{- | Module : Language.Scheme.Environments Copyright : Justin Ethier Licence : MIT (see LICENSE in the distribution) Maintainer : github.com/justinethier Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module Language.Scheme.Environments ( primitives , ioPrimitives ) where import Language.Scheme.Libraries import Language.Scheme.Numerical import Language.Scheme.Primitives import Language.Scheme.Types import Language.Scheme.Util import Language.Scheme.Variables import Control.Monad.Error import qualified Data.Char import System.IO {- I/O primitives Primitive functions that execute within the IO monad -} ioPrimitives :: [(String, [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)] ioPrimitives = [("open-input-file", makePort openFile ReadMode), ("open-binary-input-file", makePort openBinaryFile ReadMode), ("open-output-file", makePort openFile WriteMode), ("open-binary-output-file", makePort openBinaryFile WriteMode), ("close-port", closePort), ("close-input-port", closePort), ("close-output-port", closePort), ("flush-output-port", flushOutputPort), ("textual-port?", isTextPort), ("binary-port?", isBinaryPort), ("input-port-open?", isInputPortOpen), ("output-port-open?", isOutputPortOpen), ("input-port?", isInputPort), ("output-port?", isOutputPort), ("char-ready?", isCharReady), ("u8-ready?", isCharReady), -- Good enough? -- The following optional procedures are NOT implemented: -- {- with-input-from-file with-output-from-file transcript-on transcript-off -} -- {- Consideration may be given in a future release, but keep in mind the impact to the other I/O functions. -} ("current-input-port", currentInputPort), ("current-output-port", currentOutputPort), ("read", readProc True), ("read-line", readProc False), ("read-char", readCharProc hGetChar), ("read-bytevector", readByteVector), ("peek-char", readCharProc hLookAhead), ("write", writeProc (\ port obj -> hPrint port obj)), ("write-char", writeCharProc), ("write-bytevector", writeByteVector), ("display", writeProc (\ port obj -> do case obj of String str -> hPutStr port str _ -> hPutStr port $ show obj)), ("string=?", strBoolBinop (==)), ("string?", strBoolBinop (>)), ("string<=?", strBoolBinop (<=)), ("string>=?", strBoolBinop (>=)), ("string-ci=?", stringCIEquals), ("string-ci?", stringCIBoolBinop (>)), ("string-ci<=?", stringCIBoolBinop (<=)), ("string-ci>=?", stringCIBoolBinop (>=)), ("string->symbol", string2Symbol), ("car", car), ("cdr", cdr), ("cons", cons), ("eq?", eq), ("eqv?", eq), -- TODO: not quite right, but maybe good enough for now ("equal?", recDerefToFnc equal), ("pair?", isDottedList), ("list?", unaryOp' isList), ("vector?", unaryOp' isVector), ("null?", isNull), ("string?", isString), ("list-copy", listCopy), ("string-length", stringLength), ("string-ref", stringRef), ("substring", substring), ("string-append", stringAppend), ("string->number", stringToNumber), ("string->list", stringToList), ("list->string", listToString), ("string->vector", stringToVector), ("vector->string", vectorToString), ("string-copy", stringCopy), ("string->utf8", byteVectorStr2Utf), ("bytevector?", unaryOp' isByteVector), ("bytevector-length", byteVectorLength), ("bytevector-u8-ref", byteVectorRef), ("bytevector-append", byteVectorAppend), ("bytevector-copy", byteVectorCopy), ("utf8->string", byteVectorUtf2Str), ("vector-length",wrapLeadObj vectorLength), ("vector-ref", wrapLeadObj vectorRef), ("vector-copy", vectorCopy), ("vector->list", wrapLeadObj vectorToList), ("list->vector", wrapLeadObj listToVector), ("hash-table?", wrapHashTbl isHashTbl), ("hash-table-exists?",wrapHashTbl hashTblExists), ("hash-table-ref", wrapHashTbl hashTblRef), ("hash-table-size", wrapHashTbl hashTblSize), ("hash-table->alist", wrapHashTbl hashTbl2List), ("hash-table-keys", wrapHashTbl hashTblKeys), ("hash-table-values", wrapHashTbl hashTblValues), ("hash-table-copy", wrapHashTbl hashTblCopy), -- From SRFI 96 ("file-exists?", fileExists), ("delete-file", deleteFile), -- husk internal functions --("husk-path", getDataFileFullPath'), -- Other I/O functions ("print-env", printEnv'), ("env-exports", exportsFromEnv'), ("read-contents", readContents), ("read-all", readAll), ("find-module-file", findModuleFile), ("system", system), ("gensym", gensym)] printEnv' :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal printEnv' [LispEnv env] = do result <- liftIO $ printEnv env return $ String result printEnv' [] = throwError $ NumArgs (Just 1) [] printEnv' args = throwError $ TypeMismatch "env" $ List args exportsFromEnv' :: [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal exportsFromEnv' [LispEnv env] = do result <- liftIO $ exportsFromEnv env return $ List result exportsFromEnv' err = return $ List [] {- "Pure" primitive functions -} primitives :: [(String, [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal)] primitives = [("+", numAdd), ("-", numSub), ("*", numMul), ("/", numDiv), ("modulo", numMod), ("quotient", numericBinop quot), ("remainder", numericBinop rem), ("rationalize", numRationalize), ("round", numRound), ("floor", numFloor), ("ceiling", numCeiling), ("truncate", numTruncate), ("numerator", numNumerator), ("denominator", numDenominator), ("exp", numExp), ("log", numLog), ("sin", numSin), ("cos", numCos), ("tan", numTan), ("asin", numAsin), ("acos", numAcos), ("atan", numAtan), ("sqrt", numSqrt), ("expt", numExpt), ("make-rectangular", numMakeRectangular), ("make-polar", numMakePolar), ("real-part", numRealPart ), ("imag-part", numImagPart), ("magnitude", numMagnitude), ("angle", numAngle ), ("exact->inexact", numExact2Inexact), ("inexact->exact", numInexact2Exact), ("number->string", num2String), ("=", numBoolBinopEq), (">", numBoolBinopGt), (">=", numBoolBinopGte), ("<", numBoolBinopLt), ("<=", numBoolBinopLte), ("&&", boolBoolBinop (&&)), ("||", boolBoolBinop (||)), ("char=?", charBoolBinop (==)), ("char?", charBoolBinop (>)), ("char<=?", charBoolBinop (<=)), ("char>=?", charBoolBinop (>=)), ("char-ci=?", charCIBoolBinop (==)), ("char-ci?", charCIBoolBinop (>)), ("char-ci<=?", charCIBoolBinop (<=)), ("char-ci>=?", charCIBoolBinop (>=)), ("char-alphabetic?", charPredicate Data.Char.isAlpha), ("char-numeric?", charPredicate Data.Char.isNumber), ("char-whitespace?", charPredicate Data.Char.isSpace), ("char-upper-case?", charPredicate Data.Char.isUpper), ("char-lower-case?", charPredicate Data.Char.isLower), ("char->integer", char2Int), ("integer->char", int2Char), ("char-upcase", charUpper), ("char-downcase", charLower), ("digit-value", charDigitValue), ("procedure?", isProcedure), ("nan?", isNumNaN), ("infinite?", isNumInfinite), ("finite?", isNumFinite), ("exact?", isNumExact), ("inexact?", isNumInexact), ("number?", isNumber), ("complex?", isComplex), ("real?", isReal), ("rational?", isRational), ("integer?", isInteger), ("eof-object?", isEOFObject), ("eof-object", eofObject), ("symbol?", isSymbol), ("symbol=?", isSymbolEq), ("symbol->string", symbol2String), ("char?", isChar), ("make-list", makeList), ("make-vector", makeVector), ("vector", buildVector), ("make-bytevector", makeByteVector), ("bytevector", byteVector), ("make-hash-table", hashTblMake), ("string", buildString), ("make-string", makeString), ("boolean?", isBoolean), ("boolean=?", isBooleanEq), ("husk-interpreter?", isInterpreter)] -- |Custom function used internally in the test suite isInterpreter :: [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal isInterpreter [] = return $ Bool True isInterpreter _ = return $ Bool False