{-# LANGUAGE Arrows          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax   #-}
module Data.Tiled.Load (loadMapFile, loadMap) where

import           Control.Category           (id, (.))
import           Data.Bits                  (clearBit, testBit)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64     as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import           Data.Char                  (digitToInt)
import           Data.List                  (sort)
import           Data.List.Split            (splitOn)
import           Data.Map                   (Map, fromDistinctAscList)
import           Data.Maybe                 (fromMaybe, isNothing, listToMaybe)
import           Data.Word                  (Word32)
import           Prelude                    hiding (id, (.))

import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip     as GZip
import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib     as Zlib
import           System.FilePath            (dropFileName, (</>))
import           Text.XML.HXT.Core

import           Data.Tiled.Types

-- | Load a map from a string
loadMap  String  IO TiledMap
loadMap str = load (readString [] str) "binary"

-- | Load a map file.
loadMapFile  FilePath  IO TiledMap
loadMapFile fp = load (readDocument [] fp) fp

load  IOStateArrow () XmlTree XmlTree -> FilePath -> IO TiledMap
load a fp = head `fmap` runX (
        configSysVars [withValidate no, withWarnings yes]
    >>> a
    >>> getChildren >>> isElem
    >>> doMap fp)

properties  IOSArrow XmlTree Properties
properties = listA $ getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "properties"
            >>> getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "property"
            >>> getAttrValue "name" &&& getAttrValue "value"

getAttrR  (Read α, Num α)  String  IOSArrow XmlTree α
getAttrR a = arr read . getAttrValue0 a

getAttrMaybeR  (Read α, Num α)  String  IOSArrow XmlTree (Maybe α)
getAttrMaybeR a = arr (fmap read) . getAttrMaybe a

getAttrMaybe  String  IOSArrow XmlTree (Maybe String)
getAttrMaybe a = arr tm . getAttrValue a
        tm "" = Nothing
        tm s = Just s

doMap  FilePath  IOSArrow XmlTree TiledMap
doMap mapPath = proc m  do
    mapOrientation  arr (\x  case x of "orthogonal"  Orthogonal
                                         "isometric"  Isometric
                                         _  error "unsupported orientation")
                     . getAttrValue "orientation"  m
    mapWidth        getAttrR "width"       m
    mapHeight       getAttrR "height"      m
    mapTileWidth    getAttrR "tilewidth"   m
    mapTileHeight   getAttrR "tileheight"  m
    mapProperties   properties             m
    mapTilesets     tilesets mapPath       m
    mapLayers       layers                 (m, (mapWidth, mapHeight))
    returnA         TiledMap {..}

layers  IOSArrow (XmlTree, (Int, Int)) [Layer]
layers = listA (first (getChildren >>> isElem) >>> doObjectGroup <+> doLayer <+> doImageLayer)
    doObjectGroup = arr fst >>> hasName "objectgroup" >>> id &&& (listA object >>> arr Right) >>> common

    object = getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "object"
         >>> proc obj  do
        objectName      arr listToMaybe . listA (getAttrValue "name")  obj
        objectType      arr listToMaybe . listA (getAttrValue "type")  obj
        objectX         getAttrR "x"                                   obj
        objectY         getAttrR "y"                                   obj
        objectWidth     arr listToMaybe . listA (getAttrR "width")     obj
        objectHeight    arr listToMaybe . listA (getAttrR "height")    obj
        objectGid       arr listToMaybe . listA (getAttrR "gid")       obj
        objectPolygon   arr listToMaybe . polygon                      obj
        objectPolyline  arr listToMaybe . polyline                     obj
        objectProperties  properties                                   obj
        returnA       Object {..}

    polygon  IOSArrow XmlTree [Polygon]
    polygon = listA $ getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "polygon"
          >>> getAttrValue "points" >>> arr (Polygon . points)
    polyline  IOSArrow XmlTree [Polyline]
    polyline = listA $ getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "polyline"
          >>> getAttrValue "points" >>> arr (Polyline . points)

    points :: String  [(Int, Int)]
    points s = (x, y):if null rest then [] else points rest
        where (p, rest) = drop 1 `fmap` break (==' ') s
              (x', y') = drop 1 `fmap` break (==',') p
              x = read x'
              y = read y'

    doImageLayer = arr fst >>> hasName "imagelayer" >>> id &&& image >>> proc (l, layerImage)  do
        layerName  getAttrValue "name"  l
        layerOpacity  arr (fromMaybe 1 . listToMaybe) . listA (getAttrR "opacity")  l
        layerIsVisible  arr (isNothing . listToMaybe) . listA (getAttrValue "visible")  l
        layerProperties  properties  l
        returnA  ImageLayer{..}

    doLayer = first (hasName "layer") >>> arr fst &&& (doData >>> arr Left) >>> common

    doData = first (getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "data")
         >>> proc (dat, (w, h))  do
                encoding     getAttrValue "encoding"         dat
                compression  getAttrValue "compression"      dat
                text         getText . isText . getChildren  dat
                returnA  dataToTiles w h encoding compression text

    -- Width → Height → Encoding → Compression → Data → [Tile]
    dataToTiles  Int  Int  String  String  String  Map (Int, Int) Tile
    dataToTiles w h "base64" "gzip" = toMap w h . base64 GZip.decompress
    dataToTiles w h "base64" "zlib" = toMap w h . base64 Zlib.decompress
    dataToTiles w h "csv"    _      = toMap w h . csv
    dataToTiles _ _ _ _ = error "unsupported tile data format, only base64 with \
                                \gzip/zlib and csv are supported at the moment."

    toMap w h = fromDistinctAscList . sort . filter (\(_, x)  tileGid x /= 0)
                . zipWith (\ndx t -> ((x w ndx, y w ndx), t)) [0..]

    x w ndx = ndx - (y w ndx) * fromIntegral w
    y w ndx = floor $ fromIntegral ndx / fromIntegral w

    base64 f = wordsToTiles . bytesToWords . LBS.unpack . f . LBS.fromChunks
                            . (:[]) . B64.decodeLenient . BS.pack

    csv = wordsToTiles . map (read  String  Word32)
                       . splitOn ","
                       . filter (`elem` (',':['0' .. '9']))

    bytesToWords []           = []
    bytesToWords (a:b:c:d:xs) = n : bytesToWords xs
      where n = f a + f b * 256 + f c * 65536 + f d * 16777216
            f = fromIntegral . fromEnum  Char  Word32
    bytesToWords _            = error "number of bytes not a multiple of 4."

    wordsToTiles []           = []
    wordsToTiles (w:ws)       = Tile { .. } : wordsToTiles ws
      where tileGid           = w `clearBit` 30 `clearBit` 31 `clearBit` 29
            tileIsVFlipped    = w `testBit` 30
            tileIsHFlipped    = w `testBit` 31
            tileIsDiagFlipped = w `testBit` 29

    common = proc (l, x)  do
        layerName        getAttrValue "name"               l
        layerOpacity     arr (fromMaybe 1 . listToMaybe)
                          . listA (getAttrR "opacity")      l
        layerIsVisible   arr (isNothing . listToMaybe)
                          . listA (getAttrValue "visible")  l
        layerProperties  properties                       l
        returnA  case x of Left  layerData     Layer {..}
                            Right layerObjects  ObjectLayer {..}

tilesets  FilePath  IOSArrow XmlTree [Tileset]
tilesets fp =
  listA $ getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "tileset"
  >>> getAttrR "firstgid" &&& ifA (hasAttr "source") (externalTileset fp) id
  >>> tileset

externalTileset  FilePath  IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
externalTileset mapPath =
  arr (const (dropFileName mapPath)) &&& getAttrValue "source"
  >>> arr (uncurry (</>))
  >>> readFromDocument [ withValidate no, withWarnings yes ]
  >>> getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "tileset"

tileset  IOSArrow (Word32, XmlTree) Tileset
tileset = proc (tsInitialGid, ts)  do
  tsName            getAttrValue "name"                         ts
  tsTileWidth       getAttrR "tilewidth"                        ts
  tsTileHeight      getAttrR "tileheight"                       ts
  tsMargin          arr (fromMaybe 0) . getAttrMaybeR "margin"   ts
  tsSpacing         arr (fromMaybe 0) . getAttrMaybeR "spacing"  ts
  tsImages          images                                      ts
  tsTileProperties  listA tileProperties                        ts
  returnA  Tileset {..}
  where tileProperties  IOSArrow XmlTree (Word32, Properties)
        tileProperties = getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "tile"
                         >>> getAttrR "id" &&& properties
        images = listA (getChildren >>> (image <+> tileImage))

data ImageType = TileImage | NormalImage deriving (Read)

image  IOSArrow XmlTree Image
image = isElem >>> hasName "image" >>> proc img  do
    iWidth   getAttrR "width"         img
    iHeight  getAttrR "height"        img
    iSource  getAttrValue0 "source"   img
    iTrans   arr (fmap colorToTriplet) . getAttrMaybe "trans"  img
    returnA  Image {..}
        colorToTriplet :: Integral i => String -> (i,i,i)
        colorToTriplet x = (h x , h (drop 2 x) , h (drop 4 x))
            where h (y:z:_) = fromIntegral $ digitToInt y * 16 + digitToInt z
                  h _ = error "invalid color in an <image ...> somewhere."

tileImage :: IOSArrow XmlTree Image
tileImage = isElem >>> hasName "tile" >>> getChildren >>> image