-- | Base-level decode function for OSC packets (slow).  For ordinary
--   use see 'Sound.OSC.Coding.Decode.Binary'.
module Sound.OSC.Coding.Decode.Base (decodeMessage
                                    ,decodePacket) where

import Data.Binary {- base -}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C {- bytestring -}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B {- bytestring -}
import Data.List {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}

import Sound.OSC.Coding.Byte {- hosc -}
import Sound.OSC.Datum {- hosc -}
import Sound.OSC.Packet {- hosc -}
import Sound.OSC.Time {- hosc -}

-- The plain byte count of an OSC value.
size :: Datum_Type -> B.ByteString -> Int
size ty b =
    case ty of
      'i' -> 4
      'f' -> 4
      'd' -> 8
      't' -> 8 -- timetag
      'm' -> 4 -- MIDI message
      's' -> fromIntegral (fromMaybe
                           (error ("size: no terminating zero: " ++ show b))
                           (B.elemIndex 0 b))
      'b' -> decode_i32 (B.take 4 b)
      _ -> error "size: illegal type"

-- The storage byte count of an OSC value.
storage :: Datum_Type -> B.ByteString -> Int
storage ty b =
    case ty of
      's' -> let n = size 's' b + 1 in n + align n
      'b' -> let n = size 'b' b in n + align n + 4
      _ -> size ty B.empty

-- Decode an OSC datum
decode_datum :: Datum_Type -> B.ByteString -> Datum
decode_datum ty b =
    case ty of
      'i' -> Int32 (decode b)
      'h' -> Int64 (decode b)
      'f' -> Float (decode_f32 b)
      'd' -> Double (decode_f64 b)
      's' -> ASCII_String (decode_str (b_take (size 's' b) b))
      'b' -> Blob (b_take (size 'b' b) (B.drop 4 b))
      't' -> TimeStamp (ntpi_to_ntpr (decode_u64 b))
      'm' -> let [b0,b1,b2,b3] = B.unpack (B.take 4 b)
             in midi (b0,b1,b2,b3)
      _ -> error ("decode_datum: illegal type (" ++ [ty] ++ ")")

-- Decode a sequence of OSC datum given a type descriptor string.
decode_datum_seq :: ASCII -> B.ByteString -> [Datum]
decode_datum_seq cs b =
    let swap (x,y) = (y,x)
        cs' = C.unpack cs
        f b' c = swap (B.splitAt (fromIntegral (storage c b')) b')
    in zipWith decode_datum cs' (snd (mapAccumL f b cs'))

-- | Decode an OSC 'Message'.
decodeMessage :: B.ByteString -> Message
decodeMessage b =
    let n = storage 's' b
        (ASCII_String cmd) = decode_datum 's' b
        m = storage 's' (b_drop n b)
        (ASCII_String dsc) = decode_datum 's' (b_drop n b)
        arg = decode_datum_seq (descriptor_tags dsc) (b_drop (n + m) b)
    in Message (C.unpack cmd) arg

-- Decode a sequence of OSC messages, each one headed by its length
decode_message_seq :: B.ByteString -> [Message]
decode_message_seq b =
    let s = decode_i32 b
        m = decodeMessage (b_drop 4 b)
        nxt = decode_message_seq (b_drop (4+s) b)
    in if B.length b == 0 then [] else m:nxt

-- | Decode an OSC 'Bundle'.
decodeBundle :: B.ByteString -> Bundle
decodeBundle b =
    let h = storage 's' b -- header (should be '#bundle')
        t = storage 't' (b_drop h b) -- time tag
        (TimeStamp timeStamp) = decode_datum 't' (b_drop h b)
        ms = decode_message_seq (b_drop (h+t) b)
    in Bundle timeStamp ms

-- | Decode an OSC 'Packet'.
-- > let b = B.pack [47,103,95,102,114,101,101,0,44,105,0,0,0,0,0,0]
-- > in decodePacket b == Message "/g_free" [Int 0]
decodePacket :: B.ByteString -> Packet
decodePacket b =
    if bundleHeader `B.isPrefixOf` b
    then Packet_Bundle (decodeBundle b)
    else Packet_Message (decodeMessage b)

-- * UTIL

-- | 'B.take' with 'Int' count.
b_take :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
b_take = B.take . fromIntegral

-- | 'B.drop' with 'Int' count.
b_drop :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
b_drop = B.drop . fromIntegral