hosc - haskell open sound control --------------------------------- [hosc][hosc] provides `Sound.OSC`, a [haskell][hs] module implementing a subset of the [Open Sound Control][osc] byte protocol. hosc is required by the [hsc3][hsc3] haskell [supercollider][sc3] bindings. See also: - [hosc-json](?t=hosc-json): JSON text encoding of OSC - [hosc-util](?t=hosc-util): non-core OSC functions © [rohan drape][rd], [stefan kersten][sk] and others, 2007-2020, [gpl][gpl]. with contributions by: - [alex mclean][am] - [henning thielemann][ht] see the [git](https://git-scm.com/) [history](?t=hosc&q=history) for details [hosc]: http://rohandrape.net/?t=hosc [hs]: http://haskell.org/ [osc]: http://opensoundcontrol.org/ [hsc3]: http://rohandrape.net/?t=hsc3 [sc3]: http://audiosynth.com/ [rd]: http://rohandrape.net/ [sk]: http://space.k-hornz.de/ [am]: http://yaxu.org/ [ht]: http://www.henning-thielemann.de/Research.html [gpl]: http://gnu.org/copyleft/