{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Specification Copyright : (c) Douglas Burke, 2018-2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dburke.gw@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : CPP, OverloadedStrings The structure of the Vega-Lite specification. -} module Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Specification ( toVegaLite , toVegaLiteSchema , vlSchema2, vlSchema3, vlSchema4, vlSchema , fromVL , VLProperty(..) , VLSpec , VegaLite , PropertySpec , LabelledSpec , EncodingSpec(..) , toEncodingSpec , fromEncodingSpec , BuildEncodingSpecs , TransformSpec(..) , toTransformSpec , fromTransformSpec , BuildTransformSpecs , ResolveSpec(..) , toResolveSpec , fromResolveSpec , BuildResolveSpecs , SelectSpec(..) , toSelectSpec , fromSelectSpec , BuildSelectSpecs , ConfigureSpec(..) , toConfigureSpec , fromConfigureSpec , BuildConfigureSpecs , asSpec , specification , SelectionLabel ) where -- VegaLite uses these symbols. import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, repeat) import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Arrow (first) -- Aeson's Value type conflicts with the Number type import Data.Aeson (Value, object, (.=)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4, 12, 0)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif -- added in base / ghc 7.10.1 import Numeric.Natural (Natural) -- | A Vega Lite visualization, created by -- 'toVegaLite'. The contents can be extracted with 'fromVL'. -- newtype VegaLite = VL (T.Text, [LabelledSpec]) -- | The Vega-Lite specification is represented as JSON. type VLSpec = Value baseSchema :: T.Text baseSchema = "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/" -- | The latest version 2 Vega-Lite schema (equivalent to -- @'vlSchema' 2 Nothing Nothing Nothing@). vlSchema2 :: T.Text vlSchema2 = vlSchema 2 Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | The latest version 3 Vega-Lite schema (equivalent to -- @'vlSchema' 3 Nothing Nothing Nothing@). vlSchema3 :: T.Text vlSchema3 = vlSchema 3 Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | The latest version 4 Vega-Lite schema (equivalent to -- @'vlSchema' 4 Nothing Nothing Nothing@). vlSchema4 :: T.Text vlSchema4 = vlSchema 4 Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | Create the Vega-Lite schema for an arbitrary version. See -- for more information on naming -- and availability. -- -- There is no validation of the input values. -- -- Alpha and Beta releases can be specified by setting -- the last argument; for instance to get the \"beta.0\" -- version of version 4 you would use -- -- @vlSchema 4 (Just 0) (Just 0) (Just "-beta.0")@ -- -- whereas -- -- @vlSchema 4 Nothing Nothing Nothing@ -- -- refers to the latest release of version 4. -- vlSchema :: Natural -- ^ The major version -> Maybe Natural -- ^ The minor version -> Maybe Natural -- ^ The \"micro\" version -> Maybe T.Text -- ^ Anything beyond "major.minor.micro" (e.g. \"-beta.0"). -> T.Text -- ^ The Vega-Lite Schema vlSchema major mminor mmicro mextra = let versions = [ pure (showNat major) , showNat <$> mminor , showNat <$> mmicro ] version = T.intercalate "." (catMaybes versions) in baseSchema <> "v" <> version <> fromMaybe "" mextra <> ".json" showNat :: Natural -> T.Text showNat = T.pack . show {-| Convert a list of Vega-Lite specifications into a single JSON object that may be passed to Vega-Lite for graphics generation. Commonly these will include at least a data, mark, and encoding specification. While simple properties like 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' may be provided directly, it is usually clearer to label more complex ones such as encodings as separate expressions. This becomes increasingly helpful for visualizations that involve composition of layers, repeats and facets. Specifications can be built up by chaining a series of functions (such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' or 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' in the example below). Functional composition using the '.' operator allows this to be done compactly. @ let dat = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "a" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Strings' [ \"C", \"C", \"D", \"D", \"E", \"E" ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "b" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Numbers' [ 2, 7, 1, 2, 6, 8 ]) enc = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.X' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PName' "a", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Y' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PName' "b", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PAggregate' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mean' ] in 'toVegaLite' [ dat [], 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar' [], enc [] ] @ The schema used is , and please [report an issue](https://github.com/DougBurke/hvega/issues) if you find a problem with the output of @hvega@. Use 'toVegaLiteSchema' if you need to create a Vega-Lite specification which uses a different version of the schema. -} toVegaLite :: [PropertySpec] -> VegaLite toVegaLite = toVegaLiteSchema vlSchema4 {-| A version of 'toVegaLite' that allows you to change the Vega-Lite schema version of the visualization. @ 'toVegaLiteSchema' 'vlSchema3' props @ Note that the schema is __only used__ to fill in the @\"$schema\"@ field of the JSON structure. It __does not__ change the JSON encoding of the visualization. -} toVegaLiteSchema :: T.Text -- ^ The schema to use (e.g. 'vlSchema4' or created with 'vlSchema'). -- -- There is __no check__ that this schema represents Vega-Lite, -- and is just treated as a value added to the output JSON. -- -> [PropertySpec] -- ^ The visualization. -> VegaLite toVegaLiteSchema schema props = VL (schema, unProperty props) unProperty :: [PropertySpec] -> [LabelledSpec] unProperty = map (first vlPropertyLabel) {-| Obtain the Vega-Lite JSON (i.e. specification) for passing to a Vega-Lite visualizer. > let vlSpec = fromVL vl > Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn (Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty vlSpec) Note that there is __no__ validation done to ensure that the output matches the Vega Lite schema. That is, it is possible to create an invalid visualization with this module (e.g. missing a data source or referring to an undefined field). -} fromVL :: VegaLite -> Value -- ^ Prior to version @ this was labelled as returning a 'VLSpec' -- value. It has been changed to 'Value' to indicate that this is the -- JSON representation of the visualization (noting that @VLSpec@ is -- an alias for @Value@). fromVL (VL (schema, specs)) = let kvals = ("$schema" .= schema) : specs in object kvals {-| Create a specification sufficient to define an element in a composed visualization such as a superposed layer or juxtaposed facet. Typically a layer will contain a full set of specifications that define a visualization with the exception of the data specification which is usually defined outside of any one layer. Whereas for repeated and faceted specs, the entire specification is provided. @ spec1 = asSpec [ enc1 [], 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line' [] ] @ -} asSpec :: [PropertySpec] -> VLSpec asSpec = object . unProperty {-| Defines a specification object for use with faceted and repeated small multiples. @ 'toVegaLite' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.facet' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.RowBy' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.FName' \"Origin\", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.FmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal' ] ] , 'specification' spec ] @ -} specification :: VLSpec -> PropertySpec specification spec = (VLSpecification, spec) {-| A convenience type-annotation label. It is the same as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Data'. @since -} type PropertySpec = (VLProperty, VLSpec) {-| Represents a named Vega-Lite specification, usually generated by a function in this module. You shouldn't need to create @LabelledSpec@ tuples directly, but they can be useful for type annotations. -} type LabelledSpec = (T.Text, VLSpec) {-| Represent an encoding (input to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding'). It is expected that routines like 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.color' are used to create values with this type, but they can also be constructed and deconstructed manually with 'toEncodingSpec' and 'fromEncodingSpec'. @since -} newtype EncodingSpec = ES { unES :: (T.Text, VLSpec) } {-| This function is provided in case there is any need to inject JSON into the Vega-Lite document that @hvega@ does not support (due to changes in the Vega-Lite specification or missing functionality in this module). If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'fromEncodingSpec'. @since -} toEncodingSpec :: T.Text -- ^ The key to use for these settings (e.g. @\"color\"@ or @\"position\"@). -> VLSpec -- ^ The value of the key. This is expected to be an object, but there -- is no check on the value. -- -- See the -- for information on the supported values. -> EncodingSpec toEncodingSpec lbl spec = ES (lbl, spec) {-| Extract the contents of an encoding specification. This may be needed when the Vega-Lite specification adds or modifies settings for a particular encoding, and @hvega@ has not been updated to reflect this change. If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'toEncodingSpec'. @since -} fromEncodingSpec :: EncodingSpec -> (T.Text, VLSpec) -- ^ The key for the settings (e.g. \"detail\") and the value of the -- key. fromEncodingSpec = unES {-| Represent the functions that can be chained together and sent to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding'. @since -} type BuildEncodingSpecs = [EncodingSpec] -> [EncodingSpec] {-| Represent a transformation (input to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.transform'). It is expected that routines like 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.calculateAs' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.filter' are used to create values with this type, but they can also be constructed and deconstructed manually with 'toTransformSpec' and 'fromTransformSpec'. @since -} newtype TransformSpec = TS { unTS :: VLSpec } {-| This function is provided in case there is any need to inject JSON into the Vega-Lite document that @hvega@ does not support (due to changes in the Vega-Lite specification or missing functionality in this module). If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'fromTransformSpec'. @since -} toTransformSpec :: VLSpec -- ^ The tranform value, which is expected to be an object, but there -- is no check on this. -- -- See the -- for information on the supported values. -> TransformSpec toTransformSpec = TS {-| Extract the contents of a transformation specification. This may be needed when the Vega-Lite specification adds or modifies settings for a particular encoding, and @hvega@ has not been updated to reflect this change. If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'toTransformSpec'. @since -} fromTransformSpec :: TransformSpec -> VLSpec -- ^ The transformation data. fromTransformSpec = unTS {-| Represent the functions that can be chained together and sent to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.transform'. @since -} type BuildTransformSpecs = [TransformSpec] -> [TransformSpec] {-| Represent a set of resolution properties (input to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolve'). It is expected that 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolution' is used to create values with this type, but they can also be constructed and deconstructed manually with 'toResolveSpec' and 'fromResolveSpec'. @since -} newtype ResolveSpec = RS { unRS :: (T.Text, VLSpec) } {-| This function is provided in case there is any need to inject JSON into the Vega-Lite document that @hvega@ does not support (due to changes in the Vega-Lite specification or missing functionality in this module). If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'fromResolveSpec'. @since -} toResolveSpec :: T.Text -- ^ The key to use for these settings (e.g. @\"axis\"@ or @\"scale\"@). -> VLSpec -- ^ The value of the key. This is expected to be an object, but there -- is no check on the value. -- -- See the -- for information on the supported values. -> ResolveSpec toResolveSpec lbl spec = RS (lbl, spec) {-| Extract the contents of an resolve specification. This may be needed when the Vega-Lite specification adds or modifies settings for a particular resolve, and @hvega@ has not been updated to reflect this change. If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'toResolveSpec'. @since -} fromResolveSpec :: ResolveSpec -> (T.Text, VLSpec) -- ^ The key for the settings (e.g. \"legend\") and the value of the -- key. fromResolveSpec = unRS {-| Represent the functions that can be chained together and sent to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolve'. @since -} type BuildResolveSpecs = [ResolveSpec] -> [ResolveSpec] {-| Represent a set of resolution properties (input to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection'). It is expected that 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.select' is used to create values with this type, but they can also be constructed and deconstructed manually with 'toSelectSpec' and 'fromSelectSpec'. @since -} newtype SelectSpec = S { unS :: (T.Text, VLSpec) } {-| This function is provided in case there is any need to inject JSON into the Vega-Lite document that @hvega@ does not support (due to changes in the Vega-Lite specification or missing functionality in this module). If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'fromSelectSpec'. @since -} toSelectSpec :: SelectionLabel -- ^ The name given to the selection. -> VLSpec -- ^ The value of the key. This is expected to be an object, but there -- is no check on the value. -- -- See the -- for information on the supported values. -> SelectSpec toSelectSpec lbl spec = S (lbl, spec) {-| Extract the contents of a select specification. This may be needed when the Vega-Lite specification adds or modifies settings for a particular select, and @hvega@ has not been updated to reflect this change. If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'toSelectSpec'. @since -} fromSelectSpec :: SelectSpec -> (SelectionLabel, VLSpec) -- ^ The name for the selection and its settings. fromSelectSpec = unS {-| Represent the functions that can be chained together and sent to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection'. @since -} type BuildSelectSpecs = [SelectSpec] -> [SelectSpec] {-| Represent a set of configuration properties (input to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration'). It is expected that 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' is used to create values with this type, but they can also be constructed and deconstructed manually with 'toConfigureSpec' and 'fromConfigureSpec'. @since -} newtype ConfigureSpec = CS { unCS :: (T.Text, VLSpec) } {-| This function is provided in case there is any need to inject JSON into the Vega-Lite document that @hvega@ does not support (due to changes in the Vega-Lite specification or missing functionality in this module). If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'fromConfigureSpec'. @since -} toConfigureSpec :: T.Text -- ^ The key to use for these settings (e.g. @\"axis\"@ or @\"background\"@). -> VLSpec -- ^ The value of the key. -- -- See the -- for information on the supported values. -> ConfigureSpec toConfigureSpec lbl spec = CS (lbl, spec) {-| Extract the contents of a configuration specification. This may be needed when the Vega-Lite specification adds or modifies settings for a particular configure, and @hvega@ has not been updated to reflect this change. If you find yourself needing to use this then please . See also 'toConfigureSpec'. @since -} fromConfigureSpec :: ConfigureSpec -> (T.Text, VLSpec) -- ^ The key for the settings (e.g. \"numberFormat\") and the value of the -- key. fromConfigureSpec = unCS {-| Represent the functions that can be chained together and sent to 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configure'. @since -} type BuildConfigureSpecs = [ConfigureSpec] -> [ConfigureSpec] {-| Top-level Vega-Lite properties. These are the ones that define the core of the visualization grammar. All properties are created by functions which can be arranged into seven broad groups: [Data Properties] These relate to the input data to be visualized. Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromRows', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromSource', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromJson', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataSequence', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.sphere', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.graticule'. [Transform Properties] These indicate that some transformation of input data should be applied before encoding them visually. Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.transform' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.projection' they can include data transformations such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.filter', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.binAs' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.calculateAs' and geo transformations of longitude, latitude coordinates used by marks such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Geoshape', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line'. [Mark Properties] These relate to the symbols used to visualize data items. They are generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark', and include types such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Line'. [Encoding Properties] These specify which data elements are mapped to which mark characteristics (known as /channels/). Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding', they include encodings such as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.color', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.size', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.shape', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.text', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.hyperlink', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.order'. [Composition Properties] These allow visualization views to be combined to form more complex visualizations. Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.layer', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.repeat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.repeatFlow', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.facet', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.facetFlow', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.vlConcat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.columns', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.hConcat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.vConcat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.asSpec', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolve'. [Interaction Properties] These allow interactions such as clicking, dragging and others generated via a GUI or data stream to influence the visualization. Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection'. [Supplementary and Configuration Properties] These provide a means to add metadata and styling to one or more visualizations. Generated by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.name', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.title', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.description', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.background', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.height', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.heightStep', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.width', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.widthStep', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.padding', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.autosize', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.viewBackground', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configure'. Prior to @ this was an opaque data type, as the constructors were not exported. It is suggested that you do not import the constructors to @VLProperty@ unless you need to transform the Vega-Lite code in some manner (e.g. because @hvega@ is missing needed functionality or is buggy). Note that there is only a very-limited attempt to enforce the Vega-Lite Schema (e.g. to ensure the required components are provided). -} -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/TopLevelSpec -- which accepts one of -- #/definitions/TopLevelUnitSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelFacetSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelLayerSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelRepeatSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelConcatSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelVConcatSpec -- #/definitions/TopLevelHConcatSpec data VLProperty = VLAlign -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.align'. -- -- @since | VLAutosize -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.autosize'. | VLBackground -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.background'. | VLBounds -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.bounds'. -- -- @since | VLCenter -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.center' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.centerRC'. -- -- @since | VLColumns -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.columns'. -- -- @since | VLConcat -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.vlConcat'. -- -- @since | VLConfig -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configure'. | VLData -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromJson', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromRows', -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromSource', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromUrl', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataName', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataSequence', -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataSequenceAs', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.graticule', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.noData', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.sphere'. | VLDatasets -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.datasets'. | VLDescription -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.description'. | VLEncoding -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding'. | VLFacet -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.facet' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.facetFlow'. | VLHConcat -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.hConcat'. | VLHeight -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.height' and -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.heightStep'. | VLLayer -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.layer'. | VLMark -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark'. | VLName -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.name'. | VLPadding -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.padding'. | VLProjection -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.projection'. | VLRepeat -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.repeat' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.repeatFlow'. | VLResolve -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.resolve'. | VLSelection -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.selection'. | VLSpacing -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.alignRC', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.spacing', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.spacingRC'. -- -- @since | VLSpecification -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.specification'. | VLTitle -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.title'. | VLTransform -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.transform'. | VLUserMetadata -- ^ see 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.usermetadata'. -- -- @since | VLVConcat -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.vConcat'. | VLViewBackground -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.viewBackground'. -- -- @since | VLWidth -- ^ See 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.width' and -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.widthStep'. vlPropertyLabel :: VLProperty -> T.Text vlPropertyLabel VLAlign = "align" vlPropertyLabel VLAutosize = "autosize" vlPropertyLabel VLBackground = "background" vlPropertyLabel VLBounds = "bounds" vlPropertyLabel VLCenter = "center" vlPropertyLabel VLColumns = "columns" vlPropertyLabel VLConcat = "concat" vlPropertyLabel VLConfig = "config" vlPropertyLabel VLData = "data" vlPropertyLabel VLDatasets = "datasets" vlPropertyLabel VLDescription = "description" vlPropertyLabel VLEncoding = "encoding" vlPropertyLabel VLFacet = "facet" vlPropertyLabel VLHConcat = "hconcat" vlPropertyLabel VLHeight = "height" vlPropertyLabel VLLayer = "layer" vlPropertyLabel VLMark = "mark" vlPropertyLabel VLName = "name" vlPropertyLabel VLPadding = "padding" vlPropertyLabel VLProjection = "projection" vlPropertyLabel VLRepeat = "repeat" vlPropertyLabel VLResolve = "resolve" vlPropertyLabel VLSelection = "selection" vlPropertyLabel VLSpacing = "spacing" vlPropertyLabel VLSpecification = "spec" vlPropertyLabel VLTitle = "title" vlPropertyLabel VLTransform = "transform" vlPropertyLabel VLUserMetadata = "usermeta" vlPropertyLabel VLVConcat = "vconcat" vlPropertyLabel VLViewBackground = "view" vlPropertyLabel VLWidth = "width" {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate the name, or label, of a selection. It is expected to be a non-empty string, but there is __no attempt__ to validate this. @since -} type SelectionLabel = T.Text