{-# Language PatternGuards #-}

module HsImport.Main
   ( hsimport
   , hsimport_
   ) where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre
import HsImport.ImportChange
import HsImport.ImportSpec
import HsImport.ImportPos (ImportPos(..))
import qualified HsImport.Args as Args
import HsImport.Config
import HsImport.Utils
import qualified HsImport.Parse as P

hsimport = Dyre.wrapMain $ Dyre.defaultParams
   { Dyre.projectName = "hsimport"
   , Dyre.realMain    = realMain
   , Dyre.showError   = \config err -> config { configError = Just err }
      realMain :: Config -> IO ()
      realMain config = do
         case configError config of
              Just error -> hPutStrLn stderr ("hsimport: " ++ error) >> exitFailure
              _          -> return ()

         args      <- Args.hsImportArgs
         maybeSpec <- hsImportSpec args
         case maybeSpec of
              Left  error -> hPutStrLn stderr ("hsimport: " ++ error) >> exitFailure
              Right spec  -> hsimport_ config spec                    >> exitSuccess

hsimport_ :: Config -> ImportSpec -> IO ()
hsimport_ Config { prettyPrint = prettyPrint, findImportPos = findImportPos } spec = do
   let impChanges = importChanges (spec ^. moduleToImport)
                                  (spec ^. symbolToImport)
                                  (spec ^. qualifiedName)
                                  (spec ^. parsedSrcFile)

   srcLines <- lines . T.unpack <$> TIO.readFile (spec ^. sourceFile)
   let srcLines' = applyChanges srcLines impChanges
   when (srcLines' /= srcLines || isJust (spec ^. saveToFile)) $
      TIO.writeFile (outputFile spec) (T.pack $ unlines srcLines')

      applyChanges = foldl' applyChange

      applyChange srcLines (ReplaceImportAt srcLine importDecl) =
         let numTakes = max 0 (srcLine - 1)
             numDrops = lastImportSrcLine srcLine srcLines
             in take numTakes srcLines ++ [prettyPrint importDecl] ++ drop numDrops srcLines

      applyChange srcLines (AddImportAfter srcLine importDecl) =
         let numTakes = lastImportSrcLine srcLine srcLines
             numDrops = numTakes
             in take numTakes srcLines ++ [prettyPrint importDecl] ++ drop numDrops srcLines

      applyChange srcLines (AddImportAtEnd importDecl) =
         srcLines ++ [prettyPrint importDecl]

      applyChange srcLines (FindImportPos importDecl) =
         case findImportPos importDecl allImportDecls of
              Just (After impDecl)  -> applyChange srcLines (AddImportAfter (srcLine impDecl) importDecl)
              Just (Before impDecl) -> applyChange srcLines (AddImportAfter (max 0 (srcLine impDecl - 1)) importDecl)
              _                     -> applyChange srcLines (AddImportAfter (srcLine . last $ allImportDecls) importDecl)

      applyChange srcLines NoImportChange = srcLines

      outputFile spec
         | Just file <- spec ^. saveToFile = file
         | otherwise                       = spec ^. sourceFile

      lastImportSrcLine fstLine srcLines
         | Just lastLine <- P.lastImportSrcLine $ drop (max 0 (fstLine - 1)) srcLines
         = fstLine + (lastLine - 1)

         | otherwise
         = fstLine

      allImportDecls = importDecls $ spec ^. parsedSrcFile