{- | Module : Language.Scheme.Compiler Copyright : Justin Ethier Licence : MIT (see LICENSE in the distribution) Maintainer : github.com/justinethier Stability : experimental Portability : portable This module contains an experimental Scheme to Haskell compiler. The compiler performs the following transformations: > Scheme AST (LispVal) => Haskell AST (HaskAST) => Compiled Code (String) The GHC compiler is then used to create a native executable. At present, the focus has just been on creating a compiler that will generate correct, working code. Many optimizations could and need to be made for time and space... -} module Language.Scheme.Compiler where import qualified Language.Scheme.Macro import Language.Scheme.Numerical import Language.Scheme.Parser import Language.Scheme.Primitives import Language.Scheme.Types import Language.Scheme.Variables import Control.Monad.Error import qualified Data.Array import Data.Complex import qualified Data.List import Data.Ratio import System.IO import Debug.Trace -- A type to store options passed to compile -- eventually all of this might be able to be integrated into a Compile monad data CompOpts = CompileOptions { coptsThisFunc :: String, coptsThisFuncUseValue :: Bool, coptsThisFuncUseArgs :: Bool, coptsNextFunc :: Maybe String } --DefaultCompileOptions :: String -> CompileOpts defaultCompileOptions :: String -> CompOpts defaultCompileOptions thisFunc = CompileOptions thisFunc False False Nothing createAstFunc :: CompOpts -> [HaskAST] -> HaskAST createAstFunc (CompileOptions thisFunc useVal useArgs _) body = do let val = case useVal of True -> "value" _ -> "_" args = case useArgs of True -> "(Just args)" _ -> "_" AstFunction thisFunc (" env cont " ++ val ++ " " ++ args ++ " ") body createAstCont :: CompOpts -> String -> String -> HaskAST createAstCont (CompileOptions _ _ _ (Just nextFunc)) var indentation = do AstValue $ indentation ++ " continueEval env (makeCPS env cont " ++ nextFunc ++ ") " ++ var createAstCont (CompileOptions _ _ _ Nothing) var indentation = do AstValue $ indentation ++ " continueEval env cont " ++ var -- A very basic type to store a Haskell AST data HaskAST = AstAssignM String HaskAST | AstFunction {astfName :: String, -- astfType :: String, astfArgs :: String, astfCode :: [HaskAST] } | AstValue String | AstContinuation {astcNext :: String, astcArgs :: String } showValAST :: HaskAST -> String showValAST (AstAssignM var val) = " " ++ var ++ " <- " ++ show val showValAST (AstFunction name args code) = do let header = "\n" ++ name ++ args ++ " = do " let body = unwords . map (\x -> "\n" ++ x ) $ map showValAST code header ++ body showValAST (AstValue v) = v -- TODO: this is too limiting, this is an 'internal' continuation. most should take a value and pass it along, not args showValAST (AstContinuation nextFunc args) = " continueEval env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++ nextFunc ++ " " ++ args ++ ") $ Nil \"\"" instance Show HaskAST where show = showValAST joinL ls sep = concat $ Data.List.intersperse sep ls astToHaskellStr :: LispVal -> String astToHaskellStr (String s) = "String " ++ show s astToHaskellStr (Char c) = "Char " ++ show c astToHaskellStr (Atom a) = "Atom " ++ show a astToHaskellStr (Number n) = "Number (" ++ show n ++ ")" astToHaskellStr (Complex c) = "Complex $ (" ++ (show $ realPart c) ++ ") :+ (" ++ (show $ imagPart c) ++ ")" astToHaskellStr (Rational r) = "Rational $ (" ++ (show $ numerator r) ++ ") % (" ++ (show $ denominator r) ++ ")" astToHaskellStr (Float f) = "Float (" ++ show f ++ ")" astToHaskellStr (Bool True) = "Bool True" astToHaskellStr (Bool False) = "Bool False" astToHaskellStr (Vector v) = do let ls = Data.Array.elems v size = (length ls) - 1 "Vector (listArray (0, " ++ show size ++ ")" ++ "[" ++ joinL (map astToHaskellStr ls) "," ++ "])" astToHaskellStr (List ls) = "List [" ++ joinL (map astToHaskellStr ls) "," ++ "]" astToHaskellStr (DottedList ls l) = "DottedList [" ++ joinL (map astToHaskellStr ls) "," ++ "] $ " ++ astToHaskellStr l header :: [String] header = [ "module Main where " , "import Language.Scheme.Core " , "import Language.Scheme.Numerical " , "import Language.Scheme.Primitives " , "import Language.Scheme.Types -- Scheme data types " , "import Language.Scheme.Variables -- Scheme variable operations " , "import Control.Monad.Error " , "import Data.Array " , "import Data.Complex " , "import Data.Ratio " , "import System.IO " , " " -- TODO: eventually these make func's will be moved out into their own module , "" , "--makeNormalFunc :: Env -> [LispVal] -> String -> IOThrowsError LispVal " , "makeHFunc ::" , " (Monad m) =>" , " Maybe String " , " -> Env " , " -> [String] " , " -> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal) " , "-- -> String " , " -> m LispVal" , "makeHFunc varargs env fparams fbody = return $ HFunc fparams varargs fbody env --(map showVal fparams) varargs fbody env" , "makeNormalHFunc :: (Monad m) =>" , " Env" , " -> [String]" , " -> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)" , " -> m LispVal" , "makeNormalHFunc = makeHFunc Nothing" , "makeHVarargs :: (Monad m) => LispVal " , " -> Env" , " -> [String]" , " -> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)" , " -> m LispVal" , "makeHVarargs = makeHFunc . Just . showVal" , "main :: IO () " , "main = do " , " env <- primitiveBindings " , " result <- (runIOThrows $ liftM show $ run env (makeNullContinuation env) (Nil \"\") Nothing) " , " case result of " , " Just errMsg -> putStrLn errMsg " , " _ -> return () " , " "] -- NOTE: the following type is used for all functions generated by the compiler: -- , "run :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal " compileLisp :: Env -> String -> String -> Maybe String -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileLisp env filename entryPoint exitPoint = load filename >>= compileBlock entryPoint exitPoint env [] -- compileBlock -- -- Note: Uses explicit recursion to transform a block of code, because -- later lines may depend on previous ones compileBlock :: String -> Maybe String -> Env -> [HaskAST] -> [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileBlock symThisFunc symLastFunc env result code@[c] = do compiled <- mcompile env c $ CompileOptions symThisFunc False False symLastFunc return $ result ++ compiled compileBlock symThisFunc symLastFunc env result code@(c:cs) = do Atom symNextFunc <- _gensym "f" compiled <- mcompile env c $ CompileOptions symThisFunc False False (Just symNextFunc) compileBlock symNextFunc symLastFunc env (result ++ compiled) cs compileBlock _ _ _ result [] = return result -- TODO: could everything just be regular function calls except when a continuation is 'added to the stack' via a makeCPS(makeCPSWArgs ...) ?? I think this could be made more efficient -- Helper function to compile expressions consisting of a scalar compileScalar :: String -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileScalar val copts = do f <- return $ AstAssignM "x1" $ AstValue val c <- return $ createAstCont copts "x1" "" return [createAstFunc copts [f, c]] compileLambdaList :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError String compileLambdaList l = do serialized <- mapM serialize l return $ "[" ++ concat (Data.List.intersperse "," serialized) ++ "]" where serialize (Atom a) = return $ (show a) --serialize _ = throwError $ Default "invalid parameter to lambda list. TODO: output var" compile :: Env -> LispVal -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compile _ (Nil n) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Nil " ++ (show n)) copts compile _ (String s) copts = compileScalar (" return $ String " ++ (show s)) copts compile _ (Char c) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Char " ++ (show c)) copts compile _ (Complex c) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Complex $ (" ++ (show $ realPart c) ++ ") :+ (" ++ (show $ imagPart c) ++ ")") copts compile _ (Float f) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Float (" ++ (show f) ++ ")") copts compile _ (Rational r) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Rational $ (" ++ (show $ numerator r) ++ ") % (" ++ (show $ denominator r) ++ ")") copts compile _ (Number n) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Number (" ++ (show n) ++ ")") copts compile _ (Bool b) copts = compileScalar (" return $ Bool " ++ (show b)) copts -- TODO: eval env cont val@(HashTable _) = continueEval env cont val compile _ v@(Vector _) copts = compileScalar (" return $ " ++ astToHaskellStr v) copts compile _ (Atom a) copts = compileScalar (" getVar env \"" ++ a ++ "\"") copts compile _ (List [Atom "quote", val]) copts = compileScalar (" return $ " ++ astToHaskellStr val) copts -- TODO: eval envi cont (List [Atom "quasiquote", value]) = cpsUnquote envi cont value Nothing -- -- This is only a temporary solution that does not handle unquoting -- compile _ (List [Atom "quasiquote", val]) copts = compileScalar (" return $ " ++ astToHaskellStr val) copts compile env args@(List [Atom "expand", _body]) copts = do -- TODO: check if expand has been rebound? val <- Language.Scheme.Macro.expand env False _body compileScalar (" return $ " ++ astToHaskellStr val) copts compile env args@(List (Atom "let-syntax" : List _bindings : _body)) copts = do -- TODO: check if let-syntax has been rebound? bodyEnv <- liftIO $ extendEnv env [] _ <- Language.Scheme.Macro.loadMacros env bodyEnv Nothing False _bindings -- Expand whole body as a single continuous macro, to ensure hygiene expanded <- Language.Scheme.Macro.expand bodyEnv False $ List _body case expanded of List e -> compile bodyEnv (List $ Atom "begin" : e) copts e -> compile bodyEnv e copts compile env args@(List (Atom "letrec-syntax" : List _bindings : _body)) copts = do -- TODO: check if let-syntax has been rebound? bodyEnv <- liftIO $ extendEnv env [] _ <- Language.Scheme.Macro.loadMacros bodyEnv bodyEnv Nothing False _bindings -- Expand whole body as a single continuous macro, to ensure hygiene expanded <- Language.Scheme.Macro.expand bodyEnv False $ List _body case expanded of List e -> compile bodyEnv (List $ Atom "begin" : e) copts e -> compile bodyEnv e copts compile env args@(List [Atom "define-syntax", Atom keyword, (List (Atom "syntax-rules" : (List identifiers : rules)))]) copts = do -- -- TODO: -- -- macros will eventually need to introduce a definition in both the compiler's env (so macros can be processed at compile time) and in the program's env (so dynamically injected code has access to the macro). That said, the priority is compile-time processing. -- -- TBD: how the heck to serialize a Syntax object for use in the compiled code, since -- Syntax has embedded env's... perhaps the first step is to do it with a null env -- _ <- defineNamespacedVar env macroNamespace keyword $ Syntax (Just env) Nothing False identifiers rules compileScalar (" return $ Nil \"\"") copts compile env args@(List [Atom "if", predic, conseq]) copts = compile env (List [Atom "if", predic, conseq, Nil ""]) copts compile env args@(List [Atom "if", predic, conseq, alt]) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do -- FUTURE: think about it, these could probably be part of compileExpr Atom symPredicate <- _gensym "ifPredic" Atom symCheckPredicate <- _gensym "compiledIfPredicate" Atom symConsequence <- _gensym "compiledConsequence" Atom symAlternate <- _gensym "compiledAlternative" -- Entry point; ensure if is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"if\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do " ++ symPredicate ++ " env (makeCPS env cont " ++ symCheckPredicate ++ ") (Nil \"\") [] " ] -- Compile expression for if's args compPredicate <- compileExpr env predic symPredicate Nothing -- Do not want to call into nextFunc in the middle of (if) compConsequence <- compileExpr env conseq symConsequence nextFunc -- pick up at nextFunc after consequence compAlternate <- compileExpr env alt symAlternate nextFunc -- or...pick up at nextFunc after alternate -- Special case because we need to check the predicate's value compCheckPredicate <- return $ AstFunction symCheckPredicate " env cont result _ " [ AstValue $ " case result of ", AstValue $ " Bool False -> " ++ symAlternate ++ " env cont (Nil \"\") [] ", AstValue $ " _ -> " ++ symConsequence ++ " env cont (Nil \"\") [] "] -- Join compiled code together return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compPredicate ++ [compCheckPredicate] ++ compConsequence ++ compAlternate compile env args@(List [Atom "set!", Atom var, form]) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symDefine <- _gensym "setFunc" Atom symMakeDefine <- _gensym "setFuncMakeSet" -- Store var in huskc's env for macro processing -- TODO: changed this to a 'defineVar' for now, because without lambda forms inserting -- defined variables, using setVar will cause an error when trying to set a -- lambda var... _ <- defineVar env var form -- TODO: setVar (per above comment) entryPt <- compileSpecialFormEntryPoint "set!" symDefine copts compDefine <- compileExpr env form symDefine $ Just symMakeDefine compMakeDefine <- return $ AstFunction symMakeDefine " env cont result _ " [ AstValue $ " _ <- setVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\" result", createAstCont copts "result" ""] return $ [entryPt] ++ compDefine ++ [compMakeDefine] compile env (List [Atom "set!", nonvar, _]) copts = do f <- compileSpecialForm "set!" ("throwError $ TypeMismatch \"variable\" $ String \"" ++ (show nonvar) ++ "\"") copts return [f] compile env (List (Atom "set!" : args)) copts = do f <- compileSpecialForm "set!" ("throwError $ NumArgs 2 $ [String \"" ++ (show args) ++ "\"]") copts -- TODO: Cheesy to use a string, but fine for now... return [f] compile env args@(List [Atom "define", Atom var, form]) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symDefine <- _gensym "defineFuncDefine" Atom symMakeDefine <- _gensym "defineFuncMakeDef" -- Store var in huskc's env for macro processing (and same for other vers of define) _ <- defineVar env var form -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"define\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do " ++ symDefine ++ " env cont (Nil \"\") []" ] compDefine <- compileExpr env form symDefine $ Just symMakeDefine compMakeDefine <- return $ AstFunction symMakeDefine " env cont result _ " [ AstValue $ " _ <- defineVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\" result", createAstCont copts "result" ""] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compDefine ++ [compMakeDefine] compile env args@(List (Atom "define" : List (Atom var : fparams) : fbody)) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symCallfunc <- _gensym "defineFuncEntryPt" compiledParams <- compileLambdaList fparams compiledBody <- compileBlock symCallfunc Nothing env [] fbody -- TODO: -- -- Store var in huskc's env for macro processing (and same for other vers of define) -- _ <- defineVar e var form -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"define\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do result <- makeNormalHFunc env (" ++ compiledParams ++ ") " ++ symCallfunc, AstValue $ " _ <- defineVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\" result ", createAstCont copts "result" " " ] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compiledBody compile env args@(List (Atom "define" : DottedList (Atom var : fparams) varargs : fbody)) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symCallfunc <- _gensym "defineFuncEntryPt" compiledParams <- compileLambdaList fparams compiledBody <- compileBlock symCallfunc Nothing env [] fbody -- TODO: -- -- Store var in huskc's env for macro processing (and same for other vers of define) -- _ <- defineVar e var form -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"define\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do result <- makeHVarargs (" ++ astToHaskellStr varargs ++ ") env (" ++ compiledParams ++ ") " ++ symCallfunc, AstValue $ " _ <- defineVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\" result ", createAstCont copts "result" " " ] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compiledBody compile env args@(List (Atom "lambda" : List fparams : fbody)) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symCallfunc <- _gensym "lambdaFuncEntryPt" compiledParams <- compileLambdaList fparams -- TODO: need to extend Env below when compiling body? -- TODO: need to bind lambda params in the extended env, for purposes of macro processing compiledBody <- compileBlock symCallfunc Nothing env [] fbody -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound -- TODO: will probably end up creating a common function for this, -- since it is almost the same as in "if" f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"lambda\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do result <- makeNormalHFunc env (" ++ compiledParams ++ ") " ++ symCallfunc, createAstCont copts "result" " " ] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compiledBody compile env args@(List (Atom "lambda" : DottedList fparams varargs : fbody)) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symCallfunc <- _gensym "lambdaFuncEntryPt" compiledParams <- compileLambdaList fparams -- TODO: need to extend Env below when compiling body? -- TODO: need to bind lambda params in the extended env, for purposes of macro processing compiledBody <- compileBlock symCallfunc Nothing env [] fbody -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"lambda\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do result <- makeHVarargs (" ++ astToHaskellStr varargs ++ ") env (" ++ compiledParams ++ ") " ++ symCallfunc, createAstCont copts "result" " " ] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compiledBody compile env args@(List (Atom "lambda" : varargs@(Atom _) : fbody)) copts@(CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ nextFunc) = do Atom symCallfunc <- _gensym "lambdaFuncEntryPt" -- TODO: need to extend Env below when compiling body? -- TODO: need to bind lambda params in the extended env, for purposes of macro processing compiledBody <- compileBlock symCallfunc Nothing env [] fbody -- Entry point; ensure var is not rebound f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"lambda\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else do result <- makeHVarargs (" ++ astToHaskellStr varargs ++ ") env [] " ++ symCallfunc, createAstCont copts "result" " " ] return $ [createAstFunc copts f] ++ compiledBody compile env args@(List [Atom "string-set!", Atom var, i, character]) copts = do Atom symDefine <- _gensym "stringSetFunc" Atom symMakeDefine <- _gensym "stringSetFuncMakeSet" entryPt <- compileSpecialFormEntryPoint "string-set!" symDefine copts compDefine <- compileExpr env i symDefine $ Just symMakeDefine compMakeDefine <- return $ AstFunction symMakeDefine " env cont idx _ " [ AstValue $ " tmp <- getVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\"", -- TODO: not entirely correct below; should compile the character argument rather -- than directly inserting it into the compiled code... AstValue $ " result <- substr (tmp, (" ++ astToHaskellStr(character) ++ "), idx)", AstValue $ " _ <- setVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\" result", createAstCont copts "result" ""] return $ [entryPt] ++ compDefine ++ [compMakeDefine] -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "string-set!" , nonvar , _ , _ ]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "string-set!" : args)) = do compile env args@(List [Atom "set-car!", Atom var, argObj]) copts = do Atom symGetVar <- _gensym "setCarGetVar" Atom symCompiledObj <- _gensym "setCarCompiledObj" Atom symObj <- _gensym "setCarObj" Atom symDoSet <- _gensym "setCarDoSet" -- Code to all into next continuation from copts, if one exists let finalContinuation = case copts of (CompileOptions _ _ _ (Just nextFunc)) -> "continueEval e (makeCPS e c " ++ nextFunc ++ ")\n" _ -> "continueEval e c\n" -- Entry point that allows set-car! to be redefined entryPt <- compileSpecialFormEntryPoint "set-car!" symGetVar copts -- Function to read existing var compGetVar <- return $ AstFunction symGetVar " env cont idx _ " [ AstValue $ " result <- getVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\"", AstValue $ " " ++ symObj ++ " env cont result Nothing "] -- Compiled version of argObj compiledObj <- compileExpr env argObj symCompiledObj Nothing -- Function to check looked-up var and call into appropriate handlers; based on code from Core -- -- This is so verbose because we need to have overloads of symObj to deal with many possible inputs. -- FUTURE: consider making these functions part of the runtime. compObj <- return $ AstValue $ "" ++ symObj ++ " :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal\n" ++ symObj ++ " _ _ obj@(List []) _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch \"pair\" obj\n" ++ -- TODO: below, we want to make sure obj is of the right type. if so, compile obj and call into the "set" -- function below to do the actual set-car symObj ++ " e c obj@(List (_ : _)) _ = " ++ symCompiledObj ++ " e (makeCPSWArgs e c " ++ symDoSet ++ " [obj]) (Nil \"\") Nothing\n" ++ symObj ++ " e c obj@(DottedList _ _) _ = " ++ symCompiledObj ++ " e (makeCPSWArgs e c " ++ symDoSet ++ " [obj]) (Nil \"\") Nothing\n" ++ symObj ++ " _ _ obj _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch \"pair\" obj\n" -- Function to do the actual (set!), based on code from Core -- -- This is so verbose because we need to have overloads of symObj to deal with many possible inputs. -- FUTURE: consider making these functions part of the runtime. compDoSet <- return $ AstValue $ "" ++ symDoSet ++ " :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal\n" ++ symDoSet ++ " e c obj (Just [List (_ : ls)]) = setVar e \"" ++ var ++ "\" (List (obj : ls)) >>= " ++ finalContinuation ++ symDoSet ++ " e c obj (Just [DottedList (_ : ls) l]) = setVar e \"" ++ var ++ "\" (DottedList (obj : ls) l) >>= " ++ finalContinuation ++ symDoSet ++ " _ _ _ _ = throwError $ InternalError \"Unexpected argument to " ++ symDoSet ++ "\"\n" -- Return a list of all the compiled code return $ [entryPt, compGetVar, compObj, compDoSet] ++ compiledObj -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "set-car!" , nonvar , _ ]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "set-car!" : args)) = do compile env args@(List [Atom "set-cdr!", Atom var, argObj]) copts = do Atom symGetVar <- _gensym "setCdrGetVar" Atom symCompiledObj <- _gensym "setCdrCompiledObj" Atom symObj <- _gensym "setCdrObj" Atom symDoSet <- _gensym "setCdrDoSet" -- Code to all into next continuation from copts, if one exists let finalContinuation = case copts of (CompileOptions _ _ _ (Just nextFunc)) -> "continueEval e (makeCPS e c " ++ nextFunc ++ ")\n" _ -> "continueEval e c\n" -- Entry point that allows set-car! to be redefined entryPt <- compileSpecialFormEntryPoint "set-car!" symGetVar copts -- Function to read existing var compGetVar <- return $ AstFunction symGetVar " env cont idx _ " [ AstValue $ " result <- getVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\"", AstValue $ " " ++ symObj ++ " env cont result Nothing "] -- Compiled version of argObj compiledObj <- compileExpr env argObj symCompiledObj Nothing -- Function to check looked-up var and call into appropriate handlers; based on code from Core -- -- This is so verbose because we need to have overloads of symObj to deal with many possible inputs. -- FUTURE: consider making these functions part of the runtime. compObj <- return $ AstValue $ "" ++ symObj ++ " :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal\n" ++ symObj ++ " _ _ obj@(List []) _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch \"pair\" obj\n" ++ -- TODO: below, we want to make sure obj is of the right type. if so, compile obj and call into the "set" -- function below to do the actual set-car symObj ++ " e c obj@(List (_ : _)) _ = " ++ symCompiledObj ++ " e (makeCPSWArgs e c " ++ symDoSet ++ " [obj]) (Nil \"\") Nothing\n" ++ symObj ++ " e c obj@(DottedList _ _) _ = " ++ symCompiledObj ++ " e (makeCPSWArgs e c " ++ symDoSet ++ " [obj]) (Nil \"\") Nothing\n" ++ symObj ++ " _ _ obj _ = throwError $ TypeMismatch \"pair\" obj\n" -- Function to do the actual (set!), based on code from Core -- -- This is so verbose because we need to have overloads of symObj to deal with many possible inputs. -- FUTURE: consider making these functions part of the runtime. compDoSet <- return $ AstValue $ "" ++ symDoSet ++ " :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal\n" ++ symDoSet ++ " e c obj (Just [List (l : _)]) = (liftThrows $ cons [l, obj]) >>= setVar e \"" ++ var ++ "\" >>= " ++ finalContinuation ++ symDoSet ++ " e c obj (Just [DottedList (l : _) _]) = (liftThrows $ cons [l, obj]) >>= setVar e \"" ++ var ++ "\" >>= " ++ finalContinuation ++ symDoSet ++ " _ _ _ _ = throwError $ InternalError \"Unexpected argument to " ++ symDoSet ++ "\"\n" -- Return a list of all the compiled code return $ [entryPt, compGetVar, compObj, compDoSet] ++ compiledObj -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "set-cdr!" , nonvar , _ ]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "set-cdr!" : args)) = do compile env args@(List [Atom "vector-set!", Atom var, i, object]) copts = do Atom symCompiledIdx <- _gensym "vectorSetIdx" Atom symCompiledObj <- _gensym "vectorSetObj" Atom symUpdateVec <- _gensym "vectorSetUpdate" Atom symIdxWrapper <- _gensym "vectorSetIdxWrapper" -- Entry point that allows this form to be redefined entryPt <- compileSpecialFormEntryPoint "vector-set!" symCompiledIdx copts -- Compile index, then use a wrapper to pass it as an arg while compiling obj compiledIdx <- compileExpr env i symCompiledIdx (Just symIdxWrapper) compiledIdxWrapper <- return $ AstFunction symIdxWrapper " env cont idx _ " [ AstValue $ " " ++ symCompiledObj ++ " env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++ symUpdateVec ++ " [idx]) (Nil \"\") Nothing " ] compiledObj <- compileExpr env object symCompiledObj Nothing -- Do actual update compiledUpdate <- return $ AstFunction symUpdateVec " env cont obj (Just [idx]) " [ AstValue $ " vec <- getVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\"", AstValue $ " result <- updateVector vec idx obj >>= setVar env \"" ++ var ++ "\"", createAstCont copts "result" ""] return $ [entryPt, compiledIdxWrapper, compiledUpdate] ++ compiledIdx ++ compiledObj -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "vector-set!" , nonvar , _ , _]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "vector-set!" : args)) = do -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "hash-table-set!", Atom var, rkey, rvalue]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "hash-table-set!" , nonvar , _ , _]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "hash-table-set!" : args)) = do -- TODO: eval env cont args@(List [Atom "hash-table-delete!", Atom var, rkey]) = do -- TODO: eval env cont fargs@(List (Atom "hash-table-delete!" : args)) = do compile env args@(List (_ : _)) copts = mfunc env args compileApply copts compile _ badForm _ = throwError $ BadSpecialForm "Unrecognized special form" badForm mcompile :: Env -> LispVal -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] mcompile env lisp copts = mfunc env lisp compile copts mfunc :: Env -> LispVal -> (Env -> LispVal -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST]) -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] mfunc env lisp func copts = do transformed <- Language.Scheme.Macro.macroEval env lisp func env transformed copts {- TODO: adapt for compilation meval, mprepareApply :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal meval env cont lisp = mfunc env cont lisp eval mprepareApply env cont lisp = mfunc env cont lisp prepareApply mfunc :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal) -> IOThrowsError LispVal mfunc env cont lisp func = do Language.Scheme.Macro.macroEval env lisp >>= (func env cont) -} -- TODO: a helper function to allow special forms to be redefined at runtime... compileSpecialFormEntryPoint :: String -> String -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError HaskAST compileSpecialFormEntryPoint formName formSym copts = do compileSpecialForm formName ("do " ++ formSym ++ " env cont (Nil \"\") []") copts compileSpecialForm :: String -> String -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError HaskAST compileSpecialForm formName formCode copts = do f <- return $ [AstValue $ " bound <- liftIO $ isRecBound env \"" ++ formName ++ "\"", AstValue $ " if bound ", AstValue $ " then throwError $ NotImplemented \"prepareApply env cont args\" ", -- if is bound to a variable in this scope; call into it AstValue $ " else " ++ formCode] return $ createAstFunc copts f -- Compile an intermediate expression (such as an arg to if) and -- call into the next continuation with it's value compileExpr :: Env -> LispVal -> String -> Maybe String -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileExpr env expr symThisFunc fForNextExpr = do mcompile env expr (CompileOptions symThisFunc False False fForNextExpr) -- |Compiles each argument to a function call, and then uses apply to call the function compileApply :: Env -> LispVal -> CompOpts -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileApply env args@(List (func : params)) copts@(CompileOptions coptsThis _ _ coptsNext) = do Atom stubFunc <- _gensym "applyStubF" Atom wrapperFunc <- _gensym "applyWrapper" Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "applyNextF" c <- return $ AstFunction coptsThis " env cont _ _ " [AstValue $ " continueEval env (makeCPS env (makeCPS env cont " ++ wrapperFunc ++ ") " ++ stubFunc ++ ") $ Nil\"\""] -- Use wrapper to pass high-order function (func) as an argument to apply wrapper <- return $ AstFunction wrapperFunc " env cont value _ " [AstValue $ " continueEval env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++ nextFunc ++ " [value]) $ Nil \"\""] _comp <- mcompile env func $ CompileOptions stubFunc False False Nothing rest <- compileArgs nextFunc False params -- False since no value passed in this time return $ [c, wrapper ] ++ _comp ++ rest where -- TODO: this pattern may need to be extracted into a common place for use in other similar -- situations, such as params to a lambda expression compileArgs :: String -> Bool -> [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST] compileArgs thisFunc thisFuncUseValue args = do case args of [] -> do -- The basic idea is that if there is a next expression, call into it as a new continuation -- instead of calling into cont case coptsNext of Nothing -> return $ [ AstFunction thisFunc " env cont (Nil _) (Just (a:as)) " [AstValue " apply cont a as "], AstFunction thisFunc " env cont value (Just (a:as)) " [AstValue " apply cont a $ as ++ [value] "]] Just fnextExpr -> return $ [ AstFunction thisFunc " env cont (Nil _) (Just (a:as)) " [AstValue $ " apply (makeCPS env cont " ++ fnextExpr ++ ") a as "], AstFunction thisFunc " env cont value (Just (a:as)) " [AstValue $ " apply (makeCPS env cont " ++ fnextExpr ++ ") a $ as ++ [value] "]] (a:as) -> do Atom stubFunc <- _gensym "applyFirstArg" -- Call into compiled stub Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "applyNextArg" -- Next func argument to execute... _comp <- mcompile env a $ CompileOptions stubFunc False False Nothing -- Flag below means that the expression's value matters, add it to args f <- if thisFuncUseValue then return $ AstValue $ thisFunc ++ " env cont value (Just args) = do " else return $ AstValue $ thisFunc ++ " env cont _ (Just args) = do " c <- if thisFuncUseValue then return $ AstValue $ " continueEval env (makeCPS env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++ nextFunc ++ " $ args ++ [value]) " ++ stubFunc ++ ") $ Nil\"\"" else return $ AstValue $ " continueEval env (makeCPS env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++ nextFunc ++ " args) " ++ stubFunc ++ ") $ Nil\"\"" rest <- compileArgs nextFunc True as -- True indicates nextFunc needs to use value arg passed into it return $ [ f, c] ++ _comp ++ rest