{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, OverloadedStrings #-} module HsDev.Scan ( -- * Enumerate functions CompileFlag, ModuleToScan, ProjectToScan, PackageDbToScan, ScanContents(..), EnumContents(..), enumRescan, enumDependent, enumProject, enumSandbox, enumDirectory, -- * Scan scanProjectFile, scanModify, upToDate, changedModules, getFileContents, -- * Reexportss module HsDev.Symbols.Types, module Control.Monad.Except, ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Deps import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, listToMaybe) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Lens (unpacked) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime) import Data.Traversable (for) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import qualified Data.Set as S import System.Directory import Text.Format import qualified System.Log.Simple as Log import HsDev.Error import qualified HsDev.Database.SQLite as SQLite import HsDev.Database.SQLite.Select import HsDev.Scan.Browse (browsePackages) import HsDev.Server.Types (FileSource(..), SessionMonad(..), CommandMonad(..), inSessionGhc) import HsDev.Sandbox import HsDev.Symbols import HsDev.Symbols.Types import HsDev.Display import HsDev.Inspect import HsDev.Util import System.Directory.Paths -- | Compile flags type CompileFlag = String -- | Module with flags ready to scan type ModuleToScan = (ModuleLocation, [CompileFlag], Maybe Text) -- | Project ready to scan type ProjectToScan = (Project, [ModuleToScan]) -- | Package-db sandbox to scan (top of stack) type PackageDbToScan = PackageDbStack -- | Scan info data ScanContents = ScanContents { modulesToScan :: [ModuleToScan], projectsToScan :: [ProjectToScan], sandboxesToScan :: [PackageDbStack] } instance NFData ScanContents where rnf (ScanContents ms ps ss) = rnf ms `seq` rnf ps `seq` rnf ss instance Monoid ScanContents where mempty = ScanContents [] [] [] mappend (ScanContents lm lp ls) (ScanContents rm rp rs) = ScanContents (uniqueBy (view _1) $ lm ++ rm) (uniqueBy (view _1) $ lp ++ rp) (ordNub $ ls ++ rs) instance Formattable ScanContents where formattable (ScanContents ms ps cs) = formattable str where str :: String str = format "modules: {}, projects: {}, package-dbs: {}" ~~ (T.intercalate comma $ ms ^.. each . _1 . moduleFile) ~~ (T.intercalate comma $ ps ^.. each . _1 . projectPath) ~~ (intercalate comma $ map (display . topPackageDb) $ cs ^.. each) comma :: IsString s => s comma = fromString ", " class EnumContents a where enumContents :: CommandMonad m => a -> m ScanContents instance EnumContents ModuleLocation where enumContents mloc = return $ ScanContents [(mloc, [], Nothing)] [] [] instance EnumContents (Extensions ModuleLocation) where enumContents ex = return $ ScanContents [(view entity ex, extensionsOpts ex, Nothing)] [] [] instance EnumContents Project where enumContents = enumProject instance EnumContents PackageDbStack where enumContents pdbs = return $ ScanContents [] [] (packageDbStacks pdbs) instance EnumContents Sandbox where enumContents = enumSandbox instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} EnumContents a => EnumContents [a] where enumContents = liftM mconcat . tries . map enumContents instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} EnumContents FilePath where enumContents f | haskellSource f = hsdevLiftIO $ do mproj <- liftIO $ locateProject f case mproj of Nothing -> enumContents $ FileModule (fromFilePath f) Nothing Just proj -> do ScanContents _ [(_, mods)] _ <- enumContents proj return $ ScanContents (filter ((== Just f) . preview (_1 . moduleFile . path)) mods) [] [] | otherwise = enumDirectory f instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} EnumContents Path where enumContents = enumContents . view path instance EnumContents FileSource where enumContents (FileSource f mcts) | haskellSource (view path f) = do ScanContents [(m, opts, _)] _ _ <- enumContents f return $ ScanContents [(m, opts, mcts)] [] [] | otherwise = return mempty -- | Enum rescannable (i.e. already scanned) file enumRescan :: CommandMonad m => FilePath -> m ScanContents enumRescan fpath = Log.scope "enum-rescan" $ do ms <- SQLite.query @_ @(ModuleLocation SQLite.:. Inspection) (toQuery $ qModuleLocation `mappend` select_ ["ml.inspection_time", "ml.inspection_opts"] [] [] `mappend` where_ ["ml.file == ?"]) (SQLite.Only fpath) case ms of [] -> do Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "file {} not found" ~~ fpath return mempty ((mloc SQLite.:. insp):_) -> do when (length ms > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "several modules with file == {} found, taking first one" ~~ fpath return $ ScanContents [(mloc, insp ^.. inspectionOpts . each . unpacked, Nothing)] [] [] -- | Enum file dependent enumDependent :: CommandMonad m => FilePath -> m ScanContents enumDependent fpath = Log.scope "enum-dependent" $ do ms <- SQLite.query @_ @ModuleId (toQuery $ qModuleId `mappend` where_ ["mu.file == ?"]) (SQLite.Only fpath) case ms of [] -> do Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "file {} not found" ~~ fpath return mempty (mid:_) -> do when (length ms > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "several modules with file == {} found, taking first one" ~~ fpath let mcabal = mid ^? moduleLocation . moduleProject . _Just . projectCabal depList <- SQLite.query @_ @(Path, Path) "select d.module_file, d.depends_file from sources_depends as d, projects_modules_scope as ps where ps.cabal is ? and ps.module_id == d.module_id;" (SQLite.Only mcabal) let rdeps = inverse . either (const mempty) id . flatten . mconcat . map (uncurry dep) $ depList dependent = rdeps ^. ix (fromFilePath fpath) liftM mconcat $ mapM (enumRescan . view path) dependent -- | Enum project sources enumProject :: CommandMonad m => Project -> m ScanContents enumProject p = hsdevLiftIO $ do p' <- liftIO $ loadProject p pdbs <- inSessionGhc $ searchPackageDbStack (view projectPath p') pkgs <- inSessionGhc $ liftM (S.fromList . map (view (package . packageName))) $ browsePackages [] pdbs let projOpts :: Path -> [Text] projOpts f = map fromString $ concatMap makeOpts $ fileTargets p' f where makeOpts :: Info -> [String] makeOpts i = concat [ ["-hide-all-packages"], ["-package " ++ view (projectName . path) p'], ["-package " ++ T.unpack dep' | dep' <- view infoDepends i, dep' `S.member` pkgs]] srcs <- liftIO $ projectSources p' let mlocs = over each (\src -> over ghcOptions (++ projOpts (view entity src)) . over entity (\f -> FileModule f (Just p')) $ src) srcs mods <- liftM modulesToScan $ enumContents mlocs return $ ScanContents [] [(p', mods)] [] -- (sandboxCabals sboxes) -- | Enum sandbox enumSandbox :: CommandMonad m => Sandbox -> m ScanContents enumSandbox = (inSessionGhc . sandboxPackageDbStack) >=> enumContents -- | Enum directory modules enumDirectory :: CommandMonad m => FilePath -> m ScanContents enumDirectory dir = hsdevLiftIO $ do cts <- liftIO $ traverseDirectory dir let projects = filter cabalFile cts sources = filter haskellSource cts dirs <- liftIO $ filterM doesDirectoryExist cts sboxes <- liftM catMaybes $ triesMap (liftIO . findSandbox . fromFilePath) dirs pdbs <- mapM enumSandbox sboxes projs <- liftM mconcat $ triesMap (enumProject . project) projects let projPaths = map (view projectPath . fst) $ projectsToScan projs standalone = map (`FileModule` Nothing) $ filter (\s -> not (any (`isParent` s) projPaths)) $ map fromFilePath sources return $ mconcat [ ScanContents [(s, [], Nothing) | s <- standalone] [] [], projs, mconcat pdbs] -- | Scan project file scanProjectFile :: CommandMonad m => [String] -> Path -> m Project scanProjectFile _ f = hsdevLiftIO $ do proj <- (liftIO $ locateProject (view path f)) >>= maybe (hsdevError $ FileNotFound f) return liftIO $ loadProject proj -- | Scan additional info and modify scanned module scanModify :: CommandMonad m => ([String] -> Module -> m Module) -> InspectedModule -> m InspectedModule scanModify f im = traverse f' im where f' m = f (toListOf (inspection . inspectionOpts . each . unpacked) im) m -- | Is inspected module up to date? upToDate :: SessionMonad m => ModuleLocation -> [String] -> Inspection -> m Bool upToDate mloc opts insp = do insp' <- liftIO $ moduleInspection mloc opts mfinsp <- fmap join $ for (mloc ^? moduleFile) $ \fpath -> do tm <- SQLite.query @_ @(SQLite.Only Double) "select mtime from file_contents where file = ?;" (SQLite.Only fpath) return $ fmap (fileContentsInspection_ opts . fromRational . toRational . SQLite.fromOnly) (listToMaybe tm) let lastInsp = maybe insp' (max insp') mfinsp return $ fresh insp lastInsp -- | Returns new (to scan) and changed (to rescan) modules changedModules :: SessionMonad m => Map ModuleLocation Inspection -> [String] -> [ModuleToScan] -> m [ModuleToScan] changedModules inspMap opts = filterM $ \m -> if isJust (m ^. _3) then return True else maybe (return True) (liftM not . upToDate (m ^. _1) (opts ++ (m ^. _2))) (M.lookup (m ^. _1) inspMap) -- | Returns file contents if it was set and still actual getFileContents :: SessionMonad m => Path -> m (Maybe (POSIXTime, Text)) getFileContents fpath = do mcts <- SQLite.query @_ @(Double, Text) "select mtime, contents from file_contents where file = ?;" (SQLite.Only fpath) insp <- liftIO $ fileInspection fpath [] case listToMaybe mcts of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (tm, cts) -> do let tm' = fromRational (toRational tm) fmtime <- maybe (hsdevError $ OtherError "impossible: inspection time not set after call to `fileInspection`") return $ insp ^? inspectionAt if fmtime < tm' then return (Just (tm', cts)) else do SQLite.execute "delete from file_contents where file = ?;" (SQLite.Only fpath) return Nothing