module Main where import Control.Exception.Lifted as E import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Data.Monoid import Data.Int import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Typeable import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Checks import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.ColumnType import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.ForeignKey import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Migration import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.PrimaryKey import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Table import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.SQL.Builder import Log import Log.Backend.StandardOutput import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.Options data ConnectionString = ConnectionString String deriving Typeable instance IsOption ConnectionString where defaultValue = ConnectionString "postgresql://postgres@localhost/travis_ci_test" parseValue = Just . ConnectionString optionName = return "connection-string" optionHelp = return "Postgres connection string" -- Simple example schemata inspired by the one in -- <> -- -- Schema 1: Bank robberies, tables: -- bank, bad_guy, robbery, participated_in_robbery, witness, -- witnessed_robbery -- Schema 2: Witnesses go into witness protection program, -- (some) bad guys get arrested: -- drop tables witness and witnessed_robbery, -- add table under_arrest -- Schema 3: Bad guys get their prison sentences: -- drop table under_arrest -- add table prison_sentence -- Schema 4: New 'cash' column for the 'bank' table. -- Schema 5: Create a new table 'flash', -- drop the 'cash' column from the 'bank' table, -- drop table 'flash'. -- Cleanup: drop everything tableBankSchema1 :: Table tableBankSchema1 = tblTable { tblName = "bank" , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "id", colType = BigSerialT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "name", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "location", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumn "id" } tableBankSchema2 :: Table tableBankSchema2 = tableBankSchema1 tableBankSchema3 :: Table tableBankSchema3 = tableBankSchema2 tableBankMigration4 :: (MonadDB m) => Migration m tableBankMigration4 = Migration { mgrTableName = tblName tableBankSchema3 , mgrFrom = 1 , mgrAction = StandardMigration $ do runQuery_ $ sqlAlterTable (tblName tableBankSchema3) [ sqlAddColumn $ tblColumn { colName = "cash" , colType = IntegerT , colNullable = False , colDefault = Just "0" } ] } tableBankSchema4 :: Table tableBankSchema4 = tableBankSchema3 { tblVersion = (tblVersion tableBankSchema3) + 1 , tblColumns = (tblColumns tableBankSchema3) ++ [ tblColumn { colName = "cash", colType = IntegerT , colNullable = False , colDefault = Just "0" } ] } tableBankMigration5 :: (MonadDB m) => Migration m tableBankMigration5 = Migration { mgrTableName = tblName tableBankSchema3 , mgrFrom = 2 , mgrAction = StandardMigration $ do runQuery_ $ sqlAlterTable (tblName tableBankSchema4) [ sqlDropColumn $ "cash" ] } tableBankSchema5 :: Table tableBankSchema5 = tableBankSchema4 { tblVersion = (tblVersion tableBankSchema4) + 1 , tblColumns = filter (\c -> colName c /= "cash") (tblColumns tableBankSchema4) } tableBadGuySchema1 :: Table tableBadGuySchema1 = tblTable { tblName = "bad_guy" , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "id", colType = BigSerialT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "firstname", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "lastname", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumn "id" } tableBadGuySchema2 :: Table tableBadGuySchema2 = tableBadGuySchema1 tableBadGuySchema3 :: Table tableBadGuySchema3 = tableBadGuySchema2 tableBadGuySchema4 :: Table tableBadGuySchema4 = tableBadGuySchema3 tableBadGuySchema5 :: Table tableBadGuySchema5 = tableBadGuySchema4 tableRobberySchema1 :: Table tableRobberySchema1 = tblTable { tblName = "robbery" , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "id", colType = BigSerialT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "bank_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "date", colType = DateT , colNullable = False, colDefault = Just "now()" } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumn "id" , tblForeignKeys = [fkOnColumn "bank_id" "bank" "id"] } tableRobberySchema2 :: Table tableRobberySchema2 = tableRobberySchema1 tableRobberySchema3 :: Table tableRobberySchema3 = tableRobberySchema2 tableRobberySchema4 :: Table tableRobberySchema4 = tableRobberySchema3 tableRobberySchema5 :: Table tableRobberySchema5 = tableRobberySchema4 tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 :: Table tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 = tblTable { tblName = "participated_in_robbery" , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "bad_guy_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "robbery_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumns ["bad_guy_id", "robbery_id"] , tblForeignKeys = [fkOnColumn "bad_guy_id" "bad_guy" "id" ,fkOnColumn "robbery_id" "robbery" "id"] } tableParticipatedInRobberySchema2 :: Table tableParticipatedInRobberySchema2 = tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 tableParticipatedInRobberySchema3 :: Table tableParticipatedInRobberySchema3 = tableParticipatedInRobberySchema2 tableParticipatedInRobberySchema4 :: Table tableParticipatedInRobberySchema4 = tableParticipatedInRobberySchema3 tableParticipatedInRobberySchema5 :: Table tableParticipatedInRobberySchema5 = tableParticipatedInRobberySchema4 tableWitnessName :: RawSQL () tableWitnessName = "witness" tableWitnessSchema1 :: Table tableWitnessSchema1 = tblTable { tblName = tableWitnessName , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "id", colType = BigSerialT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "firstname", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "lastname", colType = TextT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumn "id" } tableWitnessedRobberyName :: RawSQL () tableWitnessedRobberyName = "witnessed_robbery" tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 :: Table tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 = tblTable { tblName = tableWitnessedRobberyName , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "witness_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "robbery_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumns ["witness_id", "robbery_id"] , tblForeignKeys = [fkOnColumn "witness_id" "witness" "id" ,fkOnColumn "robbery_id" "robbery" "id"] } tableUnderArrestName :: RawSQL () tableUnderArrestName = "under_arrest" tableUnderArrestSchema2 :: Table tableUnderArrestSchema2 = tblTable { tblName = tableUnderArrestName , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "bad_guy_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "robbery_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "court_date", colType = DateT , colNullable = False , colDefault = Just "now()" } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumns ["bad_guy_id", "robbery_id"] , tblForeignKeys = [fkOnColumn "bad_guy_id" "bad_guy" "id" ,fkOnColumn "robbery_id" "robbery" "id"] } tablePrisonSentenceName :: RawSQL () tablePrisonSentenceName = "prison_sentence" tablePrisonSentenceSchema3 :: Table tablePrisonSentenceSchema3 = tblTable { tblName = tablePrisonSentenceName , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "bad_guy_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "robbery_id", colType = BigIntT , colNullable = False } , tblColumn { colName = "sentence_start" , colType = DateT , colNullable = False , colDefault = Just "now()" } , tblColumn { colName = "sentence_length" , colType = IntegerT , colNullable = False , colDefault = Just "6" } , tblColumn { colName = "prison_name" , colType = TextT , colNullable = False } ] , tblPrimaryKey = pkOnColumns ["bad_guy_id", "robbery_id"] , tblForeignKeys = [fkOnColumn "bad_guy_id" "bad_guy" "id" ,fkOnColumn "robbery_id" "robbery" "id"] } tablePrisonSentenceSchema4 :: Table tablePrisonSentenceSchema4 = tablePrisonSentenceSchema3 tablePrisonSentenceSchema5 :: Table tablePrisonSentenceSchema5 = tablePrisonSentenceSchema4 tableFlashName :: RawSQL () tableFlashName = "flash" tableFlash :: Table tableFlash = tblTable { tblName = tableFlashName , tblVersion = 1 , tblColumns = [ tblColumn { colName = "flash_id", colType = BigIntT, colNullable = False } ] } createTableMigration :: (MonadDB m) => Table -> Migration m createTableMigration tbl = Migration { mgrTableName = tblName tbl , mgrFrom = 0 , mgrAction = StandardMigration $ do createTable True tbl } dropTableMigration :: (MonadDB m) => Table -> Migration m dropTableMigration tbl = Migration { mgrTableName = tblName tbl , mgrFrom = tblVersion tbl , mgrAction = DropTableMigration DropTableCascade } schema1Tables :: [Table] schema1Tables = [ tableBankSchema1 , tableBadGuySchema1 , tableRobberySchema1 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 , tableWitnessSchema1 , tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 ] schema1Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => [Migration m] schema1Migrations = [ createTableMigration tableBankSchema1 , createTableMigration tableBadGuySchema1 , createTableMigration tableRobberySchema1 , createTableMigration tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 , createTableMigration tableWitnessSchema1 , createTableMigration tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 ] schema2Tables :: [Table] schema2Tables = [ tableBankSchema2 , tableBadGuySchema2 , tableRobberySchema2 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema2 , tableUnderArrestSchema2 ] schema2Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => [Migration m] schema2Migrations = schema1Migrations ++ [ dropTableMigration tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 , dropTableMigration tableWitnessSchema1 , createTableMigration tableUnderArrestSchema2 ] schema3Tables :: [Table] schema3Tables = [ tableBankSchema3 , tableBadGuySchema3 , tableRobberySchema3 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema3 , tablePrisonSentenceSchema3 ] schema3Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => [Migration m] schema3Migrations = schema2Migrations ++ [ dropTableMigration tableUnderArrestSchema2 , createTableMigration tablePrisonSentenceSchema3 ] schema4Tables :: [Table] schema4Tables = [ tableBankSchema4 , tableBadGuySchema4 , tableRobberySchema4 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema4 , tablePrisonSentenceSchema4 ] schema4Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => [Migration m] schema4Migrations = schema3Migrations ++ [ tableBankMigration4 ] schema5Tables :: [Table] schema5Tables = [ tableBankSchema5 , tableBadGuySchema5 , tableRobberySchema5 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema5 , tablePrisonSentenceSchema5 ] schema5Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => [Migration m] schema5Migrations = schema4Migrations ++ [ createTableMigration tableFlash , tableBankMigration5 , dropTableMigration tableFlash ] schema6Tables :: [Table] schema6Tables = [ tableBankSchema1 , tableBadGuySchema1 , tableRobberySchema1 , tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 { tblVersion = (tblVersion tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1) + 1, tblPrimaryKey = Nothing } , tableWitnessSchema1 , tableWitnessedRobberySchema1 ] schema6Migrations :: (MonadDB m) => Migration m schema6Migrations = Migration { mgrTableName = tblName tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 , mgrFrom = tblVersion tableParticipatedInRobberySchema1 , mgrAction = StandardMigration $ do runQuery_ $ ("ALTER TABLE participated_in_robbery DROP CONSTRAINT " <> "pk__participated_in_robbery" :: RawSQL ()) } type TestM a = DBT (LogT IO) a createTablesSchema1 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () createTablesSchema1 step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Creating the database (schema version 1)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema1Tables schema1Migrations checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema1Tables testDBSchema1 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM ([Int64], [Int64]) testDBSchema1 step = do step "Running test queries (schema version 1)..." -- Populate the 'bank' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "bank" $ do sqlSetList "name" ["HSBC" :: T.Text, "Swedbank", "Nordea", "Citi" ,"Wells Fargo"] sqlSetList "location" ["13 Foo St., Tucson, AZ, USa" :: T.Text , "18 Bargatan, Stockholm, Sweden" , "23 Baz Lane, Liverpool, UK" , "2/3 Quux Ave., Milton Keynes, UK" , "6600 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, USA"] sqlResult "id" (bankIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'bank' table" 5 (length bankIds) -- Populate the 'bad_guy' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "bad_guy" $ do sqlSetList "firstname" ["Neil" :: T.Text, "Lee", "Freddie", "Frankie" ,"James", "Roy"] sqlSetList "lastname" ["Hetzel"::T.Text, "Murray", "Foreman", "Fraser" ,"Crosbie", "Shaw"] sqlResult "id" (badGuyIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'bad_guy' table" 6 (length badGuyIds) -- Populate the 'robbery' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "robbery" $ do sqlSetList "bank_id" [bankIds !! idx | idx <- [0,3]] sqlResult "id" (robberyIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'robbery' table" 2 (length robberyIds) -- Populate the 'participated_in_robbery' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "participated_in_robbery" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [0,2]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 0) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (participatorIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'participated_in_robbery' table" 2 (length participatorIds) runQuery_ . sqlInsert "participated_in_robbery" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [3,4]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 1) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (participatorIds' :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'participated_in_robbery' table" 2 (length participatorIds') -- Populate the 'witness' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "witness" $ do sqlSetList "firstname" ["Meredith" :: T.Text, "Charlie", "Peter", "Emun" ,"Benedict"] sqlSetList "lastname" ["Vickers"::T.Text, "Holloway", "Weyland", "Eliott" ,"Wong"] sqlResult "id" (witnessIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'witness' table" 5 (length witnessIds) -- Populate the 'witnessed_robbery' table. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "witnessed_robbery" $ do sqlSetList "witness_id" [witnessIds !! idx | idx <- [0,1]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 0) sqlResult "witness_id" (robberyWitnessIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'witnessed_robbery' table" 2 (length robberyWitnessIds) runQuery_ . sqlInsert "witnessed_robbery" $ do sqlSetList "witness_id" [witnessIds !! idx | idx <- [2,3,4]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 1) sqlResult "witness_id" (robberyWitnessIds' :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'witnessed_robbery' table" 3 (length robberyWitnessIds') return (badGuyIds, robberyIds) migrateDBToSchema2 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () migrateDBToSchema2 step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Migrating the database (schema version 1 -> schema version 2)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema2Tables schema2Migrations checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema2Tables -- | Hacky version of 'migrateDBToSchema2' used by 'migrationTest3'. migrateDBToSchema2Hacky :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () migrateDBToSchema2Hacky step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Hackily migrating the database (schema version 1 -> schema version 2)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema2Tables schema2Migrations' checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema2Tables where schema2Migrations' = createTableMigration tableFlash : schema2Migrations testDBSchema2 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> [Int64] -> [Int64] -> TestM () testDBSchema2 step badGuyIds robberyIds = do step "Running test queries (schema version 2)..." -- Check that table 'witness' doesn't exist. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'" <> " AND tablename = 'witness')"; (witnessExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Table 'witness' doesn't exist" False witnessExists -- Check that table 'witnessed_robbery' doesn't exist. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'" <> " AND tablename = 'witnessed_robbery')"; (witnessedRobberyExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Table 'witnessed_robbery' doesn't exist" False witnessedRobberyExists -- Populate table 'under_arrest'. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "under_arrest" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [0,2]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 0) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (arrestedIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'under_arrest' table" 2 (length arrestedIds) runQuery_ . sqlInsert "under_arrest" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [3,4]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 1) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (arrestedIds' :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'under_arrest' table" 2 (length arrestedIds') return () migrateDBToSchema3 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () migrateDBToSchema3 step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Migrating the database (schema version 2 -> schema version 3)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema3Tables schema3Migrations checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema3Tables testDBSchema3 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> [Int64] -> [Int64] -> TestM () testDBSchema3 step badGuyIds robberyIds = do step "Running test queries (schema version 3)..." -- Check that table 'under_arrest' doesn't exist. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'" <> " AND tablename = 'under_arrest')"; (underArrestExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Table 'under_arrest' doesn't exist" False underArrestExists -- Check that the table 'prison_sentence' exists. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'" <> " AND tablename = 'prison_sentence')"; (prisonSentenceExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Table 'prison_sentence' does exist" True prisonSentenceExists -- Populate table 'prison_sentence'. runQuery_ . sqlInsert "prison_sentence" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [0,2]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 0) sqlSet "sentence_length" (12::Int) sqlSet "prison_name" ("Long Kesh"::T.Text) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (sentencedIds :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'prison_sentence' table" 2 (length sentencedIds) runQuery_ . sqlInsert "prison_sentence" $ do sqlSetList "bad_guy_id" [badGuyIds !! idx | idx <- [3,4]] sqlSet "robbery_id" (robberyIds !! 1) sqlSet "sentence_length" (9::Int) sqlSet "prison_name" ("Wormwood Scrubs"::T.Text) sqlResult "bad_guy_id" (sentencedIds' :: [Int64]) <- fetchMany runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "INSERT into 'prison_sentence' table" 2 (length sentencedIds') return () migrateDBToSchema4 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () migrateDBToSchema4 step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Migrating the database (schema version 3 -> schema version 4)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema4Tables schema4Migrations checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema4Tables testDBSchema4 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () testDBSchema4 step = do step "Running test queries (schema version 4)..." -- Check that the 'bank' table has a 'cash' column. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns" <> " WHERE table_schema = 'public'" <> " AND table_name = 'bank'" <> " AND column_name = 'cash')"; (colCashExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Column 'cash' in the table 'bank' does exist" True colCashExists return () migrateDBToSchema5 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () migrateDBToSchema5 step = do let extrasOptions = def extensions = [] domains = [] step "Migrating the database (schema version 4 -> schema version 5)..." migrateDatabase extrasOptions extensions domains schema5Tables schema5Migrations checkDatabase extrasOptions domains schema5Tables testDBSchema5 :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () testDBSchema5 step = do step "Running test queries (schema version 5)..." -- Check that the 'bank' table doesn't have a 'cash' column. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns" <> " WHERE table_schema = 'public'" <> " AND table_name = 'bank'" <> " AND column_name = 'cash')"; (colCashExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Column 'cash' in the table 'bank' doesn't exist" False colCashExists -- Check that the 'flash' table doesn't exist. runSQL_ $ "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'" <> " AND tablename = 'flash')"; (flashExists :: Bool) <- fetchOne runIdentity liftIO $ assertEqual "Table 'flash' doesn't exist" False flashExists return () -- | May require 'ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO $user' the first time -- you run this. freshTestDB :: (String -> TestM ()) -> TestM () freshTestDB step = do step "Dropping the test DB schema..." runSQL_ "DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE" runSQL_ "CREATE SCHEMA public" migrationTest1 :: ConnectionSourceM (LogT IO) -> TestTree migrationTest1 connSource = testCaseSteps' "Migration test 1" connSource $ \step -> do freshTestDB step createTablesSchema1 step (badGuyIds, robberyIds) <- testDBSchema1 step migrateDBToSchema2 step testDBSchema2 step badGuyIds robberyIds migrateDBToSchema3 step testDBSchema3 step badGuyIds robberyIds migrateDBToSchema4 step testDBSchema4 step migrateDBToSchema5 step testDBSchema5 step freshTestDB step -- | Test for behaviour of 'checkDatabase' and 'checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables' migrationTest2 :: ConnectionSourceM (LogT IO) -> TestTree migrationTest2 connSource = testCaseSteps' "Migration test 2" connSource $ \step -> do freshTestDB step createTablesSchema1 step let currentSchema = schema1Tables differentSchema = schema5Tables extrasOptions = def { eoEnforcePKs = True } assertNoException "checkDatabase should run fine for consistent DB" $ checkDatabase extrasOptions [] currentSchema assertNoException "checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables runs fine for consistent DB" $ checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables extrasOptions [] currentSchema assertException "checkDatabase should throw exception for wrong scheme" $ checkDatabase extrasOptions [] differentSchema assertException ("checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables " ++ "should throw exception for wrong scheme") $ checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables extrasOptions [] differentSchema runSQL_ "INSERT INTO table_versions (name, version) VALUES ('unknown_table', 0)" assertException "checkDatabase throw when extra entry in 'table_versions'" $ checkDatabase extrasOptions [] currentSchema assertNoException ("checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables " ++ "accepts extra entry in 'table_versions'") $ checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables extrasOptions [] currentSchema runSQL_ "DELETE FROM table_versions where name='unknown_table'" runSQL_ "CREATE TABLE unknown_table (title text)" assertException "checkDatabase should throw with unknown table" $ checkDatabase extrasOptions [] currentSchema assertNoException "checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables accepts unknown table" $ checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables extrasOptions [] currentSchema runSQL_ "INSERT INTO table_versions (name, version) VALUES ('unknown_table', 0)" assertException "checkDatabase should throw with unknown table" $ checkDatabase extrasOptions [] currentSchema assertNoException ("checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables " ++ "accepts unknown tables with version") $ checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables extrasOptions [] currentSchema freshTestDB step let schema1TablesWithMissingPK = schema6Tables schema1MigrationsWithMissingPK = schema6Migrations withMissingPKSchema = schema1TablesWithMissingPK optionsNoPKCheck = def { eoEnforcePKs = False } optionsWithPKCheck = def { eoEnforcePKs = True } step "Recreating the database (schema version 1, one table is missing PK)..." migrateDatabase optionsNoPKCheck [] [] schema1TablesWithMissingPK [schema1MigrationsWithMissingPK] checkDatabase optionsNoPKCheck [] withMissingPKSchema assertException ("checkDatabase should throw when PK missing from table " <> "'participated_in_robbery' and check is enabled") $ checkDatabase optionsWithPKCheck [] withMissingPKSchema assertNoException ("checkDatabase should not throw when PK missing from table " <> "'participated_in_robbery' and check is disabled") $ checkDatabase optionsNoPKCheck [] withMissingPKSchema freshTestDB step migrationTest3 :: ConnectionSourceM (LogT IO) -> TestTree migrationTest3 connSource = testCaseSteps' "Migration test 3" connSource $ \step -> do freshTestDB step createTablesSchema1 step (badGuyIds, robberyIds) <- testDBSchema1 step migrateDBToSchema2 step testDBSchema2 step badGuyIds robberyIds assertException ( "Trying to run the same migration twice should fail, " ++ "when starting with a createTable migration" ) $ migrateDBToSchema2Hacky step freshTestDB step eitherExc :: MonadBaseControl IO m => (SomeException -> m ()) -> (a -> m ()) -> m a -> m () eitherExc left right c = (E.try c) >>= either left right assertNoException :: String -> TestM () -> TestM () assertNoException t c = eitherExc (const $ liftIO $ assertFailure ("Exception thrown for: " ++ t)) (const $ return ()) c assertException :: String -> TestM () -> TestM () assertException t c = eitherExc (const $ return ()) (const $ liftIO $ assertFailure ("No exception thrown for: " ++ t)) c -- | A variant of testCaseSteps that works in TestM monad. testCaseSteps' :: TestName -> ConnectionSourceM (LogT IO) -> ((String -> TestM ()) -> TestM ()) -> TestTree testCaseSteps' testName connSource f = testCaseSteps testName $ \step' -> do let step s = liftIO $ step' s withSimpleStdOutLogger $ \logger -> runLogT "hpqtypes-extras-test" logger $ runDBT connSource {- transactionSettings -} def $ f step main :: IO () main = do defaultMainWithIngredients ings $ askOption $ \(ConnectionString connectionString) -> let connSettings = def { csConnInfo = T.pack connectionString } ConnectionSource connSource = simpleSource connSettings in testGroup "DB tests" [ migrationTest1 connSource , migrationTest2 connSource , migrationTest3 connSource ] where ings = includingOptions [Option (Proxy :: Proxy ConnectionString)] : defaultIngredients