# Changelog `hslua-objectorientation` uses [PVP Versioning][]. ## hslua-objectorientation-2.1.0 Released 29-01-2022. - Allow integers as aliases: Aliases can now be of type `AliasIndex`, so integers can now be defined as aliases for other properties. The function `alias` now takes an `AliasIndex` instead of a `Name`; the change entails modifications to the types `UDTypeWithList`, `UDType`, and `Member`. Also, `AliasIndex` is made into an instance of the Eq and Ord type classes. - Reworked list representation of objects, allowing write access to list components. The `ListSpec` type has been updated and contains now a pair of pairs, where the inner pairs define how to push and retrieve lists, respectively. Users of the `deftypeGeneric'` function will have to update their code. - Fixed some integer type declarations in C code. Some variables had been given incorrect types, like `int` instead of `lua_Integer`. They are usually the same, but may differ in some setups. - Require hslua-core-2.1.0 and hslua-marshalling-2.1.0, or later. ## hslua-objectorientation-2.0.1 Released 2021-11-04. - Excludes absent properties from `pairs`: Properties that are optional and not present in a sum-type value are no longer included in the iterator output produced by `pairs` (i.e., the `__pairs` metamethod). Previously, the names of absent properties were pushed with a `nil` value. ## hslua-objectorientation-2.0.0 Released 2021-10-21. - Published without warning. [PVP Versioning]: https://pvp.haskell.org