{- |
Module      : Language.Scheme.Compiler.Libraries
Copyright   : Justin Ethier
Licence     : MIT (see LICENSE in the distribution)

Maintainer  : github.com/justinethier
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

This module contains support for compiling libraries of scheme code.


module Language.Scheme.Compiler.Libraries
import Language.Scheme.Compiler.Types
import qualified Language.Scheme.Core as LSC 
    (evalLisp, findFileOrLib, meval, nullEnvWithImport)
import Language.Scheme.Primitives
import Language.Scheme.Types
import Language.Scheme.Variables
import Control.Monad.Error

-- |Import all given modules and generate code for them
    :: Env 
    -- ^ Compilation environment
    -> Env 
    -- ^ Compilation meta environment, containing code from modules.scm
    -> [LispVal]
    -- ^ Modules to import
    -> CompLibOpts
    -- ^ Misc options required by compiler library functions
    -> CompOpts
    -- ^ Misc options required by compiler functions
    -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST]
    -- ^ Compiled code
importAll env metaEnv [m] lopts 
          copts@(CompileOptions {}) = do
    _importAll env metaEnv m lopts copts
importAll env metaEnv (m : ms) lopts
          (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "importAll"
    c <- _importAll env metaEnv m lopts $ 
                    CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just nextFunc)
    rest <- importAll env metaEnv ms lopts $
                      CompileOptions nextFunc False False lastFunc
    stub <- case rest of 
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub nextFunc lastFunc]
        _ -> return []
    return $ c ++ rest ++ stub
importAll _ _ [] _ _ = return []

_importAll :: Env
           -> Env
           -> LispVal
           -> CompLibOpts
           -> CompOpts
           -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
_importAll env metaEnv m lopts copts = do
    -- Resolve import
    resolved <- LSC.evalLisp metaEnv $ 
         List [Atom  "resolve-import", List [Atom "quote", m]]
    case resolved of
        List (moduleName : imports) -> do
            importModule env metaEnv moduleName imports lopts copts
        DottedList [List moduleName] imports@(Bool False) -> do
            importModule env metaEnv (List moduleName) [imports] lopts copts
        err -> throwError $ TypeMismatch "module/import" err

-- |Import a single module
importModule :: Env
             -> Env
             -> LispVal
             -> [LispVal]
             -> CompLibOpts
             -> CompOpts
             -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
importModule env metaEnv moduleName imports lopts 
             (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    Atom symImport <- _gensym "importFnc"

    -- Load module
    code <- loadModule metaEnv moduleName lopts $ 
              CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just symImport)
    -- Get module env, and import module env into env
    LispEnv modEnv <- LSC.evalLisp metaEnv $ 
       List [Atom "module-env", List [Atom "find-module", List [Atom "quote", moduleName]]]
    _ <- eval env $ List [Atom "%import", 
                          LispEnv env, 
                          LispEnv modEnv, 
                          List [Atom "quote", List imports], 
                          Bool False]
    importFunc <- return $ [
        -- fromEnv is a LispEnv passed in as the /value/ parameter.
        -- But the source of /value/ is different depending on the
        -- context, so we call into this function to figure it out
        codeToGetFromEnv moduleName code,
        AstValue $ "  _ <- evalLisp env $ List [Atom \"%import\", LispEnv env, value, List [Atom \"quote\", " ++ 
                  (ast2Str $ List imports) ++ "], Bool False]",
        createAstCont (CompileOptions symImport False False lastFunc) "(value)" ""]
    -- thisFunc MUST be defined, so include a stub if there was nothing to import
    stub <- case code of
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub thisFunc (Just symImport)]
        _ -> return []

    return $ [createAstFunc (CompileOptions symImport True False lastFunc) 
                             importFunc] ++ code ++ stub
  -- The import's from env can come from many places; this function
  -- figures that out and creates a new /value/ if necessary to send
  -- the proper value to %import in the above code
  codeToGetFromEnv (List [Atom "scheme", Atom "r5rs"]) _ = do
     -- This is a hack to compile-in a full environment for the (scheme r5rs) import.
     -- TODO: This really should be handled by the add-module! that is executed during
     --  module initialization, instead of having a special case here
     AstValue $ "  r5 <- liftIO $ r5rsEnv\n  let value = LispEnv r5"
  codeToGetFromEnv (List [Atom "scheme"]) _ = do
     -- hack to compile-in full env for the (scheme) import by r7rs
     AstValue $ "  r7 <- liftIO $ r7rsEnv\n  let value = LispEnv r7"
  codeToGetFromEnv (List [Atom "scheme", Atom "time", Atom "posix"]) _ = do
     AstValue $ "  e <- liftIO $ r7rsTimeEnv\n  let value = LispEnv e"
  codeToGetFromEnv name [] = do
     -- No code was generated because module was loaded previously, so retrieve
     -- it from runtime memory
     AstValue $ "  value <- evalLisp env $ List [Atom \"hash-table-ref\", Atom \"" ++ 
                moduleRuntimeVar ++ "\", List [Atom \"quote\", " ++ 
               (ast2Str name) ++ "]]" 

  codeToGetFromEnv _ _ = AstValue $ ""

-- | Load module into memory and generate compiled code
    :: Env 
    -- ^ Compilation meta environment, containing code from modules.scm
    -> LispVal
    -- ^ Name of the module to load
    -> CompLibOpts
    -- ^ Misc options required by compiler library functions
    -> CompOpts
    -- ^ Misc options required by compiler functions
    -> IOThrowsError [HaskAST]
    -- ^ Compiled code, or an empty list if the module was already compiled
    --   and loaded into memory
loadModule metaEnv name lopts copts@(CompileOptions {}) = do
    -- Get the module definition, or load it from file if necessary
    _mod' <- eval metaEnv $ List [Atom "find-module", List [Atom "quote", name]]
    case _mod' of
        Bool False -> return [] -- Even possible to reach this line?
        _ -> do
             _mod <- recDerefPtrs _mod'
             modEnv <- LSC.evalLisp metaEnv $ List [Atom "module-env", _mod]
             case modEnv of
                Bool False -> do
                    Control flow for compiled code:

                     - create new env
                     - call into func directly to load it
                     - return new env and save to memory
                     - continue on to lastFunc
                    Atom symStartLoadNewEnv <- _gensym "startLoadingNewEnvFnc"
                    Atom symEndLoadNewEnv <- _gensym "doneLoadingNewEnvFnc"

                    newEnvFunc <- return $ [
                        AstValue $ "  newEnv <- liftIO $ nullEnvWithImport",
                        AstValue $ "  _ <- defineVar newEnv \"" ++ moduleRuntimeVar ++ 
                                       "\" $ Pointer \"" ++ moduleRuntimeVar ++ "\" env",
                        AstValue $ "  _ <- " ++ symStartLoadNewEnv ++ 
                                   " newEnv (makeNullContinuation newEnv) (LispEnv env) (Just [])",
                        -- Save loaded module into runtime memory in case
                        -- it gets included somewhere else later on
                        AstValue $ "  _ <- evalLisp env $ List [Atom \"hash-table-set!\", Atom \"" ++ 
                                   moduleRuntimeVar ++ "\", List [Atom \"quote\", " ++
                                  (ast2Str name) ++ "], LispEnv newEnv]",
                        createAstCont copts "(LispEnv newEnv)" ""]
                    -- Create new env for module, per eval-module
                    newEnv <- liftIO $ LSC.nullEnvWithImport
                    -- compile the module code, again per eval-module
                    result <- compileModule newEnv metaEnv name _mod lopts $
                        CompileOptions symStartLoadNewEnv False False (Just symEndLoadNewEnv)
                    modWEnv <- eval metaEnv $ List (Atom "module-env-set!" : _mod' : [LispEnv newEnv]) 
                    -- Above does not update *modules* correctly, so we del/add below
                    _ <- eval metaEnv $ List [Atom "delete-module!", List [Atom "quote", name]]
                    _ <- eval metaEnv $ List [Atom "add-module!", List [Atom "quote", name], modWEnv]

                    return $ 
                     [createAstFunc copts newEnvFunc] ++
                     [createAstFunc (CompileOptions symEndLoadNewEnv False False Nothing)
                                    [AstValue "  return $ Nil \"\""]] ++
                _ -> return [] --_mod

-- |Compile the given module, using metadata loaded into memory.
--  This code is based off of eval-module from the meta language.
compileModule :: Env
              -> Env
              -> LispVal
              -> LispVal
              -> CompLibOpts
              -> CompOpts
              -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
compileModule env metaEnv name _mod lopts 
              (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    -- TODO: set mod meta-data to avoid cyclic references
    -- see modules.scm for how this is done by the interpreter
    Atom afterImportsFnc <- _gensym "modAfterImport"
    --Atom afterDirFunc <- _gensym "modAfterDir"

    metaData <- LSC.evalLisp metaEnv $ 
                  List [Atom "module-meta-data", List [Atom "quote", _mod]]

    moduleImports <- cmpSubMod env metaEnv metaData lopts $ 
        CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just afterImportsFnc)
    moduleDirectives <- cmpModExpr env metaEnv name metaData lopts $
        moduleDirsCopts moduleImports afterImportsFnc

    return $ moduleImports ++ 
             moduleDirectives ++ 
            (moduleStub moduleImports moduleDirectives afterImportsFnc)
  moduleDirsCopts modImps afterImportsFnc = do
-- if moduleImports is [] then use same copts for moduleDir
-- else, use copts (afterImportsFunc, lastFunc)
    case modImps of
        [] -> CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just afterImportsFnc)
        _ -> CompileOptions afterImportsFnc False False lastFunc
  moduleStub modImps modDir afterImportsFnc = do
-- if moduleDir == [] and moduleimports == [] then add stub (this, last)
-- else if modDir == [] then addstub (afterimports, last)
-- else, no stub required
    case (modImps, modDir) of
        ([], []) -> [createFunctionStub thisFunc lastFunc]
        ([], _) -> [createFunctionStub afterImportsFnc lastFunc]
        (_, []) -> [createFunctionStub afterImportsFnc lastFunc]
        _ -> [] -- Both have code, no stub needed

-- Helper function to create an empty continuation
-- TODO: ideally stubs would not be necessary,
--       should refactor out at some point
createFunctionStub :: String -> Maybe String -> HaskAST
createFunctionStub thisFunc nextFunc = do
    createAstFunc (CompileOptions thisFunc True False Nothing)
                  [createAstCont (CompileOptions "" True False nextFunc) 
                                 "value" ""]

-- |Compile sub-modules. That is, modules that are imported by
--  another module in the (define-library) definition
cmpSubMod :: Env
          -> Env
          -> LispVal
          -> CompLibOpts
          -> CompOpts
          -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
cmpSubMod env metaEnv (List ((List (Atom "import-immutable" : modules)) : ls)) 
    lopts copts = do
    -- Punt on this for now, although the meta-lang does the same thing
    cmpSubMod env metaEnv 
              (List ((List (Atom "import" : modules)) : ls)) 
              lopts copts
cmpSubMod env metaEnv (List ((List (Atom "import" : modules)) : ls)) lopts
    (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "cmpSubMod"
    code <- importAll env metaEnv modules lopts $ 
              CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just nextFunc)
    rest <- cmpSubMod env metaEnv (List ls) lopts $ 
              CompileOptions nextFunc False False lastFunc 
    stub <- case rest of 
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub nextFunc lastFunc]
        _ -> return []
    return $ code ++ rest ++ stub
cmpSubMod env metaEnv (List (_ : ls)) lopts copts = 
    cmpSubMod env metaEnv (List ls) lopts copts
cmpSubMod _ _ _ _ (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = 
    return [createFunctionStub thisFunc lastFunc]

-- |Compile module directives (expressions) in a module definition
cmpModExpr :: Env
           -> Env
           -> LispVal
           -> LispVal
           -> CompLibOpts
           -> CompOpts
           -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ((List (Atom "include" : files)) : ls)) 
    lopts@(CompileLibraryOptions _ compileLisp)
    (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    dir <- LSC.evalLisp metaEnv $ List [Atom "module-name-prefix", 
                                        List [Atom "quote", name]]
-- TODO: this pattern is common with the one below in @begin@,
--       should consolidate (or at least consider doing so)
    Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "includeNext"
    code <- includeAll env dir files compileInc lopts $ 
                       CompileOptions thisFunc False False (Just nextFunc)
    rest <- cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ls) lopts $ 
                CompileOptions nextFunc False False lastFunc
    stub <- case rest of 
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub nextFunc lastFunc]
        _ -> return []
    return $ code ++ rest ++ stub
  compileInc (String dir) (String filename) entry exit = do
    let path = dir ++ filename
    path' <- LSC.findFileOrLib path
    compileLisp env path' entry exit
  compileInc _ _ _ _ = throwError $ InternalError ""

cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ((List (Atom "include-ci" : code)) : ls)) lopts copts = do
    -- NOTE: per r7rs, ci should insert a fold-case directive. But husk does
    -- not support that, so just do a regular include for now
    cmpModExpr env metaEnv name
       (List ((List (Atom "include" : code)) : ls)) lopts copts
cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ((List (Atom "body" : code)) : ls)) lopts copts = do
    cmpModExpr env metaEnv name
       (List ((List (Atom "begin" : code)) : ls)) lopts copts

cmpModExpr env metaEnv name
       (List ((List (Atom "begin" : code')) : ls)) 
        lopts@(CompileLibraryOptions compileBlock _)
        (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "cmpSubModNext"
    code <- compileBlock thisFunc (Just nextFunc) env [] code'
    rest <- cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ls) lopts $ 
                CompileOptions nextFunc False False lastFunc
    stub <- case rest of 
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub nextFunc lastFunc]
        _ -> return []
    return $ code ++ rest ++ stub
cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List (_ : ls)) lopts copts = 
    cmpModExpr env metaEnv name (List ls) lopts copts
cmpModExpr _ _ _ _ _ (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) =
    return [createFunctionStub thisFunc lastFunc]

-- |Include one or more files for compilation
-- TODO: this pattern is used elsewhere (IE, importAll). could be generalized
includeAll :: forall t t1 t2 t3.
              -> t3
              -> [t2]
              -> (t3
                  -> t2 -> String -> Maybe String -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST])
              -> t1
              -> CompOpts
              -> ErrorT LispError IO [HaskAST]
includeAll _ dir [file] include _ --lopts
          (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    include dir file thisFunc lastFunc
includeAll env dir (f : fs) include lopts
           (CompileOptions thisFunc _ _ lastFunc) = do
    Atom nextFunc <- _gensym "includeAll"
    c <- include dir f thisFunc (Just nextFunc)
    rest <- includeAll env dir fs include lopts $
                       CompileOptions nextFunc False False lastFunc
    stub <- case rest of 
        [] -> return [createFunctionStub nextFunc lastFunc]
        _ -> return []
    return $ c ++ rest ++ stub
includeAll _ _ [] _ _ _ = return []

-- |Like evalLisp, but preserve pointers in the output
eval :: Env -> LispVal -> IOThrowsError LispVal
eval env lisp = do
  LSC.meval env (makeNullContinuation env) lisp