## 0.68.10 - Further improve robustness of detection of pointer types in `--cross` mode. - Compatibility with new `base` versions ## 0.68.9 - Improve robustness of detection of pointer types in `--cross` mode. ## 0.68.8 - Process flags in order, now the last of `--compiler`, `--linker`, `--template` is used. (#35) - WINIO: Make sure that with we don't use the TEMP workaround (#52) ## 0.68.7 - The C compiler is now assumed to be called `cc` instead of `gcc` by default (#42) - Fix race condition when using response files (#30) - Add extra diagnostics when `hsc2hs` sub-process fails and make TempFile creation fully atomic on Windows. See (#33) ## 0.68.6 - Supports generation of response files to avoid system filepath limits (#22, #23) - Fix non-deterministic failures for response file handlings (#29) - Temporary file removals on Windows are not a bit more reliable and should throw less access denied errors. See #25 and ([#9775](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/9775)) - Accept a leading single quote for data constructor promotion (#13, #17) - Support `MonadFail` / base-4.13 - Include template file as first header in hsc2hs generated C file (#28) - On Windows define `__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO` to 1 instead of 0 when not already defined in standard template header. This is a more modern default (#28) ## 0.68.5 - Support response files regardless of which GHC `hsc2hs` was compiled with ([#15758](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15758)) - Support for non-x86 platforms should be significantly more robust due to improvements in `hsc2hs`'s assembly parser - Add support for haskell files that use a leading single quote for promoted data constructors. ## 0.68.4 - Add support to read command line arguments supplied via response files ([#13896](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13388)) ## 0.68.2 - Support GHC 8.2.1 - Make `hsc_alignment` macro work in clang ([D3346](https://phabricator.haskell.org/D3346)) - Track column numbers to improve GHC's caret diagnostic display ([#13388](https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13388)) ## 0.68.1 - Fix type signature of generated `main` test function to avoid C compiler warnings about unused `argc`/`argv` function parameters during feature testing. - Double-escape paths used to build call to `hsc_line` ([#12504](http://ghc.haskell.org/ticket/12504))