{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Network.Hawk.Server.Types
  ( AuthResult
  , AuthResult'(..)
  , AuthFail(..)
  , authFailMessage
  , AuthSuccess(..)
  , Credentials(..)
  , HeaderArtifacts(..)
  , CredentialsFunc
  , HawkReq(..)
  , module Network.Hawk.Types
  ) where

import Data.ByteString           (ByteString)
import Data.Text                 (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX     (POSIXTime)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (Method)
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Default
import Network.Hawk.Types

-- | The end result of authentication.
type AuthResult t = AuthResult' (AuthSuccess t)
-- | An intermediate result of authentication.
type AuthResult' r = Either AuthFail r

-- | Authentication can fail in multiple ways. This type includes the
-- information necessary to generate a suitable response for the
-- client. In the case of a stale timestamp, the client may try
-- another authenticated request.
data AuthFail = AuthFailBadRequest String (Maybe HeaderArtifacts)
              | AuthFailUnauthorized String (Maybe Credentials) (Maybe HeaderArtifacts)
              | AuthFailStaleTimeStamp String POSIXTime Credentials HeaderArtifacts
              deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Successful authentication produces a set of credentials and
-- "artifacts". Also included in the result is the result of
-- 'CredentialsFunc'.
data AuthSuccess t = AuthSuccess Credentials HeaderArtifacts t

instance Show t => Show (AuthSuccess t)
instance Eq t => Eq (AuthSuccess t)

authFailMessage :: AuthFail -> String
authFailMessage (AuthFailBadRequest e _) = e
authFailMessage (AuthFailUnauthorized e _ _) = e
authFailMessage (AuthFailStaleTimeStamp e _ _ _) = e


-- | A package of values containing the attributes of a HTTP request
-- which are relevant to Hawk authentication.
data HawkReq = HawkReq
  { hrqMethod        :: Method
  , hrqUrl           :: ByteString
  , hrqHost          :: ByteString
  , hrqPort          :: Maybe Int
  , hrqAuthorization :: ByteString
  , hrqPayload       :: Maybe PayloadInfo
  , hrqBewit         :: Maybe ByteString
  , hrqBewitlessUrl  :: ByteString
  } deriving Show

instance Default HawkReq where
  def = HawkReq "GET" "/" "localhost" Nothing "" Nothing Nothing ""

-- | The set of data the server requires for key-based hash
-- verification of artifacts.
data Credentials = Credentials
  { scKey       :: Key -- ^ Key
  , scAlgorithm :: HawkAlgo -- ^ HMAC
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

-- | HeaderArtifacts are the attributes which are included in the
-- verification. The terminology (and spelling) come from the original
-- Javascript implementation of Hawk.
data HeaderArtifacts = HeaderArtifacts
  { shaMethod    :: Method
  , shaHost      :: ByteString
  , shaPort      :: Maybe Int
  , shaResource  :: ByteString
  , shaId        :: ClientId
  , shaTimestamp :: POSIXTime
  , shaNonce     :: ByteString
  , shaMac       :: ByteString -- ^ Entire header hash
  , shaHash      :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ Payload hash
  , shaExt       :: Maybe ByteString
  , shaApp       :: Maybe Text
  , shaDlg       :: Maybe ByteString
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A user-supplied callback to get credentials from a client
-- identifier.
type CredentialsFunc m t = ClientId -> m (Either String (Credentials, t))