# hs-perl5 ![Linux Build Status](https://github.com/phlummox/hs-perl5/workflows/haskell-build/badge.svg) This package provides a Haskell interface to an embedded Perl 5 interpreter. Documentation and functionality is scarce at the moment; see the tests under `test` for some basic usage examples. Currently supported features are: * Function calls * Method calls * Module imports * Callbacks **NB: This package is experimental and still in development** ## Prerequisites This package requires you to have the Perl libraries and header files installed on your system (at least 5.8.8). On a Debian-based system, they can typically be installed by typing ``` $ sudo apt-get install perl-dev ``` ## Installation This package can be installed either using [Stack][stack] or [cabal][cabal]. First, `git clone` this repository, `cd` in, and then ``` $ stack --stack-yaml=stack-lts-11.yaml build # or use one of the other provided stack.yaml files ``` or ``` $ cabal update $ cabal install --dependencies-only $ cabal build ``` [stack]: https://www.haskellstack.org/ [cabal]: https://www.haskell.org/cabal/