# hspray [![Stack-lts](https://github.com/stla/hspray/actions/workflows/Stack-lts.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/stla/hspray/actions/workflows/Stack-lts.yml) [![Stack-nightly](https://github.com/stla/hspray/actions/workflows/Stack-nightly.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/stla/hspray/actions/workflows/Stack-nightly.yml) *Simple multivariate polynomials in Haskell.* ___ ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray x = lone 1 :: Spray Double y = lone 2 :: Spray Double z = lone 3 :: Spray Double poly = (2 *^ (x^**^3 ^*^ y ^*^ z) ^+^ x^**^2) ^*^ (4 *^ (x ^*^ y ^*^ z)) prettySpray show "X" poly -- "(4.0) * X^(3, 1, 1) + (8.0) * X^(4, 2, 2)" ``` More generally, one can use the type `Spray a` as long as the type `a` has the instances `Eq` and `Algebra.Ring` (defined in the **numeric-prelude** library). For example `a = Rational`: ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray import Data.Ratio x = lone 1 :: Spray Rational y = lone 2 :: Spray Rational z = lone 3 :: Spray Rational poly = ((2%3) *^ (x^**^3 ^*^ y ^*^ z) ^+^ x^**^2) ^*^ ((7%4) *^ (x ^*^ y ^*^ z)) prettySpray show "X" poly -- "(7 % 4) * X^(3, 1, 1) + (7 % 6) * X^(4, 2, 2)" ``` Or `a = Spray Double`: ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray p = lone 1 :: Spray Double x = lone 1 :: Spray (Spray Double) y = lone 2 :: Spray (Spray Double) poly = ((p *^ x) ^+^ (p *^ y))^**^2 prettySpray (prettySpray show "a") "X" poly -- "((1.0) * a^(2)) * X^(0, 2) + ((2.0) * a^(2)) * X^(1, 1) + ((1.0) * a^(2)) * X^(2)" ``` #### Evaluation: ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray x = lone 1 :: Spray Double y = lone 2 :: Spray Double z = lone 3 :: Spray Double poly = 2 *^ (x ^*^ y ^*^ z) -- evaluate poly at x=2, y=1, z=2 evalSpray poly [2, 1, 2] -- 8.0 ``` #### Partial evaluation: ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray import Data.Ratio x1 = lone 1 :: Spray Rational x2 = lone 2 :: Spray Rational x3 = lone 3 :: Spray Rational poly = x1^**^2 ^+^ x2 ^+^ x3 ^-^ unitSpray prettySpray' poly -- "((-1) % 1) + (1 % 1) x3 + (1 % 1) x2 + (1 % 1) x1^2" -- -- substitute x1 -> 2 and x3 -> 3 poly' = substituteSpray [Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] p prettySpray' poly' -- "(6 % 1) + (1 % 1) x2" ``` #### Differentiation: ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray x = lone 1 :: Spray Double y = lone 2 :: Spray Double z = lone 3 :: Spray Double poly = 2 *^ (x ^*^ y ^*^ z) ^+^ (3 *^ x^**^2) -- derivate with respect to x prettySpray show "X" $ derivSpray 1 poly -- "(2.0) * X^(0, 1, 1) + (6.0) * X^(1)" ``` ## Gröbner bases As of version 2.0.0, it is possible to compute a Gröbner basis. ```haskell import Math.Algebra.Hspray import Data.Ratio -- define the elementary monomials o = lone 0 :: Spray Rational x = lone 1 :: Spray Rational y = lone 2 :: Spray Rational z = lone 3 :: Spray Rational -- define three polynomials p1 = x^**^2 ^+^ y ^+^ z ^-^ o -- X² + Y + Z - 1 p2 = x ^+^ y^**^2 ^+^ z ^-^ o -- X + Y² + Z - 1 p3 = x ^+^ y ^+^ z^**^2 ^-^ o -- X + Y + Z² - 1 -- compute the reduced Gröbner basis gbasis = groebner [p1, p2, p3] True -- show result prettyResult = map prettySprayXYZ gbasis mapM_ print prettyResult -- "((-1) % 1) + (1 % 1) Z^2 + (1 % 1) Y + (1 % 1) X" -- "(1 % 1) Z + ((-1) % 1) Z^2 + ((-1) % 1) Y + (1 % 1) Y^2" -- "((-1) % 2) Z^2 + (1 % 2) Z^4 + (1 % 1) YZ^2" -- "((-1) % 1) Z^2 + (4 % 1) Z^3 + ((-4) % 1) Z^4 + (1 % 1) Z^6" ``` ## Easier usage To construct a polynomial using the ordinary symbols `+`, `*` and `-`, one can hide these operators from **Prelude** and import them from the **numeric-prelude** library: ```haskell import Prelude hiding ((*), (+), (-)) import qualified Prelude as P import Algebra.Additive import Algebra.Module import Algebra.Ring import Math.Algebra.Hspray ``` Or, maybe better (I didn't try yet), follow the "Usage" section on the [Hackage page](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/numeric-prelude-0.4.4#usage) of **numeric-prelude**. ## Symbolic coefficients Assume you have the polynomial `a * (x² + y²) + 2b/3 * z`, where `a` and `b` are symbolic coefficients. You can define this polynomial as a `Spray` as follows: ```haskell import Prelude hiding ((*), (+), (-)) import qualified Prelude as P import Algebra.Additive import Algebra.Module import Algebra.Ring import Math.Algebra.Hspray import Data.Ratio x = lone 1 :: Spray (Spray Rational) y = lone 2 :: Spray (Spray Rational) z = lone 3 :: Spray (Spray Rational) a = lone 1 :: Spray Rational b = lone 2 :: Spray Rational poly = a *^ (x*x + y*y) + ((2%3) *^ b) *^ z prettySpray (prettySpray show "a") "X" poly -- "((2 % 3) * a^(0, 1)) * X^(0, 0, 1) + ((1 % 1) * a^(1)) * X^(0, 2) + ((1 % 1) * a^(1)) * X^(2)" ``` The `prettySpray` function shows the expansion of the polynomial. You can extract the powers and the coefficients as follows: ```haskell l = toList poly map fst l -- [[0,0,1],[2],[0,2]] map toList $ map snd l -- [[([0,1],2 % 3)],[([1],1 % 1)],[([1],1 % 1)]] ``` ## The `SymbolicSpray` type If you have only one symbolic coefficient, it is easier to deal with the sprays of type `SymbolicSpray`. These are sprays whose coefficients are ratios of univariate polynomials, so this allows more possibilities than a `Spray (Spray a)`. Assume you want to deal with the polynomial `4/5 * a/(a² + a + 1) * (x² + y²) + 2a/3 * yz`. Then you define it as follows: ```haskell import Prelude hiding ((*), (+), (-), (/), (^), (*>)) import qualified Prelude as P import Algebra.Additive import Algebra.Module import Algebra.Ring import Algebra.Field import Math.Algebra.Hspray import Number.Ratio ( (%), T ( (:%) ) ) x = lone 1 :: SymbolicQSpray y = lone 2 :: SymbolicQSpray z = lone 3 :: SymbolicQSpray a = outerQVariable sSpray = ((4%5) *. (a :% (a^2 + a + one))) *> (x^2 + y^2) + (constQPoly (2%3) * a) *> (y * z) putStrLn $ prettySymbolicQSpray "a" sSpray -- ([(4/5)a] / [(1) + a + a^2])*x1^2 + ([(4/5)a] / [(1) + a + a^2])*x2^2 + ((2/3)a)*x2x3 ``` This pretty form of the symbolic qspray will be improved in a future version. There are three possible evaluations of this symbolic spray: ```haskell -- substitute a value for 'a': putStrLn $ prettySpray' $ evalSymbolicSpray sSpray (6%5) -- (24 % 91) x1^2 + (24 % 91) x2^2 + (4 % 5) x2x3 -- substitue a value for 'a' and some values for 'x1', 'x2', 'x3': evalSymbolicSpray' sSpray (6%5) [2, 3, 4%7] -- 24 % 5 -- substitue some values for 'x1', 'x2', 'x3': putStrLn $ prettyRatioOfQPolynomials "a" $ evalSymbolicSpray'' sSpray [2, 3, 4%7] -- [(404/35)a + (8/7)a^2 + (8/7)a^3] / [(1) + a + a^2] ``` The nice point regarding these ratios of univariate polynomials is that they are automatically "simplified". For example: ```haskell polyFrac = (a^8 - one) :% (a - one) putStrLn $ prettyRatioOfQPolynomials "a" polyFrac -- (1) + a + a^2 + a^3 + a^4 + a^5 + a^6 + a^7 ``` Maybe you prefer the fractional form, but it is nice to see that this ratio of polynomials actually is a polynomial. ## Other features Resultant and subresultants of two polynomials, and greatest common divisor of two polynomials with coefficients in a field.