-- | -- Namespace filter -- -- $Id: NamespaceFilter.hs,v 1.4 2006/11/12 14:53:00 hxml Exp $ -- -- Namespaces are processed with two main filter, 'propagateNamespaces' -- and 'validateNamespaces'. -- -- 'propagateNamespaces' takes a XML tree and -- attaches extra namespace info at every tag name and attribute name. -- So after processing a tree with 'propagateNamespaces', the access functions -- "namespaceOf" and "universalNameOf" deliver the associated namespace (or \"\") -- for tag names and attribute names. -- -- 'validateNamespaces' checks whether names are wellformed related to the XML namespace definition. -- whether a legal namespace is declared for all prefixes, and whether attribute names are unique -- related to universal names. module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.NamespaceFilter ( module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.NamespaceFilter , module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.NamespacePredicates ) where import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTree import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.NamespacePredicates import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Util ( doubles ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | -- Type for the namespace association list, used when propagating namespaces by -- modifying the 'QName' values in a tree type NamespaceTable = NsEnv -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- propagate all namespace declarations \"xmlns:ns=...\" to all -- tag and attribute nodes of a document. -- -- This filter does not check for illegal use of namespaces. -- The real work is done by 'propagateNamespaceEnv'. -- -- The filter may be applied repeatedly if neccessary. propagateNamespaces :: XmlFilter propagateNamespaces = propagateNamespaceEnv [ (a_xml, xmlNamespace), (a_xmlns, xmlnsNamespace) ] -- | -- attaches the namespace info given by the namespace table -- to a tag node and its attributes and children. propagateNamespaceEnv :: NamespaceTable -> XmlFilter propagateNamespaceEnv env n = ( ( processAttr (attachNamespaceUrisToAttr newEnv) .> processChildren (propagateNamespaceEnv newEnv) .> modifyQName (setNamespace newEnv) ) `when` isXTag ) $ n where nsAttrs = getAttrl -- scan all attributes .> isOfAttr ( (\ (px, lp) -> (px == a_xmlns -- check for prefix or whole name is "xmlns" && lp /= ":" -- check for none empty local part, "xmlns:" is not a legal name ) ) . span (/= ':') -- break the name into a pair ("prefix", ":localPart") . qualifiedName -- select attribute name ) $ n nsDecl = zip (map (drop 1 -- drop the ":", empty local part represents default name space . snd -- take the local part with leading ":" . span (/= ':') -- break it like above . nameOf -- select attribute name ) nsAttrs) (map (xshow . getChildren ) nsAttrs) newEnv = addEntries nsDecl env attachNamespaceUrisToAttr :: NamespaceTable -> XmlFilter attachNamespaceUrisToAttr attrEnv = ( isOfAttr ( (\ (px, lp) -> ( (not . null . drop 1) lp -- prefix and local part must not be empty && (not . null) px ) ) . span (/= ':') -- break the name into a pair ("prefix", ":localPart") . qualifiedName -- select attribute name ) `guards` modifyQName (setNamespace attrEnv) ) `orElse` ( modifyQName (const xmlnsQN) -- "xmlns" ist the only attr name without prefix but with an associated namespace URI `when` isAttr a_xmlns ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- validate the namespace constraints in a whole tree. -- result is the list of errors concerning namespaces. -- Work is done by applying 'validate1Namespaces' to all nodes. -- Predicates 'isWellformedQName', 'isWellformedQualifiedName', 'isDeclaredNamespace' -- and 'isWellformedNSDecl' are applied to the appropriate tags and attributes. validateNamespaces :: XmlFilter validateNamespaces = choice [ isRoot :-> getChildren .> validateNamespaces -- root is correct by definition , this :-> multi validate1Namespaces ] -- | -- a single node for namespace constrains. validate1Namespaces :: XmlFilter validate1Namespaces = choice [ isXTag :-> cat [ isOfTag ( not . isWellformedQName ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("tag name " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " is not a wellformed qualified name") n ) , isOfTag ( not . isDeclaredNamespace ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("namespace for prefix in tag name " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " is undefined") n ) , (\ n -> ( let dbls = doubles ((map universalNameOf . getAttrl) n) in if null dbls then none else err ( "multiple occurences of universal names for attributes of tag " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " : " ++ foldr1 (\ x y -> x ++ ", " ++ y) (map show dbls) ) ) $ n ) , getAttrl .> validate1Namespaces ] , isXAttr :-> cat [ isOfAttr ( not . isWellformedQName ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("attribute name " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " is not a wellformed qualified name") n ) , isOfAttr ( not . isDeclaredNamespace ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("namespace for prefix in attribute name " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " is undefined") n ) , ( hasPrefix a_xmlns .> neg (xmlTreesToText . getChildren) ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("namespace value of namespace declaration for " ++ show (nameOf n) ++ " has no value") n ) , isOfAttr ( not . isWellformedNSDecl ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("illegal namespace declaration with reserved prefix " ++ show (localPartOf n) ++ " starting with \"xml\"") n ) ] , isXDTD :-> cat [ ( ( isDoctype +++ isAttlist +++ isElement +++ isDTDName ) .> isOf ( not . isWellformedQualifiedName . valueOfDTD a_name ) ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("a DTD part contains a not wellformed qualified Name: " ++ show (valueOfDTD a_name n)) n ) , ( isAttlist .> isOf ( not . isWellformedQualifiedName . valueOfDTD a_value ) ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("an ATTLIST declaration contains as attribute name a not wellformed qualified Name: " ++ show (valueOfDTD a_value n)) n ) , ( ( isEntity +++ isParameterEntity +++ isNotation ) .> isOf ( not . isNCName . valueOfDTD a_name ) ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("an entity or notation declaration contains a not wellformed NCName: " ++ show (valueOfDTD a_name n)) n ) ] , isXPi :-> ( isOf ( not . isNCName . nameOf ) `guards` (\ n -> err ("a PI contains a not wellformed NCName: " ++ show (nameOf n)) n ) ) ] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- isNamespaceDecl :: XmlFilter isNamespaceDecl = isOfAttr xmlnsName where xmlnsName :: AttrName -> Bool xmlnsName a = px == a_xmlns && ( null ln || head ln == ':') where (px, ln) = splitAt 5 . qualifiedName $ a -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------