> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "SubsampleOffset" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "SubsampleOffset" > import Sound.OSC > import Sound.SC3 Impulse train that can be moved between samples > let g = let {a = control KR "a" 0 > ;i = impulse AR 2000 0 * 0.3 > ;d = sampleDur > ;x = 4 > ;o = (1 - subsampleOffset) + mouseX KR 0 a Linear 0.1 > ;r = delayC i (d * (1 + x)) (d * (o + x))} > in (synthdef "s" (offsetOut 0 r)) Create two pulse trains one sample apart, move one relative to the other. When cursor is at the left, the impulses are adjacent, on the right, they are exactly 1 sample apart. View this with an oscilloscope. > let run s = do > {_ <- async (d_recv s) > ;t <- utcr > ;sr <- serverSampleRateActual > ;let {t' = t + 0.2 > ;dt = 1 / sr > ;m n = s_new "s" (-1) AddToTail 1 [("a", n)]} > in do {sendBundle (Bundle (UTCr t') [m 3]) > ;sendBundle (Bundle (UTCr (t' + dt)) [m 0]) }} > withSC3 (run g)