{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Copyright : © 2017 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Tests for Aeson–Lua glue. -} #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) #else import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (*>)) #endif import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import Data.AEq ((~==)) import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap) import Data.Scientific (Scientific, toRealFloat, fromFloatDigits) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Vector (Vector) import Scripting.Lua.Aeson (StackValue, newstate) import Test.Hspec import Test.HUnit import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Scripting.Lua as Lua -- | Run this spec. main :: IO () main = hspec spec -- | Specifications for Attributes parsing functions. spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Value component" $ do describe "Scientific" $ do it "can be converted to a lua number" $ property $ \x -> assert =<< luaTest "type(x) == 'number'" [("x", x::Scientific)] it "can be round-tripped through the stack with numbers of double precision" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (luaNumberToScientific x) it "can be round-tripped through the stack and stays approximately equal" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripApprox (x :: Scientific) describe "Text" $ do it "can be converted to a lua string" $ property $ \x -> assert =<< luaTest "type(x) == 'string'" [("x", x::Text)] it "can be round-tripped through the stack" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::Text) describe "Vector" $ do it "is converted to a lua table" $ property $ \x -> assert =<< luaTest "type(x) == 'table'" [("x", x::Vector Bool)] it "can contain Bools and be round-tripped through the stack" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::Vector Bool) it "can contain Texts and be round-tripped through the stack" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::Vector Text) it "can contain Vector of Bools and be round-tripped through the stack" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::(Vector (Vector Bool))) describe "HashMap" $ do it "is converted to a lua table" $ property $ \x -> assert =<< luaTest "type(x) == 'table'" [("x", x::HashMap Text Bool)] it "can be round-tripped through the stack with Text keys and Bool values" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::HashMap Text Bool) it "can be round-tripped through the stack with Text keys and Vector Bool values" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::HashMap Text (Vector Bool)) describe "Value" $ do it "can be round-tripped through the stack" $ property $ \x -> assertRoundtripEqual (x::Aeson.Value) assertRoundtripApprox :: Scientific -> IO () assertRoundtripApprox x = do y <- roundtrip x let xdouble = toRealFloat x :: Double let ydouble = toRealFloat y :: Double assert (xdouble ~== ydouble) assertRoundtripEqual :: (Show a, Eq a, StackValue a) => a -> IO () assertRoundtripEqual x = do y <- roundtrip x assert (x == y) roundtrip :: (StackValue a) => a -> IO a roundtrip x = do lua <- newstate Lua.push lua x size <- Lua.gettop lua when (size /= 1) $ error ("not the right amount of elements on the stack: " ++ show size) res <- Lua.peek lua (-1) retval <- case res of Nothing -> error "could not read from stack" Just y -> return y Lua.close lua return retval luaTest :: StackValue a => String -> [(String, a)] -> IO Bool luaTest luaTestCode xs = do lua <- Lua.newstate forM_ xs $ \(var, value) -> Lua.push lua value *> Lua.setglobal lua var let luaScript = "function run() return (" ++ luaTestCode ++ ") end" Lua.openlibs lua _ <- loadstring lua luaScript "test script" Lua.call lua 0 0 retval <- Lua.callfunc lua "run" Lua.close lua return retval luaNumberToScientific :: Lua.LuaNumber -> Scientific luaNumberToScientific = fromFloatDigits instance Arbitrary Aeson.Value where arbitrary = arbitraryValue 7 arbitraryValue :: Int -> Gen Aeson.Value arbitraryValue size = frequency $ [ (1, return Aeson.Null) , (4, Aeson.Bool <$> arbitrary) , (4, Aeson.Number . luaNumberToScientific <$> arbitrary) , (4, Aeson.String <$> arbitrary) , (2, resize (size - 1) $ Aeson.Array <$> arbitrary) , (2, resize (size - 1) $ Aeson.Object <$> arbitrary) ] -- | Interpret string as lua code and load into the lua environment. loadstring :: Lua.LuaState -> String -> String -> IO Int #if MIN_VERSION_hslua(0,5,0) loadstring lua script _ = Lua.loadstring lua script #else loadstring lua script cn = Lua.loadstring lua script cn #endif