module Hreq.Pure.SuccessSpec (spec) where import Data.Foldable import Data.Proxy import Test.Hspec import Hreq.Client import Hreq.Core.Client (RequestBody (..)) import Hreq.Pure.Util (TestState (..), TestUser (..), defaultResponse, runClientPure) spec :: Spec spec = describe "Hreq.SuccessSpec" successSpec testUser :: TestUser testUser = TestUser "Allan" 29 successSpec :: Spec successSpec = do let baseUrl = HttpDomain "" runClientPure' = runClientPure @'Default describe "Works with request components" $ do it "works with paths" $ do let x = hreq @("hello" :> RawResponse GET) Empty expected = RunClient (appendToPath "hello" defaultRequest) defaultResponse runClientPure' baseUrl x `shouldBe` expected it "works with request body" $ do let x = hreq @(JsonBody TestUser :> RawResponse GET) (testUser :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure' baseUrl x Just (RequestBodyLBS body, _ ) = reqBody req body `shouldBe` mediaEncode (Proxy @JSON) testUser it "works with query flags" $ do let x = hreq @("users" :> QueryFlag "male" :> QueryFlag "old" :> RawResponse GET) Empty RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x reqPath req `shouldBe` "/users" toList (reqQueryString req) `shouldBe` [("male", Nothing), ("old", Nothing)] it "works with capture" $ do let x = hreq @(Capture String :> RawResponse GET) ("allan" :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x reqPath req `shouldBe` "/allan" it "works with captureAll" $ do let x = hreq @(CaptureAll String :> RawResponse GET) (["allan", "lukwago"] :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x reqPath req `shouldBe` "/allan/lukwago" it "works with single query params" $ do let x = hreq @(Param "name" String :> RawResponse GET) ("allan" :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x toList (reqQueryString req) `shouldBe` [("name", Just "allan")] it "works with multi query params" $ do let x = hreq @(Param "name" String :> Param "age" Int :> RawResponse GET) ("allan" :. 29 :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x toList (reqQueryString req) `shouldBe` [("name", Just "allan"), ("age", Just "29")] it "works with multi query params as a list" $ do let x = hreq @(Params '["name" := String, "age" := Int] :> RawResponse GET) ("allan" :. 29 :. Empty) RunClient req _ = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x toList (reqQueryString req) `shouldBe` [("name", Just "allan"), ("age", Just "29")] describe "Works with response components" $ do it "works with single verb requests" $ do let x = hreq @(RawResponse GET) Empty expected = RunClient defaultRequest defaultResponse runClientPure' baseUrl x `shouldBe` expected it "works with JSON responses" $ do let x = hreq @(GetJson TestUser) Empty RunClient _ res = runClientPure @'Default baseUrl x res `shouldBe` testUser