module Language.Scheme.Types
Env (..)
, nullEnv
, LispError (..)
, ThrowsError
, IOThrowsError
, liftThrows
, LispVal (
, List
, DottedList
, Vector
, ByteVector
, HashTable
, Number
, Float
, Complex
, Rational
, String
, Char
, Bool
, PrimitiveFunc
, Func
, params
, vararg
, body
, closure
, HFunc
, hparams
, hvararg
, hbody
, hclosure
, IOFunc
, CustFunc
, EvalFunc
, Pointer
, pointerVar
, pointerEnv
, Opaque
, Port
, Continuation
, contClosure
, currentCont
, nextCont
, extraReturnArgs
, dynamicWind
, Syntax
, synClosure
, synRenameClosure
, synDefinedInMacro
, synEllipsis
, synIdentifiers
, synRules
, SyntaxExplicitRenaming
, LispEnv
, Nil)
, nullLisp
, toOpaque
, fromOpaque
, DeferredCode (..)
, DynamicWinders (..)
, makeNullContinuation
, makeCPS
, makeCPSWArgs
, eqv
, eqvList
, eqVal
, box
, makeFunc
, makeNormalFunc
, makeVarargs
, makeHFunc
, makeNormalHFunc
, makeHVarargs
, validateFuncParams
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Complex
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.List as DL
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Word
import System.IO
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
data Env = Environment {
parentEnv :: (Maybe Env),
bindings :: (IORef (Data.Map.Map String (IORef LispVal))),
pointers :: (IORef (Data.Map.Map String (IORef [LispVal])))
nullEnv :: IO Env
nullEnv = do
nullBindings <- newIORef $ Data.Map.fromList []
nullPointers <- newIORef $ Data.Map.fromList []
return $ Environment Nothing nullBindings nullPointers
data LispError = NumArgs (Maybe Integer) [LispVal]
| TypeMismatch String LispVal
| Parser ParseError
| BadSpecialForm String LispVal
| UnboundVar String String
| DivideByZero
| NotImplemented String
| InternalError String
| Default String
showError :: LispError -> String
showError (NumArgs (Just expected) found) = "Expected " ++ show expected
++ " args; found values " ++ unwordsList found
showError (NumArgs Nothing found) = "Incorrect number of args; " ++
" found values " ++ unwordsList found
showError (TypeMismatch expected found) = "Invalid type: expected " ++ expected
++ ", found " ++ show found
showError (Parser parseErr) = "Parse error at " ++ ": " ++ show parseErr
showError (BadSpecialForm message form) = message ++ ": " ++ show form
showError (UnboundVar message varname) = message ++ ": " ++ varname
showError (DivideByZero) = "Division by zero"
showError (NotImplemented message) = "Not implemented: " ++ message
showError (InternalError message) = "An internal error occurred: " ++ message
showError (Default message) = "Error: " ++ message
instance Show LispError where show = showError
instance Error LispError where
noMsg = Default "An error has occurred"
strMsg = Default
type ThrowsError = Either LispError
type IOThrowsError = ErrorT LispError IO
liftThrows :: ThrowsError a -> IOThrowsError a
liftThrows (Left err) = throwError err
liftThrows (Right val) = return val
data LispVal = Atom String
| List [LispVal]
| DottedList [LispVal] LispVal
| Vector (Array Int LispVal)
| ByteVector BS.ByteString
| HashTable (Data.Map.Map LispVal LispVal)
| Number Integer
| Float Double
| Complex (Complex Double)
| Rational Rational
| String String
| Char Char
| Bool Bool
| PrimitiveFunc ([LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal)
| Func {params :: [String],
vararg :: (Maybe String),
body :: [LispVal],
closure :: Env
| HFunc {hparams :: [String],
hvararg :: (Maybe String),
hbody :: (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal),
hclosure :: Env
| IOFunc ([LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
| EvalFunc ([LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
| CustFunc ([LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
| Pointer { pointerVar :: String
,pointerEnv :: Env }
| Opaque Dynamic
| Port Handle
| Continuation { contClosure :: Env
, currentCont :: (Maybe DeferredCode)
, nextCont :: (Maybe LispVal)
, extraReturnArgs :: (Maybe [LispVal])
, dynamicWind :: (Maybe [DynamicWinders])
| Syntax { synClosure :: Maybe Env
, synRenameClosure :: Maybe Env
, synDefinedInMacro :: Bool
, synEllipsis :: String
, synIdentifiers :: [LispVal]
, synRules :: [LispVal]
| SyntaxExplicitRenaming LispVal
| LispEnv Env
| Nil String
nullLisp :: LispVal
nullLisp = List []
toOpaque :: Typeable a => a -> LispVal
toOpaque = Opaque . toDyn
fromOpaque :: forall a. Typeable a => LispVal -> ThrowsError a
fromOpaque (Opaque (fromDynamic -> Just v)) = return v
fromOpaque badArg = throwError $ TypeMismatch (show $ toOpaque (undefined :: a)) badArg
data DeferredCode =
SchemeBody [LispVal] |
HaskellBody {
contFunction :: (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
, contFunctionArgs :: (Maybe [LispVal])
data DynamicWinders = DynamicWinders {
before :: LispVal
, after :: LispVal
showDWVal :: DynamicWinders -> String
showDWVal (DynamicWinders b a) = "(" ++ (show b) ++ " . " ++ (show a) ++ ")"
instance Show DynamicWinders where show = showDWVal
makeNullContinuation :: Env -> LispVal
makeNullContinuation env = Continuation env Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
makeCPS :: Env
-> LispVal
-> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
-> LispVal
makeCPS env cont@(Continuation _ _ _ _ dynWind) cps = Continuation env (Just (HaskellBody cps Nothing)) (Just cont) Nothing dynWind
makeCPS env cont cps = Continuation env (Just (HaskellBody cps Nothing)) (Just cont) Nothing Nothing
makeCPSWArgs :: Env
-> LispVal
-> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
-> [LispVal]
-> LispVal
makeCPSWArgs env cont@(Continuation _ _ _ _ dynWind) cps args =
(Just (HaskellBody cps (Just args)))
(Just cont) Nothing dynWind
makeCPSWArgs env cont cps args =
(Just (HaskellBody cps (Just args)))
(Just cont) Nothing Nothing
instance Ord LispVal where
compare (Bool a) (Bool b) = compare a b
compare (Number a) (Number b) = compare a b
compare (Rational a) (Rational b) = compare a b
compare (Float a) (Float b) = compare a b
compare (String a) (String b) = compare a b
compare (Char a) (Char b) = compare a b
compare (Atom a) (Atom b) = compare a b
compare a b = compare (show a) (show b)
eqv :: [LispVal]
-> ThrowsError LispVal
eqv [(Bool arg1), (Bool arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Number arg1), (Number arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Complex arg1), (Complex arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Rational arg1), (Rational arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Float arg1), (Float arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(String arg1), (String arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Char arg1), (Char arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(Atom arg1), (Atom arg2)] = return $ Bool $ arg1 == arg2
eqv [(DottedList xs x), (DottedList ys y)] = eqv [List $ xs ++ [x], List $ ys ++ [y]]
eqv [(Vector arg1), (Vector arg2)] = eqv [List $ (elems arg1), List $ (elems arg2)]
eqv [(ByteVector a), (ByteVector b)] = return $ Bool $ a == b
eqv [(HashTable arg1), (HashTable arg2)] =
eqv [List $ (map (\ (x, y) -> List [x, y]) $ Data.Map.toAscList arg1),
List $ (map (\ (x, y) -> List [x, y]) $ Data.Map.toAscList arg2)]
eqv [x@(Func _ _ xBody _), y@(Func _ _ yBody _)] = do
if (show x) /= (show y)
then return $ Bool False
else eqvList eqv [List xBody, List yBody]
eqv [x@(HFunc _ _ _ _), y@(HFunc _ _ _ _)] = do
if (show x) /= (show y)
then return $ Bool False
else return $ Bool True
eqv [x@(PrimitiveFunc _), y@(PrimitiveFunc _)] = return $ Bool $ (show x) == (show y)
eqv [x@(IOFunc _), y@(IOFunc _)] = return $ Bool $ (show x) == (show y)
eqv [x@(CustFunc _), y@(CustFunc _)] = return $ Bool $ (show x) == (show y)
eqv [x@(EvalFunc _), y@(EvalFunc _)] = return $ Bool $ (show x) == (show y)
eqv [l1@(List _), l2@(List _)] = eqvList eqv [l1, l2]
eqv [_, _] = return $ Bool False
eqv badArgList = throwError $ NumArgs (Just 2) badArgList
eqvList :: ([LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal) -> [LispVal] -> ThrowsError LispVal
eqvList eqvFunc [(List arg1), (List arg2)] = return $ Bool $ (length arg1 == length arg2) &&
(all eqvPair $ zip arg1 arg2)
where eqvPair (x1, x2) = case eqvFunc [x1, x2] of
Left _ -> False
Right (Bool val) -> val
_ -> False
eqvList _ _ = throwError $ Default "Unexpected error in eqvList"
eqVal :: LispVal -> LispVal -> Bool
eqVal a b = do
let result = eqv [a, b]
case result of
Left _ -> False
Right (Bool val) -> val
_ -> False
instance Eq LispVal where
x == y = eqVal x y
showVal :: LispVal -> String
showVal (Nil _) = ""
showVal (EOF) = "#!EOF"
showVal (LispEnv _) = "<env>"
showVal (String contents) = "\"" ++ contents ++ "\""
showVal (Char chr) = [chr]
showVal (Atom name) = name
showVal (Number contents) = show contents
showVal (Complex contents) = (show $ realPart contents) ++ "+" ++ (show $ imagPart contents) ++ "i"
showVal (Rational contents) = (show (numerator contents)) ++ "/" ++ (show (denominator contents))
showVal (Float contents) = show contents
showVal (Bool True) = "#t"
showVal (Bool False) = "#f"
showVal (Vector contents) = "#(" ++ (unwordsList $ Data.Array.elems contents) ++ ")"
showVal (ByteVector contents) = "#u8(" ++ unwords (map show (BS.unpack contents)) ++ ")"
showVal (HashTable _) = "<hash-table>"
showVal (List contents) = "(" ++ unwordsList contents ++ ")"
showVal (DottedList h t) = "(" ++ unwordsList h ++ " . " ++ showVal t ++ ")"
showVal (PrimitiveFunc _) = "<primitive>"
showVal (Continuation _ _ _ _ _) = "<continuation>"
showVal (Syntax _ _ _ _ _ _) = "<syntax>"
showVal (SyntaxExplicitRenaming _) = "<er-macro-transformer syntax>"
showVal (Func {params = args, vararg = varargs, body = _, closure = _}) =
"(lambda (" ++ unwords args ++
(case varargs of
Nothing -> ""
Just arg -> " . " ++ arg) ++ ") ...)"
showVal (HFunc {hparams = args, hvararg = varargs, hbody = _, hclosure = _}) =
"(lambda (" ++ unwords args ++
(case varargs of
Nothing -> ""
Just arg -> " . " ++ arg) ++ ") ...)"
showVal (Port _) = "<IO port>"
showVal (IOFunc _) = "<IO primitive>"
showVal (CustFunc _) = "<custom primitive>"
showVal (EvalFunc _) = "<procedure>"
showVal (Pointer p _) = "<ptr " ++ p ++ ">"
showVal (Opaque d) = "<Haskell " ++ show (dynTypeRep d) ++ ">"
box :: LispVal -> IOThrowsError [LispVal]
box a = return [a]
unwordsList :: [LispVal] -> String
unwordsList = unwords . map showVal
instance Show LispVal where show = showVal
makeFunc ::
(Monad m) =>
Maybe String -> Env -> [LispVal] -> [LispVal] -> m LispVal
makeFunc varargs env fparams fbody = return $ Func (map showVal fparams) varargs fbody env
makeNormalFunc :: (Monad m) => Env
-> [LispVal]
-> [LispVal]
-> m LispVal
makeNormalFunc = makeFunc Nothing
makeVarargs :: (Monad m) => LispVal -> Env
-> [LispVal]
-> [LispVal]
-> m LispVal
makeVarargs = makeFunc . Just . showVal
makeHFunc ::
(Monad m) =>
Maybe String
-> Env
-> [String]
-> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
-> m LispVal
makeHFunc varargs env fparams fbody = return $ HFunc fparams varargs fbody env
makeNormalHFunc :: (Monad m) =>
-> [String]
-> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
-> m LispVal
makeNormalHFunc = makeHFunc Nothing
makeHVarargs :: (Monad m) => LispVal
-> Env
-> [String]
-> (Env -> LispVal -> LispVal -> Maybe [LispVal] -> IOThrowsError LispVal)
-> m LispVal
makeHVarargs = makeHFunc . Just . showVal
validateFuncParams :: [LispVal] -> Maybe Integer -> IOThrowsError Bool
validateFuncParams ps (Just n) = do
if length ps /= fromInteger n
then throwError $ NumArgs (Just n) ps
else validateFuncParams ps Nothing
validateFuncParams ps Nothing = do
let syms = filter filterArgs ps
if (length syms) /= (length ps)
then throwError $ Default $
"Invalid lambda parameter(s): " ++ (show $ List ps)
else do
let strs = DL.sort $ map (\ (Atom a) -> a) ps
case dupe strs of
Just d -> throwError $ Default $
"Duplicate lambda parameter " ++ d
_ -> return True
filterArgs (Atom a) = True
filterArgs _ = False
dupe (a : b : rest)
| a == b = Just a
| otherwise = dupe (b : rest)
dupe _ = Nothing