{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Support for making connections via the connection package and, in turn, -- the tls package suite. -- -- Recommended reading: module Network.HTTP.Client.TLS ( -- * Settings tlsManagerSettings , mkManagerSettings -- * Digest authentication , applyDigestAuth -- * Global manager , getGlobalManager , setGlobalManager ) where import Data.Default.Class import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (host, port) import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal hiding (host, port) import Control.Exception import qualified Network.Connection as NC import Network.Socket (HostAddress) import qualified Network.TLS as TLS import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad (guard) import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Network.HTTP.Types (status401) import Crypto.Hash (hash, Digest, MD5) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (convertToBase, Base (Base16)) -- | Create a TLS-enabled 'ManagerSettings' with the given 'NC.TLSSettings' and -- 'NC.SockSettings' mkManagerSettings :: NC.TLSSettings -> Maybe NC.SockSettings -> ManagerSettings mkManagerSettings tls sock = defaultManagerSettings { managerTlsConnection = getTlsConnection (Just tls) sock , managerTlsProxyConnection = getTlsProxyConnection tls sock , managerRawConnection = case sock of Nothing -> managerRawConnection defaultManagerSettings Just _ -> getTlsConnection Nothing sock , managerRetryableException = \e -> case () of () | ((fromException e)::(Maybe TLS.TLSError))==Just TLS.Error_EOF -> True | otherwise -> managerRetryableException defaultManagerSettings e , managerWrapException = \req -> let wrapper se = case fromException se of Just (_ :: IOException) -> se' Nothing -> case fromException se of Just TLS.Terminated{} -> se' Just TLS.HandshakeFailed{} -> se' Just TLS.ConnectionNotEstablished -> se' _ -> se where se' = toException $ HttpExceptionRequest req $ InternalException se in handle $ throwIO . wrapper } -- | Default TLS-enabled manager settings tlsManagerSettings :: ManagerSettings tlsManagerSettings = mkManagerSettings def Nothing getTlsConnection :: Maybe NC.TLSSettings -> Maybe NC.SockSettings -> IO (Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection) getTlsConnection tls sock = do context <- NC.initConnectionContext return $ \_ha host port -> do conn <- NC.connectTo context NC.ConnectionParams { NC.connectionHostname = host , NC.connectionPort = fromIntegral port , NC.connectionUseSecure = tls , NC.connectionUseSocks = sock } convertConnection conn getTlsProxyConnection :: NC.TLSSettings -> Maybe NC.SockSettings -> IO (S.ByteString -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> String -> Maybe HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection) getTlsProxyConnection tls sock = do context <- NC.initConnectionContext return $ \connstr checkConn serverName _ha host port -> do --error $ show (connstr, host, port) conn <- NC.connectTo context NC.ConnectionParams { NC.connectionHostname = serverName , NC.connectionPort = fromIntegral port , NC.connectionUseSecure = Nothing , NC.connectionUseSocks = case sock of Just _ -> error "Cannot use SOCKS and TLS proxying together" Nothing -> Just $ NC.OtherProxy host $ fromIntegral port } NC.connectionPut conn connstr conn' <- convertConnection conn checkConn conn' NC.connectionSetSecure context conn tls return conn' convertConnection :: NC.Connection -> IO Connection convertConnection conn = makeConnection (NC.connectionGetChunk conn) (NC.connectionPut conn) -- Closing an SSL connection gracefully involves writing/reading -- on the socket. But when this is called the socket might be -- already closed, and we get a @ResourceVanished@. (NC.connectionClose conn `Control.Exception.catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> return ()) -- | Evil global manager, to make life easier for the common use case globalManager :: IORef Manager globalManager = unsafePerformIO (newManager tlsManagerSettings >>= newIORef) {-# NOINLINE globalManager #-} -- | Get the current global 'Manager' -- -- @since 0.2.4 getGlobalManager :: IO Manager getGlobalManager = readIORef globalManager {-# INLINE getGlobalManager #-} -- | Set the current global 'Manager' -- -- @since 0.2.4 setGlobalManager :: Manager -> IO () setGlobalManager = writeIORef globalManager -- | Apply digest authentication to this request. -- -- Note that this function will need to make an HTTP request to the -- server in order to get the nonce, thus the need for a @Manager@ and -- to live in @IO@. This also means that the request body will be sent -- to the server. If the request body in the supplied @Request@ can -- only be read once, you should replace it with a dummy value. -- -- In the event of successfully generating a digest, this will return -- a @Just@ value. If there is any problem with generating the digest, -- it will return @Nothing@. -- -- @since 0.3.1 applyDigestAuth :: MonadIO m => S.ByteString -- ^ username -> S.ByteString -- ^ password -> Request -> Manager -> m (Maybe Request) applyDigestAuth user pass req man = liftIO $ do res <- httpNoBody req man return $ do guard $ responseStatus res == status401 h1 <- lookup "WWW-Authenticate" $ responseHeaders res h2 <- stripCI "Digest " h1 let pieces = map (strip *** strip) (toPairs h2) realm <- lookup "realm" pieces nonce <- lookup "nonce" pieces let qop = isJust $ lookup "qop" pieces digest | qop = md5 $ S.concat [ ha1 , ":" , nonce , ":00000001:deadbeef:auth:" , ha2 ] | otherwise = md5 $ S.concat [ha1, ":", nonce, ":", ha2] where ha1 = md5 $ S.concat [user, ":", realm, ":", pass] -- we always use no qop or qop=auth ha2 = md5 $ S.concat [method req, ":", path req] md5 bs = convertToBase Base16 (hash bs :: Digest MD5) key = "Authorization" val = S.concat [ "Digest username=\"" , user , "\", realm=\"" , realm , "\", nonce=\"" , nonce , "\", uri=\"" , path req , "\", response=\"" , digest , "\"" -- FIXME algorithm? , case lookup "opaque" pieces of Nothing -> "" Just o -> S.concat [", opaque=\"", o, "\""] , if qop then ", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce=\"deadbeef\"" else "" ] return req { requestHeaders = (key, val) : filter (\(x, _) -> x /= key) (requestHeaders req) , cookieJar = Just $ responseCookieJar res } where stripCI x y | CI.mk x == CI.mk (S.take len y) = Just $ S.drop len y | otherwise = Nothing where len = S.length x _comma = 44 _equal = 61 _dquot = 34 _space = 32 strip = fst . S.spanEnd (== _space) . S.dropWhile (== _space) toPairs bs0 | S.null bs0 = [] | otherwise = let bs1 = S.dropWhile (== _space) bs0 (key, bs2) = S.break (\w -> w == _equal || w == _comma) bs1 in case () of () | S.null bs2 -> [(key, "")] | S.head bs2 == _equal -> let (val, rest) = parseVal $ S.tail bs2 in (key, val) : toPairs rest | otherwise -> assert (S.head bs2 == _comma) $ (key, "") : toPairs (S.tail bs2) parseVal bs0 = fromMaybe (parseUnquoted bs0) $ do guard $ not $ S.null bs0 guard $ S.head bs0 == _dquot let (x, y) = S.break (== _dquot) $ S.tail bs0 guard $ not $ S.null y Just (x, S.drop 1 $ S.dropWhile (/= _comma) y) parseUnquoted bs = let (x, y) = S.break (== _comma) bs in (x, S.drop 1 y)