module Network.HPACK.Table.Dynamic (
, newDynamicTableForEncoding
, newDynamicTableForDecoding
, renewDynamicTable
, huffmanDecoder
, printDynamicTable
, isDynamicTableEmpty
, isSuitableSize
, TableSizeAction(..)
, needChangeTableSize
, setLimitForEncoding
, resetLimitForEncoding
, insertEntry
, toDynamicEntry
, CodeInfo(..)
, clearDynamicTable
, withDynamicTableForEncoding
, withDynamicTableForDecoding
, toIndexedEntry
, fromHIndexToIndex
, getRevIndex
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (forM, when, (>=>))
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeRead, unsafeWrite)
import Data.Array.IO (IOArray, newArray)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Network.HPACK.Huffman
import Network.HPACK.Table.Entry
import Network.HPACK.Table.RevIndex
import Network.HPACK.Table.Static
import Network.HPACK.Types
toIndexedEntry :: DynamicTable -> Index -> IO Entry
toIndexedEntry dyntbl idx
| idx <= 0 = throwIO $ IndexOverrun idx
| idx <= staticTableSize = return $! toStaticEntry idx
| otherwise = toDynamicEntry dyntbl idx
fromHIndexToIndex :: DynamicTable -> HIndex -> IO Index
fromHIndexToIndex _ (SIndex idx) = return idx
fromHIndexToIndex DynamicTable{..} (DIndex didx) = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
x <- adj maxN (didx off)
return $! x + staticTableSize
type Table = IOArray Index Entry
data CodeInfo =
EncodeInfo !RevIndex
!(IORef (Maybe Size))
| DecodeInfo !HuffmanDecoding
!(IORef Size)
!(IO ())
data DynamicTable = DynamicTable {
codeInfo :: !CodeInfo
, circularTable :: !(IORef Table)
, offset :: !(IORef Index)
, numOfEntries :: !(IORef Int)
, maxNumOfEntries :: !(IORef Int)
, dynamicTableSize :: !(IORef Size)
, maxDynamicTableSize :: !(IORef Size)
adj :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
adj maxN x
| maxN == 0 = throwIO TooSmallTableSize
| otherwise = let !ret = (x + maxN) `mod` maxN
in return ret
huffmanDecoder :: DynamicTable -> HuffmanDecoding
huffmanDecoder DynamicTable{..} = dec
DecodeInfo dec _ _ = codeInfo
printDynamicTable :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
printDynamicTable DynamicTable{..} = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
let !beg = off + 1
!end = off + n
tbl <- readIORef circularTable
es <- mapM (adj maxN >=> unsafeRead tbl) [beg .. end]
let !ts = zip [1..] es
mapM_ printEntry ts
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
putStrLn $ " Table size: " ++ show dsize ++ "/" ++ show maxdsize
printEntry :: (Index,Entry) -> IO ()
printEntry (i,e) = do
putStr "[ "
putStr $ show i
putStr "] (s = "
putStr $ show $ entrySize e
putStr ") "
BS.putStr $ entryHeaderName e
putStr ": "
BS.putStrLn $ entryHeaderValue e
isDynamicTableEmpty :: DynamicTable -> IO Bool
isDynamicTableEmpty DynamicTable{..} = do
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
return $! n == 0
isSuitableSize :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO Bool
isSuitableSize siz DynamicTable{..} = do
let DecodeInfo _ limref _ = codeInfo
lim <- readIORef limref
return $! siz <= lim
data TableSizeAction = Keep | Change !Size | Ignore !Size
needChangeTableSize :: DynamicTable -> IO TableSizeAction
needChangeTableSize DynamicTable{..} = do
let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
mlim <- readIORef limref
maxsiz <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
return $ case mlim of
Nothing -> Keep
Just lim
| lim < maxsiz -> Change lim
| otherwise -> Ignore maxsiz
setLimitForEncoding :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
setLimitForEncoding siz DynamicTable{..} = do
let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
writeIORef limref $ Just siz
resetLimitForEncoding :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
resetLimitForEncoding DynamicTable{..} = do
let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
writeIORef limref Nothing
newDynamicTableForEncoding :: Size
-> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz = do
rev <- newRevIndex
lim <- newIORef Nothing
let !info = EncodeInfo rev lim
newDynamicTable maxsiz info
newDynamicTableForDecoding :: Size
-> Size
-> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz = do
lim <- newIORef maxsiz
buf <- mallocBytes huftmpsiz
let !decoder = decode buf huftmpsiz
!clear = free buf
!info = DecodeInfo decoder lim clear
newDynamicTable maxsiz info
newDynamicTable :: Size -> CodeInfo -> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTable maxsiz info = do
tbl <- newArray (0,end) dummyEntry
DynamicTable info <$> newIORef tbl
<*> newIORef end
<*> newIORef 0
<*> newIORef maxN
<*> newIORef 0
<*> newIORef maxsiz
!maxN = maxNumbers maxsiz
!end = maxN 1
renewDynamicTable :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
renewDynamicTable maxsiz dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = do
renew <- shouldRenew dyntbl maxsiz
when renew $ do
!entries <- getEntries dyntbl
let !maxN = maxNumbers maxsiz
!end = maxN 1
newtbl <- newArray (0,end) dummyEntry
writeIORef circularTable newtbl
writeIORef offset end
writeIORef numOfEntries 0
writeIORef maxNumOfEntries maxN
writeIORef dynamicTableSize 0
writeIORef maxDynamicTableSize maxsiz
case codeInfo of
EncodeInfo rev _ -> renewRevIndex rev
_ -> return ()
copyEntries dyntbl entries
getEntries :: DynamicTable -> IO [Entry]
getEntries DynamicTable{..} = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
table <- readIORef circularTable
let readTable i = adj maxN (off + i) >>= unsafeRead table
forM [1 .. n] readTable
copyEntries :: DynamicTable -> [Entry] -> IO ()
copyEntries _ [] = return ()
copyEntries dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} (e:es) = do
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
when (dsize + entrySize e <= maxdsize) $ do
insertEnd e dyntbl
copyEntries dyntbl es
shouldRenew :: DynamicTable -> Size -> IO Bool
shouldRenew DynamicTable{..} maxsiz = do
maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
return $! maxdsize /= maxsiz
withDynamicTableForEncoding :: Size
-> (DynamicTable -> IO a)
-> IO a
withDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz action =
bracket (newDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz) clearDynamicTable action
withDynamicTableForDecoding :: Size
-> Size
-> (DynamicTable -> IO a)
-> IO a
withDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz action =
bracket (newDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz) clearDynamicTable action
clearDynamicTable :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
clearDynamicTable DynamicTable{..} = case codeInfo of
EncodeInfo _ _ -> return ()
DecodeInfo _ _ clear -> clear
insertEntry :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertEntry e dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = do
insertFront e dyntbl
es <- adjustTableSize dyntbl
case codeInfo of
EncodeInfo rev _ -> deleteRevIndexList es rev
_ -> return ()
insertFront :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertFront e DynamicTable{..} = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
table <- readIORef circularTable
let i = off
!dsize' = dsize + entrySize e
!off' <- adj maxN (off 1)
unsafeWrite table i e
writeIORef offset off'
writeIORef numOfEntries $ n + 1
writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
case codeInfo of
EncodeInfo rev _ -> insertRevIndex e (DIndex i) rev
_ -> return ()
adjustTableSize :: DynamicTable -> IO [Entry]
adjustTableSize dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = adjust []
adjust :: [Entry] -> IO [Entry]
adjust !es = do
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
if dsize <= maxdsize then
return es
else do
e <- removeEnd dyntbl
adjust (e:es)
insertEnd :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertEnd e DynamicTable{..} = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
table <- readIORef circularTable
!i <- adj maxN (off + n + 1)
let !dsize' = dsize + entrySize e
unsafeWrite table i e
writeIORef numOfEntries $ n + 1
writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
case codeInfo of
EncodeInfo rev _ -> insertRevIndex e (DIndex i) rev
_ -> return ()
removeEnd :: DynamicTable -> IO Entry
removeEnd DynamicTable{..} = do
maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
off <- readIORef offset
n <- readIORef numOfEntries
!i <- adj maxN (off + n)
table <- readIORef circularTable
e <- unsafeRead table i
unsafeWrite table i dummyEntry
dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
let !dsize' = dsize entrySize e
writeIORef numOfEntries (n 1)
writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
return e
toDynamicEntry :: DynamicTable -> Index -> IO Entry
toDynamicEntry DynamicTable{..} idx = do
!maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
!off <- readIORef offset
!didx <- adj maxN (idx + off staticTableSize)
!table <- readIORef circularTable
unsafeRead table didx
getRevIndex :: DynamicTable-> RevIndex
getRevIndex DynamicTable{..} = rev
EncodeInfo rev _ = codeInfo