isA (/= CTNone) ) (constA CTEmpty) (constA CTNone) processGroup :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processGroup = get2ContentTypes >>> arr2 (\a b -> if isGroupable a b then max a b else CTNone) processInterleave :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processInterleave = get2ContentTypes >>> arr2 (\a b -> if isGroupable a b then max a b else CTNone) processOneOrMore :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processOneOrMore = ifA ( getChildren >>> getContentType >>> isA (/= CTNone) >>> isA (\t -> isGroupable t t) ) ( getChildren >>> getContentType ) ( constA CTNone ) processChoice :: IOSArrow XmlTree ContentType processChoice = get2ContentTypes >>> arr2 max isGroupable :: ContentType -> ContentType -> Bool isGroupable CTEmpty _ = True isGroupable _ CTEmpty = True isGroupable CTComplex CTComplex = True isGroupable _ _ = False checkPattern :: IOSArrow (XmlTree, ([NameClass], [NameClass])) XmlTree checkPattern = (\ (_, (a, b)) -> isIn a b) `guardsP` (arr fst) where isIn :: [NameClass] -> [NameClass] -> Bool isIn _ [] = False isIn [] _ = False isIn (x:xs) ys = (any (overlap x) ys) || isIn xs ys occur :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree occur name fct = choiceA [ ( isElem >>> hasRngName name ) :-> fct , isChoiceGroupInterleaveOneOrMore :-> (getChildren >>> occur name fct) ] get2ContentTypes :: IOSArrow XmlTree (ContentType, ContentType) get2ContentTypes = ( ( firstChild >>> getContentType ) &&& ( lastChild >>> getContentType ) ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Duplicate attributes are not allowed. -> fertig -- Attributes using infinite name classes must be repeated; an attribute element that -- has an anyName or nsName descendant element must have a oneOrMore ancestor element. -> fertig -- berechnet alle define-Namen (fuer ref-Pattern) und Nameclasses der element-Pattern restrictionsStep4 :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree restrictionsStep4 = ( restrictionsStep4' $< listA ( deep isRngDefine -- get all defines >>> ( getRngAttrName -- get define name &&& ( single ( getChildren >>> getChildren >>> fromLA createNameClass -- compute the name class from 1. grandchild ) `orElse` (constA AnyName) ) ) ) ) `when` collectErrors restrictionsStep4' :: [(String, NameClass)] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree restrictionsStep4' nc = processTopDown ( ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError "" $< ( getRngAttrName >>> arr (\ n -> ( "Both attribute-pattern occuring in an " ++ show n ++ " belong to the same name-class" ) ) ) ) ) `when` ( (isRngGroup `orElse` isRngInterleave) >>> ( getChildren &&& ( firstChild >>> listA ( occur "attribute" (single getChildren) >>> fromLA createNameClass ) ) &&& ( lastChild >>> listA ( occur "attribute" (single getChildren) >>> fromLA createNameClass ) ) ) >>> checkPattern ) ) >>> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError "" ( "An attribute that has an anyName or nsName descendant element " ++ "must have a oneOrMore ancestor element" ) ) ) `when` (isRngElement >>> checkInfiniteAttribute) ) >>> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError "" ( "Both element-pattern occuring in an interleave " ++ "belong to the same name-class" ) ) ) `when` ( isRngInterleave >>> ( getChildren &&& (firstChild >>> listA (occur "ref" this >>> getRngAttrName)) &&& (lastChild >>> listA (occur "ref" this >>> getRngAttrName)) ) >>> checkNames ) ) >>> ( ( deep isRngRelaxError <+> ( mkRelaxError "" "A text pattern must not occur in both children of an interleave" ) ) `when` (isRngInterleave >>> checkText) ) ) where checkInfiniteAttribute :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkInfiniteAttribute = getChildren >>> choiceA [ isRngOneOrMore :-> none , ( isRngAttribute >>> deep (isRngAnyName `orElse` isRngNsName) ) :-> this , this :-> checkInfiniteAttribute ] checkNames :: IOSArrow (XmlTree, ([String], [String])) XmlTree checkNames = (arr fst) &&& (arr (\(_, (a, _)) -> getNameClasses nc a)) &&& (arr (\(_, (_, b)) -> getNameClasses nc b)) >>> checkPattern where getNameClasses :: [(String, NameClass)] -> [String] -> [NameClass] getNameClasses nc' l = map (\x -> fromJust $ lookup x nc') l checkText :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkText = ( firstChild >>> occur "text" this ) `guards` ( lastChild >>> occur "text" this ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ overlap :: NameClass -> NameClass -> Bool overlap nc1 nc2 = any (bothContain nc1 nc2) (representatives nc1 ++ representatives nc2) bothContain :: NameClass -> NameClass -> QName -> Bool bothContain nc1 nc2 qn = contains nc1 qn && contains nc2 qn illegalLocalName :: LocalName illegalLocalName = "" illegalUri :: Uri illegalUri = "\x1" representatives :: NameClass -> [QName] representatives AnyName = [mkQName "" illegalLocalName illegalUri] representatives (AnyNameExcept nc) = (mkQName "" illegalLocalName illegalUri) : (representatives nc) representatives (NsName ns) = [mkQName "" illegalLocalName ns] representatives (NsNameExcept ns nc) = (mkQName "" illegalLocalName ns) : (representatives nc) representatives (Name ns ln) = [mkQName "" ln ns] representatives (NameClassChoice nc1 nc2) = (representatives nc1) ++ (representatives nc2) representatives _ = [] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resetStates :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree resetStates = ( perform (constA $ setParamInt "define_id" 0) >>> perform (constA [] >>> setParamList "elementTable" ) >>> perform (constA $ setParamInt a_numberOfErrors 0) ) getAllDeepDefines :: IOSArrow XmlTree Env getAllDeepDefines = listA $ deep isRngDefine >>> ( getRngAttrName &&& this ) -- | Return all reachable defines from the start pattern getRefsFromStartPattern :: IOSArrow XmlTree [String] getRefsFromStartPattern = listA ( getChildren >>> isRngGrammar >>> getChildren >>> isRngStart >>> deep isRngRef >>> getRngAttrName ) removeUnreachableDefines :: Env -> [String] -> [String] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree removeUnreachableDefines allDefs processedDefs reachableDefs = ifP (const $ unprocessedDefs /= []) ( removeUnreachableDefines allDefs (nextTreeName : processedDefs) $< newReachableDefs ) ( processChildren $ -- root node processChildren $ -- first grammar ( none `when` ( isRngDefine >>> getRngAttrName >>> isA (\n -> not $ elem n reachableDefs) ) ) ) where unprocessedDefs :: [String] unprocessedDefs = reachableDefs \\ processedDefs newReachableDefs :: IOSArrow n [String] newReachableDefs = constA getTree >>> listA ( deep isRngRef >>> getRngAttrName ) >>> arr (noDoubles . (reachableDefs ++)) getTree :: XmlTree getTree = fromJust $ lookup nextTreeName allDefs nextTreeName :: String nextTreeName = head unprocessedDefs -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- checkElemName :: [String] -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree checkElemName l = ( isElem >>> getLocalPart >>> isA (\s -> elem s l) ) `guards` this wrapPattern2Two :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree wrapPattern2Two name = choiceA [ noOfChildren (> 2) :-> ( replaceChildren ( (mkRngElement name none (getChildren >>. take 2) ) <+> (getChildren >>. drop 2) ) >>> wrapPattern2Two name ) , noOfChildren (== 1) :-> getChildren , this :-> this ] mkRelaxError :: String -> String -> IOSArrow n XmlTree mkRelaxError changesStr errStr = perform (getAndSetCounter a_numberOfErrors) >>> mkRngRelaxError none none >>> addAttr "desc" errStr >>> ( addAttr "changes" changesStr `whenP` (const $ changesStr /= "") ) collectErrors :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree collectErrors = none `when` ( stopAfterFirstError >>> getParamInt 0 a_numberOfErrors >>> isA (>0) ) where stopAfterFirstError = getParamString a_do_not_collect_errors >>> isA (== "1") -- | Returns the list of simplification errors or 'none' getErrors :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree getErrors = (getParamInt 0 a_numberOfErrors >>> isA (>0)) `guards` (root [] [multi isRngRelaxError]) setChangesAttr :: String -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree setChangesAttr str = ifA (hasAttr a_relaxSimplificationChanges) ( processAttrl $ changeAttrValue (++ (", " ++ str)) `when` (hasRngName a_relaxSimplificationChanges) ) (mkAttr (mkName a_relaxSimplificationChanges) (txt str)) getChangesAttr :: IOSArrow XmlTree String getChangesAttr = getAttrValue a_relaxSimplificationChanges &&& getParamString a_output_changes >>> ifP (\(changes, param) -> changes /= "" && param == "1") (arr2 $ \l _ -> " (" ++ l ++ ")") (constA "") getAndSetCounter :: String -> IOSArrow b String getAndSetCounter name = genNewId $< getParamInt 0 name where genNewId :: Int -> IOSArrow b String genNewId i = setParamInt name (i+1) >>> constA (show i) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Creates the simple form of a Relax NG schema -- (see also: 'relaxOptions') createSimpleForm :: Attributes -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree createSimpleForm remainingOptions checkRestrictions validateExternalRef validateInclude = traceMsg 2 ("createSimpleForm: " ++ show (remainingOptions, checkRestrictions,validateExternalRef, validateInclude)) >>> ( if checkRestrictions then createSimpleWithRest else createSimpleWithoutRest ) where createSimpleWithRest :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree createSimpleWithRest = seqA $ concat [ simplificationPart1 , return $ traceDoc "relax NG: simplificationPart1 done" , restrictionsPart1 , return $ traceDoc "relax NG: restrictionsPart1 done" , simplificationPart2 , return $ traceDoc "relax NG simplificationPart2 done" , restrictionsPart2 , return $ traceDoc "relax NG: restrictionsPart2 done" , finalCleanUp , return $ traceDoc "relax NG: finalCleanUp done" ] createSimpleWithoutRest :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree createSimpleWithoutRest = seqA $ concat [ simplificationPart1 , simplificationPart2 , finalCleanUp ] simplificationPart1 :: [IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree] simplificationPart1 = [ propagateNamespaces , simplificationStep1 , simplificationStep2 remainingOptions validateExternalRef validateInclude [] [] , simplificationStep3 , simplificationStep4 ] simplificationPart2 :: [IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree] simplificationPart2 = [ simplificationStep5 , simplificationStep6 , simplificationStep7 , simplificationStep8 ] restrictionsPart1 :: [IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree] restrictionsPart1 = [ restrictionsStep1 ] restrictionsPart2 :: [IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree] restrictionsPart2 = [ restrictionsStep2 , restrictionsStep3 , restrictionsStep4 ] finalCleanUp :: [IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree] finalCleanUp = [ cleanUp , resetStates ] cleanUp :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree cleanUp = processTopDown $ removeAttr a_relaxSimplificationChanges >>> removeAttr defineOrigName -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------