Changelog ========= - [ Version]( Exposed `qualityData` accessor. Added `isAcceptable` to allow filtering out unacceptable items. - [Version]( Removed official support for GHC 7.8. A separate `QualityOrder` type can now be extracted from a `Quality` value for performing comparisons without the attached data value. The most specific match will now be used to assign a quality value to each server option, ensuring that less specific matches cannot override lower quality values on more specific matches. In particular, if a type is considered unacceptable by the client, then a separate match with a non-zero quality value cannot make it acceptable. Numeric characters are now permitted in the tail of a Language value. Added support for Accept-Encoding and Content-Encoding. Added support for Accept-Charset and Content-Charset. The bounds for QuickCheck have been updated to include the latest version. - [Version]( Package bounds have been updated for GHC 8.6. - [Version]( The bounds for QuickCheck have been updated to include the latest version. - [Version]( The bounds for base have been updated to include support for GHC 8.2. - [Version 0.7.1]( Travis now tests against a range of Stackage LTS environments, instead of using multi-ghc. Support for base-4.6 has now been correctly removed in the Cabal file. - [Version 0.7.0]( The Travis configuration has dropped support for GHC 7.6 and added support for 8.0. More direct constructors for quality values are now available, to avoid having to deal with `Maybe` results when you are certain parsing a quality string will not fail. The bounds for QuickCheck have been updated to include the latest version. - [Version 0.6.4]( The bounds for QuickCheck have been updated to include the latest version. - [Version 0.6.3]( Parse failures more regularly return a `Maybe` value instead of raising an exception. The `(//)` smart constructor now accepts wildcard arguments, but only in the correct order. Most tests will now emit a counter example if their relevant properties are violated. Some tests which were not correctly covering their properties have been fixed. The `-Werror` flag has been removed from the test suite. - [Version 0.6.2]( The test suite now uses the test-framework library instead of cabal-test-quickcheck, and the package no longer depends on Cabal. - [Version 0.6.1]( The type errors and build warnings caused by the BBP have been fixed for GHC 7.10. - [Version 0.6.0]( All of the publicly exposed data types now derive an `Ord` instance.