## (2018-04-03) Note that this will be the last release in the `0.9` series, excepting critical bug fixes or security issues. The next release is expected to (slightly) break module export compatibility, but in a way that should not affect too many users. Changes: - Support for GHC 8.4.1. - Bump hlint upper bound. - Drop support for all Stackage LTS pre-9. - Drop support for GHC pre-8. ## (2018-02-05) Changes: - Support async-2.2.x. ## (2018-01-29) Changes: - The `test-hlint` cabal flag is now disabled by default. - Tested with GHC 8.2.2. - Clean up the sdist to include just what's required for Cabal/Stack builds. - Updated copyright year. - Requires `hlint` 2.0.*. - More Nix and Hydra improvements, including Nix/Hydra builds against LTS package sets, rather than just the pinned Nixpkgs package set. Fixes: - All dependencies should now have PVP bounds. ## (2018-01-25) Changes: - Bump QuickCheck, hlint bounds. - Add GHC 8.2.2 to .travis.yml. - Much improved Nix support, including a default fixed nixpkgs revision and Hydra jobsets. - Stackage LTS 10 support. Fixes: - Fixed new hlint issues. ## (2017-10-18) Changes: - Revert to manual imports in top-level modules for better Haddocks. Fixes: - Fix source path in hpio.nix. - Remove macOS builds from Travis-CI config; they're just too slow. ## (2017-10-16) Fixes: - Better Nix packaging. - Add a few missing files to extra-source-files. ## (2017-10-02) Changes: - This project now uses Protolude (0.2.*). I believe the only visible API change is that SysfsException's string type is now Text, instead of String. - Add monad and transformer instances for transformers-base, monad-control, and monad-logger monads. - Use DefaultSignatures and ConstraintKinds to simplify the implementation. - Use hpack to generate the project's Cabal file. Fixes: - Add some new compile-time warnings. - Remove redundant Functor and Applicative constraints. - Update Travis-CI config to test against more recent Stackage LTS and GHC releases. - Remove most of the Travis-CI macOS jobs; they're really slow. - Get all supported GHC/Stackage LTS versions to build again. ## (2017-06-28) Fixes: - Bump QuickCheck bounds. - Bump optparse-applicative bounds. - Stack: update to lts-8.20. ## (2017-05-24) Fixes: - Fix project URLs. ## (2017-05-24) No changes; copyright for the project has been assigned to Quixoftic, LLC. ## (2017-02-21) Fixes: - Fix hlint tests. - Note GHC 8.0.2 compatibility in cabal file. ## (2017-01-25) Fixes: - Remove hspec upper bounds. ## (2017-01-11) Fixes: - Bump directory bounds. ## (2016-10-26) Fixes: - Support for optparse-applicative 0.13.x. - Bump hspec bounds. ## (2016-07-15) Fixes: - Bump QuickCheck bounds. ## (2016-06-08) Fixes: - Fix Stackage doctests issue (#48). ## (2016-05-30) Fixes: - Fix sdist problem with test files (#47) ## (2016-05-27) Initial release.