-- | Convenience module that reexports the necessary bits.

module HSBencher
         -- module HSBencher.App,
         -- Reproducing this here to get around the limitation of haddock 0.2 that it
         -- won't list all the bindings for reexports.

         -- * The main entrypoints for building new benchmark suites.
         defaultMainWithBechmarks, defaultMainModifyConfig,

         -- * Command-line configuration
         all_cli_options, fullUsageInfo,

         -- * All the types necessary for configuration and customization

         -- | Don't import the module below directly, but do click on this link to
         -- read its documentation.
         module HSBencher.Types,

         module HSBencher.Harvesters

import HSBencher.Types
import HSBencher.Internal.App
import HSBencher.Harvesters
import HSBencher.Internal.Config (addPlugin)