> Sound.SC3.UGen.Help.viewSC3Help "OffsetOut" > Sound.SC3.UGen.DB.ugenSummary "OffsetOut" > import Sound.SC3 > let {a = offsetOut 0 (impulse AR 5 0) > ;b = out 0 (sinOsc AR 60 0 * 0.1)} > in audition (mrg [a,b]) > let {a = out 0 (impulse AR 5 0) > ;b = out 0 (sinOsc AR 60 0 * 0.1) } > in audition (mrg [a,b]) > import Sound.OSC Phase cancellation, the 'offsetOut' at bus 0 cancels, the 'out' at bus 1 doesn't (or at least is exceedingly unlikely to). > let a = do > {t <- utcr > ;sr <- serverSampleRateActual > ;let {f = sr / 100 > ;c = 1 / f > ;g = let o = sinOsc AR (constant f) 0 * 0.2 > in synthdef "g" (mrg [offsetOut 0 o,out 1 o]) > ;m = s_new "g" (-1) AddToTail 1 [] > ;p = Bundle (UTCr (t + 0.1)) [m] > ;q = Bundle (UTCr (t + 0.1 + c/2)) [m]} > ;_ <- async (d_recv g) > ;mapM_ sendBundle [p,q]} > in withSC3 a