Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.5: The Filter APISource codeContentsIndex
Navigable tree structure which allow a program to traverse for XPath expressions copied and modified from HXML (http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/hxml/)
parentAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
ancestorAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
ancestorOrSelfAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
childAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
descendantAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
descendantOrSelfAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
followingSiblingAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
precedingSiblingAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
selfAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
followingAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
precedingAxis :: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
attributeAxis :: NavTree XNode -> [NavTree XNode]
module Data.NavTree
Produced by Haddock version 0.8