{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}

-- | Code pertaining to Google Fusion Table upload.
--   Built conditionally based on the -ffusion flag.

module HSBencher.Fusion
       () where
       ( FusionConfig(..), stdRetry, getTableId
       , fusionSchema, resultToTuple
       , uploadBenchResult

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
-- import Network.Google (retryIORequest)
import Network.Google.OAuth2 (getCachedTokens, refreshTokens, OAuth2Client(..), OAuth2Tokens(..))
import Network.Google.FusionTables (createTable, createColumn, listTables, listColumns,
                                    bulkImportRows, insertRows,
                                    TableId, CellType(..), TableMetadata(..), ColumnMetadata(..))
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (HttpException)
import HSBencher.Types
import HSBencher.Logging (log)
import Prelude hiding (log)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)



-- defaultColumns =
--   ["Program","Args","Threads","Sched","Threads",
--    "MinTime","MedianTime","MaxTime", "MinTime_Prod","MedianTime_Prod","MaxTime_Prod"]

-- | The standard retry behavior when receiving HTTP network errors.
stdRetry :: String -> OAuth2Client -> OAuth2Tokens -> IO a ->
            BenchM a
stdRetry msg client toks action = do
  conf <- ask
  let retryHook exn = runReaderT (do
        log$ " [fusiontable] Retrying during <"++msg++"> due to HTTPException: " ++ show exn
        log$ " [fusiontable] Retrying, but first, attempt token refresh..."
        -- QUESTION: should we retry the refresh itself, it is NOT inside the exception handler.
        -- liftIO$ refreshTokens client toks
        -- liftIO$ retryIORequest (refreshTokens client toks) (\_ -> return ()) [1,1]
        stdRetry "refresh tokens" client toks (refreshTokens client toks)
        return ()
                                 ) conf
  liftIO$ retryIORequest action retryHook [1,2,4,8,16,32,64]

-- | Takes an idempotent IO action that includes a network request.  Catches
-- `HttpException`s and tries a gain a certain number of times.  The second argument
-- is a callback to invoke every time a retry occurs.
-- Takes a list of *seconds* to wait between retries.  A null list means no retries,
-- an infinite list will retry indefinitely.  The user can choose whatever temporal
-- pattern they desire (e.g. exponential backoff).
-- Once the retry list runs out, the last attempt may throw `HttpException`
-- exceptions that escape this function.
retryIORequest :: IO a -> (HttpException -> IO ()) -> [Double] -> IO a
retryIORequest req retryHook times = loop times
    loop [] = req
    loop (delay:tl) = 
      E.catch req $ \ (exn::HttpException) -> do 
        retryHook exn
        threadDelay (round$ delay * 1000 * 1000) -- Microseconds
        loop tl

-- | Get the table ID that has been cached on disk, or find the the table in the users
-- Google Drive, or create a new table if needed.
-- In the case of a preexisting table, this function also performs sanity checking
-- comparing the expected schema (including column ordering) to the sserver side one.
-- It returns the permutation of columns found server side.
getTableId :: OAuth2Client -> String -> BenchM (TableId, [String])
getTableId auth tablename = do
  log$ " [fusiontable] Fetching access tokens, client ID/secret: "++show (clientId auth, clientSecret auth)
  toks      <- liftIO$ getCachedTokens auth
  log$ " [fusiontable] Retrieved: "++show toks
  let atok  = B.pack $ accessToken toks
  allTables <- stdRetry "listTables" auth toks $ listTables atok
  log$ " [fusiontable] Retrieved metadata on "++show (length allTables)++" tables"

  let ourSchema = map fst fusionSchema
      ourSet    = S.fromList ourSchema
  case filter (\ t -> tab_name t == tablename) allTables of
    [] -> do log$ " [fusiontable] No table with name "++show tablename ++" found, creating..."
             TableMetadata{tab_tableId} <- stdRetry "createTable" auth toks $
                                           createTable atok tablename fusionSchema
             log$ " [fusiontable] Table created with ID "++show tab_tableId
             -- TODO: IF it exists but doesn't have all the columns, then add the necessary columns.
             return (tab_tableId, ourSchema)
    [t] -> do let tid = (tab_tableId t)
              log$ " [fusiontable] Found one table with name "++show tablename ++", ID: "++show tid
              log$ " [fusiontable] Checking columns... "              
              targetSchema <- fmap (map col_name) $ liftIO$ listColumns atok tid
              let targetSet = S.fromList targetSchema
                  missing   = S.difference ourSet targetSet
                  misslist  = S.toList missing                  
                  extra     = S.difference targetSet ourSet
              unless (targetSchema == ourSchema) $ 
                log$ "WARNING: HSBencher upload schema (1) did not match server side schema (2):\n (1) "++
                     show ourSchema ++"\n (2) " ++ show targetSchema
                     ++ "\n HSBencher will try to make do..."
              unless (S.null missing) $ do                
                log$ "WARNING: These fields are missing server-side, creating them: "++show misslist
                forM_ misslist $ \ colname -> do
                  ColumnMetadata{col_name, col_columnId} <- liftIO$ createColumn atok tid (colname, STRING)
                  log$ "   -> Created column with name,id: "++show (col_name, col_columnId)
              unless (S.null extra) $ do
                log$ "WARNING: The fusion table has extra fields that HSBencher does not know about: "++
                     show (S.toList extra)
                log$ "         Expect null-string entries in these fields!  "
              -- For now we ASSUME that new columns are added to the end:
              -- TODO: We could do another read from the list of columns to confirm.
              return (tid, targetSchema ++ misslist)
    ls  -> error$ " More than one table with the name '"++show tablename++"' !\n "++show ls

-- | Push the results from a single benchmark to the server.
uploadBenchResult :: BenchmarkResult -> BenchM ()
uploadBenchResult  br@BenchmarkResult{..} = do
    Config{fusionConfig} <- ask
    let FusionConfig{fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret, fusionTableID, serverColumns} = fusionConfig
    let (Just cid, Just sec) = (fusionClientID, fusionClientSecret)
        authclient = OAuth2Client { clientId = cid, clientSecret = sec }
    -- FIXME: it's EXTREMELY inefficient to authenticate on every tuple upload:
    toks  <- liftIO$ getCachedTokens authclient
    let ourData = M.fromList $ resultToTuple br
        -- Any field HSBencher doesn't know about just gets an empty string:
        tuple   = [ (key, fromMaybe "" (M.lookup key ourData))
                  | key <- serverColumns ]
        (cols,vals) = unzip tuple
    log$ " [fusiontable] Uploading row with "++show (length cols)++
         " columns containing "++show (sum$ map length vals)++" characters of data"

    -- It's easy to blow the URL size; we need the bulk import version.
    -- stdRetry "insertRows" authclient toks $ insertRows
    stdRetry "bulkImportRows" authclient toks $ bulkImportRows
       (B.pack$ accessToken toks) (fromJust fusionTableID) cols [vals]
    log$ " [fusiontable] Done uploading, run ID "++ (fromJust$ lookup "RUNID" tuple)
         ++ " date "++ (fromJust$ lookup "DATETIME" tuple)
--       [[testRoot, unwords args, show numthreads, t1,t2,t3, p1,p2,p3]]
    return ()           

-- | A representaton used for creating tables.  Must be isomorphic to
-- `BenchmarkResult`.  This could perhaps be generated automatically.
fusionSchema :: [(String, CellType)]
fusionSchema =
  , ("ARGS",STRING)    
  -- The run is identified by hostname_secondsSinceEpoch:
--  , ("OS",STRING)
  , ("WHO",STRING)
  , ("LSPCI",STRING)    
  -- New fields: [2013.12.01]

-- | Convert the Haskell representation of a benchmark result into a tuple for Fusion
-- table upload.
resultToTuple :: BenchmarkResult -> [(String,String)]
resultToTuple r =
  , ("VARIANT",  _VARIANT r)
  , ("ARGS",     unwords$ _ARGS r)    
  , ("RUNID",    _RUNID r)
  , ("CI_BUILD_ID", _CI_BUILD_ID r)    
  , ("THREADS",  show$ _THREADS r)
  , ("MINTIME",     show$ _MINTIME r)
  , ("MEDIANTIME",  show$ _MEDIANTIME r)
  , ("MAXTIME",     show$ _MAXTIME r)
  , ("MINTIME_PRODUCTIVITY",    fromMaybe "" $ fmap show $ _MINTIME_PRODUCTIVITY r)
  , ("MAXTIME_PRODUCTIVITY",    fromMaybe "" $ fmap show $ _MAXTIME_PRODUCTIVITY r)
  , ("ALLTIMES",       _ALLTIMES r)
  , ("TRIALS",   show$ _TRIALS r)
  , ("COMPILER",       _COMPILER r)
  , ("ENV_VARS",       _ENV_VARS r)
  , ("BENCH_FILE",     _BENCH_FILE r)
  , ("UNAME",          _UNAME r)
  , ("PROCESSOR",      _PROCESSOR r)
  , ("TOPOLOGY",       _TOPOLOGY r)
  , ("GIT_BRANCH",     _GIT_BRANCH r)
  , ("GIT_HASH",       _GIT_HASH r)
  , ("GIT_DEPTH", show$ _GIT_DEPTH r)
  , ("WHO",            _WHO r)
  , ("LSPCI", _LSPCI r)    
  , ("FULL_LOG", _FULL_LOG r)
  , ("MEDIANTIME_ALLOCRATE",    fromMaybe "" $ fmap show $ _MEDIANTIME_ALLOCRATE r)
  , ("MEDIANTIME_MEMFOOTPRINT", fromMaybe "" $ fmap show $ _MEDIANTIME_MEMFOOTPRINT r)    
-- End ifndef FUSION_TABLES