module Language.Scheme.Compiler.Types
CompOpts (..)
, CompLibOpts (..)
, defaultCompileOptions
, HaskAST (..)
, ast2Str
, asts2Str
, createAstFunc
, createAstCont
, joinL
, moduleRuntimeVar
, showValAST
, header
, headerComment
, headerModule
, headerImports
import qualified Language.Scheme.Core as LSC (version)
import Language.Scheme.Types
import qualified Language.Scheme.Util (escapeBackslashes)
import qualified Data.Array
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Complex as DC
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Ratio as DR
data CompOpts = CompileOptions {
coptsThisFunc :: String,
coptsThisFuncUseValue :: Bool,
coptsThisFuncUseArgs :: Bool,
coptsNextFunc :: Maybe String
defaultCompileOptions :: String -> CompOpts
defaultCompileOptions thisFunc = CompileOptions thisFunc False False Nothing
data CompLibOpts = CompileLibraryOptions {
compBlock :: String -> Maybe String -> Env
-> [HaskAST] -> [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST],
compLisp :: Env -> String -> String -> Maybe String
-> IOThrowsError [HaskAST]
moduleRuntimeVar :: String
moduleRuntimeVar = " modules "
:: CompOpts
-> [HaskAST]
-> HaskAST
createAstFunc (CompileOptions thisFunc useVal useArgs _) funcBody = do
let val = if useVal then "value" else "_"
args = if useArgs then "(Just args)" else "_"
AstFunction thisFunc (" env cont " ++ val ++ " " ++ args ++ " ") funcBody
:: CompOpts
-> String
-> String
-> HaskAST
createAstCont (CompileOptions _ _ _ (Just nextFunc)) var indentation = do
AstValue $ indentation ++ " " ++ nextFunc ++ " env cont " ++ var ++ " (Just [])"
createAstCont (CompileOptions _ _ _ Nothing) var indentation = do
AstValue $ indentation ++ " continueEval env cont " ++ var ++ " Nothing"
data HaskAST = AstAssignM String HaskAST
| AstFunction {astfName :: String,
astfArgs :: String,
astfCode :: [HaskAST]
| AstValue String
| AstRef String
| AstContinuation {astcNext :: String,
astcArgs :: String
showValAST :: HaskAST -> String
showValAST (AstAssignM var val) = " " ++ var ++ " <- " ++ show val
showValAST (AstFunction name args code) = do
let typeSig = "\n" ++ name ++ " :: Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal "
let fheader = "\n" ++ name ++ args ++ " = do "
let fbody = unwords . map (\x -> '\n' : x ) $ map showValAST code
#ifdef UseDebug
let appendArg arg = do
if Data.List.isInfixOf arg args
then " ++ \" \" ++ " ++ (show arg) ++
" ++ \" [\" ++ (show " ++ arg ++ ")" ++
" ++ \"] \""
else ""
let fdebug = "\n _ <- liftIO $ (trace (\"" ++
name ++ "\"" ++
(appendArg "value") ++
(appendArg "args") ++
") getCPUTime)"
typeSig ++ fheader ++ fdebug ++ fbody
typeSig ++ fheader ++ fbody
showValAST (AstValue v) = v
showValAST (AstRef v) = v
showValAST (AstContinuation nextFunc args) =
" continueEval env (makeCPSWArgs env cont " ++
nextFunc ++ " " ++ args ++ ") (Nil \"\") Nothing "
instance Show HaskAST where show = showValAST
:: forall a. [[a]]
-> [a]
-> [a]
joinL ls sep = Data.List.intercalate sep ls
ast2Str :: LispVal -> String
ast2Str (String s) = "String " ++ show s
ast2Str (Char c) = "Char " ++ show c
ast2Str (Atom a) = "Atom " ++ show a
ast2Str (Number n) = "Number (" ++ show n ++ ")"
ast2Str (Complex c) = "Complex $ (" ++ (show $ DC.realPart c) ++ ") :+ (" ++ (show $ DC.imagPart c) ++ ")"
ast2Str (Rational r) = "Rational $ (" ++ (show $ DR.numerator r) ++ ") % (" ++ (show $ DR.denominator r) ++ ")"
ast2Str (Float f) = "Float (" ++ show f ++ ")"
ast2Str (Bool True) = "Bool True"
ast2Str (Bool False) = "Bool False"
ast2Str (HashTable ht) = do
let ls = Data.Map.toList ht
conv (a, b) = "(" ++ ast2Str a ++ "," ++ ast2Str b ++ ")"
"HashTable $ Data.Map.fromList $ [" ++ joinL (map conv ls) "," ++ "]"
ast2Str (Vector v) = do
let ls = Data.Array.elems v
size = (length ls) 1
"Vector (listArray (0, " ++ show size ++ ")" ++ "[" ++ joinL (map ast2Str ls) "," ++ "])"
ast2Str (ByteVector bv) = do
let ls = BS.unpack bv
"ByteVector ( BS.pack " ++ "[" ++ joinL (map show ls) "," ++ "])"
ast2Str (List ls) = "List [" ++ joinL (map ast2Str ls) "," ++ "]"
ast2Str (DottedList ls l) =
"DottedList [" ++ joinL (map ast2Str ls) "," ++ "] $ " ++ ast2Str l
ast2Str l = show l
asts2Str :: [LispVal] -> String
asts2Str ls = do
"[" ++ (joinL (map ast2Str ls) ",") ++ "]"
headerComment:: [String]
headerComment = [
, "-- This file was automatically generated by the husk scheme compiler (huskc)"
, "--"
, "-- "
, "-- (c) 2010 Justin Ethier "
, "-- Version " ++ LSC.version
, "--"]
headerModule :: [String]
headerModule = ["module Main where "]
headerImports :: [String]
headerImports = [
"Language.Scheme.Core "
, "Language.Scheme.Numerical "
, "Language.Scheme.Macro "
, "Language.Scheme.Primitives "
, "Language.Scheme.Types -- Scheme data types "
, "Language.Scheme.Variables -- Scheme variable operations "
, "Control.Monad.Error "
, "Data.Array "
, " qualified Data.ByteString as BS "
, "Data.Complex "
, " qualified Data.Map "
, "Data.Ratio "
, "Data.Word "
, "System.IO "
#ifdef UseDebug
, "System.CPUTime "
, "Debug.Trace "
header :: String -> Bool -> String -> [String]
header filepath useCompiledLibs langRev = do
let env = if useCompiledLibs
then "primitiveBindings"
else case langRev of
"7" -> "r7rsEnv"
_ -> "r5rsEnv"
initSrfi55 =
case langRev of
"7" -> []
_ -> [ "exec55_3 env cont _ _ = do "
, " liftIO $ registerExtensions env getDataFileName' "
, " continueEval env (makeCPSWArgs env cont exec []) (Nil \"\") Nothing"]
[ " "
, " "
, "-- |Get variable at runtime "
, "getRTVar env var = do "
, " v <- getVar env var "
, " return $ case v of "
, " List _ -> Pointer var env "
, " DottedList _ _ -> Pointer var env "
, " String _ -> Pointer var env "
, " Vector _ -> Pointer var env "
, " ByteVector _ -> Pointer var env "
, " HashTable _ -> Pointer var env "
, " _ -> v "
, " "
, "continueEval' env cont value = continueEval env cont value Nothing "
, " "
, "applyWrapper env cont (Nil _) (Just (a:as)) = do "
, " apply cont a as "
, " "
, "applyWrapper env cont value (Just (a:as)) = do "
, " apply cont a $ as ++ [value] "
, " "
, "getDataFileName' :: FilePath -> IO FilePath "
, "getDataFileName' name = return $ \"" ++ (Language.Scheme.Util.escapeBackslashes filepath) ++ "\" ++ name "
, " "]
++ initSrfi55 ++
[ " "
, "main :: IO () "
, "main = do "
, " env <- " ++ env ++ " "
, " result <- (runIOThrows $ liftM show $ hsInit env (makeNullContinuation env) (Nil \"\") Nothing) "
, " case result of "
, " Just errMsg -> putStrLn errMsg "
, " _ -> return () "
, " "
, "hsInit env cont _ _ = do "
, " _ <- defineVar env \"" ++ moduleRuntimeVar ++ "\" $ HashTable $ Data.Map.fromList [] "
, " run env cont (Nil \"\") (Just [])"
, " "]