module REPL (REPL, runREPL, emptyREPLState) where
import qualified Lexer as L
import qualified SourceParser as SP
import qualified DesugarSI as DS
import PureSyntax
import InterSyntax
import SugarSyntax
import PureInterpreter (evalExpr, Store)
import Prelude hiding (break)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Either (lefts, either)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intersperse, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as HL
import qualified System.Console.Repline as RL
type REPL a = RL.HaskelineT (StateT REPLState IO) a
type Breakpoint = (FilePath, Int)
data DebugOp = WhileRead Name ETree | WhileWrite Name | Message String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
namesDebugOp :: DebugOp -> S.Set Name
namesDebugOp dbo = case dbo of
WhileRead n _ -> S.singleton n
WhileWrite n -> S.singleton n
_ -> S.empty
type REPLState =
( Store
, [Either InCommand DebugOp]
, S.Set Breakpoint
, ETree -> String
, FilePath
emptyREPLState :: REPLState
emptyREPLState = (M.empty, [], S.empty, show, ".")
runREPL :: StateT REPLState IO ()
runREPL = RL.evalRepl "HWhile> " execute options (RL.Word0 completer) initialise
execute :: String -> REPL ()
execute str = do
printFn <- getPrintFn
path <- getPath
expTry <- parseExpr str
case expTry of
Left err -> do
suCommTry <- parseComm str
case suCommTry of
Left err -> replPutStrLn err
Right suComm -> do
commTry <- desugarComm path suComm
case commTry of
Left err -> replPutStrLn err
Right comm -> do
store <- getStore
putStore $ evalInBlock store comm
Right exp -> do
store <- getStore
replPutStrLn $ printFn $ evalExpr store exp
initialise :: REPL ()
initialise = replPutStrLn welcomeString
options :: [(String, [String] -> REPL ())]
options =
[ ("help" , help )
, ("load" , load )
, ("run" , run )
, ("printmode", printmode)
, ("cd" , cd )
, ("store" , store )
, ("step" , step )
, ("break" , break )
, ("delbreak" , delbreak )
help :: [String] -> REPL ()
help _ = liftIO $ putStrLn helpString
load :: [String] -> REPL ()
load args =
if length args <= 1 then
replPutStrLn $ "Please supply a single while program name, and an " ++
"argument literal (e.g. <nil.nil>)."
else do
path <- getPath
progTry <- loadProg path (head args)
argTry <- parseLVal (intercalate " " (tail args))
case (progTry, argTry) of
(Left err1, Left err2) -> do replPutStrLn err1 ; replPutStrLn err2
(_ , Left err ) -> replPutStrLn err
(Left err , _ ) -> replPutStrLn err
(Right prog, Right arg ) -> do
replPutStrLn $ "Program '" ++ (head args) ++ "' loaded."
case prog of
InProgram _ rd blk wr ->
putProg $ [Right (WhileRead rd arg)] ++ map Left blk ++
[Right (WhileWrite wr)]
run :: [String] -> REPL ()
run args =
if length args /= 0 then
replPutStrLn $ "Error: did not expect '" ++ intercalate " " args ++ "'."
else do
store <- getStore
bps <- getBreakpoints
blk <- getProg
printFn <- getPrintFn
let (store', blk', msg) = runToBreakpoint store bps blk printFn
putStore store'
putProg blk'
replPutStrLn msg
printmode :: [String] -> REPL ()
printmode args =
if length args /= 1 then
replPutStrLn "Please supply a single print mode string."
else case head args of
"i" -> putPrintFn $ \tree -> maybe "E" show $ parseInt tree
"iv" -> putPrintFn $ \tree -> maybe (show tree) show $ parseInt tree
"l" -> putPrintFn $ show . toHaskellList
"li" -> putPrintFn $ showIntListTree False
"liv" -> putPrintFn $ showIntListTree True
"L" -> putPrintFn $ showNestedIntListTree
"La" -> putPrintFn $ showNestedAtomIntListTree
_ -> replPutStrLn $ "Error - valid modes are i, iv, l, li, liv, " ++
"L, and La. Quit interactive mode and then run 'hwhile -h' for " ++
"more information."
cd :: [String] -> REPL ()
cd args =
if length args /= 1 then
replPutStrLn "Please supply a single directory path."
putPath (head args)
store :: [String] -> REPL ()
store args =
if length args /= 0 then
replPutStrLn $ "Error: did not expect '" ++ intercalate " " args ++ "'."
else do
store <- getStore
printFn <- getPrintFn
let output = intercalate "\n" $
map (\(Name (fp, n), tree) ->
"(" ++ fp ++ ") " ++ n ++ " := " ++ printFn tree) $
M.assocs store
replPutStrLn output
step :: [String] -> REPL ()
step args =
if length args /= 0 then
replPutStrLn $ "Error: did not expect '" ++ intercalate " " args ++ "'."
else do
store <- getStore
blk <- getProg
printFn <- getPrintFn
let (store', blk', msg) = doStep store blk printFn
putStore store'
putProg blk'
replPutStrLn msg
break :: [String] -> REPL ()
break [lineStr] = do fp <- getCurrentFilePath ; doBreak fp (readMaybe lineStr)
break [lineStr, fp] = doBreak fp (readMaybe lineStr)
break _ = replPutStrLn $
"Please supply a line number and optionally a single filename."
doBreak :: String -> Maybe Int -> REPL()
doBreak fp maybeLine =
if fp == "<interactive>" then replPutStrLn $
"Cannot set breakpoint as no program is loaded. Load one with " ++
"':load' and try again."
else case maybeLine of
Nothing -> replPutStrLn "Please supply a line number."
Just n -> do
putBreakpoint (fp, n)
replPutStrLn $ "Breakpoint set in program " ++ fp ++
" at line " ++ show n ++ "."
delbreak :: [String] -> REPL ()
delbreak [lineStr] = do
fp <- getCurrentFilePath
doDelBreak fp (readMaybe lineStr)
delbreak [lineStr, fp] =
doDelBreak fp (readMaybe lineStr)
delbreak _ = replPutStrLn $
"Please supply a line number and optionally a single filename."
doDelBreak :: String -> Maybe Int -> REPL()
doDelBreak fp maybeLine =
if fp == "<interactive>" then
replPutStrLn "Cannot delete breakpoint as no program is loaded."
else case maybeLine of
Nothing -> replPutStrLn "Please supply a line number."
Just n -> do
delBreakpoint (fp, n)
replPutStrLn $ "Breakpoint removed from program " ++ fp ++
" at line " ++ show n ++ "."
completer :: Monad m => RL.WordCompleter m
completer str = do
let completionWords = [
"nil" , "cons" , "hd" , "tl" , "while" ,
"switch" , "case" , "default" , "if" , "else" ,
"true" , "false" , "@:=" , "@asgn" , "@doAsgn" ,
"@while" , "@doWhile" , "@if" , "@doIf" , "@var" ,
"@quote" , "@hd" , "@doHd" , "@tl" , "@doTl" ,
"@cons" , "@doCons" ]
++ map ((':' :) . fst) options
return $ filter (str `isPrefixOf`) completionWords
replPutStrLn :: String -> REPL ()
replPutStrLn = lift . lift . putStrLn
runToBreakpoint :: Store -> S.Set Breakpoint -> [Either InCommand DebugOp] ->
(ETree -> String) -> (Store, [Either InCommand DebugOp], String)
runToBreakpoint store bps blk printFn =
let res@(store', blk', msg) = doStep store blk printFn in
case blk' of
[] -> res
Right _ : _ -> runToBreakpoint store' bps blk' printFn
Left inComm : _ -> case info inComm of
Info i@(fp, line) ->
if S.member i bps then
(store', blk', "Stopping at line " ++ show line ++
" of program " ++ fp ++ ".")
runToBreakpoint store' bps blk' printFn
doStep :: Store -> [Either InCommand DebugOp] -> (ETree -> String) ->
(Store, [Either InCommand DebugOp], String)
doStep store [] printFn = (store, [], "No program loaded.")
doStep store (comm : rest) printFn = case comm of
Left (InAssign _ n e) -> let evalE = evalExpr store e in
(M.insert n evalE store, rest, show n ++ " := " ++ printFn evalE)
Left (InWhile _ gd blk) -> case evalExpr store gd of
ENil -> (store, rest, "Skipped or exited while-loop.")
_ -> (store, (map Left blk) ++ (comm : rest),
"while " ++ show gd ++ " { ...\nEntered or re-entered while-loop.")
Left (InIfElse _ gd tb fb) -> case evalExpr store gd of
ENil -> (store, (map Left fb) ++ rest,
"if " ++ show gd ++ " { ...\nTook if-branch.")
_ -> (store, (map Left tb) ++ rest,
"if " ++ show gd ++ " { ...\nTook else-branch or skipped.")
Left (InSwitch _ gd [] def) ->
(store, (map Left def) ++ rest,
"switch " ++ show gd ++ " { ... \nTook default case.")
Left (InSwitch i gd ((e, blk) : cases) def) ->
if evalExpr store gd == evalExpr store e then
(store, (map Left blk) ++ rest,
"switch " ++ show gd ++ " { ...\n case " ++ show e ++
": ...\nTook switch-case.")
(store, Left (InSwitch i gd cases def) : rest,
"switch " ++ show gd ++ " { ...\n case " ++ show e ++
": ...\nSkipped switch-case.")
Right (WhileRead n arg) -> (M.insert n arg store, rest, "read " ++
show n ++ " := " ++ printFn arg)
Right (WhileWrite n) -> (store, rest, "wrote " ++ show n ++ " := " ++
(printFn (M.findWithDefault ENil n store)))
Right (Message m) -> (store, rest, m)
evalInCommand :: Store -> InCommand -> Store
evalInCommand store comm = case comm of
InAssign _ n e -> M.insert n (evalExpr store e) store
InWhile _ gd blk -> case evalExpr store gd of
ENil -> store
_ -> evalInCommand (evalInBlock store blk) comm
InIfElse _ gd tb fb -> case evalExpr store gd of
ENil -> evalInBlock store fb
_ -> evalInBlock store tb
InSwitch _ gd [] def -> evalInBlock store def
InSwitch i gd ((e, blk) : cases) def ->
if evalExpr store gd == evalExpr store e then
evalInBlock store blk
evalInCommand store (InSwitch i gd cases def)
evalInBlock :: Store -> InBlock -> Store
evalInBlock = foldl evalInCommand
getStore :: REPL Store
getStore = do (store, _, _, _, _) <- lift get ; return store
putStore :: Store -> REPL ()
putStore st = lift $ modify $
\(_, p, bps, pf, fp) -> (st, p, bps, pf, fp)
clearStore :: REPL ()
clearStore = putStore M.empty
getFromStore :: Name -> REPL (Maybe ETree)
getFromStore name = do store <- getStore ; return $ M.lookup name store
putInStore :: Name -> ETree -> REPL ()
putInStore n t = do store <- getStore ; putStore $ M.insert n t store
getProg :: REPL [Either InCommand DebugOp]
getProg = do (_, p, _, _, _) <- lift get ; return p
putProg :: [Either InCommand DebugOp] -> REPL ()
putProg blk = lift $ modify $ \(st, _, bps, pf, fp) -> (st, blk, bps, pf, fp)
getCurrentFilePath :: REPL FilePath
getCurrentFilePath = do
blk <- getProg
case lefts blk of
[] -> return "<interactive>"
cs -> return $ case info (head cs) of Info (fp, line) -> fp
getBreakpoints :: REPL (S.Set Breakpoint)
getBreakpoints = do (_, _, bps, _, _) <- lift get ; return bps
putBreakpoints :: S.Set Breakpoint -> REPL ()
putBreakpoints bps = lift $ modify $
\(st, mp, _, pf, fp) -> (st, mp, bps, pf, fp)
putBreakpoint :: Breakpoint -> REPL ()
putBreakpoint bp = do bps <- getBreakpoints ; putBreakpoints $ S.insert bp bps
delBreakpoint :: Breakpoint -> REPL ()
delBreakpoint bp = do bps <- getBreakpoints ; putBreakpoints $ S.delete bp bps
isBreakpoint :: Breakpoint -> REPL Bool
isBreakpoint bp = do bps <- getBreakpoints ; return $ S.member bp bps
getPrintFn :: REPL (ETree -> String)
getPrintFn = do (_, _, _, pf, _) <- lift get ; return pf
putPrintFn :: (ETree -> String) -> REPL ()
putPrintFn pf = lift $ modify $
\(st, mp, bps, _, fp) -> (st, mp, bps, pf, fp)
getPath :: REPL FilePath
getPath = do (_, _, _, _, fp) <- lift get ; return fp
putPath :: String -> REPL ()
putPath fp = lift $ modify $
\(st, mp, bps, pf, _) -> (st, mp, bps, pf, fp)
parseExpr :: String -> REPL (Either String Expression)
parseExpr str = do
namePath <- getCurrentFilePath
lift . lift . runExceptT $ SP.parseExpr (L.scan str namePath)
parseComm :: String -> REPL (Either String SuCommand)
parseComm str = do
namePath <- getCurrentFilePath
lift . lift . runExceptT $ SP.parseComm (L.scan str namePath)
parseLVal :: String -> REPL (Either String ETree)
parseLVal str = do
namePath <- getCurrentFilePath
lift . lift . runExceptT $ SP.parseLVal (L.scan str namePath)
desugarComm :: FilePath -> SuCommand ->
REPL (Either String InBlock)
desugarComm path = lift. lift . runExceptT . DS.desugarComm path []
loadProg ::
FilePath ->
FilePath ->
REPL (Either String InProgram)
loadProg path progName = lift . lift . runExceptT $ DS.loadProg path progName []
helpString :: String
helpString = concat $ (intersperse "\n") $
[ "HWhile interactive mode. Possible options:"
, " <EXPR> - Evaluate a while expression."
, " <COMM> - Execute a while command."
, " :help - Print this message."
, " :load p <EXPR> - Load a while program 'p' (i.e. from the file "
, " 'p.while') for execution with argument <EXPR>. Note"
, " that this clears the current store contents."
, " :run - Run the loaded program up until the next "
, " breakpoint."
, " :step - Step through a single line of the loaded program."
, " :store - Print the current store contents."
, " :printmode m - Set the print mode to mode 'm'. Valid modes are i, "
, " iv, l, li, liv, L, and La. Quit interactive mode"
, " and then run 'hwhile -h' for more info on print "
, " modes."
, " :cd dir - Change the current file search path to 'dir'."
, " :break n - Add a breakpoint to line 'n' of the loaded program."
, " :break n p - Add a breakpoint to line 'n' of program 'p'."
, " :delbreak n - Delete the breakpoint on line 'n' of the loaded"
, " program."
, " :delbreak n p - Delete the breakpoint on line 'n' of program 'p'."
, " (Ctrl+D) - Quit interactive mode."
welcomeString :: String
welcomeString = "Welcome to HWhile interactive mode. Type ':help' for more " ++