-- |
-- This module provides functions for transforming XML documents represented as
-- XmlTree with respect to its DTD.

-- Transforming an XML document with respect to its DTD means:
--  - add all attributes with default values
--  - normalize all attribute values
--  - sort all attributes in lexical order

-- Note: Transformation should be started after validation.

-- Before the document is validated, a lookup-table is build on the basis of
-- the DTD which maps element names to their transformation functions.
-- After this initialization phase the whole document is traversed in preorder
-- and every element is transformed by the XmlFilter from the lookup-table.

-- Special namings in source code:
--  - nd - XDTD node
--  - n  - XTag node
-- Author : .\\artin Schmidt
-- Version : $Id: DocTransformation.hs,v 1.1 2004/09/02 19:12:03 hxml Exp $

module Text.XML.HXT.Validator.DocTransformation
    ( transform

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTree

import Text.XML.HXT.Validator.AttributeValueValidation

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

-- |
-- Lookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions. The
-- transformation functions are XmlFilters.

type TransEnvTable	= [TransEnv]
type TransEnv 		= (ElemName, TransFct)
type ElemName		= String
type TransFct		= XmlFilter

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- filter for transforming the document.
--    * 1.parameter dtdPart :  the DTD subset (Node @DOCTYPE@) of the XmlTree
--    - 2.parameter doc :  the document subset of the XmlTree
--    - returns : a list of errors

transform :: XmlTree -> XmlTree -> XmlTrees
transform dtdPart dom
    = traverseTree transTable dom
    transTable = {-# SCC "buildAllTransFcts" #-} buildAllTransformationFunctions dtdPart

-- |
-- Traverse the XmlTree in preorder.
--    * 1.parameter transEnv :  lookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions
--    - returns : the whole transformed document

traverseTree :: TransEnvTable -> XmlFilter
traverseTree transEnv n@(NTree (XTag name _) cs)
    = replaceChildren (concatMap (traverseTree transEnv) cs) (head (transFct n))
      transFct = case (lookup (tName name) transEnv) of
          Nothing -> this   -- element not in DTD, can't be transformed
	  Just f  -> f

traverseTree _ n = [n]

-- |
-- Build all transformation functions.
--    * 1.parameter dtdPart :  the DTD subset, root node should be of type @DOCTYPE@
--    - returns : lookup-table which maps element names to their transformation functions

buildAllTransformationFunctions :: XmlTree -> TransEnvTable
buildAllTransformationFunctions dtdPart
    = buildTransRoot
      -- construct the list of filters
      map (buildTransformationFunctions dtdNodes) (isElement $$ dtdNodes)
      dtdNodes = getChildren dtdPart

-- |
-- Build a transformation function for the document root. By root @\/@
-- is meant, which is the topmost dummy created by the parser. This function is only a
-- dummy, too.
--    * returns : entry for the lookup-table

buildTransRoot :: TransEnv
buildTransRoot = (t_root, this)

-- |
-- Build transformation functions for an element.
--    * 1.parameter dtdPart :  the children of the @DOCTYPE@ node
--    * 1.parameter nd :  element declaration for which the transformation functions are
--                    created
--    - returns : entry for the lookup-table

buildTransformationFunctions :: XmlTrees -> XmlTree -> TransEnv

buildTransformationFunctions dtdPart n@(NTree (XDTD ELEMENT al) _)
    = (name, transFct)
    name = lookup1 a_name al
    transFct = lexicographicAttributeOrder
	       normalizeAttributeValues n dtdPart
	       setDefaultAttributeValues n dtdPart

buildTransformationFunctions _ n
    = error ("buildTransformationFunctions: illegeal parameter:\n" ++ show n)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- Sort the attributes of an element in lexicographic order.
--    * returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), sorts its
--                  attributes in lexicographic order and returns the changed element

lexicographicAttributeOrder :: XmlFilter
    = processAttrl sortAttrl
      sortAttrl al
	  = map (al !!) ixs
	    ns  = map nameOf al
	    ixs = map snd . sort . zip ns $ [(0::Int)..]

-- |
-- Normalize attribute values.
--    * returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), normalizes its
--                  attribute values and returns the changed element

normalizeAttributeValues :: XmlTree -> XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
normalizeAttributeValues elemDescr@(NTree (XDTD ELEMENT _) _) dtdPart
    = processAttr normalizeAttr
      elemName     = valueOfDTD a_name elemDescr
      declaredAtts = isAttlistOfElement elemName $$ dtdPart

      normalizeAttr :: XmlFilter
      normalizeAttr att
	  = normalizeAttrValue (if null attDescr
				then Nothing
				else Just (head attDescr)) att
	    attDescr = filter (\ x -> (valueOfDTD a_value x) == nameOf att) declaredAtts

      normalizeAttrValue :: Maybe XmlTree -> XmlFilter
      normalizeAttrValue descr
	  = modifyChildren ((modifyText (normalizeAttributeValue descr) $$) . xmlTreesToText)

normalizeAttributeValues n _
    = error ("normalizeAttributeValues: illegeal parameter:\n" ++ show n)

-- |
-- Set default attribute values if they are not set.
--    * returns : a function which takes an element (XTag), adds missing attribute
--                  defaults and returns the changed element

setDefaultAttributeValues :: XmlTree -> XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
setDefaultAttributeValues elemDescr@(NTree (XDTD ELEMENT _) _) dtdPart
    = seqF (map setDefault defaultAtts)
						-- select the element name from the dtd
      elemName = valueOfDTD a_name elemDescr

      defaultAtts = ( isFixedAttrKind		-- select attributes with default values
		    (isAttlistOfElement elemName $$ dtdPart)

      setDefault	:: XmlTree -> XmlFilter
      setDefault attrDescr			-- add the default attributes
	  = ( addAttr attName defaultValue	-- to tag nodes with missing attributes
	      hasAttr attName
	    attName      = valueOfDTD a_value   attrDescr
	    defaultValue = valueOfDTD a_default attrDescr

setDefaultAttributeValues n _
    = error ("setDefaultAttributeValues: illegeal parameter:\n" ++ show n)