{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} #include "puz.h" module Codec.Game.Puz.Internal where import Foreign import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.C import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec {# pointer *puz_head_t as PuzHead foreign newtype #} {# pointer *puzzle_t as Puz foreign newtype #} {# enum define PuzType { PUZ_FILE_BINARY as PuzTypeBinary , PUZ_FILE_TEXT as PuzTypeText , PUZ_FILE_UNKNOWN as PuzTypeUnknown } deriving (Eq,Show) #} -- XXX is this really freeing the right thing? How could I tell? marshallPuzMaybe :: Ptr Puz -> IO (Maybe Puz) marshallPuzMaybe pp = if pp == nullPtr then return Nothing else do fp <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree pp return $ Just $ Puz fp marshallPuz :: Ptr Puz -> IO Puz marshallPuz pp = do fp <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree pp return $ Puz fp -- custom marshallers -- IN alwaysUseIn :: a -> (a -> b) -> b alwaysUseIn a f = f a nullIn :: (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b nullIn = alwaysUseIn nullPtr puzTypeIn :: (CInt -> IO b) -> IO b puzTypeIn = alwaysUseIn $ cIntConv $ fromEnum PuzTypeBinary puzIn :: Puz -> (Ptr Puz -> IO b) -> IO b puzIn (Puz fp) = withForeignPtr fp stringIn :: String -> (Ptr CUChar -> IO b) -> IO b stringIn str = let cuchars = map ((toEnum :: Int -> CUChar) . fromEnum) str in withArray0 0 cuchars rtblIn :: [(String,Int)] -> (Ptr CUChar -> IO b) -> IO b rtblIn tbl = let chars = concatMap (\(s,i) -> let pad = if (i+1) < 10 then " " else "" in pad ++ show (i+1) ++ ":" ++ s ++ ";") tbl in stringIn chars -- OUT cerrToBool :: CInt -> Bool cerrToBool = (0 ==) cintToBool :: CInt -> Bool cintToBool = (1 ==) saveIntToBool :: CInt -> Bool saveIntToBool = (-1 /=) stringOut :: Ptr CUChar -> IO String stringOut ptr = do cuchars <- peekArray0 (0 :: CUChar) ptr return $ map (toEnum . (fromIntegral :: CUChar -> Int)) cuchars rtblParser :: Parser [(Int,String)] rtblParser = sepEndBy (do spaces ds <- many1 digit char ':' reb <- many1 alphaNum return ((read ds) + 1, reb)) (char ';') rtblOut :: Ptr CUChar -> IO [(Int,String)] rtblOut ptr = do str <- stringOut ptr case parse rtblParser "rebus table" str of Left err -> error ("Ill-formed puzzle file: " ++ show err) Right tbl -> return tbl {- puz struct creation, initialization -} {# fun puz_init as puzCreate {nullIn- `Ptr Puz'} -> `Puz' marshallPuz* #} {# fun puz_load as puzLoad { nullIn- `Ptr Puz' , puzTypeIn- `PuzType' , id `Ptr CUChar' , `Int' } -> `Maybe Puz' marshallPuzMaybe* #} {# fun puz_save as puzSave { puzIn* `Puz' , puzTypeIn- `PuzType' , id `Ptr CUChar' , `Int' } -> `Bool' saveIntToBool #} {# fun puz_size as puzSize { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Int' #} {- check sum checking, generation -} {# fun puz_cksums_calc as puzCksumsCalc { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_cksums_check as puzCksumsCheck { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Bool' cerrToBool #} {# fun puz_cksums_commit as puzCksumsCommit { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `()' #} {- accessors -} -- XXX actually the return guys on the sets check errors {# fun puz_width_get as puzGetWidth { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Int' #} {# fun puz_width_set as puzSetWidth { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_height_get as puzGetHeight { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Int' #} {# fun puz_height_set as puzSetHeight { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_solution_get as puzGetSolution { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Ptr CUChar' id #} {# fun puz_solution_set as puzSetSolution { puzIn* `Puz' , id `Ptr CUChar' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_grid_get as puzGetGrid { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Ptr CUChar' id #} {# fun puz_grid_set as puzSetGrid { puzIn* `Puz' , id `Ptr CUChar' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_title_get as puzGetTitle { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `String' stringOut* #} {# fun puz_title_set as puzSetTitle { puzIn* `Puz' , stringIn* `String' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_author_get as puzGetAuthor { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `String' stringOut* #} {# fun puz_author_set as puzSetAuthor { puzIn* `Puz' , stringIn* `String' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_copyright_get as puzGetCopyright { puzIn* `Puz'} -> `String' stringOut* #} {# fun puz_copyright_set as puzSetCopyright { puzIn* `Puz' , stringIn* `String' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_clue_count_get as puzGetClueCount { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Int' #} {# fun puz_clue_count_set as puzSetClueCount { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_clue_get as puzGetClue { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' } -> `String' stringOut* #} {# fun puz_clue_set as puzSetClue { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' , stringIn* `String' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_notes_get as puzGetNotes { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `String' stringOut* #} {# fun puz_notes_set as puzSetNotes { puzIn* `Puz' , stringIn* `String' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_has_rebus as puzHasRebus { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Bool' cintToBool #} {# fun puz_rebus_get as puzGetRebus { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Ptr CUChar' id #} {# fun puz_rebus_set as puzSetRebus { puzIn* `Puz' , id `Ptr CUChar' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_rebus_count_get as puzGetRebusCount { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Int' #} {# fun puz_rebus_count_set as puzSetRebusCount { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_rtblstr_get as puzGetRtbl { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `[(Int,String)]' rtblOut* #} {# fun puz_rtblstr_set as puzSetRtbl { puzIn* `Puz' , `Int' , rtblIn* `[(String,Int)]' } -> `()' #} {# fun puz_has_extras as puzHasExtras { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Bool' cintToBool #} {# fun puz_extras_get as puzGetExtras { puzIn* `Puz' } -> `Ptr CUChar' id #} {# fun puz_extras_set as puzSetExtras { puzIn* `Puz' , id `Ptr CUChar' } -> `()' #} ------ ------ C2HS stuff - why isn't there a C2HS module ------ cIntConv :: (Integral a, Integral b) => a -> b cIntConv = fromIntegral