name: hsndfile version: 0.4.0 category: Data, Sound license: GPL license-file: COPYING copyright: Stefan Kersten, 2007-2010 author: Stefan Kersten maintainer: Stefan Kersten stability: Experimental homepage: synopsis: Haskell bindings for libsndfile description: Haskell bindings for /libsndfile/, a comprehensive C library for reading and writing a large number of soundfile formats by Erik de Castro Lopo (). . For more information on /hsndfile/ visit its homepage at . tested-with: GHC==6.8.*, GHC==6.10.1, GHC==6.10.4 build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 extra-source-files: libsndfile/sndfile.h library build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, haskell98 build-tools: c2hs >= 0.15 exposed-modules: Sound.File.Sndfile Sound.File.Sndfile.Buffer other-modules: C2HS Sound.File.Sndfile.Buffer.Internal Sound.File.Sndfile.Buffer.Sample Sound.File.Sndfile.Exception Sound.File.Sndfile.Interface ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing extra-libraries: sndfile if os(windows) include-dirs: libsndfile source-repository head type: darcs location: