{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -XBangPatterns #-} module Main (main) where import Test.Simple import System.Unix.Directory (withTemporaryDirectory) import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesFileExist) import System.Process (system, readProcess, runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import System.IO (hGetContents, hPutStrLn, hFlush, hSetBinaryMode) hscopeInteract :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String) hscopeInteract hpath td cmds = do (inp, out, _, ph1) <- runInteractiveProcess hpath [ "-dl", "-f", td ++ "/hscope.out" ] Nothing Nothing hSetBinaryMode inp False mapM_ (go inp) $ cmds ++ [ "q" ] !l1 <- hGetContents out ec2 <- waitForProcess ph1 return (ec2, l1) where go inp cmd = hPutStrLn inp cmd >> hFlush inp main :: IO () main = withTemporaryDirectory "/tmp/hscope_test_XXXXXX" $ \td -> testSimpleMain $ do plan 43 hpath <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "./dist/build/hscope/hscope" tfile <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "./t/files/Simple.hs" ec1 <- liftIO $ system $ "cd " ++ td ++ " && " ++ hpath ++ " -b " ++ tfile res1 <- liftIO $ readProcess "cdb" [ "-l", td ++ "/hscope.out" ] "" is ec1 ExitSuccess like res1 "main" res2 <- liftIO $ readProcess "cdb" [ "-q", td ++ "/hscope.out", "main" ] "" like res2 "main = " res3 <- liftIO $ readProcess "cdb" [ "-q", td ++ "/hscope.out", "findInfo" ] "" like res3 "-> findInfo " res4 <- liftIO $ readProcess "cdb" [ "-q", td ++ "/hscope.out", "options" ] "" like res4 "Permute options" res5 <- liftIO $ readProcess "cdb" [ "-q", td ++ "/hscope.out", "runLines" ] "" like res5 ">>= runLines" (ec2, l1) <- liftIO $ hscopeInteract hpath td [ "1main", "1findInfo" ] is ec2 ExitSuccess like l1 ">> " like l1 tfile like l1 "main =" like l1 "findInfo ity cdb str =" (ec3, l2) <- liftIO $ hscopeInteract hpath td [ "3findInfo", "1Build", "1Config" ] is ec3 ExitSuccess like l2 "-> findInfo " like l2 "2 lines" like l2 "Build Bool" like l2 " Config {" (ec4, l3) <- liftIO $ hscopeInteract hpath td [ "1Flag", "1Unused", "1cBuild" ] is ec4 ExitSuccess like l3 "data Flag" like l3 "type Unused" like l3 "cBuild :: Bool" (ec5, l4) <- liftIO $ hscopeInteract hpath td [ "3cBuild", "3Flag", "3==" ] is ec5 ExitSuccess like l4 "cBuild cfg" like l4 "parseFlags ::" like l4 "groupBy (==)" res6 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-b", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out", "t/files/a.c" ] "" like res6 "Parse error: 0" like res6 "a.c" dfoo <- liftIO $ doesFileExist $ td ++ "/foo.out" is dfoo True res7 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-b", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "t/files/Arrow.hs", "t/files/CPP.hs" ] "" is res7 "" res8 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "-1", "doSth" ] "" like res8 "doSth =" res9 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "-1", "foo" ] "" like res9 "foo 6 bar = id" unlike res9 "warning" res9_1 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "-7", "Ar" ] "" is res9_1 "cscope: 1 lines\nt/files/Arrow.hs 1 \n" res10 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/hscope.out" , "-3", "groupBy" ] "" like res10 "groupBy (==)" res10_1 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/hscope.out" , "-3", "Build" ] "" like res10_1 "NoArg $ Build False" like res10_1 "Build b) =" res11 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/hscope.out" , "-4", "= do" ] "" like res11 "files/Simple.hs 115 main = do" res12 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-b", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "-I", "t/files/a", "-I", "t/files/b" , "t/files/CPP2.hs" ] "" is res12 "" res13 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-d", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "-1", "bar" ] "" like res13 "bar 7 bar = id" res14 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "-b", "-f", td ++ "/foo.out" , "t/files/garrs.hs" ] "" is res14 "" res15 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "--help" ] "" like res15 $ "Usage: hscope [OPTION...] files..." like res15 "-b" res16 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [] "" is res16 res15 res17 <- liftIO $ readProcess hpath [ "--build" ] "" like res17 $ "Please provide files to build the hscope database" return ()