{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Main (main) where import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import Database.CDB.Write import Database.CDB.Read import Database.CDB.Packable import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad (void, when) import System.Process (readProcess) import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, isInfixOf) import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Vector as V import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (transformBiM) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import Data.Data data Flag = Build Bool | File FilePath | Line | Query String | CPPInclude String deriving (Show) data Config = Config { cBuild :: Bool, cFile :: FilePath, cLine :: Bool , cQuery :: Maybe String, cCPPIncludes :: [String] } deriving Show data IType = Definition | Call deriving (Enum, Show, Eq) data Info = Info IType String Int B.ByteString deriving Show type Lines = V.Vector (Int, B.ByteString) instance Serialize Info where put (Info ity file line bs) = do put $ fromEnum ity put file put line put bs get = do ity <- fmap toEnum get Info ity <$> get <*> get <*> get instance Unpackable Info where unpack = either error id . decode options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option ['b'] [ "build" ] (NoArg $ Build True) "Build hscope database" , Option ['d'] [ "dont-update" ] (NoArg $ Build False) "Do not update the cross-reference" , Option ['l'] [ "line" ] (NoArg $ Line) "Line-oriented interface" , Option ['f'] [ "file" ] (ReqArg File "REFFILE") $ "Use REFFILE as the cross-reference file name instead of the default" ++ " \"hscope.out\"" , Option ['1'] [ "definition" ] (ReqArg (Query . ('1':)) "SYMBOL") $ "Find the definition of the SYMBOL" , Option ['3'] [ "callers" ] (ReqArg (Query . ('3':)) "SYMBOL") $ "Find SYMBOLs calling this SYMBOL" , Option ['4'] [ "text" ] (ReqArg (Query . ('4':)) "TEXT") $ "Find TEXT in files" , Option ['7'] [ "file" ] (ReqArg (Query . ('7':)) "FILE") $ "Find files matching FILE" , Option ['I'] [ "cpp-include" ] (ReqArg CPPInclude "DIRECTORY") $ "Include path for CPP preprocessor" ] parseFlags :: [Flag] -> Config parseFlags = foldl' go $ Config False "hscope.out" False Nothing [] where go c (Build b) = c { cBuild = b } go c (File f) = c { cFile = f } go c Line = c { cLine = True } go c (Query q) = c { cQuery = Just q } go c (CPPInclude i) = c { cCPPIncludes = i:(cCPPIncludes c) } addInfo :: Lines -> IType -> Name SrcSpanInfo -> CDBMake addInfo vec ity n = cdbAdd f $ encode $ Info ity (fileName src) (fst lp) (snd lp) where l = startLine src lp = maybe (error $ "Bad line: " ++ show n ++ ", " ++ show vec) id $ vec V.!? (l - 1) (src, f) = case n of (Ident src' f') -> (src', f') (Symbol src' f') -> (src', f') traverseAST :: (Data b, Monad m, Data a, Functor m) => (a -> m ()) -> b -> m () traverseAST cb = void . transformBiM go where go v = cb v >> return v handleDefinitions :: Lines -> Decl SrcSpanInfo -> CDBMake handleDefinitions vec = go where go (PatBind _ (PVar _ n) _ _ _) = addDef n go (FunBind _ ((Match _ n _ _ _):_)) = addDef n go _ = return () addDef = addInfo vec Definition handleCalls :: Lines -> QName SrcSpanInfo -> CDBMake handleCalls vec (UnQual _ n) = addInfo vec Call n handleCalls _ _ = return () handleConstructors :: Lines -> ConDecl SrcSpanInfo -> CDBMake handleConstructors vec (ConDecl _ n _) = addInfo vec Definition n handleConstructors vec (RecDecl _ n recs) = do addInfo vec Definition n mapM_ go recs where go (FieldDecl _ ns _) = mapM_ (addInfo vec Definition) ns handleConstructors _ c = error $ "handleConstructors " ++ show c handleDeclarations :: Lines -> DeclHead SrcSpanInfo -> CDBMake handleDeclarations vec (DHead _ n _) = addInfo vec Definition n handleDeclarations _ c = error $ "handleDeclarations " ++ show c mapLines :: Show a => FilePath -> [a] -> [String] -> [a] mapLines f to = reverse . snd . foldl' go ((to, True), []) where go ((xs@(x:_), _), res) ('#':str) = ((xs, isInfixOf f str), x:res) go (((x:xs), True), res) _ = ((xs, True), x:res) go ((xs@(x:_), False), res) _ = ((xs, False), x:res) go t l = error $ "mapLines: " ++ show t ++ " at " ++ l preprocess :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO (String, Lines) preprocess idirs f = do origs <- B.lines <$> (liftIO $ B.readFile f) flns <- fmap lines $ readProcess "cpp" (incs ++ [ "-traditional-cpp", f ]) "" return (fconts flns, V.fromList $ mapLines f (zip [1 ..] origs) flns) where fconts = intercalate "\n" . map cmnt cmnt ('#':_) = "" cmnt x = x incs = concatMap (\i -> [ "-I", i ]) idirs parseCurrentFile :: FilePath -> String -> Either String (Module SrcSpanInfo) parseCurrentFile f fstr = go [] where go exts = case parseFileContentsWithMode (pmode exts) fstr of ParseOk m -> Right m ParseFailed src str -> let (ext, rest) = break (== ' ') str in if rest == " is not enabled" then go ((classifyExtension ext):exts) else Left $ str ++ " for " ++ f ++ " at " ++ show src pmode exts = defaultParseMode { fixities = Just baseFixities , extensions = exts , parseFilename = f } buildOne :: Config -> FilePath -> CDBMake buildOne cfg f = do cdbAdd "0_hs_files" f (fstr, lns) <- liftIO $ preprocess (cCPPIncludes cfg) f either (liftIO . putStrLn) (go lns) $ parseCurrentFile f fstr where go lns modul = do traverseAST (handleDefinitions lns) modul traverseAST (handleCalls lns) modul traverseAST (handleConstructors lns) modul traverseAST (handleDeclarations lns) modul -- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show modul handleQuery :: CDB -> String -> IO () handleQuery cdb ('1':str) = findInfo Definition cdb str handleQuery cdb ('3':str) = findInfo Call cdb str handleQuery cdb ('4':str) = do let files = cdbGetAll cdb "0_hs_files" lns <- fmap lines $ readProcess "grep" ("-n":"-H":str:files) "" outputLines $ map go lns where go l = let (f, rest1) = break (':' ==) l (n, rest2) = break (':' ==) $ drop 1 rest1 in f ++ " " ++ n ++ " " ++ drop 1 rest2 handleQuery cdb ('7':str) = do let files = cdbGetAll cdb "0_hs_files" outputLines $ map go $ filter (isInfixOf str) files where go f = f ++ " 1 " handleQuery _ _ = return () runLines :: CDB -> IO () runLines cdb = do putStr ">> " hFlush stdout !l <- getLine handleQuery cdb l case l of ('q':_) -> return () _ -> runLines cdb outputLines :: [String] -> IO () outputLines infos = do putStrLn $ "cscope: " ++ (show $ length infos) ++ " lines" mapM_ putStrLn infos findInfo :: IType -> CDB -> String -> IO () findInfo ity cdb str = outputLines $ catMaybes $ map go $ cdbGetAll cdb str where go (Info t file lno line) | t == ity = Just $ file ++ " " ++ str ++ " " ++ show lno ++ " " ++ B.unpack line | otherwise = Nothing main :: IO () main = do (flags, rest, _) <- fmap (getOpt Permute options) getArgs let cfg = parseFlags flags when (cBuild cfg) $ do if null rest then putStrLn $ "Please provide files to build the hscope database" else cdbMake (cFile cfg) $ mapM_ (buildOne cfg) rest if null flags then usage else go cfg where usage = do pn <- getProgName putStrLn $ usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ pn ++ " [OPTION...] files...") options go cfg = do b <- doesFileExist $ cFile cfg if b then do cdb <- cdbInit $ cFile cfg maybe (return ()) (handleQuery cdb) $ cQuery cfg when (cLine cfg) $ runLines cdb else putStrLn $ cFile cfg ++ " does not exist"