-- |
-- basic XmlTree filter
-- Version : $Id: XmlTreeFilter.hs,v 1.4 2006/11/12 14:53:00 hxml Exp $

module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFilter
    ( module Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFilter

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeTypes
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeFunctions
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlKeywords
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Unicode	( isXmlSpaceChar	)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Util	( decimalStringToInt	)

import Data.List		( partition	)

infixl 7 += , ++=

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- filter predicates

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a document root node.

isRoot			:: XmlFilter
isRoot			= isOfNode (isTagNode t_root)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node.
-- see also: 'isNsTag'

isTag			:: String -> XmlFilter
isTag tn		= isOfNode (isTagNode tn)

-- |
-- namespace aware test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node. Parameters are the local part and namespace.
-- Only usable after namespace propagation.
-- see also: 'isTag'

isNsTag			:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
isNsTag lp ns		= isOfTag (\ t -> localPart t == lp && namespaceUri t == ns)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree has a given local name
-- see also : 'hasNamespace', 'hasPrefix', 'isTag', 'isAttr'

hasLocalPart		:: String -> XmlFilter
hasLocalPart lp		= isOf ((== lp) . localPartOf)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree has a given prefix name
-- see also : 'hasNamespace', 'hasLocalPart', 'isTag', 'isAttr'

hasPrefix		:: String -> XmlFilter
hasPrefix px		= isOf ((== px) . prefixOf)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree belongs to a given namespace
-- see also : 'isTag', 'isAttr', 'hasLocalPart', 'hasPrefix'

hasNamespace		:: String -> XmlFilter
hasNamespace ns		= isOf ((== ns) . namespaceOf)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node with a special name.

isOfTag			:: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isOfTag			= isOfNode . isOfTagNode

-- |
-- test whether the node of a tree is a XTag node or a XPi node with an attibute of a specific name
-- see also: 'isAttr', 'hasNsAttr'

hasAttr			:: String -> XmlFilter
hasAttr an		= (getAttrl .> isAttr an) `guards` this

-- |
-- test whether the tree is a XTag node with an attibute of a specific local name and namespace uri
-- see also: 'hasAttr', 'isNsAttr'

hasNsAttr		:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
hasNsAttr an ns		= (getAttrl .> isNsAttr an ns) `guards` this

-- |
-- test whether the given node is a XTag node or a XPI node with an attribute with a value with a specific property.
-- In case of a match, the attribute value represented by a text node is returned as single element list,
-- else the empty list is the result.
-- see also : 'getValue'

hasValue		:: String -> (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
hasValue a p t
   | (not . null) att
     p val
       = xtext val
   | otherwise
       = []
   att = getAttrl .> isAttr a $ t
   val = xshow . getChildren $$ att

-- |
-- test whether the tree is a processing instruction with a given name.

isPi			:: String -> XmlFilter
isPi pn			= isOfNode (isPiNode pn)

-- |
-- test whether the tree is a \<?xml ... ?\> declaration

isXmlPi			:: XmlFilter
isXmlPi			= isPi t_xml

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a processing instruction of a special name.

isOfPi			:: (TagName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isOfPi			= isOfNode . isOfPiNode

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- simple XNode Filter predicates

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a CDATA node.

isXCdata		:: XmlFilter
isXCdata		= isOfNode isXCdataNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a character reference node.

isXCharRef		:: XmlFilter
isXCharRef		= isOfNode isXCharRefNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a comment node.

isXCmt			:: XmlFilter
isXCmt			= isOfNode isXCmtNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a DTD part.

isXDTD			:: XmlFilter
isXDTD			= isOfNode isXDTDNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an entity reference node.

isXEntityRef		:: XmlFilter
isXEntityRef		= isOfNode isXEntityRefNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an error node.

isXError		:: XmlFilter
isXError		= isOfNode isXErrorNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a processing instruction node.

isXPi			:: XmlFilter
isXPi			= isOfNode isXPiNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a tag node.

isXTag			:: XmlFilter
isXTag			= isOfNode isXTagNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an attribute node.

isXAttr			:: XmlFilter
isXAttr			= isOfNode isXAttrNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree is an attribute node for a given attribute name

isAttr			:: String -> XmlFilter
isAttr an		= isOfNode (isAttrNode an)

-- |
-- namespace aware test whether the tree contains an attribute node. Parameters are the local part of the atribute name and the namespace.
-- Only usable after namespace propagation.
-- see also: 'isNsTag', 'isAttr', 'hasNsAttr'

isNsAttr		:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
isNsAttr lp ns		= isOfAttr (\ a -> localPart a == lp && namespaceUri a == ns)

-- |
-- general test for an attribute name

isOfAttr		:: (AttrName -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isOfAttr		= isOfNode . isOfAttrNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a text node.

isXText			:: XmlFilter
isXText			= isOfNode isXTextNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a special text.

isText			:: String -> XmlFilter
isText t		= isOfNode (isTextNode t)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a text node with a special property

isOfText		:: (String -> Bool) -> XmlFilter
isOfText		= isOfNode . isOfTextNode

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a text node only with whitespace.

isWhiteSpace		:: XmlFilter
    = isOfNode isWS
      isWS (XText s1) = all isXmlSpaceChar s1
      isWS _          = False

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- XDTD Predicates

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a DOCTYPE DTD part.

isDoctype			:: XmlFilter
isDoctype			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode DOCTYPE)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an ATTLIST DTD part.

isAttlist			:: XmlFilter
isAttlist			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode ATTLIST)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an ELEMENT DTD part.

isElement			:: XmlFilter
isElement			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode ELEMENT)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an ENTITY DTD part.

isEntity			:: XmlFilter
isEntity			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode ENTITY)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a parameter ENTITY reference.

isPeRef				:: XmlFilter
isPeRef				= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode PEREF)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a DTD name part.

isDTDName			:: XmlFilter
isDTDName			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode NAME)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a conditional section DTD part.

isCondSect			:: XmlFilter
isCondSect			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode CONDSECT)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a parameter entity declaration.

isParameterEntity		:: XmlFilter
isParameterEntity		= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode PENTITY)

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains a NOTATION DTD part.

isNotation			:: XmlFilter
isNotation			= isOfNode (isDTDElemNode NOTATION)

-- ATTLIST predicates

isDefaultAttrKind		:: XmlFilter
isDefaultAttrKind		= isOf (a_kind `ofDTDequals` k_default)

isEnumAttrType			:: XmlFilter
isEnumAttrType			= isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_enumeration)

isFixedAttrKind			:: XmlFilter
isFixedAttrKind			= isOf (a_kind `ofDTDequals` k_fixed)

isIdAttrType			:: XmlFilter
isIdAttrType			= isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_id)

isIdRefAttrType			:: XmlFilter
isIdRefAttrType			= isOf ((`elem` [k_idref, k_idrefs]) . valueOfDTD a_type)

isNotationAttrType		:: XmlFilter
isNotationAttrType		= isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_notation)

isRequiredAttrKind		:: XmlFilter
isRequiredAttrKind		= isOf (a_kind `ofDTDequals` k_required)

isAttlistParameterEntity	:: XmlFilter
isAttlistParameterEntity	= isAttlist .> isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_peref)

-- ELEMENT predicates

isEmptyElement			:: XmlFilter
isEmptyElement			= isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_empty)

isMixedContentElement		:: XmlFilter
isMixedContentElement		= isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` v_mixed)

isElemWithContent		:: XmlFilter
isElemWithContent		= isElement
				  isOf ((`elem` [v_mixed, v_children]) . valueOfDTD a_type)

isAttlistOfElement		:: String -> XmlFilter
isAttlistOfElement el		= isAttlist
				  isOf (a_name `ofDTDequals` el)

isElemContentParamEntity	:: XmlFilter
isElemContentParamEntity	= isElement
				  isOf (a_type `ofDTDequals` k_peref)

-- ENTITY predicates

isUnparsedEntity		:: XmlFilter
isUnparsedEntity		= isOf (hasEntry k_ndata . attrlOfDTD)

isExternalParameterEntity	:: XmlFilter
isExternalParameterEntity	= isParameterEntity
				  isOf (hasEntry k_system . attrlOfDTD)

isInternalParameterEntity	:: XmlFilter
isInternalParameterEntity	= isParameterEntity
				  .> isOf (not . hasEntry k_system . attrlOfDTD)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for a warning.

isWarning 			:: XmlFilter
isWarning			= isOfNode $ isErrorNode c_warn

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for an error.

isError 			:: XmlFilter
isError				= isOfNode $ isErrorNode c_err

-- |
-- test whether the root of a tree contains an error node for a fatal error.

isFatalError 			:: XmlFilter
isFatalError			= isOfNode $ isErrorNode c_fatal

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- constructor filter

-- |
-- constructor filter for a tag node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the attributes and the children are computed by applying the aproprate filter to the input tree
--    * 1.parameter n :  the tag name
--    - 2.parameter af :  the filter for the attribute list
--    - 3.parameter cf :  the filter for the children
--    - returns : the constructor filter

mkXTag		:: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXTag n af cf
    = \ t -> [ mkXTagTree n (af t) (cf t) ]

-- | Version with qualified names of 'mkXTag'

mkQTag		:: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkQTag q af cf
    = \ t -> [ mkQTagTree q (af t) (cf t) ]

-- |
-- constructor filter for a tag node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the attributes and the children are computed by applying the aproprate filter to the input tree
--    * 1.parameter n :  the tag name in form of prefix:localpart
--    - 2.parameter ns:   the namespace uri
--    - 3.parameter af :  the filter for the attribute list
--    - 4.parameter cf :  the filter for the children
--    - returns : the constructor filter

mkXNsTag	:: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXNsTag n ns af cf
    = \ t -> [ mkXNsTagTree n ns (af t) (cf t) ]

-- |
-- filter for attribute construction.
-- a new tree with attribute name and a value computed by a filter
-- is build.

mkXAttr		:: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXAttr n af
    = \ t -> [ mkXAttrTree n (af t) ]

-- | Qualified version 'mkXAttr'

mkQAttr		:: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkQAttr q af
    = \ t -> [ mkQAttrTree q (af t) ]

-- |
-- filter for attribute construction.
-- a new tree with attribute name and namespace and a value computed by a filter
-- is build.

mkXNsAttr	:: String -> String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXNsAttr n ns af
    = \ t -> [ mkXNsAttrTree n ns (af t) ]

-- |
-- constructor filter for a text node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXText		:: String                          -> XmlFilter
mkXText		= mkNTree . mkXTextTree

-- |
-- constructor filter for a character reference node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXCharRef	:: Int                             -> XmlFilter
mkXCharRef	= mkNTree . mkXCharRefTree

-- |
-- constructor filter for an entity reference node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXEntityRef	:: String                          -> XmlFilter
mkXEntityRef	= mkNTree . mkXEntityRefTree

-- |
-- constructor filter for a comment node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the xml string representation of the filter result
-- forms the comment

mkXCmt		:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXCmt cf
    = \ t -> [ mkXCmtTree ((xshow . cf) t) ]

-- |
-- constructor filter for a DTD part.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXDTD		:: DTDElem -> Attributes -> XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
mkXDTD n al	= mkNTree . mkXDTDTree n al

-- |
-- constructor filter for a CDATA section node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXCdata	:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXCdata cf
    = \ t -> [ mkXCdataTree ((xshow . cf) t) ]

-- |
-- constructor filter for a processing instruction
-- a new tree is constructed from the text representation
-- of the input tree

mkXPi		:: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
mkXPi piName cf
    = \ t -> [ mkXPiTree piName ((xshow . cf) t) ]

-- |
-- constructor filter for an error message node.
-- a new tree is constructed.
-- the input tree is ignored.

mkXError	:: Int -> String                   -> XmlFilter
mkXError l s	= this . mkXErrorTree l s . this

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- selector filters

-- |
-- filter for selecting the name of a tag node, an attribute node or a pi node.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

getName	::             XmlFilter
getName t
    | null s    = []
    | otherwise = xtext s
    s = nameOf t

-- |
-- filter for selecting the attibute list

getAttrl	:: XmlFilter
    = selAttrl . getNode
    selAttrl (XTag _ al) = al
    selAttrl (XPi  _ al) = al
    selAttrl _           = []

-- |
-- filter for selecting the value of an attribute in a tag node.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
-- see also : 'hasValue', 'getNsValue'

getValue		:: String -> XmlFilter
getValue a		= xmlTreesToText . (getAttrl .> isAttr a .> getChildren)

-- |
-- filter for selecting the value of an attribute with namespace in a tag node.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
-- see also : 'getValue', 'isNsAttr'

getNsValue		:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
getNsValue lp ns	= xmlTreesToText . (getAttrl .> isNsAttr lp ns .> getChildren)

-- |
-- filter for selecting an attribute of a DTD node.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

getDTDValue		:: String -> XmlFilter
getDTDValue a		= xtext . valueOfDTD a

-- |
-- filter for selecting content of a comment.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

getXCmt			:: XmlFilter
    = selCmt . getNode
      selCmt (XCmt c)	= xtext c
      selCmt _          = []

-- |
-- filter for selecting the CDATA content.
-- Result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

getXCdata		:: XmlFilter
    = selData . getNode
      selData (XCdata d)	= xtext d
      selData _			= []

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- edit filter

-- |
-- edit filter for changing the name of a tag node, an attribute or a pi.
-- result of the filter is a single element list with a tag node or the empty list

replaceQName				:: String -> XmlFilter
replaceQName n				= modifyQName (const (mkName n))

-- |
-- edit filter for changing the text of a text node.
-- result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list
-- example for editing all text nodes of a tree with an edit function @f@:
-- @processBottomUp (modifyText f \`when\` isXText)@

modifyText				:: (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
modifyText f t@(NTree (XText str) _)	= replaceNode (XText (f str)) t
modifyText _ _				= []

-- |
-- edit filter for changing the name of a tag node.
-- result of the filter is a single element list with a text node or the empty list

modifyQName				::  (TagName -> TagName) -> XmlFilter
modifyQName f (NTree (XTag n al) cs)	= [NTree (XTag (f n) al) cs]
modifyQName f (NTree (XPi  n al) cs)	= [NTree (XPi  (f n) al) cs]
modifyQName f (NTree (XAttr n)   cs)	= [NTree (XAttr (f n)  ) cs]
modifyQName _ _			= []

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- process the attribute list of a tag node with a tree list filter.
-- for other trees this filter acts like 'none'

processAttrl				:: XmlSFilter -> XmlFilter
processAttrl f t
    = replaceAttrl (f al) t
      al = getAttrl t

-- |
-- elementwise processing of the attributes of a tag.
-- for other trees this filter acts like 'none'
-- see also : 'processAttrl'
processAttr				:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
processAttr f
    = processAttrl (f $$)

-- |
-- replace an attribute list
-- to be renamed when replaceAttrl is eliminated

replaceAttrl				:: XmlTrees -> XmlFilter
replaceAttrl al (NTree (XTag n _al) cs)	= [ NTree (XTag n al) cs ]
replaceAttrl al (NTree (XPi  n _al) cs)	= [ NTree (XPi  n al) cs ]
replaceAttrl _ _			= []

-- |
-- delete an attribute from the attribute list of a tag tree

del1Attr				:: String -> XmlFilter
del1Attr an				= processAttr (none `when` isAttr an)

-- |
-- add an attribute to the attribute list of a tag.
-- If the attribute already exists, it\'s substituted,
-- see also: 'sattr', '+='

add1Attr				:: XmlTree -> XmlFilter
add1Attr a@(NTree (XAttr an) _av) t
    = replaceAttrl (replace al) t
      al = getAttrl t
      replace [] = [a]
      replace (a1 : as)
	  | satisfies (isAttr (aName an)) a1
	      = a : as
	  | otherwise
	      = a1 : replace as

add1Attr _ t
    = this t

-- |
-- adds an attribute list computed by a filter, uses 'add1Attr'.
-- see also: '+='

addAttrl				:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
addAttrl attrFilter t
    = ((foldl (.>) this . map add1Attr) al) t
      al = attrFilter t

-- |
-- add or change an attribute with a given string as value for a XTag or XPi tree,
-- uses 'add1Attr'.

addAttr					:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
addAttr an av
    = add1Attr (mkXAttrTree an (if null av then [] else xtext av))

-- |
-- add or change an attribute with an Int value.
-- uses 'addAttr'.

addAttrInt				:: String -> Int -> XmlFilter
addAttrInt an av
    = addAttr an (show av)

-- |
-- edit filter for changing the value of an attribute in a tag node.
-- result of the filter is a single element list with the tag node or the empty list.
--    * 1.parameter n :  the name of the attribute
--    - 2.parameter f :  the edit function for the attribute value
--    - returns : the edit filter

modifyAttr				:: String -> (String -> String) -> XmlFilter
modifyAttr an f
    = processAttr (modifyValue `when` isAttr an)
      modifyValue = modifyChildren ((modifyText f $$) . xmlTreesToText)

-- |
-- add or change an attribute of a DTD tree

addDTDAttr				:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
addDTDAttr an av (NTree (XDTD e al) cs)
    = [NTree (XDTD e (addEntry an av al)) cs]

addDTDAttr _ _ _
    = []

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |
-- convenient function for tag node tree construction
-- infixl 7
-- filter combinator for tag tree constrcution
-- take a 1. filter for computing a tag node tree (or a whole list of tag node trees)
-- then add all trees computed by the 2. filter to the attribute list when they represent attributes
-- else append them to the list of children.
-- if the 1. filter computes a list of tag nodes, the results of the 2. filter are added to all trees
-- example: @ etag \"a\" += sattr \"href\" \"\#42\" += txt \"the answer\" @
-- gives the tree @ \<a href=\"\#42\"\>the answer\<\/a\> @
-- example: @ ( etag \"a\" +++ etag \"b\" ) += sattr \"x\" \"42\" @
-- gives the tree @ \<a x=\"42\"\/\>\<b x=\"42\"\/\> @
-- see also : 'etag', 'tag', 'add1Attr', 'modifyChildren', '++='

(+=)	:: XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
(+=) tf cf t
    = concat
      [ ( isXTag `guards` ( addaf .> addcf )) $ t'
	| t' <- tf t
    (as, cs) = partition (satisfies isXAttr) . cf $ t

    addaf | null as   = this
          | otherwise = addAttrl (const as)

    addcf | null cs   = this
          | otherwise = modifyChildren (++ cs)

-- |
-- convenient filter function adding a whole list of trees, just for not writing to many ( ... ).
-- infixl 7
-- @ f ++= gl  == f += cat gl @
-- see also : '+='

(++=)	:: XmlFilter -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
tf ++= cfs
    = tf += cat cfs

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- string access functions

-- |
-- combination of 'getValue' and conversion into a String

valueOf			:: String -> XmlTree -> String
valueOf a		= xshow . getValue a

-- |
-- combination of 'getValue' and conversion to a Int

intValueOf		:: String -> XmlTree -> Int
intValueOf a		= decimalStringToInt . valueOf a

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- convenient filter (short cuts)

-- |
-- variant of mkXTag with a list of filters for the attributes and a list of filters for the children.
-- this variant leads to a more readable source for a complicated construction filter
-- than the simple solution with a combination of 'mkXTag' and 'cat'.
-- see also : 'mkXTag', 'stag', 'etag', 'cat', '+='

tag		:: String -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
tag n afs cfs	= mkXTag n (cat afs) (cat cfs)

-- |
-- variant of tag, useful for tags without attributes and with a list of filters for
-- constructing the children
-- see also : 'mkXTag', 'tag', 'etag', 'cat', '+='

stag		:: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
stag n cfs	= mkXTag n none (cat cfs)

-- |
-- variant of tag, useful for tags with attributes but without children
-- see also : 'mkXTag', 'tag', 'stag', 'etag', 'cat'

atag		:: String -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
atag n cfs	= mkXTag n (cat cfs) none

-- |
-- Short cut for empty tags without attributes
-- see also : 'tag', 'atag', 'stag', 'mkXTag' and '+='

etag		:: String -> XmlFilter
etag n		= mkXTag n none none

-- | Qualified version of etag

qetag		:: QName -> XmlFilter
qetag q		= mkQTag q none none

-- | Alias for mkQTag

qtag		:: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
qtag = mkQTag

-- |
-- filter for creating a document root node with a list of filters for the attributes and a list of filters for the document.
-- see also : 'tag'

rootTag		:: [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
rootTag afs cfs	= mkXTag t_root (cat afs) (cat cfs)

-- |
-- Alias for 'mkXAttr'

attr		:: String -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
attr		= mkXAttr

-- | Alias for mkQAttr
qattr		:: QName -> XmlFilter -> XmlFilter
qattr = mkQAttr

-- |
-- short cut for attribute construction with string constants
-- set also : 'attr', 'mkXAttr' and 'mkXText'

sattr		:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
sattr a v	= mkXAttr a (mkXText v)

-- |
-- short cut for 'mkXText'

txt		:: String  -> XmlFilter
txt		= mkXText

-- |
-- short cut for simple comment
-- the input tree is ignored
-- see also : 'mkXCmt'

cmt		:: String  -> XmlFilter
cmt c		= mkXCmt (txt c)

-- |
-- short cut for generating simple processing instructions (spi)
-- the input tree is ignored
-- @spi \"xyz\" \"abc\"@ is equal to @mkXPi \"xyz\" (txt \"abc\")@
-- (the name pi is already used in prelude)

spi		:: String -> String -> XmlFilter
spi n c		= mkXPi n (txt c)

-- |
-- short cut for generating simple cdata sections,
-- the input tree is ignored

cdata		:: String -> XmlFilter
cdata s		= mkXCdata (txt s)

-- |
-- DTD part generation with filter for attributes and children
-- see also: 'mkXDTDTree'

dtd		:: DTDElem -> [XmlFilter] -> [XmlFilter] -> XmlFilter
dtd dtdpart afs cfs t
    = mkXDTD dtdpart (toAttrl . cat afs $ t) (cat cfs t) $ t

-- |
-- short cut for mkXError c_warn.
-- see also : 'mkXError'

warn		:: String -> XmlFilter
warn		= mkXError c_warn

-- |
-- short cut for mkXError c_fatal.
-- see also : 'mkXError'

err		:: String -> XmlFilter
err		= mkXError c_err

-- |
-- short cut for mkXError c_fatal.
-- see also : 'mkXError'

fatal		::  String -> XmlFilter
fatal		= mkXError c_fatal

-- |
-- check whether an option is set
-- reads the value of an attribute, usually applied to a document root node,
-- and checks if the value represents True. The following strings are interpreted
-- as true: \"1\", \"True\", \"true\", \"yes\", \"Yes\".

hasOption	:: String -> XmlFilter
hasOption opt
    = getValue opt .> isOfText isSet
      isSet x
	  = x `elem` ["1", "True", "true", "yes", "Yes"]

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