{- hums - The Haskell UPnP Server Copyright (C) 2009 Bardur Arantsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} import Soap import Network.Utils import SimpleServiceDiscoveryProtocol import Configuration import Network.HTTP.Base import Network.HTTP.Headers import Network.StreamSocket() import Control.Concurrent import HttpServer import Service import Text.Regex import Data.List import Text.Printf import Action import System.IO (withFile, hFileSize, IOMode(..)) import qualified Data.UUID as U import qualified Data.UUID.V1 as U1 import MimeType import Object import HttpExtra import Control.Monad.Error import System.FilePath import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust) import Data.ConfigFile import Paths_hums import Data.IORef import Network.Socket (Socket) import Network.Socket.SendFile (sendFile', sendFileMode) defaultMediaServerConfiguration :: String -> MediaServerConfiguration defaultMediaServerConfiguration uuid_ = MediaServerConfiguration { uuid = uuid_ , friendlyName = "hums" , manufacturer = "Bardur Arantsson" , manufacturerUrl = "http://www.scientician.net" , modelDescription = Just "Haskell UPnP Media Server" , modelName = "HUMS" , modelNumber = "0" , modelUrl = "http://www.scientician.net" , serialNumber = Just "0123456789" , upc = Nothing } type State = (Configuration, MediaServerConfiguration, ApplicationInformation, [DeviceType], IORef Objects) rootDescriptionHandler :: State -> Socket -> Request String -> [String] -> IO () rootDescriptionHandler (c,mc,ai,s,_) conn r gs = do putStrLn "Got request for root description." xml <- generateDescriptionXml c mc s putStrLn "Generated root description." sendXmlResponse conn (getExtraHeaders ai) xml putStrLn "Send root description." hCopyBytes :: FilePath -> Socket -> Integer -> Integer -> IO () hCopyBytes src dst ofs len = do putStrLn $ printf "Sending %d bytes..." len sendFile' dst src ofs len -- Copy a set of ranges between two handles. hCopyRanges :: FilePath -> Socket -> [(Integer,Integer)] -> IO () hCopyRanges src conn ranges = mapM_ copyRange ranges where copyRange (lo, hi) = hCopyBytes src conn lo $ fromInteger $ hi - lo + 1 {- RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1) compliance issues: - No conditional range support. - Can only handle single ranges. - Negative range indexes are not supported. - Handling of invalid range specifications is non-compliant. It does work well enough for the PS3 though :). -} hCanonicalizeRanges :: Integer -> [(Maybe Integer, Maybe Integer)] -> [(Integer,Integer)] hCanonicalizeRanges fsz ranges = map f ranges where f (lo,hi) = do let lo' = case lo of Just x -> x Nothing -> 0 let hi' = case hi of Just x -> x Nothing -> fsz - 1 (lo', hi') fileSize :: FilePath -> IO Integer fileSize fp = withFile fp ReadMode $ \h -> hFileSize h serveStaticFile :: Socket -> [Header] -> String -> FilePath -> IO () serveStaticFile conn hs mimeType fp = do putStrLn $ printf "Serving file '%s'..." fp -- Do we have a range header? let ranges = case lookupHeader HdrRange hs of Just value -> parseRangeHeader value Nothing -> [] -- Whole file -- Serve the ranges. fsz <- fileSize fp let ranges' = hCanonicalizeRanges fsz ranges serveFile fsz ranges' where ohs = [ Header HdrContentType mimeType ] serveFile :: Integer -> [(Integer,Integer)] -> IO () serveFile fsz [] = do -- No range given (or all ranges were invalid), so we handle regularly. sendOkHeaders conn ohs fsz hCopyBytes fp conn 0 fsz serveFile fsz [r] = do -- Send headers sendPartialContentHeaders conn ohs r fsz -- Copy data from ranges into body. hCopyRanges fp conn [r] serveFile _ _ = -- This requires multipart/byteranges, but we don't support that -- as of yet. error "Cannot handle multiple ranges in a single request." -- Regular expressions for avoiding relative URLs. These -- are overly conservative, but what the heck... dotDotSlash :: Regex dotDotSlash = mkRegex "\\.\\./" slashDotDot :: Regex slashDotDot = mkRegex "/\\.\\." -- Handle static files. staticHandler :: String -> Socket -> Request String -> [String] -> IO () staticHandler root conn req gs = do putStrLn $ "Got request for static content: " ++ show gs case gs of [p] -> if isJust (matchRegex dotDotSlash p) || -- Reject relative URLs. isJust (matchRegex slashDotDot p) then sendErrorResponse conn InternalServerError [] else serveStaticFile conn (getHeaders req) mimeType fp where fp = root p mimeType = guessMimeType fp _ -> sendErrorResponse conn InternalServerError [] -- TODO: Should we generate a DATE header? getExtraHeaders :: ApplicationInformation -> [ Header ] getExtraHeaders ai = [ Header (HdrCustom "contentFeatures.dlna.org") "" , Header (HdrCustom "EXT") "" , Header (HdrCustom "Server") (getServerHeaderValue ai) , Header (HdrCustom "Accept-Ranges") "bytes" ] contentHandler :: State -> Socket -> Request String -> [String] -> IO () contentHandler (c,mc,ai,s,objects_) conn r gs = do objects <- readIORef objects_ -- Current snapshot of object tree. case gs of [oid] -> do putStrLn $ printf "Got request for CONTENT for objectId=%s" oid -- Serve the file which the object maps to. -- FIXME: Return 404 error code if file has disappeared. case findByObjectId oid objects of Just o -> serveStaticFile conn (getHeaders r) mt fp where od = getObjectData o fp = objectFileName od mt = objectMimeType od Nothing -> sendErrorResponse conn NotFound [] _ -> sendErrorResponse conn InternalServerError [] serviceControlHandler :: State -> Socket -> Request String -> [String] -> IO () serviceControlHandler (c,mc,ai,s,objects_) conn r gs = do objects <- readIORef objects_ -- Current snapshot of object tree. case gs of [sn] -> do putStrLn $ printf "Got request for CONTROL for service '%s'" sn case stringToDeviceType sn of Just dt -> do -- Parse the SOAP request let requestXml = rqBody r action <- parseControlSoapXml requestXml -- Deal with the action case action of Just a -> do x <- case a of ContentDirectoryAction_ cda -> handleCDA dt cda objects ConnectionManagerAction_ cma -> handleCMA cma putStrLn $ printf "Response:\n\n%s\n\n" x sendXmlResponse conn (getExtraHeaders ai) x Nothing -> sendErrorResponse conn NotImplemented [] Nothing -> do putStrLn $ printf "Asked about unknown service '%s'" sn sendErrorResponse conn NotImplemented [] _ -> -- Mapped to our URL space, but not parseable? sendErrorResponse conn NotFound [] where handleCDA st a objects = generateActionResponseXml c st objects a handleCMA _ = -- TODO: This should really be implemented as it is required by -- the specification. However, the PS3 doesn't seem to use it at -- all so I don't have any way to test an implementation anyway. error "Not implemented" fallbackHandler :: Socket -> Request String -> [String] -> IO () fallbackHandler conn r gs = do putStrLn "Fallback handler got request:" print r sendErrorResponse conn InternalServerError [] periodicUpdate :: IORef a -> (IO a) -> IO () periodicUpdate a doUpdate = forever $ do threadDelay 120000000 -- Every 120 seconds should be more than enough. writeIORef a =<< doUpdate -- Atomic replace scanOnce :: String -> IO Objects scanOnce directory = do putStrLn $ printf "Scanning directory '%s'" directory objects <- scanDirectory directory putStrLn $ printf "Scanning completed" return objects main :: IO () main = niceSocketsDo $ do -- Get the data directory. dataDirectory <- getDataFileName "." -- Parse configuration. c <- parseConfiguration emptyCP $ dataDirectory "hums.cfg" print c -- Scan objects once at the start. let scanOnce' = scanOnce $ rootDirectory c defaultObjects_ <- scanOnce' defaultObjects <- newIORef defaultObjects_ -- Get the application information. appInfo <- getApplicationInformation -- Build configurations, etc. u <- fmap (U.toString . fromJust) U1.nextUUID putStrLn $ "My UUID is: " ++ u let mc = defaultMediaServerConfiguration u let services = [ ContentDirectoryDevice, ConnectionManagerDevice ] let st = (c,mc,appInfo,services, defaultObjects) -- Extra information for debugging: putStrLn $ printf "SendFile mode: %s" sendFileMode -- Build URL dispatch table let dispatchTable = [ (mkRegex "^/description\\.xml$", rootDescriptionHandler st) , (mkRegex "^/static/(.*)$", staticHandler $ dataDirectory "www") , (mkRegex "^/dynamic/services/([^/]+)/control/?$", serviceControlHandler st) , (mkRegex "^/content/([0-9a-f,]+)$", contentHandler st) , (mkRegex "(.*)", fallbackHandler) ] -- Start serving. putStrLn "Establishing HTTP server..." forkIO $ runHttpServer dispatchTable $ httpServerPort c putStrLn "Done." -- Start broadcasting alive messages. putStrLn "Establishing notification broadcaster..." forkIO $ sendNotifyForever appInfo c mc -- Start scanning files/directories in the background. putStrLn "Establishing background scanner..." forkIO $ periodicUpdate defaultObjects scanOnce' -- Wait for all threads to terminate. interact id return ()