module Sound.OSC.Coding.Decode.Binary
,decodePacket_strict) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G
import qualified Data.Binary.IEEE754 as I
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S.C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Sound.OSC.Coding.Byte
import Sound.OSC.Time
import Sound.OSC.Type
getInt32be :: G.Get Int32
getInt32be = fromIntegral <$> G.getWord32be
getInt64be :: G.Get Int64
getInt64be = fromIntegral <$> G.getWord64be
get_string :: G.Get String
get_string = do
s <- G.getLazyByteStringNul
G.skip (fromIntegral (align (B.length s + 1)))
return $ C.unpack s
get_ascii :: G.Get ASCII
get_ascii = do
s <- G.getLazyByteStringNul
G.skip (fromIntegral (align (B.length s + 1)))
return (S.C.pack (C.unpack s))
get_bytes :: Word32 -> G.Get B.ByteString
get_bytes n = do
b <- G.getLazyByteString (fromIntegral n)
if n /= fromIntegral (B.length b)
then fail "get_bytes: end of stream"
else G.skip (fromIntegral (align n))
return b
get_datum :: Datum_Type -> G.Get Datum
get_datum ty =
case ty of
'i' -> Int32 <$> fromIntegral <$> getInt32be
'h' -> Int64 <$> fromIntegral <$> getInt64be
'f' -> Float <$> realToFrac <$> I.getFloat32be
'd' -> Double <$> I.getFloat64be
's' -> ASCII_String <$> get_ascii
'b' -> Blob <$> (get_bytes =<< G.getWord32be)
't' -> TimeStamp <$> ntpi_to_ntpr <$> G.getWord64be
'm' -> do b0 <- G.getWord8
b1 <- G.getWord8
b2 <- G.getWord8
b3 <- G.getWord8
return $ Midi (MIDI b0 b1 b2 b3)
_ -> fail ("get_datum: illegal type " ++ show ty)
get_message :: G.Get Message
get_message = do
cmd <- get_string
dsc <- get_ascii
case S.C.unpack dsc of
',':tags -> do
arg <- mapM get_datum tags
return $ Message cmd arg
_ -> fail "get_message: invalid type descriptor string"
get_message_seq :: G.Get [Message]
get_message_seq = do
b <- G.isEmpty
if b
then return []
else do
p <- flip G.isolate get_message . fromIntegral =<< G.getWord32be
ps <- get_message_seq
return (p:ps)
get_bundle :: G.Get Bundle
get_bundle = do
h <- G.getByteString (S.C.length bundleHeader_strict)
when (h /= bundleHeader_strict) (fail "get_bundle: not a bundle")
t <- ntpi_to_ntpr <$> G.getWord64be
ps <- get_message_seq
return $ Bundle t ps
getPacket :: G.Get Packet
getPacket = (Packet_Bundle <$> get_bundle) <|> (Packet_Message <$> get_message)
decodePacket :: B.ByteString -> Packet
decodePacket = G.runGet getPacket
decodePacket_strict :: S.C.ByteString -> Packet
decodePacket_strict = G.runGet getPacket . B.fromChunks . (:[])