module Test.Hspec.Core.Example (
Example (..)
, Params (..)
, defaultParams
, ActionWith
, Progress
, ProgressCallback
, Result (..)
, Location (..)
, LocationAccuracy (..)
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Test.HUnit.Lang as HUnit
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.Hspec.Expectations (Expectation)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.State as QC
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as QCP
import Test.Hspec.Core.QuickCheckUtil
import Test.Hspec.Core.Util
import Test.Hspec.Compat
class Example e where
type Arg e
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
type Arg e = ()
evaluateExample :: e -> Params -> (ActionWith (Arg e) -> IO ()) -> ProgressCallback -> IO Result
data Params = Params {
paramsQuickCheckArgs :: QC.Args
, paramsSmallCheckDepth :: Int
} deriving (Show)
defaultParams :: Params
defaultParams = Params {
paramsQuickCheckArgs = QC.stdArgs
, paramsSmallCheckDepth = 5
type Progress = (Int, Int)
type ProgressCallback = Progress -> IO ()
type ActionWith a = a -> IO ()
data Result = Success | Pending (Maybe String) | Fail (Maybe Location) String
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Typeable)
instance E.Exception Result
data Location = Location {
locationFile :: FilePath
, locationLine :: Int
, locationColumn :: Int
, locationAccuracy :: LocationAccuracy
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data LocationAccuracy =
ExactLocation |
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance Example Bool where
type Arg Bool = ()
evaluateExample b _ _ _ = if b then return Success else return (Fail Nothing "")
instance Example Expectation where
type Arg Expectation = ()
evaluateExample e = evaluateExample (\() -> e)
hunitFailureToResult :: HUnit.HUnitFailure -> Result
hunitFailureToResult e = case e of
#if MIN_VERSION_HUnit(1,3,0)
HUnit.HUnitFailure mLoc err -> Fail location err
location = case mLoc of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just loc -> Just $ Location (HUnit.locationFile loc) (HUnit.locationLine loc) (HUnit.locationColumn loc) ExactLocation
HUnit.HUnitFailure err -> Fail Nothing err
instance Example (a -> Expectation) where
type Arg (a -> Expectation) = a
evaluateExample e _ action _ = (action e >> return Success) `E.catches` [
E.Handler (return . hunitFailureToResult)
, E.Handler (return :: Result -> IO Result)
instance Example Result where
type Arg Result = ()
evaluateExample r _ _ _ = return r
instance Example QC.Property where
type Arg QC.Property = ()
evaluateExample e = evaluateExample (\() -> e)
instance Example (a -> QC.Property) where
type Arg (a -> QC.Property) = a
evaluateExample p c action progressCallback = do
r <- QC.quickCheckWithResult (paramsQuickCheckArgs c) {QC.chatty = False} (QCP.callback qcProgressCallback $ aroundProperty action p)
return $
case r of
QC.Success {} -> Success
QC.Failure {QC.output = m} -> fromMaybe (Fail Nothing $ sanitizeFailureMessage r) (parsePending m)
QC.GaveUp {QC.numTests = n} -> Fail Nothing ("Gave up after " ++ pluralize n "test" )
QC.NoExpectedFailure {} -> Fail Nothing ("No expected failure")
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,8,0)
QC.InsufficientCoverage {} -> Fail Nothing ("Insufficient coverage")
qcProgressCallback = QCP.PostTest QCP.NotCounterexample $
\st _ -> progressCallback (QC.numSuccessTests st, QC.maxSuccessTests st)
sanitizeFailureMessage :: QC.Result -> String
sanitizeFailureMessage r = let m = QC.output r in strip $
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,7,0)
case QC.theException r of
Just e -> let numbers = formatNumbers r in
"uncaught exception: " ++ formatException e ++ " " ++ numbers ++ "\n" ++ case lines m of
x:xs | x == (exceptionPrefix ++ show e ++ "' " ++ numbers ++ ": ") -> unlines xs
_ -> m
Nothing ->
(addFalsifiable . stripFailed) m
addFalsifiable :: String -> String
addFalsifiable m
| "(after " `isPrefixOf` m = "Falsifiable " ++ m
| otherwise = m
stripFailed :: String -> String
stripFailed m
| prefix `isPrefixOf` m = drop n m
| otherwise = m
prefix = "*** Failed! "
n = length prefix
parsePending :: String -> Maybe Result
parsePending m
| exceptionPrefix `isPrefixOf` m = (readMaybe . takeWhile (/= '\'') . drop n) m
| otherwise = Nothing
n = length exceptionPrefix
exceptionPrefix = "*** Failed! Exception: '"