# Changelog `hslua-module-doclayout` uses [PVP Versioning][1]. The changelog is available [on GitHub][2]. ## 1.1.1 Released 2024-01-23. - Relaxed upper bound for text, allowing text-2.1. - Improved doc strings. - Test with latest GHC versions. ## 1.1.0 Release pending. - Require hslua-2.3 and tasty-lua-1.1. - Type info is added to all fields. - The `Doc` type is now associated with this module's docs, making it easier to generate documentation. ## 1.0.4 Released 2022-04-03. - Allow doclayout-0.4. ## 1.0.3 Released 2022-02-18. - Relaxed upper bound for hslua, allowing hslua-2.2. ## 1.0.2 Released 2022-02-05. - Modify functions, ensuring that the main document is always the first argument. This allows convenient use of these functions as methods. - Improved documentation. ## 1.0.1 Released 2022-01-31. - Updated to hslua-2.1. - Functions that take a `Doc` as the first argument are added as methods to `Doc` values. ## 1.0.0 Released 2021-10-24. * Upgraded to hslua-2.0. * Switched module name from `Foreign.Lua.Module.DocLayout` to `HsLua.Module.DocLayout`. ## Released 2020-10-28. * Relax upper bounds for hslua, allowing hslua-1.3.* ## 0.2.0 * Full test coverage of all provided Lua functions. * Use documented module, including all function docs in the exported Haskell structure. * Test with all GHC 8 major versions. ## 0.1.0 * Initial release. [1]: https://pvp.haskell.org [2]: https://github.com/hslua/hslua-module-doclayout/releases