module Language.Huckleberry.V10101 (
) where

import Prelude hiding (print,(++),(+),(-),(*),(/),(%),(==),(/=),(>=),(>),(<=),(<),(&&),(||),not,abs,return)
import Data.Int(Int16)
import Data.List(intercalate)
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified Data.String as S
import Control.Monad.Writer(Writer,execWriter,tell)

import qualified IchigoJam as IJ

data Expr r where
  Number :: (Num r) => r -> Expr r
  Str :: (S.IsString r) => r -> Expr r
  -- 優先して評価(カッコの代わり)
  Pre :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  A :: Expr Int16
  B :: Expr Int16
  C :: Expr Int16
  D :: Expr Int16
  E :: Expr Int16
  F :: Expr Int16
  G :: Expr Int16
  H :: Expr Int16
  I :: Expr Int16
  J :: Expr Int16
  K :: Expr Int16
  L :: Expr Int16
  M :: Expr Int16
  N :: Expr Int16
  O :: Expr Int16
  P :: Expr Int16
  Q :: Expr Int16
  R :: Expr Int16
  S :: Expr Int16
  T :: Expr Int16
  U :: Expr Int16
  V :: Expr Int16
  W :: Expr Int16
  X :: Expr Int16
  Y :: Expr Int16
  Z :: Expr Int16
  Array :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  Concat :: (Show a, Show b, S.IsString c) => Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c

  -- Beginner's

  -- [TODO] 数:0(付属ボタン)/UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT/SPACE、省略で0
  Btn :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  Rnd :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Add :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Subtract :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Multiply :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Divide :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Remind :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Tick :: Expr Int16
  Inkey :: Expr Int16
  Chr :: [Expr Int16] -> Expr String
  Asc :: String -> Expr Int16

  Scr :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Scr' :: Expr Int16 -- 指定なしで現在位置
  Equal :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  NotEqual :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  GreaterThanEqual :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  GreaterThan :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  LessThanEqual :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  LessThan :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  And :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Or :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Not :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  -- Expert's
  Abs :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Sound :: Expr Int16
  Free :: Expr Int16
  Ver :: Expr Int16
  File :: Expr Int16
  Peek :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Ana :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  In' :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  In'' :: Expr Int16 -- 数を省略してまとめて入力できる

  Hex :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr String
  Hex' :: Expr Int16 -> Expr String -- 2番目の数は桁数、省略可

  Bin :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr String
  Bin' :: Expr Int16 -> Expr String -- 2番目の数は桁数、省略可

  BitAnd :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  BitOr ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  XOr ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  ShiftR ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  ShiftL ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  Complement ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

  I2CR :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  I2CW :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16
  USR :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16

-- Num Literal
instance (Num a) => Num (Expr a) where
  (+) (Number n1) (Number n2) = Number (n1 P.+ n2)
  (-) (Number n1) (Number n2) = Number (n1 P.- n2)
  (*) (Number n1) (Number n2) = Number (n1 P.* n2)
  negate (Number n) = Number (negate n)
  abs (Number n) = Number (P.abs n)
  signum (Number n) = Number (signum n)
  fromInteger n = Number (fromInteger n)

-- OverloadedStrings
instance (S.IsString a) => S.IsString (Expr a) where
  fromString s = Str (S.fromString s)

data Stmt where

  Label :: Int16 -> [Stmt] -> Stmt

  -- IFは入れ子にできる
  IfThenElse :: Expr Int16 -> [Stmt] -> [Stmt] -> Stmt
  IfThen :: Expr Int16 -> [Stmt] -> Stmt
  ForStepNext :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> [Stmt] -> Stmt
  ForNext :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> [Stmt] -> Stmt

  -- Beginner's
  Let' :: Expr Int16 -> [Expr Int16] -> Stmt
  Assign :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt

  Print :: (Show r) => Expr r -> Stmt

  Led :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Wait :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Run :: Stmt

  List :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  List' :: Stmt -- 行番号は共に省略可  

  Goto :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  End :: Stmt

  New :: Stmt
  Locate ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Cls :: Stmt

  Save :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Save' :: Stmt -- 省略で前回使用した数
  Load :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Load' :: Stmt  -- 省略で前回使用した数
  Files :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt

  Beep :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Beep' :: Stmt -- 周期(1-255)と長さ(1/60秒単位)は省略可

  Play :: String -> Stmt
  Play' :: Stmt -- MML省略で停止
  Tempo :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt

  Input :: String -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Clt :: Stmt

  Scroll :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt

  -- Expert's
  Clv :: Stmt
  Clk :: Stmt

  Gosub :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Return :: Stmt

  Renum :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Renum' :: Stmt -- 数省略で10
  LRun :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt

  Sleep :: Stmt
  Video :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Poke :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Clp :: Stmt
  Help :: Stmt

  Out :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Stmt
  Out' :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt -- 数2を省略でまとめて出力できる

  Bps :: Expr Int16 -> Stmt

reify :: (Show r) => Expr r -> String

reify (Number v) = show v
reify (Str v) = show v

reify (Pre v) = concat ["(", reify v, ")"]

reify (A) = "A"
reify (B) = "B"
reify (C) = "C"
reify (D) = "D"
reify (E) = "E"
reify (F) = "F"
reify (G) = "G"
reify (H) = "H"
reify (I) = "I"
reify (J) = "J"
reify (K) = "K"
reify (L) = "L"
reify (M) = "M"
reify (N) = "N"
reify (O) = "O"
reify (P) = "P"
reify (Q) = "Q"
reify (R) = "R"
reify (S) = "S"
reify (T) = "T"
reify (U) = "U"
reify (V) = "V"
reify (W) = "W"
reify (X) = "X"
reify (Y) = "Y"
reify (Z) = "Z"
reify (Array i) = concat ["[", reify i, "]"]

reify (Concat v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, ";", reify v2]

reify (Btn v) = concat ["BTN(", reify v, ")"]
reify (Rnd v) = concat ["RND(", reify v, ")"]

reify (Add v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "+", reify v2]
reify (Subtract v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "-", reify v2]
reify (Multiply v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "*", reify v2]
reify (Divide v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "/", reify v2]
reify (Remind v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "%", reify v2]

reify (Tick) = "TICK()"
reify (Inkey) = "INKEY()"
reify (Chr v) = concat ["CHR$(",(intercalate "," (fmap reify v)), ")"]
reify (Asc v) = concat ["ASC(\"", v, "\")"]
reify (Scr') = concat ["SCR()"]
reify (Scr v1 v2) = concat ["SCR(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ")"]

reify (Equal v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "=", reify v2]
reify (NotEqual v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "!=", reify v2]
reify (GreaterThanEqual v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, ">=", reify v2]
reify (GreaterThan v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, ">", reify v2]
reify (LessThanEqual v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "<=", reify v2]
reify (LessThan v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "<", reify v2]
reify (And v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "AND", reify v2]
reify (Or v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "OR", reify v2]
reify (Not v) = concat ["!", reify v]

reify (Abs v) = concat ["ABS(", reify v, ")"]
reify (Sound) = "SOUND()"
reify (Free) = "FREE()"
reify (Ver) = "VER()"
reify (File) = "FILE()"
reify (Peek v) = concat ["PEEK(", reify v, ")"]
reify (Ana v) = concat ["ANA(", reify v, ")"]
reify (In' v) = concat ["IN(", reify v, ")"]
reify (In'') = concat ["IN()"]
reify (Hex v1 v2) = concat ["HEX$(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ")"]
reify (Hex' v) = concat ["HEX$(", reify v, ")"]
reify (Bin v1 v2) = concat ["BIN$(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ")"]
reify (Bin' v) = concat ["BIN$(", reify v, ")"]

reify (BitAnd v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "&", reify v2]
reify (BitOr v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "|", reify v2]
reify (XOr v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "^", reify v2]
reify (ShiftR v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, ">>", reify v2]
reify (ShiftL v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "<<", reify v2]
reify (Complement v) = concat ["~", reify v]

reify (I2CR v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) = concat ["I2CR(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ",", reify v3, ",", reify v4, ",", reify v5, ")"]
reify (I2CW v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) = concat ["I2CW(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ",", reify v3, ",", reify v4, ",", reify v5, ")"]
reify (USR v1 v2) = concat ["USR(", reify v1, ",", reify v2, ")"]

lToString :: [Stmt] -> String
lToString st = intercalate ":" $ map toString st

toString :: Stmt -> String

toString (Label n st) = concat [(show n), " ", lToString st]
toString (IfThenElse c st1 st2) = concat ["IF", reify c, lToString st1, "ELSE", lToString st2]
toString (IfThen c st) = concat ["IF", reify c, lToString st]
toString (ForStepNext v ini inc step st) = concat ["FOR", reify v, "=", reify ini, "TO", reify inc, "STEP", reify step, ":", lToString st, ":NEXT"]
toString (ForNext v ini inc st) = concat ["FOR", reify v, "=", reify ini, "TO", reify inc, ":", lToString st, ":NEXT"]
toString (Let' v1 v2) = concat ["LET", reify v1, ",", (intercalate "," (fmap reify v2))]
toString (Assign v1 v2) = concat [reify v1, "=", reify v2]
toString (Print v) = concat ["?", reify v]
toString (Led v) = concat ["LED", reify v]
toString (Wait v) = concat ["WAIT", reify v]
toString (Run) = "RUN"
toString (List v1 v2) = concat ["LIST", reify v1, ",", reify v2]
toString (List') = "LIST"
toString (Goto v) = concat ["GOTO", reify v]
toString (End) = "END"
toString (New) = "NEW"
toString (Locate v1 v2) = concat ["LC", reify v1, ",", reify v2]
toString (Cls) = "CLS"
toString (Save v) = concat ["SAVE", reify v]
toString (Save') = "SAVE"
toString (Load v) = concat ["LOAD", reify v]
toString (Load') = "LOAD"
toString (Files v) = concat ["FILES", reify v]
toString (Beep v1 v2) = concat ["BEEP", reify v1, ",", reify v2]
toString (Beep') = "BEEP"
toString (Play v) = concat ["PLAY\"", v, "\""]
toString (Play') = "PLAY"
toString (Tempo v) = concat ["TEMPO", reify v]
toString (Input v1 v2) = concat ["INPUT\"", v1, "\",", reify v2]
toString (Clt) = "CLT"
toString (Scroll v) = concat ["SCROLL", reify v]
toString (Clv) = "CLV"
toString (Clk) = "CLK"
toString (Gosub v) = concat ["GOSUB", reify v]
toString (Return) = "RETURN"
toString (Renum v) = concat ["RENUM", reify v]
toString (Renum') = "RENUM"
toString (LRun v) = concat ["LRUN", reify v]
toString (Sleep) = "SLEEP"
toString (Video v) = concat ["VIDEO", reify v]
toString (Poke v1 v2) = concat ["POKE", reify v1, ",", reify v2]
toString (Clp) = "CLP"
toString (Help) = "HELP"
toString (Out v1 v2) = concat ["OUT", reify v1, ",", reify v2]
toString (Out' v) = concat ["OUT", reify v]
toString (Bps v) = concat ["BPS", reify v]

type Code = Writer [Stmt]

translate :: Code() -> String
translate c = (intercalate "\n" $ map toString (execWriter c)) P.++ "\n"

pre = Pre

label :: Int16 -> Code() -> Code()
label l st = tell [Label l (execWriter st)]

ifThenElse :: Expr Int16 -> Code() -> Code() -> Code()
ifThenElse c st1 st2 = tell [IfThenElse c (execWriter st1) (execWriter st2)]

ifThen :: Expr Int16 -> Code() -> Code()
ifThen c st = tell [IfThen c (execWriter st)]

forStepNext :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code() -> Code()
forStepNext v ini inc step st = tell [ForStepNext v ini inc step (execWriter st)]

forNext :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code() -> Code()
forNext v ini inc st = tell [ForNext v ini inc (execWriter st)]

a = A
b = B
c = C
d = D
e = E
f = F
g = G
h = H
i = I
j = J
k = K
l = L
m = M
n = N
o = O
p = P
q = Q
r = R
s = S
t = T
u = U
v = V
w = W
x = X
y = Y
z = Z
arr = Array

-- Beginner's

let' :: Expr Int16 -> [Expr Int16] -> Code()
let' v1 v2  = tell [Let' v1 v2]

(=:) :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
(=:) v1 v2  = tell [Assign v1 v2]
infix 2 =:

print :: (Show r) => Expr r -> Code()
print x = tell [Print x]

(++) :: (Show a, Show b, S.IsString c) => Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c
(++) = Concat
infixl 2 ++

led :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
led s = tell [Led s]

wait :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
wait t = tell [Wait t]

run :: Code()
run = tell [Run]

list :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
list v1 v2 = tell [List v1 v2]

list' :: Code()
list' = tell [List']

goto :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
goto t = tell [Goto t]

end :: Code()
end = tell [End]

btn = Btn

new :: Code()
new = tell [New]

locate ::  Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
locate v1 v2 = tell [Locate v1 v2]

cls :: Code()
cls = tell [Cls]

rnd = Rnd

save :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
save v = tell [Save v]
save' :: Code()
save' = tell [Save']

load :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
load v = tell [Load v]
load' :: Code()
load' = tell [Load']

files :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
files v = tell [Files v]

beep :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
beep v1 v2 = tell [Beep v1 v2]
beep' :: Code()
beep' = tell [Beep']

play :: String -> Code()
play c = tell [Play c]
play' :: Code()
play' = tell [Play']

tempo :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
tempo t = tell [Tempo t]

(+) = Add
infixl 6 +

(-) = Subtract
infixl 6 -

(*) = Multiply
infixl 7 *

(/) = Divide
infixl 7 /

(%) = Remind
infixl 7 %

input :: String -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
input s v = tell [Input s v]

tick = Tick

clt :: Code()
clt = tell [Clt]

inkey = Inkey

chr :: Expr Int16 -> Expr String
chr v = Chr [v]

-- コンマ区切りで連続表記可
chr' :: [Expr Int16] -> Expr String
chr' = Chr

asc = Asc

scroll :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
scroll v = tell [Scroll v]

scr = Scr
scr' = Scr'
vpeek = scr -- alias
vpeek' = scr' -- alias

(==) = Equal
infix 5 ==

(/=) = NotEqual
infix 5 /=

(>=) = GreaterThanEqual
infix 5 >=

(>) = GreaterThan
infix 5 >

(<=) = LessThanEqual
infix 5 <=

(<) = LessThan
infix 5 <

(&&) = And
infixr 4 &&

(||) = Or
infixr 3 ||

not = Not

-- Expert's

clv :: Code()
clv = tell [Clv]
clear = clv -- alias

clk :: Code()
clk = tell [Clk]

abs = Abs

gosub :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
gosub t = tell [Gosub t]

return :: Code()
return = tell [Return]

sound = Sound

free = Free

ver = Ver

renum :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
renum v = tell [Renum v]
renum' :: Code()
renum' = tell [Renum']

lrun :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
lrun v = tell [LRun v]

file = File

sleep :: Code()
sleep = tell [Sleep]

video :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
video sw = tell [Video sw]

peek = Peek

poke :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
poke v1 v2 = tell [Poke v1 v2]

clp :: Code()
clp = tell [Clp]

help :: Code()
help = tell [Help]

ana = Ana

out :: Expr Int16 -> Expr Int16 -> Code()
out v1 v2 = tell [Out v1 v2]
out' :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
out' v = tell [Out' v]

in' = In'
in'' = In''

hex = Hex
hex' = Hex'

bin = Bin
bin' = Bin'

(.&.) = BitAnd
infixl 7 .&.

(.|.) = BitOr
infixl 6 .|.

xor = XOr
infixl 7 `xor`

shiftR = ShiftR
infixl 7 `shiftR`

shiftL = ShiftL
infixl 7 `shiftL`

complement = Complement

bps :: Expr Int16 -> Code()
bps s = tell [Bps s]

i2cr = I2CR

i2cw = I2CW

usr = USR