Haskell Xml Toolbox 7.5: The complete APISource codeContentsIndex
Creates the Pattern datastructure from a simplified Relax NG schema. The created datastructure is used in the validation algorithm (see also: Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.Validation)
createPatternFromXmlTree :: LA XmlTree Pattern
createNameClass :: LA XmlTree NameClass
firstChild :: (ArrowTree a, Tree t) => a (t b) (t b)
lastChild :: (ArrowTree a, Tree t) => a (t b) (t b)
module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.PatternFunctions
createPatternFromXmlTree :: LA XmlTree Pattern
Creates the Pattern datastructure from a simplified Relax NG schema.
createNameClass :: LA XmlTree NameClass
Creates a NameClass from an "anyName"-, "nsName"- or "name"-Pattern,
firstChild :: (ArrowTree a, Tree t) => a (t b) (t b)
Simple access arrows
lastChild :: (ArrowTree a, Tree t) => a (t b) (t b)
module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.PatternFunctions
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