### [v0.9.2](https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-server/tree/v0.9.2) * Add changes in CHANGELOG ### [v0.9.1](https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-server/tree/v0.9.1) * Update `hsc3` to version 0.15 ### [v0.6.0](https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-server/tree/v0.6.0) * Add `Control.Failure.Failure` instance to `Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Server` * Add `hostname` parameter to `Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Process.withTransport` ### [v0.5.0](https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-server/tree/v0.5.0) * Use distinct types for audio and control buses and IDs * Factor monad type classes into `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.Class` * Remove `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.capture` combinator * Upgrade to `hosc` 0.13 and `hsc3` 0.13 * Move `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad` hierarchy to `Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad` to avoid a clash with `hsc3` * Rename `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.Send` to `Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Request` and refactor interface and semantics * Export `withTransport` from `Sound.SC3.Server.State.Monad.Process` ### v0.4.0 * Move allocation interface to `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad` and add monad control instances: Remove allocation interface from `Sound.SC3.Server.Connection` and move it to `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad`. * Remove `data-accessor` dependency. * Add instances for `MonadBase`, `MonadBaseControl` and `MonadTransControl`, allowing to lift control operations from the base monad into ServerT. * Implement `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.fork` in terms of `Control.Concurrent.Lifted.fork`. `fork` may be removed from the interface in future versions. ### [v0.3.0](https://github.com/kaoskorobase/hsc3-server/tree/v0.3.0) * Add new modules `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.Send` and `Sound.SC3.Server.Monad.Command` providing abstractions for synchronous and asynchronous commands and completion messages