onsets c threshold odftype relaxtime floor mingap medianspan whtype rawodf onsets' c threshold odftype An onset detector for musical audio signals - detects the beginning of notes/drumbeats/etc. Outputs a control-rate trigger signal which is 1 when an onset is detected, and 0 otherwise. c - an FFT chain threshold - the detection threshold, typically between 0 and 1, although in rare cases you may find values outside this range useful odftype - the function used to analyse the signal (options described below; OK to leave this at its default value) relaxtime - specifies the time (in seconds) for the normalisation to "forget" about a recent onset. If you find too much re-triggering (e.g. as a note dies away unevenly) then you might wish to increase this value. floor - is a lower limit, connected to the idea of how quiet the sound is expected to get without becoming indistinguishable from noise. For some cleanly-recorded classical music with wide dynamic variations, I found it helpful to go down as far as 0.000001. mingap - specifies a minimum gap (in seconds) between onset detections, a brute-force way to prevent too many doubled detections. medianspan - specifies the size (in FFT frames) of the median window used for smoothing the detection function before triggering. For the FFT chain, you should typically use a frame size of 512 or 1024 (at 44.1 kHz sampling rate) and 50% hop size (which is the default setting in SC). For different sampling rates choose an FFT size to cover a similar time-span (around 10 to 20 ms). The onset detection should work well for a general range of monophonic and polyphonic audio signals. The onset detection is purely based on signal analysis and does not make use of any "top-down" inferences such as tempo. > import Sound.SC3 > let { x = mouseX KR 0 1 Linear 0.2 > ; i = soundIn 0 > ; c = fft' 10 i > ; o = onsets' c x (onsetType "rcomplex") > ; s = sinOsc AR 440 0 * 0.2 > ; e = envGen KR o 1 0 1 DoNothing (envPerc 0.001 0.1) } > in withSC3 (\fd -> do { async fd (b_alloc 10 512 1) > ; play fd (out 0 (s * e)) }) The type argument chooses which onset detection function is used. In many cases the default will be fine. The following choices are available: power - generally OK, good for percussive input, and also very efficient magsum - generally OK, good for percussive input, and also very efficient complex - performs generally very well, but more CPU-intensive rcomplex - performs generally very well, and slightly more efficient than complex phase - generally good, especially for tonal input, medium efficiency wphase - generally very good, especially for tonal input, medium efficiency mkl - generally very good, medium efficiency, pretty different from the other methods Which of these should you choose? The differences aren't large, so I'd recommend you stick with the default \rcomplex unless you find specific problems with it. Then maybe try \wphase. The \mkl type is a bit different from the others so maybe try that too. They all have slightly different characteristics, and in tests perform at a similar quality level. For more details of all the processes involved, the different onset detection functions, and their evaluation, see D. Stowell and M. D. Plumbley. Adaptive whitening for improved real-time audio onset detection. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC’07), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2007.