module Test.Hspec.Snap (
, modifySite
, modifySite'
, afterEval
, beforeEval
, TestResponse(..)
, RespCode(..)
, SnapHspecM
, Factory(..)
, delete
, get
, get'
, post
, postJson
, put
, put'
, params
, restrictResponse
, recordSession
, HasSession(..)
, sessionShouldContain
, sessionShouldNotContain
, eval
, shouldChange
, shouldEqual
, shouldNotEqual
, shouldBeTrue
, shouldNotBeTrue
, should200
, shouldNot200
, should404
, shouldNot404
, should300
, shouldNot300
, should300To
, shouldNot300To
, shouldHaveSelector
, shouldNotHaveSelector
, shouldHaveText
, shouldNotHaveText
, FormExpectations(..)
, form
, SnapHspecState(..)
, setResult
, runRequest
, runHandlerSafe
, evalHandlerSafe
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, putMVar,
readMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT (..), runStateT)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, encode)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict, toStrict)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Snap.Core (Response (..), getHeader)
import qualified Snap.Core as Snap
import Snap.Snaplet (Handler, Snaplet, SnapletInit,
SnapletLens, with)
import Snap.Snaplet.Session (SessionManager, commitSession,
sessionToList, setInSession)
import Snap.Snaplet.Test (InitializerState, closeSnaplet,
evalHandler', getSnaplet, runHandler')
import Snap.Test (RequestBuilder, getResponseBody)
import qualified Snap.Test as Test
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import qualified Text.Digestive as DF
import qualified Text.HandsomeSoup as HS
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Core as HXT
newtype RespCode = RespCode Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Num, Ord)
data TestResponse = Html RespCode Text
| Json RespCode LBS.ByteString
| NotFound
| Redirect RespCode Text
| Other RespCode
| Empty
deriving (Show, Eq)
type SnapHspecM b = StateT (SnapHspecState b) IO
data SnapHspecState b = SnapHspecState Result
(Handler b b ())
(Snaplet b)
(InitializerState b)
(MVar [(Text, Text)])
(Handler b b ())
(Handler b b ())
instance Example (SnapHspecM b ()) where
type Arg (SnapHspecM b ()) = SnapHspecState b
evaluateExample s _ cb _ =
do mv <- newEmptyMVar
cb $ \st -> do ((),SnapHspecState r' _ _ _ _ _ _) <- runStateT s st
putMVar mv r'
takeMVar mv
class Factory b a d | a -> b, a -> d, d -> a where
fields :: d
save :: d -> SnapHspecM b a
create :: (d -> d) -> SnapHspecM b a
create transform = save $ transform fields
reload :: a -> SnapHspecM b a
reload = return
snap :: Handler b b () -> SnapletInit b b -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> Spec
snap site app spec = do
snapinit <- runIO $ getSnaplet (Just "test") app
mv <- runIO (newMVar [])
case snapinit of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right (snaplet, initstate) ->
afterAll (const $ closeSnaplet initstate) $
before (return (SnapHspecState Success site snaplet initstate mv (return ()) (return ()))) spec
modifySite :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ())
-> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b)
-> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b)
modifySite f = beforeWith (\(SnapHspecState r site snaplet initst sess bef aft) ->
return (SnapHspecState r (f site) snaplet initst sess bef aft))
modifySite' :: (Handler b b () -> Handler b b ())
-> SnapHspecM b a
-> SnapHspecM b a
modifySite' f a = do (SnapHspecState r site s i sess bef aft) <- S.get
S.put (SnapHspecState r (f site) s i sess bef aft)
afterEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b)
afterEval h = after (\(SnapHspecState _r _site s i _ _ _) ->
do res <- evalHandlerSafe h s i
case res of
Right _ -> return ()
Left msg -> liftIO $ print msg)
beforeEval :: Handler b b () -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b) -> SpecWith (SnapHspecState b)
beforeEval h = beforeWith (\state@(SnapHspecState _r _site s i _ _ _) -> do void $ evalHandlerSafe h s i
return state)
class HasSession b where
getSessionLens :: SnapletLens b SessionManager
recordSession :: HasSession b => SnapHspecM b a -> SnapHspecM b a
recordSession a =
do (SnapHspecState r site s i mv bef aft) <- S.get
S.put (SnapHspecState r site s i mv
(do ps <- liftIO $ readMVar mv
with getSessionLens $ mapM_ (uncurry setInSession) ps
with getSessionLens commitSession)
(do ps' <- with getSessionLens sessionToList
void . liftIO $ takeMVar mv
liftIO $ putMVar mv ps'))
res <- a
(SnapHspecState r' _ _ _ _ _ _) <- S.get
void . liftIO $ takeMVar mv
liftIO $ putMVar mv []
S.put (SnapHspecState r' site s i mv bef aft)
return res
sessContents :: SnapHspecM b Text
sessContents = do
(SnapHspecState _ _ _ _ mv _ _) <- S.get
ps <- liftIO $ readMVar mv
return $ T.concat (map (uncurry T.append) ps)
sessionShouldContain :: Text -> SnapHspecM b ()
sessionShouldContain t =
do contents <- sessContents
if t `T.isInfixOf` contents
then setResult Success
else setResult (Fail Nothing $ "Session did not contain: " ++ T.unpack t
++ "\n\nSession was:\n" ++ T.unpack contents)
sessionShouldNotContain :: Text -> SnapHspecM b ()
sessionShouldNotContain t =
do contents <- sessContents
if t `T.isInfixOf` contents
then setResult (Fail Nothing $ "Session should not have contained: " ++ T.unpack t
++ "\n\nSession was:\n" ++ T.unpack contents)
else setResult Success
delete :: Text -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
delete path = runRequest (Test.delete (T.encodeUtf8 path) M.empty)
get :: Text -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
get path = get' path M.empty
get' :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
get' path ps = runRequest (Test.get (T.encodeUtf8 path) ps)
params :: [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> Snap.Params
params = M.fromList . map (\x -> (fst x, [snd x]))
post :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
post path ps = runRequest (Test.postUrlEncoded (T.encodeUtf8 path) ps)
postJson :: ToJSON tj => Text -> tj -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
postJson path json = runRequest $ Test.postRaw (T.encodeUtf8 path)
(toStrict $ encode json)
put :: Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
put path params' = put' path "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" params'
put' :: Text -> Text -> Snap.Params -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
put' path mime params' = runRequest $ do
Test.put (T.encodeUtf8 path) (T.encodeUtf8 mime) ""
Test.setQueryString params'
restrictResponse :: Text -> TestResponse -> TestResponse
restrictResponse selector (Html code body) =
case HXT.runLA (HXT.xshow $ HXT.hread HXT.>>> HS.css (T.unpack selector)) (T.unpack body) of
[] -> Html code ""
matches -> Html code (T.concat (map T.pack matches))
restrictResponse _ r = r
eval :: Handler b b a -> SnapHspecM b a
eval act = do (SnapHspecState _ _site app is _mv bef aft) <- S.get
liftIO $ either (error . T.unpack) id <$> evalHandlerSafe (do bef
r <- act
return r) app is
setResult :: Result -> SnapHspecM b ()
setResult r = do (SnapHspecState r' s a i sess bef aft) <- S.get
case r' of
Success -> S.put (SnapHspecState r s a i sess bef aft)
_ -> return ()
shouldChange :: (Show a, Eq a)
=> (a -> a)
-> Handler b b a
-> SnapHspecM b c
-> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldChange f v act = do before' <- eval v
void act
after' <- eval v
shouldEqual (f before') after'
shouldEqual :: (Show a, Eq a)
=> a
-> a
-> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldEqual a b = if a == b
then setResult Success
else setResult (Fail Nothing ("Should have held: " ++ show a ++ " == " ++ show b))
shouldNotEqual :: (Show a, Eq a)
=> a
-> a
-> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNotEqual a b = if a == b
then setResult (Fail Nothing ("Should not have held: " ++ show a ++ " == " ++ show b))
else setResult Success
shouldBeTrue :: Bool
-> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldBeTrue True = setResult Success
shouldBeTrue False = setResult (Fail Nothing "Value should have been True.")
shouldNotBeTrue :: Bool
-> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNotBeTrue False = setResult Success
shouldNotBeTrue True = setResult (Fail Nothing "Value should have been True.")
should200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
should200 (Html _ _) = setResult Success
should200 (Json 200 _) = setResult Success
should200 (Other 200) = setResult Success
should200 r = setResult (Fail Nothing (show r))
shouldNot200 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNot200 (Html _ _) = setResult (Fail Nothing "Got Html back.")
shouldNot200 (Other 200) = setResult (Fail Nothing "Got Other with 200 back.")
shouldNot200 _ = setResult Success
should404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
should404 NotFound = setResult Success
should404 r = setResult (Fail Nothing (show r))
shouldNot404 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNot404 NotFound = setResult (Fail Nothing "Got NotFound back.")
shouldNot404 _ = setResult Success
should300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
should300 (Redirect _ _) = setResult Success
should300 r = setResult (Fail Nothing (show r))
shouldNot300 :: TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNot300 (Redirect _ _) = setResult (Fail Nothing "Got Redirect back.")
shouldNot300 _ = setResult Success
should300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
should300To pth (Redirect _ to) | pth `T.isPrefixOf` to = setResult Success
should300To _ r = setResult (Fail Nothing (show r))
shouldNot300To :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNot300To pth (Redirect _ to) | pth `T.isPrefixOf` to = setResult (Fail Nothing "Got Redirect back.")
shouldNot300To _ _ = setResult Success
shouldHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldHaveSelector selector r@(Html _ body) =
setResult $ if haveSelector' selector r
then Success
else Fail Nothing msg
where msg = T.unpack $ T.concat ["Html should have contained selector: ", selector, "\n\n", body]
shouldHaveSelector match _ = setResult (Fail Nothing (T.unpack $ T.concat ["Non-HTML body should have contained css selector: ", match]))
shouldNotHaveSelector :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNotHaveSelector selector r@(Html _ body) =
setResult $ if haveSelector' selector r
then Fail Nothing msg
else Success
where msg = T.unpack $ T.concat ["Html should not have contained selector: ", selector, "\n\n", body]
shouldNotHaveSelector _ _ = setResult Success
haveSelector' :: Text -> TestResponse -> Bool
haveSelector' selector (Html _ body) =
case HXT.runLA (HXT.hread HXT.>>> HS.css (T.unpack selector)) (T.unpack body) of
[] -> False
_ -> True
haveSelector' _ _ = False
shouldHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldHaveText match (Html _ body) =
if T.isInfixOf match body
then setResult Success
else setResult (Fail Nothing $ T.unpack $ T.concat [body, "' contains '", match, "'."])
shouldHaveText match _ = setResult (Fail Nothing (T.unpack $ T.concat ["Body contains: ", match]))
shouldNotHaveText :: Text -> TestResponse -> SnapHspecM b ()
shouldNotHaveText match (Html _ body) =
if T.isInfixOf match body
then setResult (Fail Nothing $ T.unpack $ T.concat [body, "' contains '", match, "'."])
else setResult Success
shouldNotHaveText _ _ = setResult Success
data FormExpectations a = Value a
| Predicate (a -> Bool)
| ErrorPaths [Text]
form :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> FormExpectations a
-> DF.Form Text (Handler b b) a
-> M.Map Text Text
-> SnapHspecM b ()
form expected theForm theParams =
do r <- eval $ DF.postForm "form" theForm (const $ return lookupParam)
case expected of
Value a -> shouldEqual (snd r) (Just a)
Predicate f ->
case snd r of
Nothing -> setResult (Fail Nothing $ T.unpack $
T.append "Expected form to validate. Resulted in errors: "
(T.pack (show $ DF.viewErrors $ fst r)))
Just v -> if f v
then setResult Success
else setResult (Fail Nothing $ T.unpack $
T.append "Expected predicate to pass on value: "
(T.pack (show v)))
ErrorPaths expectedPaths ->
do let viewErrorPaths = map (DF.fromPath . fst) $ DF.viewErrors $ fst r
if all (`elem` viewErrorPaths) expectedPaths
then if length viewErrorPaths == length expectedPaths
then setResult Success
else setResult (Fail Nothing $ "Number of errors did not match test. Got:\n\n "
++ show viewErrorPaths
++ "\n\nBut expected:\n\n"
++ show expectedPaths)
else setResult (Fail Nothing $ "Did not have all errors specified. Got:\n\n"
++ show viewErrorPaths
++ "\n\nBut expected:\n\n"
++ show expectedPaths)
where lookupParam pth = case M.lookup (DF.fromPath pth) fixedParams of
Nothing -> return []
Just v -> return [DF.TextInput v]
fixedParams = M.mapKeys (T.append "form.") theParams
runRequest :: RequestBuilder IO () -> SnapHspecM b TestResponse
runRequest req = do
(SnapHspecState _ site app is _ bef aft) <- S.get
res <- liftIO $ runHandlerSafe req (bef >> site >> aft) app is
case res of
Left err ->
error $ T.unpack err
Right response -> let respCode = respStatus response in
case respCode of
404 -> return NotFound
200 ->
liftIO $ parse200 response
_ -> if respCode >= 300 && respCode < 400
then do let url = fromMaybe "" $ getHeader "Location" response
return (Redirect respCode (T.decodeUtf8 url))
else return (Other respCode)
respStatus :: Response -> RespCode
respStatus = RespCode . rspStatus
parse200 :: Response -> IO TestResponse
parse200 resp =
let body = getResponseBody resp
contentType = getHeader "content-type" resp in
case contentType of
Just "application/json" -> Json 200 . fromStrict <$> body
_ -> Html 200 . T.decodeUtf8 <$> body
runHandlerSafe :: RequestBuilder IO ()
-> Handler b b v
-> Snaplet b
-> InitializerState b
-> IO (Either Text Response)
runHandlerSafe req site s is =
catch (runHandler' s is req site) (\(e::SomeException) -> return $ Left (T.pack $ show e))
evalHandlerSafe :: Handler b b v
-> Snaplet b
-> InitializerState b
-> IO (Either Text v)
evalHandlerSafe act s is =
catch (evalHandler' s is (Test.get "" M.empty) act) (\(e::SomeException) -> return $ Left (T.pack $ show e))