Name: hswip Version: 0.3 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-type: Simple License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Copyright: (c) Evgeny Tarasov Maintainer: Stability: experimental Synopsis: embedding prolog in haskell Description: Library for embedding swi-prolog in haskell inspired by pyswip. You should install swi-prolog in order to use the library. It is recommended to use swi-prolog-5.10 or newer. If you encounter troubles related to libswipl linking, you need to fix extra-lib-dirs parameter in hswipr.cabal to find libswipl.a in your system. Category: Foreign, Language Tested-with: GHC==6.12.3 Library exposed-modules: Language.Prolog.HSwip, Language.Prolog.HSwip.LowLevel other-modules: Language.Prolog.HSwip.Internals extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface Build-Depends: base < 5, haskell98, mtl >= 1.1 Hs-Source-Dirs: src Ghc-options: -Wall extra-libraries : swipl, readline, ncurses extra-lib-dirs: /usr/lib/swipl-5.10.1/lib/i686-linux/