{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable , FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses , OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables , TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.Lifted import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Base import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Data.Char import Data.Int import Data.Maybe import Data.Time import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.Random import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, assertEqual) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Compat import Test.QuickCheck.Gen import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Monoid.Utils import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes import Prelude.Instances () import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary.Instances () type InnerTestEnv = StateT QCGen (DBT IO) newtype TestEnv a = TestEnv { unTestEnv :: InnerTestEnv a } deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadBase IO, MonadCatch, MonadDB, MonadMask, MonadThrow) instance MonadBaseControl IO TestEnv where #if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0) type StM TestEnv a = StM InnerTestEnv a liftBaseWith f = TestEnv $ liftBaseWith $ \run -> f $ run . unTestEnv restoreM = TestEnv . restoreM #else newtype StM TestEnv a = StTestEnv { unStTestEnv :: StM InnerTestEnv a } liftBaseWith f = TestEnv $ liftBaseWith $ \run -> f $ liftM StTestEnv . run . unTestEnv restoreM = TestEnv . restoreM . unStTestEnv #endif withQCGen :: (QCGen -> r) -> TestEnv r withQCGen f = do gen <- TestEnv get TestEnv . modify $ snd . next return (f gen) ---------------------------------------- type TestData = (QCGen, ConnectionSource) runTestEnv :: TestData -> TransactionSettings -> TestEnv a -> IO a runTestEnv (env, cs) ts m = runDBT cs ts $ evalStateT (unTestEnv m) env runTimes :: Monad m => Int -> m () -> m () runTimes !n m = case n of 0 -> return () _ -> m >> runTimes (n-1) m ---------------------------------------- newtype String0 = String0 { unString0 :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, PQFormat) instance FromSQL String0 where type PQBase String0 = PQBase String fromSQL = fmap String0 . fromSQL instance ToSQL String0 where type PQDest String0 = PQDest String toSQL (String0 s) = toSQL s instance Arbitrary String0 where arbitrary = String0 . map (chr . fromIntegral . unWord0) <$> arbitrary newtype Word0 = Word0 { unWord0 :: Word8 } deriving (Enum, Eq, Integral, Num, Ord, Real) instance Bounded Word0 where minBound = 1 maxBound = 255 instance Arbitrary Word0 where arbitrary = arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral shrink = shrinkIntegral instance Arbitrary BS.ByteString where arbitrary = BS.pack . map unWord0 <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary T.Text where arbitrary = T.pack . unString0 <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Interval where arbitrary = Interval <$> abs `fmap` arbitrary <*> choose (0, 11) <*> choose (0, 364) <*> choose (0, 23) <*> choose (0, 59) <*> choose (0, 59) <*> choose (0, 999999) instance Arbitrary Day where arbitrary = ModifiedJulianDay <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary TimeOfDay where arbitrary = do hours <- choose (0, 23) mins <- choose (0, 59) secs :: Double <- choose (0, 60) return $ TimeOfDay hours mins (realToFrac secs) instance Arbitrary LocalTime where arbitrary = LocalTime <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary UTCTime where arbitrary = do day <- arbitrary secs :: Double <- choose (0, 86401) return $ UTCTime day (realToFrac secs) instance Arbitrary TimeZone where arbitrary = elements $ map hoursToTimeZone [-12..14] instance Arbitrary ZonedTime where arbitrary = ZonedTime <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ---------------------------------------- instance (Arbitrary a1, Arbitrary a2) => Arbitrary (a1 :*: a2) where arbitrary = (:*:) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Binary a) where arbitrary = Binary <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Composite a) where arbitrary = Composite <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Identity a) where arbitrary = Identity <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Array1 a) where arbitrary = arbitraryArray1 Array1 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (CompositeArray1 a) where arbitrary = arbitraryArray1 CompositeArray1 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Array2 a) where arbitrary = arbitraryArray2 Array2 instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (CompositeArray2 a) where arbitrary = arbitraryArray2 CompositeArray2 arbitraryArray1 :: Arbitrary a => (a -> b) -> Gen b arbitraryArray1 arr1 = arr1 <$> arbitrary arbitraryArray2 :: Arbitrary a => ([[a]] -> b) -> Gen b arbitraryArray2 arr2 = do let bound = (`mod` 100) . abs outerDim <- bound <$> arbitrary innerDim <- bound <$> arbitrary arr2 <$> vectorOf outerDim (vectorOf innerDim arbitrary) ---------------------------------------- data Simple = Simple (Maybe Int32) (Maybe Day) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) type instance CompositeRow Simple = (Maybe Int32, Maybe Day) instance PQFormat Simple where pqFormat _ = "%simple_" instance CompositeFromSQL Simple where toComposite (a, b) = Simple a b instance CompositeToSQL Simple where fromComposite (Simple a b) = (a, b) instance Arbitrary Simple where arbitrary = Simple <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary data Nested = Nested (Maybe Double) (Maybe Simple) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) type instance CompositeRow Nested = (Maybe Double, Maybe (Composite Simple)) instance PQFormat Nested where pqFormat _ = "%nested_" instance CompositeFromSQL Nested where toComposite (a, b) = Nested a (unComposite <$> b) instance CompositeToSQL Nested where fromComposite (Nested a b) = (a, Composite <$> b) instance Arbitrary Nested where arbitrary = Nested <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary ---------------------------------------- epsilon :: Fractional a => a epsilon = 0.00001 eqTOD :: TimeOfDay -> TimeOfDay -> Bool eqTOD a b = and [ todHour a == todHour b , todMin a == todMin b , abs (todSec a - todSec b) < epsilon ] eqLT :: LocalTime -> LocalTime -> Bool eqLT a b = and [ localDay a == localDay b , localTimeOfDay a `eqTOD` localTimeOfDay b ] eqUTCT :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool eqUTCT a b = and [ utctDay a == utctDay b , abs (utctDayTime a - utctDayTime b) < epsilon ] eqZT :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> Bool eqZT a b = zonedTimeToUTC a `eqUTCT` zonedTimeToUTC b eqArray2 :: Eq a => Array2 a -> Array2 a -> Bool eqArray2 (Array2 []) (Array2 arr) = all null arr eqArray2 (Array2 arr) (Array2 []) = all null arr eqArray2 a b = a == b eqCompositeArray2 :: Eq a => CompositeArray2 a -> CompositeArray2 a -> Bool eqCompositeArray2 (CompositeArray2 []) (CompositeArray2 arr) = all null arr eqCompositeArray2 (CompositeArray2 arr) (CompositeArray2 []) = all null arr eqCompositeArray2 a b = a == b ---------------------------------------- tsNoTrans :: TransactionSettings tsNoTrans = def { tsAutoTransaction = False } randomValue :: Arbitrary t => Int -> TestEnv t randomValue n = withQCGen $ \gen -> unGen arbitrary gen n assertEqual :: (Show a, MonadBase IO m) => String -> a -> a -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> m () assertEqual preface expected actual eq = liftBase $ unless (actual `eq` expected) (assertFailure msg) where msg = concat [ if null preface then "" else preface ++ "\n" , "expected: " ++ show expected ++ "\n but got: " ++ show actual ] ---------------------------------------- autocommitTest :: TestData -> Test autocommitTest td = testCase "Autocommit mode works" . runTestEnv td tsNoTrans $ do let sint = Identity (1::Int32) runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" sint withNewConnection $ do n <- runQuery $ rawSQL "SELECT a FROM test1_ WHERE a = $1" sint assertEqual "Other connection sees autocommited data" n 1 (==) runQuery_ $ rawSQL "DELETE FROM test1_ WHERE a = $1" sint readOnlyTest :: TestData -> Test readOnlyTest td = testCase "Read only transaction mode works" . runTestEnv td def{tsPermissions = ReadOnly} $ do let sint = Identity (2::Int32) eres <- try . runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" sint case eres :: Either DBException () of Left _ -> return () Right _ -> liftBase . assertFailure $ "DBException wasn't thrown" rollback n <- runQuery $ rawSQL "SELECT a FROM test1_ WHERE a = $1" sint assertEqual "SELECT works in read only mode" n 0 (==) savepointTest :: TestData -> Test savepointTest td = testCase "Savepoint support works" . runTestEnv td def $ do let int1 = 3 :: Int32 int2 = 4 :: Int32 -- action executed within withSavepoint throws runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" (Identity int1) _ :: Either DBException () <- try . withSavepoint (Savepoint "test") $ do runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" (Identity int2) runSQL_ "SELECT * FROM table_that_is_not_there" runQuery_ $ rawSQL "SELECT a FROM test1_ WHERE a IN ($1, $2)" (int1, int2) res1 <- fetchMany runIdentity assertEqual "Part of transaction was rolled back" res1 [int1] (==) rollback -- action executed within withSavepoint doesn't throw runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" (Identity int1) withSavepoint (Savepoint "test") $ do runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" (Identity int2) runQuery_ $ rawSQL "SELECT a FROM test1_ WHERE a IN ($1, $2) ORDER BY a" (int1, int2) res2 <- fetchMany runIdentity assertEqual "Result of all queries is visible" res2 [int1, int2] (==) notifyTest :: TestData -> Test notifyTest td = testCase "Notifications work" . runTestEnv td tsNoTrans $ do listen chan forkNewConn $ notify chan payload mnt1 <- getNotification 100000 liftBase $ assertBool "Notification received" (isJust mnt1) let Just nt1 = mnt1 assertEqual "Channels are equal" chan (ntChannel nt1) (==) assertEqual "Payloads are equal" payload (ntPayload nt1) (==) unlisten chan forkNewConn $ notify chan payload mnt2 <- getNotification 100000 assertEqual "No notification received after unlisten" Nothing mnt2 (==) listen chan unlistenAll forkNewConn $ notify chan payload mnt3 <- getNotification 100000 assertEqual "No notification received after unlistenAll" Nothing mnt3 (==) where chan = "test_channel" payload = "test_payload" forkNewConn = void . fork . withNewConnection transactionTest :: TestData -> IsolationLevel -> Test transactionTest td lvl = testCase ("Auto transaction works by default with isolation level" <+> show lvl) . runTestEnv td def{tsIsolationLevel = lvl} $ do let sint = Identity (5::Int32) runQuery_ $ rawSQL "INSERT INTO test1_ (a) VALUES ($1)" sint withNewConnection $ do n <- runQuery $ rawSQL "SELECT a FROM test1_ WHERE a = $1" sint assertEqual "Other connection doesn't see uncommited data" n 0 (==) rollback nullTest :: forall t. (Show t, ToSQL t, FromSQL t, Typeable t) => TestData -> t -> Test nullTest td t = testCase ("Attempt to get non-NULL value of type" <+> show (typeOf t) <+> "fails if NULL is provided") . runTestEnv td def $ do runSQL_ $ "SELECT" (Nothing::Maybe t) eres <- try $ fetchOne runIdentity case eres :: Either DBException t of Left _ -> return () Right _ -> liftBase . assertFailure $ "DBException wasn't thrown" putGetTest :: forall t. (Arbitrary t, Show t, ToSQL t, FromSQL t, Typeable t) => TestData -> Int -> t -> (t -> t -> Bool) -> Test putGetTest td n t eq = testCase ("Putting value of type" <+> show (typeOf t) <+> "through database doesn't change its value") . runTestEnv td def . runTimes 1000 $ do v :: t <- randomValue n --liftBase . putStrLn . show $ v runSQL_ $ "SELECT" v v' <- fetchOne runIdentity assertEqual "Value doesn't change after getting through database" v v' eq xmlTest :: TestData -> Test xmlTest td = testCase "Put and get XML value works" . runTestEnv td def $ do runSQL_ $ "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'UTF8'" let v = XML "somestringÄ" runSQL_ $ "SELECT XML 'somestringÄ'" v' <- fetchOne runIdentity assertEqual "XML value correct" v v' (==) runSQL_ $ "SELECT" v v'' <- fetchOne runIdentity assertEqual "XML value correct" v v'' (==) runSQL_ $ "SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'latin-1'" rowTest :: forall row. (Arbitrary row, Eq row, Show row, ToRow row, FromRow row) => TestData -> row -> Test rowTest td r = testCase ("Putting row of length" <+> show (pqVariables r) <+> "through database works") . runTestEnv td def . runTimes 100 $ do row :: row <- randomValue 100 let fmt = mintercalate ", " $ map (BSC.pack . ('$' :) . show) [1..pqVariables r] runQuery_ $ rawSQL ("SELECT" <+> fmt) row row' <- fetchOne id assertEqual "Row doesn't change after getting through database" row row' (==) _printTime :: MonadBase IO m => m a -> m a _printTime m = do t <- liftBase getCurrentTime res <- m t' <- liftBase getCurrentTime liftBase . putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime t' t) return res tests :: TestData -> [Test] tests td = [ autocommitTest td , xmlTest td , readOnlyTest td , savepointTest td , notifyTest td ---------------------------------------- , transactionTest td ReadCommitted , transactionTest td RepeatableRead , transactionTest td Serializable ---------------------------------------- , nullTest td (u::Int16) , nullTest td (u::Int32) , nullTest td (u::Int64) , nullTest td (u::Float) , nullTest td (u::Double) , nullTest td (u::Bool) , nullTest td (u::Char) , nullTest td (u::Word8) , nullTest td (u::String) , nullTest td (u::BS.ByteString) , nullTest td (u::T.Text) , nullTest td (u::Binary BS.ByteString) , nullTest td (u::Interval) , nullTest td (u::Day) , nullTest td (u::TimeOfDay) , nullTest td (u::LocalTime) , nullTest td (u::UTCTime) , nullTest td (u::ZonedTime) , nullTest td (u::Array1 Int32) , nullTest td (u::Array2 Double) , nullTest td (u::Composite Simple) , nullTest td (u::CompositeArray1 Simple) , nullTest td (u::CompositeArray2 Simple) ---------------------------------------- , putGetTest td 100 (u::Int16) (==) , putGetTest td 100 (u::Int32) (==) , putGetTest td 100 (u::Int64) (==) , putGetTest td 10000 (u::Float) (==) , putGetTest td 10000 (u::Double) (==) , putGetTest td 100 (u::Bool) (==) , putGetTest td 100 (u::Char) (==) , putGetTest td 100 (u::Word8) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::String0) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::BS.ByteString) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::T.Text) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::Binary BS.ByteString) (==) , putGetTest td 50 (u::Interval) (==) , putGetTest td 1000000 (u::Day) (==) , putGetTest td 10000 (u::TimeOfDay) eqTOD , putGetTest td 500000 (u::LocalTime) eqLT , putGetTest td 500000 (u::UTCTime) eqUTCT , putGetTest td 500000 (u::ZonedTime) eqZT , putGetTest td 1000 (u::Array1 Int32) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::Array2 Double) eqArray2 , putGetTest td 100000 (u::Composite Simple) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::CompositeArray1 Simple) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::CompositeArray2 Simple) eqCompositeArray2 , putGetTest td 100000 (u::Composite Nested) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::CompositeArray1 Nested) (==) , putGetTest td 1000 (u::CompositeArray2 Nested) eqCompositeArray2 ---------------------------------------- , rowTest td (u::Identity Int16) , rowTest td (u::Identity T.Text :*: (Double, Int16)) , rowTest td (u::(T.Text, Double) :*: Identity Int16) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, T.Text, Int64, Double) :*: Identity Bool :*: (String0, Char)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day)) , rowTest td (u::(Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32, Composite Simple, CompositeArray1 Simple, Composite Nested, CompositeArray1 Nested, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float, Double, Bool, Char, Word8, String0, BS.ByteString, T.Text, Binary BS.ByteString, Day, Array1 Int32)) ] where u = undefined ---------------------------------------- createStructures :: ConnectionSource -> IO () createStructures cs = runDBT cs def $ do liftBase . putStrLn $ "Creating structures..." runSQL_ "CREATE TABLE test1_ (a INTEGER)" runSQL_ "CREATE TYPE simple_ AS (a INTEGER, b DATE)" runSQL_ "CREATE TYPE nested_ AS (d DOUBLE PRECISION, s SIMPLE_)" dropStructures :: ConnectionSource -> IO () dropStructures cs = runDBT cs def $ do liftBase . putStrLn $ "Dropping structures..." runSQL_ "DROP TYPE nested_" runSQL_ "DROP TYPE simple_" runSQL_ "DROP TABLE test1_" main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs when (null args) $ do prog <- getProgName putStrLn $ "Usage:" <+> prog <+> " [test-framework args]" exitFailure let connSettings = def { csConnInfo = BSC.pack $ head args , csClientEncoding = Just "latin1" } connSource = simpleSource connSettings createStructures connSource connPool <- poolSource (connSettings { csComposites = ["simple_", "nested_"] }) 1 30 16 gen <- newQCGen putStrLn $ "PRNG:" <+> show gen finally (defaultMainWithArgs (tests (gen, connPool)) $ tail args) $ do dropStructures connSource