{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-} {-| Module : Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Core Copyright : (c) Douglas Burke, 2018-2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dburke.gw@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : CPP, OverloadedStrings The main fuctionality of VegaLite is provided by the Foundation and Core modules, but there are types (and functions) scattered around the place. There is some logic into what goes where, but it's not perfect. -} module Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Core ( transform , aggregate , joinAggregate , opAs , timeUnitAs , binAs , stack , calculateAs , filter , Filter(..) , FilterRange(..) , flatten , flattenAs , fold , foldAs , pivot , PivotProperty(..) , lookup , lookupSelection , LookupFields(..) , lookupAs , impute , sample , density , DensityProperty(..) , loess , LoessProperty(..) , regression , RegressionProperty(..) , RegressionMethod(..) , quantile , QuantileProperty(..) , window , mark , encoding , position , PositionChannel(..) , SortProperty(..) , AxisProperty(..) , ConditionalAxisProperty(..) , angle , color , fill , fillOpacity , opacity , shape , size , stroke , strokeDash , strokeOpacity , strokeWidth , MarkChannel(..) , text , tooltip , tooltips , TextChannel(..) , hyperlink , url , HyperlinkChannel(..) , order , OrderChannel(..) , row , column , detail , DetailChannel(..) , ariaDescription , AriaDescriptionChannel(..) , ScaleProperty(..) , categoricalDomainMap , domainRangeMap , layer , vlConcat , columns , hConcat , vConcat , align , alignRC , spacing , spacingRC , center , centerRC , bounds , resolve , resolution , repeat , repeatFlow , facet , facetFlow , FacetMapping(..) , FacetChannel(..) , BooleanOp(..) , name , description , height , heightOfContainer , heightStep , width , widthOfContainer , widthStep , padding , autosize , background , usermetadata , viewBackground , configure -- not for external export , autosizeProperty , axisProperty , paddingSpec , schemeProperty ) where -- VegaLite uses these symbols. import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, repeat) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson (object, toJSON, (.=)) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4, 12, 0)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif -- added in base / ghc 7.10.1 import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Data ( DataValue(..) , DataValues(..) , dataValueSpec , dataValuesSpecs ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Foundation ( Angle , Color , DashStyle , DashOffset , FieldName , Opacity , StyleLabel , VegaExpr , ZIndex , FontWeight , Measurement , Arrangement , APosition , Position , HAlign , VAlign , BandAlign , Scale , OverlapStrategy , Side , StackProperty , StackOffset , StrokeCap , Channel , Resolve , Bounds , CompositionAlignment , Padding , Autosize , RepeatFields , CInterpolate , ViewBackground , HeaderProperty , Symbol , fromT , fromColor , fromDS , splitOnNewline , field_ , header_ , order_ , fontWeightSpec , measurementLabel , arrangementLabel , anchorLabel , hAlignLabel , vAlignLabel , bandAlignLabel , scaleLabel , strokeCapLabel , positionLabel , overlapStrategyLabel , sideLabel , stackPropertySpecSort , stackPropertySpecOffset , stackOffset , channelLabel , resolveProperty , boundsSpec , compositionAlignmentSpec , paddingSpec , autosizeProperty , repeatFieldsProperty , cInterpolateSpec , viewBackgroundSpec , symbolLabel ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Input ( Data ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Legend ( LegendProperty , legendProp_ ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mark ( Mark , MarkProperty , markLabel , markProperty ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Scale ( ScaleDomain(..) , ScaleRange(..) , ScaleNice , scaleDomainSpec , scaleNiceSpec ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Specification ( VLProperty(..) , VLSpec , PropertySpec , LabelledSpec , EncodingSpec(..) , BuildEncodingSpecs , TransformSpec(..) , BuildTransformSpecs , ConfigureSpec(..) , ResolveSpec(..) , BuildResolveSpecs , SelectionLabel ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Time ( DateTime , TimeUnit , dateTimeProperty , timeUnitSpec ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Transform ( Operation(Count) , Window , BinProperty , WindowProperty , ImputeProperty , aggregate_ , op_ , binned_ , impute_ , bin , binProperty , operationSpec , windowTS , joinAggregateTS , imputeTS ) --- helpers -- This could be extended to any Ord type but specialize for now to Double clamped :: Double -- ^ minimum value allowed -> Double -- ^ maximum value allowed (must be > the minimum value) -> Double -- ^ user value -> Double clamped xmin xmax x = max xmin (min xmax x) repeat_ :: Arrangement -> LabelledSpec repeat_ arr = "repeat" .= arrangementLabel arr sort_ :: [SortProperty] -> LabelledSpec sort_ ops = "sort" .= sortPropertySpec ops mchan_ :: T.Text -> [MarkChannel] -> EncodingSpec mchan_ f ms = ES (f .= object (concatMap markChannelProperty ms)) mtype_ :: Measurement -> LabelledSpec mtype_ m = "type" .= measurementLabel m timeUnit_ :: TimeUnit -> LabelledSpec timeUnit_ tu = "timeUnit" .= timeUnitSpec tu -- The assumption at the moment is that it's always correct to -- replace the empty list by null. -- scaleProp_ :: [ScaleProperty] -> LabelledSpec scaleProp_ [] = "scale" .= A.Null scaleProp_ sps = "scale" .= object (map scaleProperty sps) value_ :: T.Text -> LabelledSpec value_ v = "value" .= v selCond_ :: (a -> [LabelledSpec]) -> BooleanOp -> [a] -> [a] -> [LabelledSpec] selCond_ getProps selName ifClause elseClause = let h = ("condition", hkey) toProps = concatMap getProps hkey = object (("selection", booleanOpSpec selName) : toProps ifClause) hs = toProps elseClause in h : hs -- Special case the single-condition check, so that I don't get false -- positives when comparing against the Vega-Lite specification. There -- should be no actionable difference from this special case (i.e. -- the output being '[object]' and 'object' have the same meaning). -- -- There is also the simplification to replace -- test: { selection: xxx } -- by -- selection: xxx -- which happens for the Selection operator. -- dataCond_ :: (a -> [LabelledSpec]) -> [(BooleanOp, [a])] -> [a] -> [LabelledSpec] dataCond_ getProps tests elseClause = let h = ("condition", condClause) condClause = case conds of [cond] -> cond _ -> toJSON conds conds = map testClause tests testClause (Selection sel, ifClause) = object (("selection" .= sel) : toProps ifClause) testClause (predicate, ifClause) = object (("test", booleanOpSpec predicate) : toProps ifClause) toProps = concatMap getProps hs = toProps elseClause in h : hs {-| Create a named aggregation operation on a field that can be added to a transformation. For further details see the . @ 'transform' . 'aggregate' [ 'opAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Min' "people" "lowerBound" , 'opAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Max' "people" "upperBound" ] [ "age" ] @ -} opAs :: Operation -- ^ The aggregation operation to use. -> FieldName -- ^ The name of the field which is to be aggregated (when the operation -- is 'Count' leave as the empty string). -> FieldName -- ^ The name given to the transformed data. -> VLSpec -- The Count case is special-cased purely to make it easier to compare -- the hvega output against the Veg-Lite examples. There should be no -- semantic difference here. -- opAs Count _ label = object [ op_ Count, "as" .= label ] opAs op field label = object [ op_ op, field_ field, "as" .= label ] {-| Create a mark specification. All marks must have a type (first parameter) and can optionally be customised with a list of mark properties such as interpolation style for lines. To keep the default style for the mark, just provide an empty list for the second parameter. @ 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle' [] 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MInterpolate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StepAfter'] @ @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"city.json\" ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.TopojsonFeature' \"boroughs\"] [] markOpts = 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Geoshape' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MFill' \"lightgrey\", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MStroke' \"white\"] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [dvals, markOpts] @ -} mark :: Mark -> [MarkProperty] -> PropertySpec mark mrk props = let jsName = toJSON (markLabel mrk) vals = if null props then jsName else object (("type" .= jsName) : map markProperty props) in (VLMark, vals) {-| Mark channel properties used for creating a mark channel encoding. -} -- https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#mark-prop data MarkChannel = MName FieldName -- ^ Field used for encoding with a mark property channel. | MRepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a mark channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. | MRepeatDatum Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a mark channel to a datum value generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- a datum that is to be encoded in layers, or in columns or rows in a -- flow layout. -- -- @since | MmType Measurement -- ^ Level of measurement when encoding with a mark property channel. | MScale [ScaleProperty] -- ^ Scaling applied to a field when encoding with a mark property channel. -- The scale will transform a field's value into a color, shape, size etc. -- -- Use an empty list to remove the scale. | MBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins when encoding with a mark property channel. | MBinned -- ^ Indicate that data encoding with a mark are already binned. -- -- @since | MSort [SortProperty] -- ^ Sort order. -- -- @since | MTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with a mark property channel. | MTitle T.Text -- ^ Title of a field when encoding with a mark property channel. -- -- @since | MNoTitle -- ^ Draw no title. -- -- @since | MAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded with a -- mark property channel. | MLegend [LegendProperty] -- ^ Properties of a legend that describes a mark's encoding. -- -- For no legend, provide an empty list. | MSelectionCondition BooleanOp [MarkChannel] [MarkChannel] -- ^ Make a mark channel conditional on interactive selection. The first parameter -- is a selection condition to evaluate; the second the encoding to apply if that -- selection is true; the third parameter is the encoding if the selection is false. -- -- @ -- 'color' -- [ MSelectionCondition ('SelectionName' \"myBrush\") -- [ 'MName' \"myField\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] -- [ 'MString' \"grey\" ] -- ] -- @ | MDataCondition [(BooleanOp, [MarkChannel])] [MarkChannel] -- ^ Make a text channel conditional on one or more predicate expressions. The first -- parameter is a list of tuples each pairing an expression to evaluate with the encoding -- if that expression is @True@. The second is the encoding if none of the expressions -- evaluate as @True@. -- -- @ -- 'color' -- [ MDataCondition [ ( 'Expr' \"datum.myField === null\", [ 'MString' \"grey\" ] ) ] -- [ MString \"black\" ] -- ] -- @ -- -- The arguments to this constructor have changed in @ -- to support multiple expressions. | MPath T.Text -- ^ SVG path string used when encoding with a mark property channel. Useful -- for providing custom shapes. | MDatum DataValue -- ^ Name of a literal data item used for encoding with a mark property channel. -- Unlike 'MNumber', 'MString', and 'MBoolean', datum literals represent values in -- data space. -- -- @since | MNumber Double -- ^ Literal numeric value when encoding with a mark property channel. | MString T.Text -- ^ Literal string value when encoding with a mark property channel. | MBoolean Bool -- ^ Boolean value when encoding with a mark property channel. | MSymbol Symbol -- ^ A symbol literal. This can be useful when making a symbol dependent on some data or -- selection condition (e.g. 'MDataCondition' or 'MSelectionCondition'). -- -- For example: -- -- @ -- 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' "to", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative', 'PAxis' [] ] -- . 'shape' ['MDataCondition' -- [('Expr' "datum.to > 100", [MSymbol 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SymTriangleRight'])] -- [MSymbol 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SymTriangleLeft'] -- @ -- -- @since markChannelProperty :: MarkChannel -> [LabelledSpec] markChannelProperty (MName s) = [field_ s] markChannelProperty (MRepeat arr) = ["field" .= object [repeat_ arr]] markChannelProperty (MRepeatDatum arr) = ["datum" .= object [repeat_ arr]] markChannelProperty (MmType t) = [mtype_ t] markChannelProperty (MScale sps) = [scaleProp_ sps] markChannelProperty (MLegend lps) = [legendProp_ lps] markChannelProperty (MBin bps) = [bin bps] markChannelProperty MBinned = [binned_] markChannelProperty (MSort ops) = [sort_ ops] markChannelProperty (MSelectionCondition selName ifClause elseClause) = selCond_ markChannelProperty selName ifClause elseClause markChannelProperty (MDataCondition tests elseClause) = dataCond_ markChannelProperty tests elseClause markChannelProperty (MTimeUnit tu) = [timeUnit_ tu] markChannelProperty (MAggregate op) = [aggregate_ op] markChannelProperty (MPath s) = ["value" .= s] markChannelProperty (MDatum d) = ["datum" .= dataValueSpec d] markChannelProperty (MNumber x) = ["value" .= x] markChannelProperty (MString s) = ["value" .= s] markChannelProperty (MBoolean b) = ["value" .= b] markChannelProperty (MSymbol s) = ["value" .= symbolLabel s] markChannelProperty (MTitle s) = ["title" .= splitOnNewline s] markChannelProperty MNoTitle = ["title" .= A.Null] {-| Create an encoding specification from a list of channel encodings. @ enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"Animal\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"Age\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'shape' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] . 'size' [ 'MName' \"Population\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] @ The type of @enc@ in this example is @[EncodingSpec] -> PropertySpec@, so it can either be used to add further encoding specifications or as @enc []@ to create a specification. The supported encodings are: 'ariaDescription', 'angle', 'color', 'column', 'detail', 'fill', 'fillOpacity', 'hyperlink', 'opacity', 'order', 'position', 'row', 'shape', 'size', 'stroke', 'strokeDash', 'strokeOpacity', 'strokeWidth', 'text', 'tooltip', 'tooltips', and 'url'. There is currently no support for encoding by . -} encoding :: [EncodingSpec] -- ^ The channel encodings (the order does not matter). -- -- Prior to @ this argument was @['LabelledSpec']@. -> PropertySpec encoding channels = (VLEncoding, object (map unES channels)) {-| Encode an Aria description. @since -} ariaDescription :: [AriaDescriptionChannel] -- ^ The properties for the channel. -> BuildEncodingSpecs ariaDescription ads ols = ES ("description", object (concatMap ariaDescriptionChannelProperty ads)) : ols {-| Apply a stack transform for positioning multiple values. This is an alternative to specifying stacking directly when encoding position. @ 'transform' . 'aggregate' [ 'opAs' 'Count' \"\" \"count_*\" ] [ \"Origin\", \"Cylinders\" ] . 'stack' "count_*" [] \"stack_count_Origin1\" \"stack_count_Origin2\" [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StOffset' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StNormalize', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StSort' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WAscending' \"Origin\" ] ] . 'window' [ ( [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WAggregateOp' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Min', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WField' \"stack_count_Origin1\" ], \"x\" ) , ( [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WAggregateOp' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Max', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WField' \"stack_count_Origin2\" ], \"x2\" ) ] [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WFrame' Nothing Nothing, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WGroupBy' [ \"Origin\" ] ] . 'stack' \"count_*\" [ \"Origin\" ] \"y\" \"y2\" [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StOffset' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StNormalize', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StSort' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WAscending' \"Cylinders\" ] ] @ @since -} stack :: FieldName -- ^ The field to be stacked. -> [FieldName] -- ^ The fields to group by. -> FieldName -- ^ The output field name (start). -> FieldName -- ^ The output field name (end). -> [StackProperty] -- ^ Offset and sort properties. -> BuildTransformSpecs stack f grp start end sProps ols = let addField n [x] = [n .= x] addField _ _ = [] mOffset = mapMaybe stackPropertySpecOffset sProps mSort = mapMaybe stackPropertySpecSort sProps fields = [ "stack" .= f , "groupby" .= grp , "as" .= [ start, end ] ] <> addField "offset" mOffset <> addField "sort" mSort in TS (object fields) : ols {-| Individual scale property. These are used to customise an individual scale transformation. To customise all scales use 'configure' and supply relevant 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ScaleConfig' values. For more details see the . There are two utility routines for constructing a list of scale properties: 'categoricalDomainMap' and 'domainRangeMap'. The @SRangeStep@ constructor was removed in version @ Users should use the 'heightStep' and 'widthStep' functions instead. The @SReverse@ constructor was removed in version @, as it represented a Vega, rather than Vega-Lite, property. The order of a scale can be changed with the 'PSort' constructor. -} -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/Scale data ScaleProperty = SType Scale -- ^ Type of scaling to apply. | SAlign Double -- ^ Alignment of the steps within the scale range. A value of -- @0@ shifts the bands to an axis, @1@ away from the axis, -- and @0.5@ is centered within the range. -- -- The input is clamped so that values less than 0 are mapped -- to 0 and greater than 1 to 1. -- -- @since | SBase Double -- ^ The base to use for log scaling ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ScLog'). -- -- Default is @10@. -- -- @since | SBins [Double] -- ^ An array of bin boundaries over the scale domain. If give, axes and legends will use -- these boundaries to inform the choice of tick marks and text labels. -- -- @since | SClamp Bool -- ^ Should values outside the data domain be clamped (to the minimum or -- maximum value)? | SConstant Double -- ^ The desired slope of the 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ScSymLog' function at zero. -- -- The default is @1@. -- -- @since | SDomain ScaleDomain -- ^ Custom scaling domain. | SDomainMid Double -- ^ Set the mid-point of a continuous diverging domain. -- -- @since | SExponent Double -- ^ The exponent to use for power scaling ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ScPow'). -- -- @since | SInterpolate CInterpolate -- ^ Interpolation method for scaling range values. | SNice ScaleNice -- ^ \"Nice\" minimum and maximum values in a scaling (e.g. multiples of 10). | SPadding Double -- ^ Padding in pixels to apply to a scaling. | SPaddingInner Double -- ^ Inner padding to apply to a band scaling. | SPaddingOuter Double -- ^ Outer padding to apply to a band scaling. | SRange ScaleRange -- ^ Range of a scaling. The type of range depends on the encoding channel. | SReverse Bool -- ^ Should the order of the scale range be reversed? -- -- @since | SRound Bool -- ^ Are numeric values in a scaling rounded to integers? -- -- The default is @False@. | SScheme T.Text [Double] -- TODO: review this; what is #/definitions/SchemeParams? -- ^ Color scheme used by a color scaling. The first parameter is the -- name of the scheme (e.g. \"viridis\") and the second an optional -- specification, which can contain 1, 2, or 3 numbers: -- -- - the number of colors to use (list of one number); -- - the extent of the color range to use (list of two numbers between 0 and 1); -- - the number of colors and extent (three numbers, first is the number of colors). -- -- For the full list of supported schemes, please refer to the -- -- reference. -- -- The number of colors was broken prior to @ and the option to -- define both the count and extent was added in @ | SZero Bool -- ^ Should a numeric scaling be forced to include a zero value? -- -- Not all scales support @SZero@ and the default depends on the type of -- channel. scaleProperty :: ScaleProperty -> LabelledSpec scaleProperty (SType sType) = "type" .= scaleLabel sType scaleProperty (SAlign c) = "align" .= clamped 0 1 c scaleProperty (SBase x) = "base" .= x scaleProperty (SBins xs) = "bins" .= xs scaleProperty (SClamp b) = "clamp" .= b scaleProperty (SConstant x) = "constant" .= x scaleProperty (SDomain sdType) = "domain" .= scaleDomainSpec sdType scaleProperty (SDomainMid x) = "domainMid" .= x scaleProperty (SExponent x) = "exponent" .= x scaleProperty (SInterpolate interp) = "interpolate" .= cInterpolateSpec interp scaleProperty (SNice ni) = "nice" .= scaleNiceSpec ni scaleProperty (SPadding x) = "padding" .= x scaleProperty (SPaddingInner x) = "paddingInner" .= x scaleProperty (SPaddingOuter x) = "paddingOuter" .= x scaleProperty (SRange (RPair lo hi)) = "range" .= [lo, hi] scaleProperty (SRange (RHeight w)) = "range" .= [fromT "height", toJSON w] scaleProperty (SRange (RWidth h)) = "range" .= [toJSON h, fromT "width"] scaleProperty (SRange (RNumbers xs)) = "range" .= xs scaleProperty (SRange (RNumberLists xss)) = "range" .= xss scaleProperty (SRange (RStrings ss)) = "range" .= ss scaleProperty (SRange (RName s)) = "range" .= s scaleProperty (SReverse b) = "reverse" .= b scaleProperty (SRound b) = "round" .= b scaleProperty (SScheme nme extent) = schemeProperty nme extent scaleProperty (SZero b) = "zero" .= b -- TODO: there should probably be a more-structured way to specify this -- -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/SchemeParams schemeProperty :: T.Text -> [Double] -> LabelledSpec schemeProperty nme [n] = "scheme" .= object ["name" .= nme, "count" .= n] schemeProperty nme [mn, mx] = "scheme" .= object ["name" .= nme, "extent" .= [mn, mx]] schemeProperty nme [n, mn, mx] = "scheme" .= object ["name" .= nme, "count" .= n, "extent" .= [mn, mx]] schemeProperty nme _ = "scheme" .= nme {-| Allow type of sorting to be customised. For details see the . The constructors have been changed in version @, with @Op@, @ByField@, and @ByRepeat@ removed, and their functionality replaced with 'ByRepeatOp', 'ByFieldOp', and 'ByChannel'. -} data SortProperty = Ascending -- ^ Sorting is from low to high. | Descending -- ^ Sorting is from high to low. | CustomSort DataValues -- ^ Custom sort order listing data values explicitly. -- -- @since | ByRepeatOp Arrangement Operation -- ^ Sort by the aggregated summaries of the given fields -- (referenced by a repeat iterator) using an aggregation -- operation. -- -- @since | ByFieldOp FieldName Operation -- ^ Sort by the aggregated summary of a field using an aggregation -- operation. The following example sorts the categorical data field -- @variety@ by the mean age of the data in each variety category: -- -- @ -- 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' -- [ 'PName' "variety" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' -- , 'PSort' [ ByFieldOp "age" 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mean', 'Descending' ] -- ] -- @ -- -- @since | ByChannel Channel -- ^ Sort by another channel. -- -- @ -- 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' -- [ 'PName' "age" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' -- , 'PSort' [ ByChannel 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChX' ] -- ] -- @ -- -- @since sortProperty :: SortProperty -> [LabelledSpec] sortProperty Ascending = [order_ "ascending"] sortProperty Descending = [order_ "descending"] sortProperty (ByChannel ch) = ["encoding" .= channelLabel ch] sortProperty (ByFieldOp field op) = [field_ field, op_ op] sortProperty (ByRepeatOp arr op) = ["field" .= object [repeat_ arr], op_ op] sortProperty (CustomSort _) = [] sortPropertySpec :: [SortProperty] -> VLSpec sortPropertySpec [] = A.Null sortPropertySpec [Ascending] = fromT "ascending" sortPropertySpec [Descending] = fromT "descending" sortPropertySpec [CustomSort dvs] = toJSON (dataValuesSpecs dvs) sortPropertySpec sps = object (concatMap sortProperty sps) -- | Position channel properties used for creating a position channel encoding. data PositionChannel = PName FieldName -- ^ Name of the field used for encoding with a position channel. | PHeight -- ^ Set the position to the height of the enclosing data space. Useful for placing -- a mark relative to the bottom edge of a view. -- -- @since | PWidth -- ^ Set the position to the width of the enclosing data space. Useful for justifying -- a mark to the right hand edge of a view. e.g. to position a mark at the right of -- the data rectangle: -- -- @ -- enc = -- 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ PWidth ] -- @ -- -- @since | PDatum DataValue -- ^ Set a position to an arbitrary data value. Useful for placing items at a -- specific point in the data space. To place in data screen space use -- 'PNumber'. -- -- @since | PNumber Double -- ^ Set a position to an arbitrary value. Useful for placing items at the top of -- a plot area (@PNumber 0@) or a fixed number of pixels from the top. -- See also 'PHeight' and 'PWidth'. -- -- Use 'PDatum' to place an item using a data coordinate. -- -- @since | PRepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a position channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. -- -- For example: -- -- @ -- enc = -- 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ PRepeat 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Flow', 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] -- -- spec = -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ dataVals [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Tick' [], enc [] ] -- -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' -- [ 'repeatFlow' [ \"Horsepower\", \"Miles_per_Gallon\", \"Acceleration\"] -- , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification' spec -- ] -- @ | PRepeatDatum Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a position channel to a datum value generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- a datum that is to be encoded in layers, or in columns or rows in a -- flow layout. -- -- @since | PmType Measurement -- ^ Level of measurement when encoding with a position channel. | PBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins when encoding with a -- position channel. -- -- For example, to encode a frequency histogram with bins every 5 units: -- -- @ -- enc = 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"x\" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' -- , 'PBin' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Step' 5] -- ] -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' -- , 'PAggregate' 'Count' -- ] -- @ | PBinned -- ^ Indicate that the data encoded with position is already binned. -- -- @since | PTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Form of time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with a position channel. | PTitle T.Text -- ^ Title of a field when encoding with a position channel. -- -- @since | PNoTitle -- ^ Draw no title. -- -- @since | PAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute some aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded -- with a position channel. -- -- @ -- enc = 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"role\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"salary\" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' -- , 'PAggregate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mean' -- ] -- @ | PScale [ScaleProperty] -- ^ Scaling applied to a field when encoding with a position channel. -- The scale will transform a field's value into a position along -- one axis. -- -- For example, the following will scale the bars positioned along -- a horizontal axis to have an inner spacing of 50% (0.5) of the -- total space allocated to each bar: -- -- @ -- enc = 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"ageGroup\" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' -- , 'PScale' ['SPaddingInner' 0.5] -- ] -- @ | PAxis [AxisProperty] -- ^ Axis properties used when encoding with a position channel. For no axis, -- provide an empty list. | PSort [SortProperty] -- ^ Sort order for field when encoding with a position channel. | PStack StackOffset -- ^ Type of stacking offset for the field when encoding with a -- position channel. -- -- For example, stacking areas away from a centreline can be used -- to create a -- [streamgraph](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/stacked_area_stream.html): -- -- @ -- enc = 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"week\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal'] -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"takings\" -- , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' -- , 'PStack' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.StCenter' -- ] -- . 'color' ['MName' \"shop\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] -- @ -- -- Changed from @StackProperty@ in version @ | PImpute [ImputeProperty] -- ^ Set the imputation rules for a position channel. See the -- [Vega-Lite impute documentation](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/impute.html). -- -- @since | PBand Double -- ^ Specify the mark position or size relative to the band size. -- The value is in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. -- -- For rectangular-based marks ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Rect', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Image'), -- the value is the scale factor relative to the band width -- (or height), or the time unit interval. -- -- For non-rectangular marks, the relative position on a band of a -- stacked, binned, time unit, or band scale is used. A value of -- 0 positions the band at the beginning of the band, and 1 -- at the end. -- -- @since positionChannelProperty :: PositionChannel -> LabelledSpec positionChannelProperty (PName s) = field_ s positionChannelProperty (PmType m) = mtype_ m positionChannelProperty (PBin b) = bin b positionChannelProperty PBinned = binned_ positionChannelProperty (PAggregate op) = aggregate_ op positionChannelProperty (PTimeUnit tu) = timeUnit_ tu positionChannelProperty (PTitle s) = "title" .= splitOnNewline s positionChannelProperty PNoTitle = "title" .= A.Null positionChannelProperty (PSort ops) = sort_ ops positionChannelProperty (PScale sps) = scaleProp_ sps positionChannelProperty (PAxis aps) = let js = if null aps then A.Null else object (map axisProperty aps) in "axis" .= js positionChannelProperty (PStack so) = stackOffset so positionChannelProperty (PRepeat arr) = "field" .= object [repeat_ arr] positionChannelProperty (PRepeatDatum arr) = "datum" .= object [repeat_ arr] positionChannelProperty PHeight = value_ "height" positionChannelProperty PWidth = value_ "width" positionChannelProperty (PDatum d) = "datum" .= dataValueSpec d positionChannelProperty (PNumber x) = "value" .= x positionChannelProperty (PImpute ips) = impute_ ips positionChannelProperty (PBand x) = "band" .= x {-| Set the background color of the visualization. If not specified the background will be white. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'background' "rgb(251,247,238)" , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} background :: Color -- ^ The background color. For example, @\"rgba(0,0,0,0)\"@ is -- transparent. -- -- This was changed to use the @Color@ type alias in version @ -> PropertySpec background colour = (VLBackground, fromColor colour) {-| Provides an optional description to be associated with the visualization. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'description' "Population change of key regions since 1900" , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} description :: T.Text -> PropertySpec description s = (VLDescription, toJSON s) -- | Optional metadata. -- -- @since usermetadata :: A.Object -- ^ The metadata is passed around but ignored by VegaLite. -> PropertySpec usermetadata o = (VLUserMetadata, A.Object o) {-| Axis customisation properties. These are used for customising individual axes. To configure all axes, use 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxisConfig' with a 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' instead. See the for more details. The @AxTitleMaxLength@ constructor was removed in release @ The 'AxTitleLimit' constructor should be used instead. -} {-# DEPRECATED AxDates "Please change AxDates to AxValues" #-} data AxisProperty = AxAria Bool -- ^ A boolean flag indicating if -- [ARIA attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA) -- should be included (SVG output only). -- -- If False, the \"aria-hidden\" attribute will be set on the output SVG group, removing -- the axis from the ARIA accessibility tree. -- -- __Default value:__ True -- -- @since | AxAriaDescription T.Text -- ^ A text description of this axis for -- [ARIA accessibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA) -- (SVG output only). -- -- If the 'AxAria' property is True, for SVG output the -- [\"aria-label\" attribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-label_attribute) -- will be set to this description. -- -- If the description is unspecified it will be automatically generated. -- -- @since | AxBandPosition Double -- ^ An interpolation fraction indicating where, for @band@ scales, axis ticks should -- be position. A value of @0@ places ticks at the left-edge of the band, @0.5@ in -- the middle, and @1@ at the right edge. -- -- @since | AxDataCondition BooleanOp ConditionalAxisProperty -- ^ Set conditions on an axis property. The first argument is the -- test to apply, and the second is the pair of properties -- to set if the condition holds or not. -- -- The test parameter has access to the axis @value@ and @label@ -- properties: that is -- -- @ -- 'PAxis' [ 'AxDataCondition' -- ('Expr' "datum.value <= 2") -- ('CAxTickColor' "red" "blue") -- , 'AxDataCondition' -- ('Expr' "datum.label == '4.0'") -- ('CAxTickWidth' 5 2) -- ] -- @ -- -- Inline aggregation can be performed (before the test) -- using 'FilterOpTrans', which can be particularly useful for -- filtering temporal data. The following example will use solid -- grid lines for the first day in January, and dashes for -- all other dates (using 'Data.Function.&'): -- -- @ -- 'PAxis' [ 'AxDataCondition' -- ('FEqual' "value" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DateTime' ['Grahics.Vega.VegaLite.DTMonth' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Jan', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTDate' 1]) -- & 'FilterOpTrans' ('MTimeUnit' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MonthDate')) -- ('CAxGridDash' [] [2, 2]) -- ] -- @ -- -- @since | AxDomain Bool -- ^ Should the axis domain (the baseline) be displayed? | AxDomainCap StrokeCap -- ^ The stroke cap for the domain lines' ending style. -- -- @since | AxDomainColor Color -- ^ The axis domain color. -- -- @since | AxDomainDash DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern of the domain. -- -- @since | AxDomainDashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. -- -- @since | AxDomainOpacity Opacity -- ^ The axis domain opacity. -- -- @since | AxDomainWidth Double -- ^ The width of the axis domain. -- -- @since | AxFormat T.Text -- ^ [Formatting pattern](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html) for -- axis values. To distinguish between formatting as numeric values -- and data/time values, additionally use 'AxFormatAsNum', 'AxFormatAsTemporal', -- or 'AxFormatAsCustom'. -- -- When used with a [custom formatType](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#custom-format-type), -- this value will be passed as \"format\" alongside \"datum.value\" to the -- registered function. | AxFormatAsNum -- ^ Facet headers should be formatted as numbers. Use a -- [d3 numeric format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format) -- with 'AxFormat'. -- -- @since | AxFormatAsTemporal -- ^ Facet headers should be formatted as dates or times. Use a -- [d3 date/time format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format) -- with 'AxFormat'. -- -- @since | AxFormatAsCustom T.Text -- ^ The [custom format type](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#custom-format-type) -- for use with with 'AxFormat'. -- -- @since | AxGrid Bool -- ^ Should an axis grid be displayed? | AxGridCap StrokeCap -- ^ The stroke cap for the grid lines' ending style. -- -- @since | AxGridColor Color -- ^ The color for the grid. -- -- @since | AxGridDash DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern of the grid. -- -- @since | AxGridDashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. -- -- @since | AxGridOpacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the grid. -- -- @since | AxGridWidth Double -- ^ The width of the grid lines. -- -- @since | AxLabels Bool -- ^ Should labels be added to an axis? | AxLabelAlign HAlign -- ^ The horizontal alignment for labels. -- -- @since | AxLabelAngle Angle -- ^ The angle at which to draw labels. | AxLabelBaseline VAlign -- ^ The vertical alignment for labels. -- -- @since | AxLabelNoBound -- ^ No boundary overlap check is applied to labels. This is the -- default behavior. -- -- See also 'AxLabelBound' and 'AxLabelBoundValue'. -- -- @since | AxLabelBound -- ^ Labels are hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than 1 -- pixel. -- -- See also 'AxLabelNoBound' and 'AxLabelBoundValue'. -- -- @since | AxLabelBoundValue Double -- ^ Labels are hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than -- the given number of pixels. -- -- See also 'AxLabelNoBound' and 'AxLabelBound'. -- -- @since | AxLabelColor Color -- ^ The label color. -- -- @since | AxLabelExpr VegaExpr -- ^ Provide the expression used to generate axis labels. -- -- The expression can use @datum.value@ and @datum.label@ to access -- the data value and default label text respectively. -- -- The following example uses four digit years for decades and -- two-digit years for other years: -- -- @ -- AxLabelExpr "if(year(datum.value) % 10 == 0, utcFormat(datum.value,'%Y'), utcFormat(datum.value,'%y'))" -- @ -- -- @since | AxLabelNoFlush -- ^ The labels are not aligned flush to the scale. This is the -- default for non-continuous X scales. -- -- See also 'AxLabelFlush' and 'AxLabelFlushValue'. -- -- @since | AxLabelFlush -- ^ The first and last axis labels are aligned flush to the scale -- range. -- -- See also 'AxLabelNoFlush' and 'AxLabelFlushValue'. -- -- @since | AxLabelFlushValue Double -- ^ The labels are aligned flush, and the parameter determines -- the extra offset, in pixels, to apply to the first and last -- labels. This can help the labels better group (visually) with -- the corresponding axis ticks. -- -- See also 'AxLabelNoFlush' and 'AxLabelFlush'. -- -- @since | AxLabelFlushOffset Double -- ^ The number of pixels to offset flush-adjusted labels. -- -- @since | AxLabelFont T.Text -- ^ The font for the label. -- -- @since | AxLabelFontSize Double -- ^ The font size of the label. -- -- @since | AxLabelFontStyle T.Text -- ^ The font style of the label. -- -- @since | AxLabelFontWeight FontWeight -- ^ The font weight of the label. -- -- @since | AxLabelLimit Double -- ^ The maximum width of a label, in pixels. -- -- @since | AxLabelLineHeight Double -- ^ The line height, in pixels, for multi-line label text. -- -- Added in Vega-Lite 4.6.0. -- -- @since | AxLabelOffset Double -- ^ The pixel offset for labels, in addition to 'AxTickOffset'. -- -- @since | AxLabelOpacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the label. -- -- @since | AxLabelOverlap OverlapStrategy -- ^ How should overlapping labels be displayed? | AxLabelPadding Double -- ^ The padding, in pixels, between the label and the axis. | AxLabelSeparation Double -- ^ The minimum separation, in pixels, between label bounding boxes -- for them to be considered non-overlapping. This is ignored if -- the 'AxLabelOverlap' strategy is 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ONone'. -- -- @since | AxMaxExtent Double -- ^ The maximum extent, in pixels, that axis ticks and labels should use. -- This determines a maxmium offset value for axis titles. | AxMinExtent Double -- ^ The minimum extent, in pixels, that axis ticks and labels should use. -- This determines a minmium offset value for axis titles. | AxOffset Double -- ^ The offset, in pixels, between the axis and the edge of the -- enclosing group or data rectangle. | AxOrient Side -- ^ The orientation of the axis. | AxPosition Double -- ^ The anchor position of the axis in pixels. | AxStyle [StyleLabel] -- ^ The named styles - generated with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxisNamedStyles' - -- to apply to the axis. -- -- @since | AxTicks Bool -- ^ Should tick marks be drawn on an axis? | AxTickBand BandAlign -- ^ For band scales, indicates if ticks and grid lines should be -- placed at the center of a band (the default) or at the band -- extents to indicate intervals. -- -- @since | AxTickCap StrokeCap -- ^ The stroke cap for the grid lines' ending style. -- -- @since | AxTickColor Color -- ^ The color of the ticks. -- -- @since | AxTickCount Int -- ^ The desired number of ticks for axes visualizing quantitative scales. -- This is a hint to the system, and the actual number used will be -- adjusted to be \"nice\" (multiples of 2, 5, or 10) and lie within the -- underlying scale's range. -- -- The 'AxTickCountTime' option can instead be used for \"time\" or -- \"utc\" scales. | AxTickCountTime ScaleNice -- ^ A specialised version of 'AxTickCount' for \"time\" and \"utc\" -- time scales. -- -- The 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.IsNice' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLte.NTickCount' -- options should not be used as they generate invalid VegaLite. -- -- @since | AxTickDash DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern of the ticks. -- -- @since | AxTickDashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. -- -- @since | AxTickExtra Bool -- ^ Should an extra axis tick mark be added for the initial position of -- the axis? -- -- @since | AxTickMinStep Double -- ^ The minimum desired step between axis ticks, in terms of the scale -- domain values. -- -- @since | AxTickOffset Double -- ^ The position offset, in pixels, to apply to ticks, labels, and grid lines. -- -- See also 'AxLabelOffset'. -- -- @since | AxTickOpacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the ticks. -- -- @since | AxTickRound Bool -- ^ Should pixel position values be rounded to the nearest integer? -- -- @since | AxTickSize Double -- ^ The size of the tick marks in pixels. | AxTickWidth Double -- ^ The width of the tick marks in pixels. -- -- @since | AxTitle T.Text -- ^ The axis title. | AxNoTitle -- ^ Draw no title for the axis. -- -- @since | AxTitleAlign HAlign -- ^ The horizontal alignment of the axis title. | AxTitleAnchor APosition -- ^ The text anchor position for placing axis titles. -- -- @since | AxTitleAngle Angle -- ^ The angle of the axis title. | AxTitleBaseline VAlign -- ^ The vertical alignment of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleColor Color -- ^ The color of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleFont T.Text -- ^ The font for the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleFontSize Double -- ^ The font size of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleFontStyle T.Text -- ^ The font style of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleFontWeight FontWeight -- ^ The font weight of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitleLimit Double -- ^ The maximum allowed width of the axis title, in pixels. -- -- @since | AxTitleLineHeight Double -- ^ Line height, in pixels, for multi-line title text. -- -- @since | AxTitleOpacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the axis title. -- -- @since | AxTitlePadding Double -- ^ The padding, in pixels, between title and axis. | AxTitleX Double -- ^ The X coordinate of the axis title, relative to the axis group. -- -- @since | AxTitleY Double -- ^ The Y coordinate of the axis title, relative to the axis group. -- -- @since | AxTranslateOffset Double -- ^ The translation offset in pixels applied to the axis group -- mark x and y. If specified it overrides the default value -- of a 0.5 offset to pixel-align stroked lines. -- -- @since | AxValues DataValues -- ^ Set the explicit tick, grid, and label values along an axis. -- -- The following three examples are for an axis displaying a -- quantitative, categorical, and temporal field respectively. -- -- @ -- 'PAxis' ['AxValues' ('Numbers' [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17])] -- 'PAxis' ['AxValues' ('Strings' ["cats", "dogs", "elephants"])] -- 'PAxis' ['AxValues' ('DateTimes' [ ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2019, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTMonth' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mar', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTDate' 31] -- , ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2019, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTMonth' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Jun', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTDate' 30] -- , ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2019, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTMonth' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Sep', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTDate' 30] -- ])] -- @ -- -- Changed in @ to take 'DataValues' rather than @[Double]@. | AxDates [[DateTime]] -- ^ The dates or times to appear along the axis. -- -- As of version @, this is deprecated. The 'AxValues' -- constructor should be used instead. | AxZIndex ZIndex -- ^ The z-index of the axis, relative to the chart marks. axisProperty :: AxisProperty -> LabelledSpec axisProperty (AxStyle [s]) = "style" .= s axisProperty (AxStyle s) = "style" .= s axisProperty (AxAria b) = "aria" .= b axisProperty (AxAriaDescription t) = "description" .= t axisProperty (AxBandPosition x) = "bandPosition" .= x axisProperty (AxDataCondition predicate cap) = let (ifAxProp, elseAxProp) = conditionalAxisProperty cap (axKey, ifProp) = axisProperty ifAxProp (_, elseProp) = axisProperty elseAxProp in axKey .= object [ "condition" .= object [ "test" .= booleanOpSpec predicate , "value" .= ifProp ] , "value" .= elseProp] axisProperty (AxDomain b) = "domain" .= b axisProperty (AxDomainCap c) = "domainCap" .= strokeCapLabel c axisProperty (AxDomainColor s) = "domainColor" .= fromColor s axisProperty (AxDomainDash ds) = "domainDash" .= fromDS ds axisProperty (AxDomainDashOffset x) = "domainDashOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxDomainOpacity x) = "domainOpacity" .= x axisProperty (AxDomainWidth x) = "domainWidth" .= x axisProperty (AxFormat fmt) = "format" .= fmt axisProperty AxFormatAsNum = "formatType" .= fromT "number" axisProperty AxFormatAsTemporal = "formatType" .= fromT "time" axisProperty (AxFormatAsCustom c) = "formatType" .= c axisProperty (AxGrid b) = "grid" .= b axisProperty (AxGridCap c) = "gridCap" .= strokeCapLabel c axisProperty (AxGridColor s) = "gridColor" .= fromColor s axisProperty (AxGridDash ds) = "gridDash" .= fromDS ds axisProperty (AxGridDashOffset x) = "gridDashOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxGridOpacity x) = "gridOpacity" .= x axisProperty (AxGridWidth x) = "gridWidth" .= x axisProperty (AxLabels b) = "labels" .= b axisProperty (AxLabelAlign ha) = "labelAlign" .= hAlignLabel ha axisProperty (AxLabelAngle a) = "labelAngle" .= a axisProperty (AxLabelBaseline va) = "labelBaseline" .= vAlignLabel va axisProperty AxLabelNoBound = "labelBound" .= False axisProperty AxLabelBound = "labelBound" .= True axisProperty (AxLabelBoundValue x) = "labelBound" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelColor s) = "labelColor" .= fromColor s axisProperty (AxLabelExpr e) = "labelExpr" .= e axisProperty AxLabelNoFlush = "labelFlush" .= False axisProperty AxLabelFlush = "labelFlush" .= True axisProperty (AxLabelFlushValue x) = "labelFlush" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelFlushOffset x) = "labelFlushOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelFont s) = "labelFont" .= s axisProperty (AxLabelFontSize x) = "labelFontSize" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelFontStyle s) = "labelFontStyle" .= s axisProperty (AxLabelFontWeight fw) = "labelFontWeight" .= fontWeightSpec fw axisProperty (AxLabelLimit x) = "labelLimit" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelLineHeight x) = "labelLineHeight" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelOffset x) = "labelOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelOpacity x) = "labelOpacity" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelOverlap s) = "labelOverlap" .= overlapStrategyLabel s axisProperty (AxLabelPadding x) = "labelPadding" .= x axisProperty (AxLabelSeparation x) = "labelSeparation" .= x axisProperty (AxMaxExtent n) = "maxExtent" .= n axisProperty (AxMinExtent n) = "minExtent" .= n axisProperty (AxOffset n) = "offset" .= n axisProperty (AxOrient side) = "orient" .= sideLabel side axisProperty (AxPosition n) = "position" .= n axisProperty (AxTicks b) = "ticks" .= b axisProperty (AxTickBand bnd) = "tickBand" .= bandAlignLabel bnd axisProperty (AxTickCap c) = "tickCap" .= strokeCapLabel c axisProperty (AxTickColor s) = "tickColor" .= fromColor s axisProperty (AxTickCount n) = "tickCount" .= n axisProperty (AxTickCountTime sn) = "tickCount" .= scaleNiceSpec sn axisProperty (AxTickDash ds) = "tickDash" .= fromDS ds axisProperty (AxTickDashOffset x) = "tickDashOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxTickExtra b) = "tickExtra" .= b axisProperty (AxTickMinStep x) = "tickMinStep" .= x axisProperty (AxTickOffset x) = "tickOffset" .= x axisProperty (AxTickOpacity x) = "tickOpacity" .= x axisProperty (AxTickRound b) = "tickRound" .= b axisProperty (AxTickSize x) = "tickSize" .= x axisProperty (AxTickWidth x) = "tickWidth" .= x axisProperty (AxTitle ttl) = "title" .= splitOnNewline ttl axisProperty AxNoTitle = "title" .= A.Null axisProperty (AxTitleAlign ha) = "titleAlign" .= hAlignLabel ha axisProperty (AxTitleAnchor a) = "titleAnchor" .= anchorLabel a axisProperty (AxTitleAngle x) = "titleAngle" .= x axisProperty (AxTitleBaseline va) = "titleBaseline" .= vAlignLabel va axisProperty (AxTitleColor s) = "titleColor" .= fromColor s axisProperty (AxTitleFont s) = "titleFont" .= s axisProperty (AxTitleFontSize x) = "titleFontSize" .= x axisProperty (AxTitleFontStyle s) = "titleFontStyle" .= s axisProperty (AxTitleFontWeight fw) = "titleFontWeight" .= fontWeightSpec fw axisProperty (AxTitleLimit x) = "titleLimit" .= x axisProperty (AxTitleLineHeight x) = "titleLineHeight" .= x axisProperty (AxTitleOpacity x) = "titleOpacity" .= x axisProperty (AxTitlePadding pad) = "titlePadding" .= pad axisProperty (AxTitleX x) = "titleX" .= x axisProperty (AxTitleY x) = "titleY" .= x axisProperty (AxTranslateOffset x) = "translate" .= x axisProperty (AxValues vals) = "values" .= dataValuesSpecs vals axisProperty (AxDates dtss) = "values" .= map (object . map dateTimeProperty) dtss axisProperty (AxZIndex z) = "zindex" .= z {-| For use with 'AxDataCondition', and defines those axis properties which can be conditioned on their position (or label). The constuctor determines the axis property (a label, tick, or grid element), and the two arguments are the value to set if the condition is 'True' (first), and for when it is 'False' (second). @since -} data ConditionalAxisProperty = CAxGridColor Color Color -- ^ The color for the axis grid. | CAxGridDash DashStyle DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern for the axis grid. | CAxGridDashOffset DashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. | CAxGridOpacity Opacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the axis grid. | CAxGridWidth Double Double -- ^ The width of the axis grid. | CAxLabelAlign HAlign HAlign -- ^ Axis label horizontal alignment. | CAxLabelBaseline VAlign VAlign -- ^ Axis label vertical alignment. | CAxLabelColor Color Color -- ^ Axis label color. | CAxLabelFont T.Text T.Text -- ^ Axis label font. | CAxLabelFontSize Double Double -- ^ Axis label font. | CAxLabelFontStyle T.Text T.Text -- ^ Axis label font style. | CAxLabelFontWeight FontWeight FontWeight -- ^ Axis label font weight. | CAxLabelOffset Double Double -- ^ Axis label offset. -- -- @since | CAxLabelOpacity Opacity Opacity -- ^ Axis label opacity. | CAxLabelPadding Double Double -- ^ Axis label padding. -- -- @since | CAxTickColor T.Text T.Text -- ^ Tick color for the axis. | CAxTickDash DashStyle DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern for the axis ticks. | CAxTickDashOffset DashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. | CAxTickOpacity Opacity Opacity -- ^ Opacity of the axis tick marks. | CAxTickSize Double Double -- ^ Size, in pixels, of the axis tick marks. -- -- @since | CAxTickWidth Double Double -- ^ Width, in pixels, of the axis tick marks. conditionalAxisProperty :: ConditionalAxisProperty -> (AxisProperty, AxisProperty) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxGridColor t f) = (AxGridColor t, AxGridColor f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxGridDash t f) = (AxGridDash t, AxGridDash f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxGridDashOffset t f) = (AxGridDashOffset t, AxGridDashOffset f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxGridOpacity t f) = (AxGridOpacity t, AxGridOpacity f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxGridWidth t f) = (AxGridWidth t, AxGridWidth f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelAlign t f) = (AxLabelAlign t, AxLabelAlign f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelBaseline t f) = (AxLabelBaseline t, AxLabelBaseline f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelColor t f) = (AxLabelColor t, AxLabelColor f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelFont t f) = (AxLabelFont t, AxLabelFont f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelFontSize t f) = (AxLabelFontSize t, AxLabelFontSize f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelFontStyle t f) = (AxLabelFontStyle t, AxLabelFontStyle f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelFontWeight t f) = (AxLabelFontWeight t, AxLabelFontWeight f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelOffset t f) = (AxLabelOffset t, AxLabelOffset f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelOpacity t f) = (AxLabelOpacity t, AxLabelOpacity f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxLabelPadding t f) = (AxLabelPadding t, AxLabelPadding f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickColor t f) = (AxTickColor t, AxTickColor f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickDash t f) = (AxTickDash t, AxTickDash f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickDashOffset t f) = (AxTickDashOffset t, AxTickDashOffset f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickOpacity t f) = (AxTickOpacity t, AxTickOpacity f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickSize t f) = (AxTickSize t, AxTickSize f) conditionalAxisProperty (CAxTickWidth t f) = (AxTickWidth t, AxTickWidth f) {-| Declare the way the view is sized. See the for details. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'width' 250 , 'height' 300 , 'autosize' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AFit', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.APadding', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AResize' ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} autosize :: [Autosize] -> PropertySpec autosize aus = (VLAutosize, object (map autosizeProperty aus)) -- | The background style of a single view or layer in a view composition. -- -- @since viewBackground :: [ViewBackground] -> PropertySpec viewBackground vbs = (VLViewBackground, object (map viewBackgroundSpec vbs)) {-| Used for creating logical compositions. For example @ 'color' [ 'MSelectionCondition' (Or ('SelectionName' "alex") (SelectionName "morgan")) ['MAggregate' 'Count', 'MName' "*", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] ['MString' "gray"] ] @ Logical compositions can be nested to any level as shown in this example @ 'Not' ('And' ('Expr' "datum.IMDB_Rating === null") ('Expr' "datum.Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating === null") ) @ -} data BooleanOp = Expr VegaExpr -- ^ Expression that should evaluate to either true or false. | FilterOp Filter -- ^ Convert a 'Filter' into a 'BooleanOp' so that it may be used as -- part of a more complex expression. -- -- For example (using 'Data.Function.&' to apply 'FilterOp' to a filter): -- -- @ -- trans = 'transform' -- . 'filter' ('FCompose' -- ('And' -- ('FValid' "IMDB_Rating" & 'FilterOp') -- ('FValid' "Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating" & 'FilterOp') -- ) -- ) -- @ -- -- @since | FilterOpTrans MarkChannel Filter -- ^ Combine a data-transformation operation with a filter before -- converting into a boolean operation. This can be useful when -- working with dates, such as the following exampe, which aggregates -- a set of dates into years, and filters only those years between -- 2010 and 2017 (inclusive). The final expression is converted -- back into a 'BooleanOp' with 'FCompose' (combined using -- 'Data.Function.&'). -- -- @ -- 'filter' ('FRange' "date" ('NumberRange' 2010 2017) -- & 'FilterOpTrans' ('MTimeUnit' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Year') -- & 'FCompose' -- ) -- @ -- -- @since | Selection SelectionLabel -- TODO: rename Selected since collides with Selection type -- ^ Interactive selection that will be true or false as part of -- a logical composition. For example: to filter a dataset so -- that only items selected interactively and that have a -- weight of more than 30: -- -- @ -- 'transform' -- . 'filter' ('FCompose' ('And' ('Selection' "brush") ('Expr' "datum.weight > 30"))) -- @ | SelectionName SelectionLabel -- ^ Name a selection that is used as part of a conditional encoding. -- -- @ -- 'color' -- [ 'MSelectionCondition' ('SelectionName' \"myBrush\") -- ['MName' \"myField\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] -- ['MString' \"grey\"] -- ] -- @ | And BooleanOp BooleanOp -- ^ Apply an \'and\' Boolean operation as part of a logical composition. -- -- @ -- 'And' ('Expr' "datum.IMDB_Rating === null") ('Expr' "datum.Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating === null") -- @ | Or BooleanOp BooleanOp -- ^ Apply an \'or\' Boolean operation as part of a logical composition. | Not BooleanOp -- ^ Negate the given expression. -- -- @ -- 'Not' ('And' ('Expr' "datum.IMDB_Rating === null") ('Expr' "datum.Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating === null")) -- @ booleanOpSpec :: BooleanOp -> VLSpec booleanOpSpec (Expr expr) = toJSON expr booleanOpSpec (FilterOp f) = filterSpec f booleanOpSpec (FilterOpTrans tr f) = trFilterSpec tr f booleanOpSpec (SelectionName selName) = toJSON selName booleanOpSpec (Selection sel) = object ["selection" .= sel] booleanOpSpec (And operand1 operand2) = object ["and" .= [booleanOpSpec operand1, booleanOpSpec operand2]] booleanOpSpec (Or operand1 operand2) = object ["or" .= [booleanOpSpec operand1, booleanOpSpec operand2]] booleanOpSpec (Not operand) = object ["not" .= booleanOpSpec operand] {-| Type of filtering operation. See the for details. These can also be included into a 'BooleanOp' expression using 'FilterOp' and 'FilterOpTrans' (as of version @ -} data Filter = FEqual FieldName DataValue -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field equal to -- the given value are used. | FLessThan FieldName DataValue -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field less than the given -- value are used. -- -- @since | FLessThanEq FieldName DataValue -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field less than, -- or equal to, the given value are used. -- -- @since | FGreaterThan FieldName DataValue -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field greater than the given -- value are used. -- -- @since | FGreaterThanEq FieldName DataValue -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field greater than, -- or equal to, the given value are used. -- -- @since | FExpr VegaExpr -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data that satisfy the given predicate -- expression are used. | FCompose BooleanOp -- ^ Build up a filtering predicate through logical composition such -- as 'And' and 'Or'. -- -- The following fgragment will apply a filter to identify only -- those items selected interactively and that represent ages -- over 65: -- -- @ -- trans = 'transform' -- . 'filter' -- ('FCompose' -- ('And' ('Selection' "brush") ('Expr' "datum.age > 65")) -- ) -- @ | FSelection SelectionLabel -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field that are -- within the given interactive selection are used. -- -- @ -- sel = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.select' \"myBrush\" 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Interval' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Encodings' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChX']] -- trans = 'transform' . 'filter' ('FSelection' \"myBrush\") -- @ | FOneOf FieldName DataValues -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field contained in the given -- list of values are used. | FRange FieldName FilterRange -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only data in a given field -- that are within the given range are used. -- -- For example: -- -- @ -- 'filter' ('FRange' "date" ('DateRange' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2006] ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2016]) -- @ -- -- See 'FilterOpTrans' for more use cases. | FValid FieldName -- ^ Filter a data stream so that only valid data (i.e. not null or NaN) in a given -- field are used. -- -- @since fop_ :: FieldName -> T.Text -> DataValue -> [LabelledSpec] fop_ field label val = [field_ field, label .= dataValueSpec val] filterProperty :: Filter -> [LabelledSpec] filterProperty (FEqual field val) = fop_ field "equal" val filterProperty (FLessThan field val) = fop_ field "lt" val filterProperty (FLessThanEq field val) = fop_ field "lte" val filterProperty (FGreaterThan field val) = fop_ field "gt" val filterProperty (FGreaterThanEq field val) = fop_ field "gte" val filterProperty (FSelection selName) = ["selection" .= selName] filterProperty (FRange field vals) = let ans = case vals of NumberRange mn mx -> map toJSON [mn, mx] NumberRangeLL mn -> [toJSON mn, A.Null] NumberRangeUL mx -> [A.Null, toJSON mx] DateRange dMin dMax -> [process dMin, process dMax] process [] = A.Null process dts = object (map dateTimeProperty dts) in [field_ field, "range" .= ans] filterProperty (FOneOf field vals) = let ans = case vals of Numbers xs -> map toJSON xs DateTimes dts -> map (object . map dateTimeProperty) dts Strings ss -> map toJSON ss Booleans bs -> map toJSON bs in [field_ field, "oneOf" .= ans] filterProperty (FValid field) = [field_ field, "valid" .= True] filterProperty _ = [] -- ignore FExpr and FCompose filterSpec :: Filter -> VLSpec filterSpec (FExpr expr) = toJSON expr filterSpec (FCompose boolExpr) = booleanOpSpec boolExpr filterSpec f = object (filterProperty f) trFilterSpec :: MarkChannel -> Filter -> VLSpec trFilterSpec _ (FExpr expr) = toJSON expr trFilterSpec _ (FCompose boolExpr) = booleanOpSpec boolExpr trFilterSpec mchan fi = object (markChannelProperty mchan <> filterProperty fi) -- | A pair of filter range data values, used with 'FRange'. data FilterRange = NumberRange Double Double -- ^ Select between these two values (both limits are inclusive). | NumberRangeLL Double -- ^ A lower limit (inclusive). -- -- @since | NumberRangeUL Double -- ^ An upper limit (inclusive). -- -- @since | DateRange [DateTime] [DateTime] -- ^ Select between these two dates (both limits are inclusive). -- -- If a limit is the empty list then the filter is treated as -- a limit only on the other value, so -- @DateRange [] ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DTYear' 2019]@ -- acts as an upper-limit on the date range. One of the two -- limits __should__ be defined, but there is no enforcement -- of this. -- | Types of hyperlink channel property used for linking marks or text to URLs. -- -- Unfortunately there is a split between @H@ and @Hy@ as the prefix. data HyperlinkChannel = HName FieldName -- ^ Field used for encoding with a hyperlink channel. | HRepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a hyperlink channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. | HmType Measurement -- ^ Level of measurement when encoding with a hyperlink channel. | HAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded with a -- hyperlink channel. | HyBand Double -- ^ Specify the mark position or size relative to the band size. -- The value is in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. -- -- @since | HBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins when encoding with a hyperlink channel. | HBinned -- ^ Indicate that data encoded with a hyperlink channel are already binned. -- -- @since | HSelectionCondition BooleanOp [HyperlinkChannel] [HyperlinkChannel] -- ^ Make a hyperlink channel conditional on interactive selection. The first parameter -- provides the selection to evaluate, the second the encoding to apply if the hyperlink -- has been selected, the third the encoding if it is not selected. | HDataCondition [(BooleanOp, [HyperlinkChannel])] [HyperlinkChannel] -- ^ Make a hyperlink channel conditional on one or more predicate expressions. The first -- parameter is a list of tuples each pairing an expression to evaluate with the encoding -- if that expression is @True@. The second is the encoding if none of the expressions -- evaluate as @True@. -- -- The arguments to this constructor have changed in @ -- to support multiple expressions. | HyFormat T.Text -- ^ [Formatting pattern](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html) -- for hyperlink properties. To distinguish between formatting as numeric values and data/time -- values, additionally use 'HyFormatAsNum', 'HyFormatAsTemporal', and -- 'HyFormatAsCustom'. -- -- @since | HyFormatAsNum -- ^ The marks should be formatted as numbers. Use a -- [d3 numeric format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format) -- with 'HyFormat'. -- -- @since | HyFormatAsTemporal -- ^ The marks should be formatted as dates or times. Use a -- [d3 date/time format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format) -- with 'HyFormat'. -- -- @since | HyFormatAsCustom T.Text -- ^ The [custom format type](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#custom-format-type) -- for use with with 'HyFormat'. -- -- @since | HyLabelExpr VegaExpr -- ^ Provide the expression used to generate labels. -- -- @since | HString T.Text -- ^ Literal string value when encoding with a hyperlink channel. | HTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with a -- hyperlink channel. | HyTitle T.Text -- ^ Title of a field when encoding with a hyperlink channel. -- -- @since | HyNoTitle -- ^ Display no title. -- -- @since hyperlinkChannelProperty :: HyperlinkChannel -> [LabelledSpec] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HName s) = [field_ s] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HRepeat arr) = ["field" .= object [repeat_ arr]] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HmType t) = [mtype_ t] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HAggregate op) = [aggregate_ op] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HyBand x) = ["band" .= x] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HBin bps) = [bin bps] hyperlinkChannelProperty HBinned = [binned_] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HSelectionCondition selName ifClause elseClause) = selCond_ hyperlinkChannelProperty selName ifClause elseClause hyperlinkChannelProperty (HDataCondition tests elseClause) = dataCond_ hyperlinkChannelProperty tests elseClause hyperlinkChannelProperty (HyFormat fmt) = ["format" .= fmt] hyperlinkChannelProperty HyFormatAsNum = ["formatType" .= fromT "number"] hyperlinkChannelProperty HyFormatAsTemporal = ["formatType" .= fromT "time"] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HyFormatAsCustom c) = ["formatType" .= c] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HyLabelExpr lbl) = ["labelExpr" .= lbl] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HString s) = [value_ s] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HTimeUnit tu) = [timeUnit_ tu] hyperlinkChannelProperty (HyTitle t) = ["title" .= t] hyperlinkChannelProperty HyNoTitle = ["title" .= A.Null] -- | A text description of this mark for ARIA accessibility. -- -- @since data AriaDescriptionChannel = ADName FieldName -- ^ Field used for encoding with an Aria description. | ADRepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in an Aria description channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. | ADmType Measurement -- ^ Level of measurement. | ADAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded. | ADBand Double -- ^ Specify the mark position or size relative to the band size. -- The value is in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. | ADBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins. | ADBinned -- ^ Indicate that data encoded are already binned. | ADSelectionCondition BooleanOp [AriaDescriptionChannel] [AriaDescriptionChannel] -- ^ Make the channel conditional on interactive selection. The first parameter -- provides the selection to evaluate, the second the encoding to apply if the description -- has been selected, the third the encoding if it is not selected. | ADDataCondition [(BooleanOp, [AriaDescriptionChannel])] [AriaDescriptionChannel] -- ^ Make the channel conditional on one or more predicate expressions. The first -- parameter is a list of tuples each pairing an expression to evaluate with the encoding -- if that expression is @True@. The second is the encoding if none of the expressions -- evaluate as @True@. | ADFormat T.Text -- ^ [Formatting pattern](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html) -- for descriptions. To distinguish between formatting as numeric values and data/time -- values, additionally use 'ADFormatAsNum', 'ADFormatAsTemporal', and -- 'ADFormatAsCustom'. | ADFormatAsNum -- ^ The marks should be formatted as numbers. Use a -- [d3 numeric format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format) -- with 'ADFormat'. | ADFormatAsTemporal -- ^ The marks should be formatted as dates or times. Use a -- [d3 date/time format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format) -- with 'ADFormat'. | ADFormatAsCustom T.Text -- ^ The [custom format type](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#custom-format-type) -- for use with with 'ADFormat'. | ADLabelExpr VegaExpr -- ^ Provide the expression used to generate labels. | ADString T.Text -- ^ Literal string value. | ADTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with an Aria -- description channel. | ADTitle T.Text -- ^ Title of a field when encoding with an Aria description channel. | ADNoTitle -- ^ Display no title. ariaDescriptionChannelProperty :: AriaDescriptionChannel -> [LabelledSpec] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADName s) = [field_ s] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADRepeat arr) = ["field" .= object [repeat_ arr]] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADmType t) = [mtype_ t] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADAggregate op) = [aggregate_ op] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADBand x) = ["band" .= x] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADBin bps) = [bin bps] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty ADBinned = [binned_] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADSelectionCondition selName ifClause elseClause) = selCond_ ariaDescriptionChannelProperty selName ifClause elseClause ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADDataCondition tests elseClause) = dataCond_ ariaDescriptionChannelProperty tests elseClause ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADFormat fmt) = ["format" .= fmt] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty ADFormatAsNum = ["formatType" .= fromT "number"] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty ADFormatAsTemporal = ["formatType" .= fromT "time"] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADFormatAsCustom c) = ["formatType" .= c] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADLabelExpr lbl) = ["labelExpr" .= lbl] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADString s) = [value_ s] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADTimeUnit tu) = [timeUnit_ tu] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty (ADTitle t) = ["title" .= t] ariaDescriptionChannelProperty ADNoTitle = ["title" .= A.Null] ---- {-| Create a pair of continuous domain to color mappings suitable for customising ordered scales. The first parameter is a tuple representing the mapping of the lowest numeric value in the domain to its equivalent color; the second tuple the mapping of the highest numeric value to color. If the domain contains any values between these lower and upper bounds they are interpolated according to the scale's interpolation function. This is a convenience function equivalent to specifying separate 'SDomain' and 'SRange' lists and is safer as it guarantees a one-to-one correspondence between domain and range values. @ 'color' [ 'MName' "year" , 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' , 'MScale' (domainRangeMap (1955, \"rgb(230,149,156)\") (2000, \"rgb(145,26,36)\")) ] @ -} domainRangeMap :: (Double, Color) -> (Double, Color) -> [ScaleProperty] domainRangeMap lowerMap upperMap = let (domain, range) = unzip [lowerMap, upperMap] in [SDomain (DNumbers domain), SRange (RStrings range)] {-| Create a set of discrete domain to color mappings suitable for customising categorical scales. The first item in each tuple should be a domain value and the second the color value with which it should be associated. It is a convenience function equivalent to specifying separate 'SDomain' and 'SRange' lists and is safer as it guarantees a one-to-one correspondence between domain and range values. @ 'color' [ 'MName' "weather" , 'MmType' Nominal , 'MScale' ( categoricalDomainMap [ ( "sun", "yellow" ) , ( "rain", "blue" ) , ( "fog", "grey" ) ] ) ] @ -} categoricalDomainMap :: [(T.Text, Color)] -> [ScaleProperty] categoricalDomainMap scaleDomainPairs = let (domain, range) = unzip scaleDomainPairs in [SDomain (DStrings domain), SRange (RStrings range)] {-| Types of facet channel property used for creating a composed facet view of small multiples. -} -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/FacetFieldDef -- although it's a bit different now (maybe RowColumnEncodingFieldDef in 4.2.0) data FacetChannel = FName FieldName -- ^ The name of the field from which to pull a data value. | FmType Measurement -- ^ The encoded field's type of measurement. | FAggregate Operation -- ^ Aggregation function for the field. | FAlign CompositionAlignment -- ^ The alignment to apply to the row- or column- facet's subplot. -- -- @since | FBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Describe how to bin quantitative fields, or whether the -- channels are already binned. | FCenter Bool -- ^ Should sub-views be centered relative to their respective rows or -- columns. -- -- @since | FHeader [HeaderProperty] -- ^ The properties of a facet's header. | FSort [SortProperty] -- ^ Sort order for the encoded field. -- -- @since | FSpacing Double -- ^ The pixel spacing between sub-views. -- -- If you have code from a version of @hvega@ before @ that -- uses @FSpacing@ (with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.FacetStyle'), please -- use 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.CompSpacing' as a replacement. -- -- @since | FTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ The time-unit for a temporal field. | FTitle T.Text -- ^ The title for the field. -- -- @since | FNoTitle -- ^ Draw no title. -- -- @since facetChannelProperty :: FacetChannel -> LabelledSpec facetChannelProperty (FName s) = field_ s facetChannelProperty (FmType measure) = mtype_ measure facetChannelProperty (FAlign algn) = "align" .= compositionAlignmentSpec algn facetChannelProperty (FAggregate op) = aggregate_ op facetChannelProperty (FBin bps) = bin bps facetChannelProperty (FCenter b) = "center" .= b facetChannelProperty (FHeader hps) = header_ "" hps facetChannelProperty (FSort sps) = sort_ sps facetChannelProperty (FSpacing x) = "spacing" .= x facetChannelProperty (FTitle s) = "title" .= s facetChannelProperty FNoTitle = "title" .= A.Null facetChannelProperty (FTimeUnit tu) = timeUnit_ tu -- | Types of text channel property used for displaying text as part of the visualization. -- Basing the following partly on vega-lite-3.3.0.json / TextFieldDef -- but that doesn't seem to be sufficient. data TextChannel = TName FieldName -- ^ Name of the field used for encoding with a text channel. | TRepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a text channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. | TRepeatDatum Arrangement -- ^ Reference in a text channel to a datum value generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- a datum that is to be encoded in layers, or in columns or rows in a -- flow layout. -- -- @since | TmType Measurement -- ^ Level of measurement when encoding with a text channel. | TAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute some aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded with a -- text channel. The type of aggregation is determined by the given operation -- parameter. | TBand Double -- ^ Specify the mark position or size relative to the band size. -- The value is in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. -- -- @since | TBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins when encoding with a text channel. | TBinned -- ^ Indicate that data encoded with a text channel are already binned. -- -- @since | TDataCondition [(BooleanOp, [TextChannel])] [TextChannel] -- ^ Make a text channel conditional on one or more predicate expressions. The first -- parameter is a list of tuples each pairing an expression to evaluate with the encoding -- if that expression is @True@. The second is the encoding if none of the expressions -- evaluate as @True@. -- -- The arguments to this constructor have changed in @ -- to support multiple expressions. | TSelectionCondition BooleanOp [TextChannel] [TextChannel] -- ^ Make a text channel conditional on interactive selection. The first parameter -- is a selection condition to evaluate; the second the encoding to apply if that -- selection is true; the third parameter is the encoding if the selection is false. | TDatum DataValue -- ^ A constant value in the data domain. -- -- @since | TFormat T.Text -- ^ [Formatting pattern](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html) -- for text marks. To distinguish between formatting as numeric values and data/time -- values, additionally use 'TFormatAsNum', 'TFormatAsTemporal', and -- 'TFormatAsCustom'. | TFormatAsNum -- ^ The text marks should be formatted as numbers. Use a -- [d3 numeric format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format) -- with 'TFormat'. -- -- @since | TFormatAsTemporal -- ^ The text marks should be formatted as dates or times. Use a -- [d3 date/time format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format) -- with 'TFormat'. -- -- @since | TFormatAsCustom T.Text -- ^ The [custom format type](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#custom-format-type) -- for use with with 'TFormat'. -- -- @since | TLabelExpr VegaExpr -- ^ Provide the expression used to generate labels. -- -- @since | TString T.Text -- ^ A literal value for encoding a text property channel. See also 'TStrings'. -- -- This can be useful for a text annotation, such as: -- -- @ -- 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PNumber' 300 ] -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PNumber' 1234 ] -- . 'text' [ 'TString' \"Upper limit\" ] -- @ -- -- @since | TStrings [T.Text] -- ^ A multi-line value. See also 'TString'. -- -- @since | TTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with a text channel. | TTitle T.Text -- ^ Title of a field when encoding with a text or tooltip channel. -- -- @since | TNoTitle -- ^ Display no title. -- -- @since textChannelProperty :: TextChannel -> [LabelledSpec] textChannelProperty (TName s) = [field_ s] textChannelProperty (TRepeat arr) = ["field" .= object [repeat_ arr]] textChannelProperty (TRepeatDatum arr) = ["datum" .= object [repeat_ arr]] textChannelProperty (TmType measure) = [mtype_ measure] textChannelProperty (TAggregate op) = [aggregate_ op] textChannelProperty (TBand x) = ["band" .= x] textChannelProperty (TBin bps) = [bin bps] textChannelProperty TBinned = [binned_] textChannelProperty (TDataCondition tests elseClause) = dataCond_ textChannelProperty tests elseClause textChannelProperty (TSelectionCondition selName ifClause elseClause) = selCond_ textChannelProperty selName ifClause elseClause textChannelProperty (TDatum dv) = ["datum" .= dataValueSpec dv] textChannelProperty (TFormat fmt) = ["format" .= fmt] textChannelProperty TFormatAsNum = ["formatType" .= fromT "number"] textChannelProperty TFormatAsTemporal = ["formatType" .= fromT "time"] textChannelProperty (TFormatAsCustom c) = ["formatType" .= c] textChannelProperty (TLabelExpr e) = ["labelExpr" .= e] textChannelProperty (TString s) = ["value" .= s] textChannelProperty (TStrings xs) = ["value" .= xs] textChannelProperty (TTimeUnit tu) = [timeUnit_ tu] textChannelProperty (TTitle s) = ["title" .= splitOnNewline s] textChannelProperty TNoTitle = ["title" .= A.Null] -- | Properties of an ordering channel used for sorting data fields. data OrderChannel = OName FieldName -- ^ The name of the field used for encoding with an order channel. | ORepeat Arrangement -- ^ Reference in an order channel to a field name generated by 'repeatFlow' -- or 'repeat'. The parameter identifies whether reference is being made to -- fields that are to be arranged in columns, in rows, or a with a flow layout. | OmType Measurement -- ^ The level of measurement when encoding with an order channel. | OBin [BinProperty] -- ^ Discretize numeric values into bins when encoding with an -- order channel. | OAggregate Operation -- ^ Compute some aggregate summary statistics for a field to be encoded -- with an order channel. | OTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ Form of time unit aggregation of field values when encoding with -- an order channel. | OSort [SortProperty] -- ^ Sort order for field when encoding with an order channel. orderChannelProperty :: OrderChannel -> LabelledSpec orderChannelProperty (OName s) = field_ s orderChannelProperty (ORepeat arr) = "field" .= object [repeat_ arr] orderChannelProperty (OmType measure) = mtype_ measure orderChannelProperty (OBin bps) = bin bps orderChannelProperty (OAggregate op) = aggregate_ op orderChannelProperty (OTimeUnit tu) = timeUnit_ tu orderChannelProperty (OSort ops) = sort_ ops -- | Level of detail channel properties used for creating a grouped channel -- encoding. data DetailChannel = DName FieldName -- ^ The name of the field. | DmType Measurement -- ^ The measurement type of the field. | DBin [BinProperty] -- ^ How to convert discrete numeric values into bins. | DTimeUnit TimeUnit -- ^ The form of time unit aggregation. | DAggregate Operation -- ^ How should the detail field be aggregated? detailChannelProperty :: DetailChannel -> LabelledSpec detailChannelProperty (DName s) = field_ s detailChannelProperty (DmType t) = mtype_ t detailChannelProperty (DBin bps) = bin bps detailChannelProperty (DTimeUnit tu) = timeUnit_ tu detailChannelProperty (DAggregate op) = aggregate_ op {-| Provides details of the mapping between a row or column and its field definitions in a set of faceted small multiples. For details see the . -} data FacetMapping = ColumnBy [FacetChannel] | RowBy [FacetChannel] facetMappingProperty :: FacetMapping -> LabelledSpec facetMappingProperty (RowBy fFields) = "row" .= object (map facetChannelProperty fFields) facetMappingProperty (ColumnBy fFields) = "column" .= object (map facetChannelProperty fFields) {-| Create a single global configuration from a list of configuration specifications. Configurations are applied to all relevant items in the specification. See the for more details. The following example would make axis lines (domain) 2 pixels wide, remove the border rectangle and require interactive selection of items to use a double-click: @ config = 'configure' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Axis' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.DomainWidth' 1 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ViewStyle' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ViewStroke' "transparent" ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SelectionStyle' [ ( 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Single', [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.On' \"dblclick\" ] ) ]) @ -} configure :: [ConfigureSpec] -- ^ The configuration options, created with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration'. -- -- Prior to version @ this was @[LabelledSpec]@. -> PropertySpec configure configs = (VLConfig, object (map unCS configs)) -- | Alignment to apply to grid rows and columns generated by a composition -- operator. This version sets the same alignment for rows and columns. -- -- See also 'alignRC'. -- -- @since align :: CompositionAlignment -> PropertySpec align algn = (VLAlign, compositionAlignmentSpec algn) -- | Similar to 'align' but with independent alignments for rows and columns. -- -- See also 'align'. -- -- @since alignRC :: CompositionAlignment -- ^ Row alignment -> CompositionAlignment -- ^ Column alignment -> PropertySpec alignRC alRow alCol = (VLSpacing, object [ "row" .= compositionAlignmentSpec alRow , "col" .= compositionAlignmentSpec alCol ]) -- | Spacing between sub-views in a composition operator. -- -- See also 'spacingRC'. -- -- @since spacing :: Double -- ^ Spacing in pixels. -> PropertySpec spacing sp = (VLSpacing, toJSON sp) -- | Set the spacing between the rows and columns. -- -- See also 'spacing'. -- -- @since spacingRC :: Double -- ^ Spacing between rows (in pixels). -> Double -- ^ Spacing between columns (in pixels). -> PropertySpec spacingRC spRow spCol = (VLSpacing, object ["row" .= spRow, "column" .= spCol]) -- | Are sub-views in a composition operator centred relative to their respective -- rows and columns? -- -- See also 'centerRC'. -- -- @since center :: Bool -> PropertySpec center c = (VLCenter, toJSON c) -- | Are sub-views in a composition operator centred relative to their respective -- rows and columns? -- -- See also 'center'. -- -- @since centerRC :: Bool -- ^ Are rows to be centered? -> Bool -- ^ Are columns to be centered? -> PropertySpec centerRC cRow cCol = (VLCenter, object ["row" .= cRow, "col" .= cCol]) {-| Bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot in a composed view. @since -} bounds :: Bounds -> PropertySpec bounds bnds = (VLBounds, boundsSpec bnds) {-| The list of specifications to be juxtaposed horizontally in a flow layout of views. See also 'hConcat' and 'vConcat'. The number of columns in the flow layout can be set with 'columns' and, if not specified, will default to a single row of unlimited columns. @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataSequenceAs' 0 6.28 0.1 \"x\" trans = 'transform' . 'calculateAs' \"sin(datum.x)\" \"sinX\" . 'calculateAs' \"cos(datum.x)\" \"cosX\" enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"x\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] encCos = enc . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"cosX\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] encSin = enc . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"sinX\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] in toVegaLite [ dvals , trans [] , 'vlConcat' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [encCos [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' []] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [encSin [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' []] ] ] @ This is named @concat@ in Elm VegaLite but has been renamed here to avoid conflicting with the Prelude. @since -} vlConcat :: [VLSpec] -> PropertySpec vlConcat specs = (VLConcat, toJSON specs) {-| Defines the fields that will be used to facet a view in rows or columns to create a set of small multiples. This is used where the encoding of the visualization in small multiples is identical, but data for each is grouped by the given fields. When creating a faceted view in this way you also need to define a full specification to apply to each of those facets using 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec'. See the for further details. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ facet [ 'RowBy' [ 'FName' \"Month\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] , 'ColumnBy' [ 'FName' \"Week\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification' spec ] @ See also 'facetFlow'. -} facet :: [FacetMapping] -> PropertySpec facet fMaps = (VLFacet, object (map facetMappingProperty fMaps)) {-| Facet a view to create small multiples in a flow layout. Used when the encoding of the visualization in small multiples is identical, but data for each is grouped by the given fields. When creating a faceted view in this way you also need to define a full specification to apply to each of those facets using 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec'. Small multiples will be laid out from left to right, moving on to new rows only if the number of plots exceeds an optional column limit (specified via 'columns'). @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ facetFlow [ 'FName' \"Origin\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification' spec ] @ See also 'facet'. @since -} facetFlow :: [FacetChannel] -> PropertySpec facetFlow fFields = (VLFacet, object (map facetChannelProperty fFields)) {-| Overrides the default height of the visualization. If not specified the height will be calculated based on the content of the visualization. See 'autosize' for customization of the content sizing relative to this setting, 'heightOfContainer' for setting the height to that of the surrounding container, and 'heightStep' for setting the height of discrete fields. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'height' 300 , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} height :: Double -> PropertySpec height h = (VLHeight, toJSON h) {-| Set the height of the view to that of the surrounding container, to allow for responsive sizing. Please see the [Vega Lite responsive sizing](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#specifying-responsive-width-and-height) documentation for caveats and limitations. @since -} heightOfContainer :: PropertySpec heightOfContainer = (VLHeight, fromT "container") {-| Set the height of the discrete y-field (e.g. individual bars in a horizontal bar chart). The total height is then calculated based on the number of discrete fields (e.g. bars). @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'heightStep' 17 , data [] , enc [] , 'mark' 'Graphcs.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] ] @ This replaces the use of @SRangeStep@ from 'ScaleProperty'. @since -} -- Note that unlike ELm, we do not create a separate property here -- (ie no VLHeightStep) -- heightStep :: Double -> PropertySpec heightStep s = (VLHeight, object [ "step" .= s ]) {-| Assigns a list of specifications to be juxtaposed horizontally in a visualization. See also 'vConcat' and 'vlConcat'. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/driving.json" [] , hConcat [ spec1, spec2 ] ] @ -} hConcat :: [VLSpec] -> PropertySpec hConcat specs = (VLHConcat, toJSON specs) {-| Assigns a list of specifications to superposed layers in a visualization. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/driving.json" [], layer [spec1, spec2]] @ A complete example showing @layer@ in use: @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"x\" ('Numbers' [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"a\" ('Numbers' [28, 91, 43, 55, 81]) enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"x\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"a\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] . 'text' ['TName' \"a\", 'TmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ dvals [] , enc [] , 'layer' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' ['mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' []] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' ['mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Text' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MdY' (-8)]] ] ] @ -} layer :: [VLSpec] -> PropertySpec layer specs = (VLLayer, toJSON specs) {-| Provides an optional name to be associated with the visualization. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'name' \"PopGrowth\" , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/population.json\" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} name :: T.Text -> PropertySpec name s = (VLName, toJSON s) {-| Set the padding around the visualization in pixel units. The way padding is interpreted will depend on the 'autosize' properties. See the for details. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'width' 500 , 'padding' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PEdges' 20 10 5 15) , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} padding :: Padding -> PropertySpec padding pad = (VLPadding, paddingSpec pad) {-| Define the fields that will be used to compose rows and columns of a set of small multiples. This is used where the encoding of the visualization in small multiples is largely identical, but the data field used in each might vary. When a list of fields is identified with @repeat@ you also need to define a full specification to apply to each of those fields using 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec'. Unlike __faceting__, which creates multiple charts based on different values of a single field, __repeating__ uses a different field for each chart. See the for further details. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'repeat' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ColumnFields' [\"Cat\", \"Dog\", \"Fish\"]] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' spec) ] @ See also 'repeatFlow'. -} repeat :: [RepeatFields] -> PropertySpec repeat fields = (VLRepeat, object (map repeatFieldsProperty fields)) {-| Define the fields that will be used to compose a flow layout of a set of small multiples. Used when the encoding is largely identical, but the data field used in each might vary. When a list of fields is identified with @repeatFlow@ you also need to define a full specification to apply to each of those fields using 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec'. Small multiples will be laid out from left to right, moving on to new rows only if the number of plots exceeds an optional column limit (specified via 'columns'). @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'repeatFlow' [ \"Cat\", \"Dog\", \"Fish\" ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' spec) ] @ See also 'repeat'. @since -} repeatFlow :: [FieldName] -> PropertySpec repeatFlow fields = (VLRepeat, toJSON fields) {-| Determine whether scales, axes or legends in composite views should share channel encodings. This allows, for example, two different color encodings to be created in a layered view, which otherwise by default would share color channels between layers. Each resolution rule should be in a tuple pairing the channel to which it applies and the rule type. @ let res = 'resolve' . 'resolution' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.RLegend' [('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChColor', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Independent')]) in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/movies.json\" [] , 'vConcat' [heatSpec, barSpec] , res [] ] @ For more information see the . @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "x" ('Numbers' [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "a" ('Numbers' [28, 91, 43, 55, 81]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "b" ('Numbers' [17, 22, 28, 30, 40]) encBar = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"x\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"a\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] specBar = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' ['mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [], encBar []] encLine = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"x\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"b\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] specLine = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' ['mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MColor' \"firebrick\"], encLine []] res = 'resolve' . 'resolution' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.RScale' [('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChY', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Independent')]) in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [dvals [], res [], 'layer' [specBar, specLine]] @ -} resolve :: [ResolveSpec] -- ^ The arguments created by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolution'. -- -- Prior to @ this argument was @['LabelledSpec']@. -> PropertySpec resolve res = (VLResolve, object (map unRS res)) {-| Create a single transform from a list of transformation specifications. Note that the order of transformations can be important, especially if labels created with 'calculateAs', 'timeUnitAs', and 'binAs' are used in other transformations. Using the functional composition pipeline idiom (as example below) allows you to provide the transformations in the order intended in a clear manner. @ 'transform' . 'filter' ('FExpr' "datum.year == 2010") . 'calculateAs' "datum.sex == 2 ? \'Female\' : \'Male\'" "gender" @ The supported transformations are: 'aggregate', 'binAs', 'calculateAs', 'density', 'filter', 'flatten', 'flattenAs', 'fold', 'foldAs', 'impute', 'joinAggregate', 'loess', 'lookup', 'lookupAs', 'lookupSelection', 'pivot', 'quantile', 'regression', 'sample', 'stack', 'timeUnitAs', and 'window'. -} transform :: [TransformSpec] -- ^ The transformations to apply. The order does matter. -- -- Prior to @ this argument was @['LabelledSpec']@. -> PropertySpec transform transforms = let js = if null transforms then A.Null else toJSON (map unTS transforms) in (VLTransform, js) {-| Assigns a list of specifications to be juxtaposed vertically in a visualization. See also 'hConcat' and 'vlConcat'. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/driving.json" [] , 'vConcat' [ spec1, spec2 ] ] @ -} vConcat :: [VLSpec] -> PropertySpec vConcat specs = (VLVConcat, toJSON specs) {-| Override the default width of the visualization. If not specified the width will be calculated based on the content of the visualization. See 'autosize' for customization of the content sizing relative to this setting, 'widthOfContainer' for setting the width to that of the surrounding container, and 'widthStep' for setting the width of discrete fields. @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'width' 500 , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' "data/population.json" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] , enc [] ] @ -} width :: Double -> PropertySpec width w = (VLWidth, toJSON w) {-| Set the width of the view to that of the surrounding container, to allow for responsive sizing. Please see the [Vega Lite responsive sizing](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#specifying-responsive-width-and-height) documentation for caveats and limitations. @since -} widthOfContainer :: PropertySpec widthOfContainer = (VLWidth, fromT "container") {-| Set the width of the discrete x-field (e.g. individual bars in a bar chart). The total width is then calculated based on the number of discrete fields (e.g. bars). @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'widthStep' 17 , data [] , enc [] , 'mark' 'Graphcs.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [] ] @ This replaces the use of @SRangeStep@ from 'ScaleProperty'. @since -} -- Note that unlike ELm, we do not create a separate property here -- (ie no VLWidthStep) -- widthStep :: Double -> PropertySpec widthStep s = (VLWidth, object [ "step" .= s ]) {-| Defines a set of named aggregation transformations to be used when encoding channels. This is useful when, for example, you wish to apply the same transformation to a number of channels but do not want to define it each time. For further details see the . @ 'transform' . 'aggregate' [ 'opAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Min' "people" "lowerBound" , 'opAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Max' "people" "upperBound" ] [ "age" ] @ See also 'joinAggregate'. -} aggregate :: [VLSpec] -- ^ The named aggregation operations to apply. -> [FieldName] -- ^ The \"group by\" fields. -> BuildTransformSpecs aggregate ops groups ols = let fields = [ "aggregate" .= ops , "groupby" .= groups ] in TS (object fields) : ols {-| Aggregation transformations to be used when encoding channels. Unlike 'aggregate', this transformation joins the results to the input data. Can be helpful for creating derived values that combine raw data with some aggregate measure, such as percentages of group totals. The first parameter is a list of the named aggregation operations to apply. The second is a list of possible window aggregate field properties, such as a field to group by when aggregating. The third parameter is a list of transformations to which this is added. @ 'transform' . 'joinAggregate' [ 'opAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mean' "rating" "avYearRating" ] [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WGroupBy' [ "year" ] ] . 'filter' ('FExpr' "(datum.rating - datum.avYearRating) > 3")) @ For details, see the . See also 'aggregate'. @since -} joinAggregate :: [VLSpec] -> [WindowProperty] -> BuildTransformSpecs joinAggregate ops wProps ols = joinAggregateTS ops wProps : ols {-| Window transform for performing calculations over sorted groups of data objects such as ranking, lead/lag analysis, running sums and averages. @ 'transform' . 'window' [ ( [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WAggregateOp' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Sum', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WField' \"Time\" ], \"TotalTime\" ) ] [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.WFrame' Nothing Nothing ] @ @since -} window :: [([Window], FieldName)] -- ^ The window-transform definition and associated output name. -> [WindowProperty] -- ^ The window transform. -> BuildTransformSpecs window wss wProps ols = windowTS wss wProps : ols {-| Randomly sample rows from a data source up to a given maximum. For example, the following randomly samples 50 values from a sine curve: @ dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataSequenceAs' 0 13 0.001 \"x\" trans = 'transform' . 'calculateAs' \"sin(datum.x)\" \"y\" . 'sample' 50 @ @since -} sample :: Int -> BuildTransformSpecs sample maxSize ols = TS (object [ "sample" .= maxSize ]) : ols {-| Configure the kernel density estimation process. Used by 'density'. @since -} data DensityProperty = DnAs FieldName FieldName -- ^ Name the outputs of a density transform. The first argument is the -- name of the field containing the samples and the second the name -- for the field containing the density estimates. -- -- The defaults are @\"value\"@ and @\"density\"@ respectively. | DnBandwidth Double -- ^ The bandwidth (standard deviation) of the Gaussian kernel to be -- used in the KDE. If not given, or set to 0, then -- [Scott's method](https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/90656/kernel-bandwidth-scotts-vs-silvermans-rules) -- is used. | DnCounts Bool -- ^ If @'True'@ then the KDE generates counts, if @'False'@ it -- generates probabilities. -- -- The default is probabilities. | DnCumulative Bool -- ^ Should the density estimates be cumulative? -- -- The default is @'False'@. | DnExtent Double Double -- ^ The domain (minimum to maximum) from which to sample a distribution -- for the density estimation. -- -- The default is to use the full extent of the input values. | DnGroupBy [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to group by. -- -- The default is to use a single group containing all the data objects. | DnMaxSteps Natural -- ^ The maximum number of samples to take from the extent domain. -- -- The default is 200. | DnMinSteps Natural -- ^ The minimum number of samples to take from the extent domain. -- -- The default is 25. | DnSteps Natural -- ^ This overrides the 'DnMinSteps' and 'DnMaxSteps' options and -- specified an exact number of steps to take from the extent -- domain. -- -- It can be used with 'DnExtent' to ensure a consistent -- set of sample points for stacked densities. data DensityPropertyLabel = DPLGroupby | DPLCumulative | DPLCounts | DPLBandwidth | DPLExtent | DPLMinsteps | DPLMaxsteps | DPLSteps | DPLAs densityPropertySpec :: DensityPropertyLabel -> [DensityProperty] -> VLSpec densityPropertySpec DPLGroupby ps = let wanted (DnGroupBy xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLCumulative ps = let wanted (DnCumulative xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLCounts ps = let wanted (DnCounts xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLBandwidth ps = let wanted (DnBandwidth xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLExtent ps = let wanted (DnExtent xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLMinsteps ps = let wanted (DnMinSteps xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLMaxsteps ps = let wanted (DnMaxSteps xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLSteps ps = let wanted (DnSteps xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null densityPropertySpec DPLAs ps = let wanted (DnAs xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null {-| Apply /Kernel Density Estimation/ to a data stream to generate a new stream of samples of the estimated density. This is useful for representing probability distributions and generating continuous distributions from discrete samples. The following example creates a faceted display of the smoothed length and width distributions from the iris dataset. @ dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"https:\/\/vega.github.io\/vega-lite\/data\/iris.json" [] colNames = [ \"petalWidth\", \"petalLength\", \"sepalWidth\", \"sepalLength\" ] trans = 'transform' . 'foldAs' colNames \"measurement\" \"value\" . 'density' \"value\" [ 'DnGroupBy' [ \"measurement\" ] ] enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"value\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"density\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'row' [ 'FName' \"measurement\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] layer = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ trans [], enc [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Area' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MOpacity' 0.7 ] ] @ @since -} density :: FieldName -- ^ The field used for the KDE. -> [DensityProperty] -- ^ Configure the calculation. -> BuildTransformSpecs density field dps ols = let addField n p = case densityPropertySpec p dps of A.Null -> [] x -> [ n .= x ] ofields = [ "density" .= field ] <> addField "groupby" DPLGroupby <> addField "cumulative" DPLCumulative <> addField "counts" DPLCounts <> addField "bandwidth" DPLBandwidth <> addField "extent" DPLExtent <> addField "minsteps" DPLMinsteps <> addField "maxsteps" DPLMaxsteps <> addField "steps" DPLSteps <> addField "as" DPLAs in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Configure the trend fitting used by the 'loess' encoding. @since -} data LoessProperty = LsAs FieldName FieldName -- ^ Name the outputs of a loess transform. The first argument is the -- name of the field containing the smoothed independent variable -- and the second the name for the field containing the smoothed -- dependent variable. -- -- If not specified the original field names will be used. | LsBandwidth Double -- ^ The amount of smoothing. The value should be in the range 0 to 1, -- inclusive. -- -- The default is 0.3. | LsGroupBy [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to group by. -- -- The default is to use a single group containing all the data objects. data LoessPropertyLabel = LLAs | LLBandwidth | LLGroupBy loessPropertySpec :: LoessPropertyLabel -> [LoessProperty] -> VLSpec loessPropertySpec LLAs ps = let wanted (LsAs xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null loessPropertySpec LLBandwidth ps = let wanted (LsBandwidth xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null loessPropertySpec LLGroupBy ps = let wanted (LsGroupBy xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null {-| Generate a /loess/ (locally-estimated scatterplot smoothing) trendline through a pair of data fields. See also 'regression'. The following example overlays the trendline generated by 'loess' (the \"xsm\", \"ysm\" points) on the raw points (assuming the data source has fields called \"xraw\" and \"yraw\" for the independent and dependent fields, respectively). @ transLS = 'transform' . 'loess' \"yraw\" \"xraw\" [ 'LsAs' \"xsm\" \"ysm\" ] encRaw = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"xraw\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"yraw\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] encLS = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"xsm\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"ysm\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] layers = 'layer' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ encRaw [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MOpacity' 0.5 ] ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ transLS [], encLS [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MColor' \"firebrick\" ] ] ] @ @since -} loess :: FieldName -- ^ The field representing the dependent variable (often displayed on -- the y axis). -> FieldName -- ^ The field representing the independent variable (often the x axis). -> [LoessProperty] -- ^ Customize the trend fitting. -> BuildTransformSpecs loess depField indField lsp ols = let addField n p = case loessPropertySpec p lsp of A.Null -> [] x -> [ n .= x ] ofields = [ "loess" .= depField , "on" .= indField ] <> addField "groupby" LLGroupBy <> addField "bandwidth" LLBandwidth <> addField "as" LLAs in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| The functional form of the regression analysis. Used by 'RgMethod'. @since -} data RegressionMethod = RgLinear -- ^ Linear regression. | RgLog -- ^ Logarithmic regression. | RgExp -- ^ Exponential regression. | RgPow -- ^ Power regression. | RgQuad -- ^ Quadratic regression. | RgPoly -- ^ A polynomial. The order to use is given by the 'RgOrder' -- constructor, and defaults to 3. regressionMethodSpec :: RegressionMethod -> VLSpec regressionMethodSpec RgLinear = fromT "linear" regressionMethodSpec RgLog = fromT "log" regressionMethodSpec RgExp = fromT "exp" regressionMethodSpec RgPow = fromT "pow" regressionMethodSpec RgQuad = fromT "quad" regressionMethodSpec RgPoly = fromT "poly" {-| Configure the regression process (used by 'regression'). @since -} data RegressionProperty = RgAs FieldName FieldName -- ^ Name the outputs of the regression analysis. The first argument is the -- name of the field containing the independent variable, the second -- the dependent variable. -- -- If not specified the original field names will be used. | RgExtent Double Double -- ^ The domain (minimum to maximum) over which to estimate the dependent -- variable in the regression. -- -- The default is to use the full extent of the input values. | RgGroupBy [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to group by. -- -- The default is to use a single group containing all the data objects. | RgMethod RegressionMethod -- ^ The type of regression model to use. | RgOrder Natural -- ^ The order of the polynomial model. -- -- This is only used if @'RgMethod' 'RgPoly'@ is set. | RgParams Bool -- ^ Should the transform return the regression model parameters, one object -- per group, rather than the trend line points. -- -- If set, the returned objects include a @\"coef\"@ array of fitted -- coefficient values, starting with the intercept term and then including -- terms of increasing order, and a @\"rSquared\"@ value, indicating -- the total variance explained by the model. -- -- The default is @'False'@. data RegressionPropertyLabel = RPLAs | RPLExtent | RPLGroupBy | RPLMethod | RPLOrder | RPLParams regressionPropertySpec :: RegressionPropertyLabel -> [RegressionProperty] -> VLSpec regressionPropertySpec RPLAs ps = let wanted (RgAs xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null regressionPropertySpec RPLExtent ps = let wanted (RgExtent xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null regressionPropertySpec RPLGroupBy ps = let wanted (RgGroupBy xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null regressionPropertySpec RPLMethod ps = let wanted (RgMethod xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> regressionMethodSpec x _ -> A.Null regressionPropertySpec RPLOrder ps = let wanted (RgOrder xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null regressionPropertySpec RPLParams ps = let wanted (RgParams xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null {-| Generate a 2d regression model for smoothing and predicting data. See also 'loess'. The following example overlays the points generated by 'regression' (the \"xrg\", \"yrg\" points) on the raw points (assuming the data source has fields called \"xraw\" and \"yraw\" for the independent and dependent fields, respectively). @ transLS = 'transform' . 'regression' \"yraw\" \"xraw\" [ 'RgAs' \"xrg\" \"yrg\" ] encRaw = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"xraw\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"yraw\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] encLS = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"xrg\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"yrg\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] layers = 'layer' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ encRaw [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MOpacity' 0.5 ] ] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ transLS [], encLS [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MColor' \"firebrick\" ] ] ] @ @since -} regression :: FieldName -- ^ The field representing the dependent variable (often displayed on -- the y axis). -> FieldName -- ^ The field representing the independent variable (often the x axis). -> [RegressionProperty] -- ^ Customize the regression. -> BuildTransformSpecs regression depField indField rps ols = let addField n p = case regressionPropertySpec p rps of A.Null -> [] x -> [ n .= x ] ofields = [ "regression" .= depField , "on" .= indField ] <> addField "groupby" RPLGroupBy <> addField "method" RPLMethod <> addField "order" RPLOrder <> addField "extent" RPLExtent <> addField "params" RPLParams <> addField "as" RPLAs in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Configure the quantile analysis performed by 'quantile'. @since -} data QuantileProperty = QtAs FieldName FieldName -- ^ Name the fields used to store the calculated probability and -- associated quantile values. -- -- The defaults are @\"prob\"@ and @\"value\"@. | QtGroupBy [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to group by. -- -- The default is to use a single group containing all the data objects. | QtProbs [Double] -- ^ The probabilites (measured in the range 0-1) for which to -- compute quantile values. -- -- The default is to use a step size of 0.01, or the -- 'QtStep' value if given. | QtStep Double -- ^ The interval between probabilities when performing a quantile -- transformation. -- -- All value from half the given step size to 1 will be sampled, -- and is only used if 'QtProbs' is not set. data QuantilePropertyLabel = QPLAs | QPLGroupBy | QPLProbs | QPLStep quantilePropertySpec :: QuantilePropertyLabel -> [QuantileProperty] -> VLSpec quantilePropertySpec QPLAs ps = let wanted (QtAs xs ys) = Just [xs, ys] wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null quantilePropertySpec QPLGroupBy ps = let wanted (QtGroupBy xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null quantilePropertySpec QPLProbs ps = let wanted (QtProbs xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null quantilePropertySpec QPLStep ps = let wanted (QtStep xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null {-| Calculate quantile values from an input data stream. This can be useful for examining distributional properties of a data stream, and for creating . As an example: @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/normal-2d.json\" [] trans = 'transform' . 'quantile' \"u\" [ 'QtStep' 0.01, 'QtAs' \"p\" \"v\" ] . 'calculateAs' \"quantileUniform(datum.p)\" \"unif\" . 'calculateAs' \"quantileNormal(datum.p)\" \"norm\" enc x y = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' x, 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' y, 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] leftSpec = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point' [], enc \"unif\" \"v\" [] ] rightSpec = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec' [ 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point' [], enc \"norm\" \"v\" [] ] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ dvals, trans [], 'hConcat' [ leftSpec, rightSpec ] ] @ @since -} quantile :: FieldName -- ^ The field to analyse. -> [QuantileProperty] -- ^ Configure the quantile analysis -> BuildTransformSpecs quantile field qps ols = let addField n p = case quantilePropertySpec p qps of A.Null -> [] x -> [ n .= x ] ofields = [ "quantile" .= field ] <> addField "groupby" QPLGroupBy <> addField "probs" QPLProbs <> addField "step" QPLStep <> addField "as" QPLAs in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Create a named binning transformation that may be referenced in other Transformations or encodings. See the for more details. Note that usually, direct binning within an encoding is preferred over this form of bin transformation. @ 'transform' . 'binAs' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MaxBins' 3 ] \"IMDB_Rating\" \"ratingGroup\" @ -} binAs :: [BinProperty] -- ^ An empty list means that the default binning is used (that is, the -- @bin@ field will be set to @true@ in the Vega-Lite specification). -> FieldName -- ^ The field to bin. -> FieldName -- ^ The label for the binned data. -> BuildTransformSpecs binAs bProps field label ols = let fields = [ "bin" .= if null bProps then toJSON True else binObj , "field" .= field , "as" .= label ] binObj = object (map binProperty bProps) in TS (object fields) : ols {-| Creates a new data field based on calculations from existing fields and values. See the for further details. @ 'transform' . 'calculateAs' "datum.sex == 2 ? \'F\' : \'M\'" "gender" @ -} calculateAs :: VegaExpr -- ^ The calculation to perform. -> FieldName -- ^ The field to assign the new values. -> BuildTransformSpecs calculateAs expr label ols = let fields = [ "calculate" .= expr, "as" .= label ] in TS (object fields) : ols {-| Encode an angle (orientation) channel, which allows for data-driven rotation of text, point, and square marks. @since -} angle :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ The color-encoding options. -> BuildEncodingSpecs angle markProps ols = mchan_ "angle" markProps : ols {-| Encode a color channel. @ 'color' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] [] @ Encoding a color channel will generate a legend by default. To stop the legend appearing, just supply an empty list of legend properties to 'MLegend': @ 'color' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal', 'MLegend' [] ] [] @ -} color :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ The color-encoding options. -> BuildEncodingSpecs color markProps ols = mchan_ "color" markProps : ols {-| Encodes a new facet to be arranged in columns. See the . Note that when faceting, dimensions specified with 'width' and 'height' refer to the individual faceted plots, not the overall visualization. @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"crimeData.csv\" enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"month\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"reportedCrimes\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' , 'PAggregate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Sum'] . 'column' ['FName' \"crimeType\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' ['width' 100, dvals [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [], enc [] ] @ -} column :: [FacetChannel] -- ^ The list of properties that define the faceting channel. At a minimum -- this should include the data field ('FName') and its measurement type -- ('FmType'). -> BuildEncodingSpecs column fFields ols = ES ("column", object (map facetChannelProperty fFields)) : ols {-| The maximum number of columns to include in a view composition flow layout. If the number of faceted small multiples exceeds this number, flow moves to the next row. Only applies to flow layouts generated by 'vlConcat', 'facetFlow', and 'repeatFlow'. @since -} columns :: Natural -- ^ A value of 0 means that a single row will be used (which is also -- the default behavior). -> PropertySpec columns cols = (VLColumns, toJSON cols) {-| Encode a \"level of detail\" channel. This provides a way of grouping by a field but unlike, say 'color', all groups have the same visual properties. See the for details. @ 'detail' ['DName' \"Species\", 'DmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] [] @ -} detail :: [DetailChannel] -- ^ The field to group. -> BuildEncodingSpecs detail detailProps ols = ES ("detail", object (map detailChannelProperty detailProps)) : ols {- Elm added this in version 2.0, but I think it needs more structure than just a field name, so am leaving out for now. Encode a key channel, to support dynamic data via the . See the for more information. @ 'encoding' . 'keyChannel' \"Species\" @ @since keyChannel :: FieldName -- ^ The field to use as the unique key for data binding. -> BuildLabelledSpecs keyChannel f ols = ("key" .= object ["field" .= f]) : ols -- ("key" .= f) : ols -} {-| Encode a fill channel. This acts in a similar way to encoding by 'color' but only affects the interior of closed shapes. @ 'fill' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] [] @ Note that if both @fill@ and 'color' encodings are specified, @fill@ takes precedence. -} fill :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ Configure the fill. -> BuildEncodingSpecs fill markProps ols = mchan_ "fill" markProps : ols {-| Encode a fill opacity channel. This acts in a similar way to encoding by 'opacity' but only affects the interior of closed shapes. If both @fillOpacity@ and 'opacity' encodings are specified, @fillOpacity@ takes precedence. See also 'fill'. @since -} fillOpacity :: [MarkChannel] -> BuildEncodingSpecs fillOpacity markProps ols = mchan_ "fillOpacity" markProps : ols {-| Adds the given filter operation a list of transformations that may be applied to a channel or field. @ 'transform' . 'filter' ('FEqual' \"Animal\" ('Str' \"Cat\")) @ Filter operations can combine selections and data predicates with 'BooleanOp' expressions (and as of @, 'FilterOp' and 'FilterOpTrans' can be used to lift the 'Filter' type into boolean expressions): @ 'transform' . 'filter' ('FCompose' ('And' ('Expr' "datum.Weight_in_lbs > 3000") ('Selection' "brush"))) @ The [Vega expression documentation](https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/) describes the supported format (e.g. the requirement to precede column names with @"datum."@). -} filter :: Filter -> BuildTransformSpecs filter f ols = TS (object [ "filter" .= filterSpec f ]) : ols {-| Map array-valued fields to a set of individual data objects, one per array entry. See also 'flattenAs'. @since -} flatten :: [FieldName] -> BuildTransformSpecs flatten fields ols = TS (object [ "flatten" .= fields ]) : ols {-| Similar to 'flatten' but allows the new output fields to be named. @since -} flattenAs :: [FieldName] -> [FieldName] -- ^ The names of the output fields. -> BuildTransformSpecs flattenAs fields names ols = let ofields = [ "flatten" .= fields, "as" .= names ] in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Perform a /gather/ operation to /tidy/ a table. Collapse multiple data fields into two new data fields: @key@ containing the original data field names and @value@ containing the corresponding data values. It is the inverse of 'pivot'. See also 'foldAs'. @ dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"city\" ('Strings' [ \"Bristol\", \"Sheffield\", \"Glasgow\" ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"temp2017\" ('Numbers' [ 12, 11, 7 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"temp2018\" ('Numbers' [ 14, 13, 10 ]) trans = 'transform' . 'fold' [ \"temp2017\", \"temp2018\" ] enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"key\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"city\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] . 'size' [ 'MName' \"value\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] @ @since -} fold :: [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to fold. -> BuildTransformSpecs fold fields ols = TS (object [ "fold" .= fields ]) : ols {-| A 'fold' where the @key@ and @value@ fields can be renamed. @since -} foldAs :: [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to fold. -> FieldName -- ^ The name for the @key@ field. -> FieldName -- ^ The name for the @value@ field. -> BuildTransformSpecs foldAs fields keyName valName ols = let ofields = [ "fold" .= fields , "as" .= [ keyName, valName ] ] in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Perform a /pivot/ operation on a table. Spreads a key-value pair of fields across multiple fields according to the data in the /key/ field. It is the inverse of 'fold'. @ dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"city\" ('Strings' [ \"Bristol\", \"Bristol\", \"Sheffield\", \"Sheffield\", \"Glasgow\", \"Glasgow\" ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"temperature\" ('Numbers' [ 12, 14, 11, 13, 7, 10 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"year\" ('Numbers' [ 2017, 2018, 2017, 2018, 2017, 2018 ]) trans = 'transform' . 'pivot' "year" "temperature" [ 'PiGroupBy' [ \"city\" ] ] enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"2017\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"city\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] @ @since -} pivot :: FieldName -- ^ The key field. -> FieldName -- ^ The value field. -> [PivotProperty] -> BuildTransformSpecs pivot field valField pProps ols = let addField n p = case pivotPropertySpec p pProps of A.Null -> [] x -> [n .= x] ofields = [ "pivot" .= field , "value" .= valField ] <> addField "groupby" PPLGroupBy <> addField "limit" PPLLimit <> addField "op" PPLOp in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Configure the 'pivot' operation. @since -} data PivotProperty = PiGroupBy [FieldName] -- ^ The data fields to group by when pivoting. If unspecified -- then a single group containing all the data objects will -- be used. | PiLimit Natural -- ^ The maximum number of fields to generate when pivoting. If -- 0 or unspecified all fields are pivoted. The pivot names -- are sorted into ascending order before the limit is -- applied. | PiOp Operation -- ^ The aggregation operation to apply to grouped fields. data PivotPropertyLabel = PPLGroupBy | PPLLimit | PPLOp -- Multiple properties will lead to no output; in some ways -- this makes sense (aka "you are telling me multiple things, -- so I give up") and is used elsewhere. -- -- TODO: this should return a Maybe VLSpec pivotPropertySpec :: PivotPropertyLabel -> [PivotProperty] -> VLSpec pivotPropertySpec PPLGroupBy ps = let wanted (PiGroupBy xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null pivotPropertySpec PPLLimit ps = let wanted (PiLimit xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> toJSON x _ -> A.Null pivotPropertySpec PPLOp ps = let wanted (PiOp xs) = Just xs wanted _ = Nothing in case mapMaybe wanted ps of [x] -> operationSpec x _ -> A.Null {-| Encode a URL for use with the 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Image' mark type. The URL can be encoded directly: @ let axVals = 'Numbers' [ 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 ] dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "x" axVals . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "y" axVals enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' "x", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' "y", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'url' [ 'HString' \"wonderful-image.png\" ] imMark = 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Image' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MWidth' 50, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MHeight' 25 ] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ dvals [], enc [], imMark ] @ or by referencing a data field containing the URL values: @ ... 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "img" ('Strings' [ \"i1.png\", \"i2.png\", \"i4.png\" ]) ... 'url' [ 'HName' \"img\", 'HmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] @ @since -} url :: [HyperlinkChannel] -> BuildEncodingSpecs url hPs ols = ES ("url", object (concatMap hyperlinkChannelProperty hPs)) : ols {-| Encode a hyperlink channel. @ 'encoding' . 'hyperlink' [ 'HName' \"Species\", 'HmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] @ @ 'encoding' . 'hyperlink' [ 'HString' \"http://www.imdb.com\" ] @ For further details see the . -} hyperlink :: [HyperlinkChannel] -- ^ The properties for the hyperlink channel. -> BuildEncodingSpecs hyperlink hyperProps ols = ES ("href", object (concatMap hyperlinkChannelProperty hyperProps)) : ols {-| Perform a lookup of named fields between two data sources. This allows you to find values in one data source based on the values in another (like a relational join). Use 'lookupSelection' for linking data with interactive selections. See the for further details. The following would return the values in the @age@ and @height@ fields from @lookup_people.csv@ for all rows where the value in the @name@ column in that file matches the value of @person@ in the primary data source. @ peopleData = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/lookup_people.csv\" [] lfields = 'LuFields' [\"age\", \"height\"] trans = 'transform' . 'lookup' \"person\" peopleData \"name\" lfields @ Note that the interface has changed in version @ the output field names argument now uses the new 'LookupFields' type. This provides greater flexibility in naming and default behaviour. The conversion from version 0.4 is simple: change @ lookup key1 dataSource key2 fields @ to @ lookup key1 dataSource key2 (LuFields fields) @ -} lookup :: FieldName -- ^ The field in the primary data structure acting as the key. -> Data -- ^ The secondary data source (e.g. the return from the data-generating -- functions such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl'). -> FieldName -- ^ The name of the field in the secondary data source to match against -- the primary key. -> LookupFields -- ^ The list of fields to store when the keys match. -- -- This was changed from @[T.Text]@ in vesion -> BuildTransformSpecs lookup key1 (_, spec) key2 lfields ols = let get1 = jj . map fst get2 = jj . map snd jj :: A.ToJSON a => a -> Maybe A.Value jj = Just . toJSON res = case lfields of LuFields fs -> ( jj fs, Nothing, Nothing ) LuFieldAs fas -> ( get1 fas, get2 fas, Nothing ) LuAs s -> ( Nothing, jj s, Nothing ) LuFieldsWithDefault fs def -> ( jj fs, Nothing , jj def ) LuFieldsAsWithDefault fas def -> ( get1 fas, get2 fas, jj def ) LuAsWithDefault s def -> ( Nothing, jj s, jj def ) (mfields, mas, mdefault) = res addField n (Just x) = [ (n, x) ] addField _ _ = [] fromFields = [ "data" .= spec , "key" .= key2 ] <> addField "fields" mfields ofields = [ "lookup" .= key1 , "from" .= object fromFields ] <> addField "as" mas <> addField "default" mdefault in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Attach the results of an interactive selection to a primary data source. This is similar to 'lookup' except that the data in a selection are used in place of the secondary data source. See the [Vega Lite lookup selection](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/lookup.html#lookup-selection) documentation. @ sel = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.select' \"mySel\" 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Single' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.On' \"mouseover\", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Encodings' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChX' ] ] trans = 'transform' . 'lookupSelection' \"country\" \"mySel\" \"country\" @ @since -} lookupSelection :: FieldName -- ^ The field to lookup in the primary data source. -> SelectionLabel -- ^ The name of the selection (as set with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.select'). -> FieldName -- ^ The name of the field in the selection to link with the -- primary data field. -> BuildTransformSpecs lookupSelection key1 selName key2 ols = let ofields = [ "lookup" .= key1 , "from" .= object [ "selection" .= selName , "key" .= key2 ] ] in TS (object ofields) : ols {-| Configure the field selection in 'lookup'. @since -} data LookupFields = LuFields [FieldName] -- ^ The name of the fields to return from the secondary data -- source. | LuFieldAs [(FieldName, FieldName)] -- ^ Select fields from the secondary data source (first -- argument) and allow them to be referred to with a -- new name (second argument). | LuAs FieldName -- ^ Create a single name for all the fields in the -- secondary data source. The individual fields use dot -- notation to combine the given name with the field name. -- -- @ -- dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/flights.airport.csv" [] -- trans = 'transform' -- . 'lookup' \"origin\" dvals "iata" ('LuAs' \"o\") -- enc = 'encoding' -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Longitude' [ 'PName' \"o.longitude\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] -- . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Lattude' [ 'PName' \"o.latitude\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] -- @ | LuFieldsWithDefault [FieldName] T.Text -- ^ The name of the fields to return from the secondary -- data source, along with the default value to use -- if the lookup fails. | LuFieldsAsWithDefault [(FieldName, FieldName)] T.Text -- ^ Allow fields to be renamed and provide a default for -- when the lookup fails. | LuAsWithDefault FieldName T.Text -- ^ Create a single name for all the fields in the -- secondary data source, but the second parameter -- gives the default value for when the lookup fails. {-| This routine is deprecated (as of version @ in favor of 'lookup', as @ lookupAs "key1" dataSource "key2" "matchName" @ can be written as @ lookup "key1" dataSource "key2" (LuAs "matchName") @ -} {-# DEPRECATED lookupAs "Please change 'lookupAs ... alias' to 'lookup ... (LuAs alias)'" #-} lookupAs :: FieldName -- ^ The field in the primary data structure acting as the key. -> Data -- ^ The secondary data source (e.g. the return from the data-generating -- functions such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl'). -> FieldName -- ^ The name of the field in the secondary data source to match against -- the primary key. -> FieldName -- ^ The field name for the new data. -> BuildTransformSpecs lookupAs key1 sData key2 asName = lookup key1 sData key2 (LuAs asName) {-| Impute missing data values. The following example creates a value for @b@, set to the mean of existing @b@ values with @c=1@, for the \"missing\" coordinate of (@a=30@, @c=1@): @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "a" ('Numbers' [0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20, 30]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "b" ('Numbers' [28, 91, 43, 55, 81, 53, 19]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "c" ('Numbers' [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) trans = 'transform' . 'impute' "b" "a" ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ImMethod' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ImMean', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ImGroupBy' ["c"]] enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"a\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"b\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative'] . 'color' ['MName' \"c\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [dvals [], trans [], enc [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' []] @ @since -} impute :: FieldName -- ^ The data field to process. -> FieldName -- ^ The key field to uniquely identify data objects within a group. -> [ImputeProperty] -- ^ Define how the imputation works. -> BuildTransformSpecs impute fields keyField imProps ols = imputeTS fields keyField imProps : ols {-| Encode an opacity channel. The first parameter is a list of mark channel properties that characterise the way a data field is encoded by opacity. The second parameter is a list of any previous channels to which this opacity channel should be added. @ 'opacity' [ 'MName' \"Age\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] [] @ See also 'fillOpacity'. -} opacity :: [MarkChannel] -> BuildEncodingSpecs opacity markProps ols = mchan_ "opacity" markProps : ols {-| Encode an order channel. @ enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' "miles", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' "gas", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'order' [ 'OName' "year", 'OmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal', 'OSort' ['Descending'] ] @ -} order :: [OrderChannel] -- ^ The order-encoding options. -> BuildEncodingSpecs order oDefs ols = ES ("order", object (map orderChannelProperty oDefs)) : ols {-| Encode a position channel. @ enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"Animal\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] @ Encoding by position will generate an axis by default. To prevent the axis from appearing, simply provide an empty list of axis properties to 'PAxis': @ enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"Animal\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal', 'PAxis' [] ] @ -} position :: Position -- ^ The channel to encode. -> [PositionChannel] -- ^ The options for the channel; this will usually include the name ('PName') -- and measurement type ('PmType'), but can be a reference to a row or -- column repeat field. -> BuildEncodingSpecs position pos pDefs ols = let defs = object (map positionChannelProperty pDefs) in ES (positionLabel pos, defs) : ols {-| Define a single resolution option to be applied when scales, axes or legends in composite views share channel encodings. This allows, for example, two different color encodings to be created in a layered view, which otherwise by default would share color channels between layers. Each resolution rule should be in a tuple pairing the channel to which it applies and the rule type. @ 'resolve' . resolution ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.RScale' [ ( 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ChY', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Independent' ) ]) @ -} resolution :: Resolve -> BuildResolveSpecs -- ^ Prior to @ this was @BuildLabelledSpecs@. resolution res ols = resolveProperty res : ols {-| Encode a new facet to be arranged in rows. See the . Note that when faceting, dimensions specified with 'width' and 'height' refer to the individual faceted plots, not the whole visualization. @ let dvals = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"crimeData.csv\" enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' ['PName' \"month\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal'] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' ['PName' \"reportedCrimes\" , 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' , 'PAggregate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Sum' , 'PAxis' ['AxNoTitle'] ] . 'row' ['FName' \"crimeType\", 'FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal'] in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' ['height' 80, dvals [], 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [], enc []] @ -} row :: [FacetChannel] -- ^ The facet properties for the channel; this should include the name of -- the field ('FName') and its measurement type ('FmType'). -> BuildEncodingSpecs row fFields ols = ES ("row", object (map facetChannelProperty fFields)) : ols {-| Encode a shape channel. @ 'shape' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] [] @ -} shape :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the shape parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs shape markProps ols = mchan_ "shape" markProps : ols {-| Encode a size channel. @ 'size' [ 'MName' \"Age\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] [] @ -} size :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the size parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs size markProps ols = mchan_ "size" markProps : ols {-| Encode a stroke channel. This acts in a similar way to encoding by 'color' but only affects the exterior boundary of marks. @ 'stroke' [ 'MName' \"Species\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] [] @ Note that if both @stroke@ and 'color' encodings are specified, @stroke@ takes precedence. -} stroke :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the stoke parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs stroke markProps ols = mchan_ "stroke" markProps : ols {-| Encode a stroke-dash channel. The following will use a different dash style for each value in the \"symbol" field (a multi-series line chart): @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl' \"data/stocks.csv\" [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' [] , 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"date\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"price\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . strokeDash [ 'MName' \"symbol\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] $ [] ] @ It can also be used to change the line style for connected points (e.g. to indicate where the data changes its \"predicted\" value, noting that there are two points at @\"a\"@ equal to @\"E\"@): @ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"a\" ('Strings' [ \"A\", \"B\", \"D\", \"E\", \"E\", \"G\", \"H\"]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"b\" ('Numbers' [ 28, 55, 91, 81, 81, 19, 87 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' \"predicted\" ('Booleans' [False, False, False, False, True, True, True]) $ [] , 'mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' [] , 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"a\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Ordinal' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"b\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . strokeDash [ 'MName' \"predicted\", 'MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] $ [] ] @ @since -} strokeDash :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the stoke opacity parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs strokeDash markProps ols = mchan_ "strokeDash" markProps : ols {-| Encode a stroke opacity channel. This acts in a similar way to encoding by 'opacity' but only affects the exterior boundary of marks. If both 'opacity' and @strokeOpacity@ are specified, @strokeOpacity@ takes precedence for stroke encoding. @since -} strokeOpacity :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the stoke opacity parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs strokeOpacity markProps ols = mchan_ "strokeOpacity" markProps : ols {-| Encode a stroke width channel. @since -} strokeWidth :: [MarkChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the stoke width parameters of the mark. -> BuildEncodingSpecs strokeWidth markProps ols = mchan_ "strokeWidth" markProps : ols {-| Encode a text channel. See the for further details on the text and tooltip channels and for formatting the appearance of the text. @ 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' "miles", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' "gas", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'text' [ 'TName' "miles", 'TmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] @ -} text :: [TextChannel] -- ^ What data values are used to control the text parameters. -> BuildEncodingSpecs text tDefs ols = ES ("text", object (concatMap textChannelProperty tDefs)) : ols {-| Creates a new data field based on the given temporal binning. Unlike the direct encoding binning, this transformation is named and so can be referred to in multiple encodings. Note though that usually it is easer to apply the temporal binning directly as part of the encoding as this will automatically format the temporal axis. See the for further details. The following example takes a temporal dataset and encodes daily totals from it grouping by month: @ trans = 'transform' . 'timeUnitAs' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Month' \"date\" \"monthly\" enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"date\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal', 'PTimeUnit' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Day' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PAggregate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Sum', 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'detail' [ 'DName' \"monthly\", 'DmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal' ] @ -} timeUnitAs :: TimeUnit -- ^ The width of each bin. -> FieldName -- ^ The field to bin. -> FieldName -- ^ The name of the binned data created by this routine. -> BuildTransformSpecs timeUnitAs tu field label ols = let fields = [ "timeUnit" .= timeUnitSpec tu , "field" .= field , "as" .= label ] in TS (object fields) : ols {-| Encode a tooltip channel. See the for further details on the text and tooltip channels and for formatting the appearance of the text. @ enc = 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"Horsepower\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"Miles_per_Gallon\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'tooltip' [ 'TName' \"Year\", 'TmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal', 'TFormat' "%Y" ] @ To encode multiple tooltip values with a mark, use 'tooltips'. -} tooltip :: [TextChannel] -- ^ The properties for the channel. -- -- If the list is empty then this turns off tooltip support for -- this channel. This is new to @, but is also the -- default behavior in Vega Lite 4. -> BuildEncodingSpecs tooltip [] ols = ES ("tooltip", A.Null) : ols tooltip tDefs ols = ES ("tooltip", object (concatMap textChannelProperty tDefs)) : ols {-| Encode a tooltip channel using multiple data fields. @since @ 'encoding' . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'PName' \"Horsepower\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'PName' \"Miles_per_Gallon\", 'PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative' ] . 'tooltips' [ [ 'TName' \"Year\", 'TmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal', 'TFormat' "%Y" ] , [ 'TName' \"Month\", 'TmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Temporal', 'TFormat' "%Y" ] ] @ -} tooltips :: [[TextChannel]] -- ^ A separate list of properties for each channel. -> BuildEncodingSpecs tooltips tDefs ols = ES ("tooltip" .= map (object . concatMap textChannelProperty) tDefs) : ols