## Hspec Megaparec 0.3.0 * Added helpers for parse error construction (useful with `shouldFailWith`): `err`, `posI`, `posN`, `utok`, `utoks`, `ulabel`, `ueof`, `etok`, `etoks`, `elabel`, `eeof`, `cstm`. Also added an auxiliary type `EC`. ## Hspec Megaparsec 0.2.1 * Refreshed obsolete documentation for `shouldFailWith` and how it reports not matching parse errors. ## Hspec Megaparsec 0.2.0 * This version of `hspec-megaparsec` should be used with Megaparsec 5. ## Hspec Megaparsec 0.1.1 * Make it pass tests with Megaparsec 4.4.0 and later. ## Hspec Megaparsec 0.1.0 * Initial release.